um hr an um um will mu tum ul mum g¢ 01 0le CTV Ind and IMO In mmml umm grm CHC mdln also urrlu lyllln uni mm ol the mm In man on 100 Cnnmlln ndlu lllllnru lhc mm In IlunI broaden nn maul In he mun lIy Ill LHCI Trd Rayn oldl who hnndllnu pun ac melkm or flu um my on mu rm TV cnmonl wllh CNVII rum CIIAN TV Vnn muvrr nml cummrnlulnu mm Em and mm wlll pruvldu hull lrhvhlnn rawn 1111 ll bo my gnu DIM or Thu 7W lrlovlnlnn nclwotk cm telnvlnlon nclwmk lhc Amulcnn Illmuknlllnfl Com ymny MIC lolnvlnlun nrlorlu 1m CDC rnlllo nrlwork Thu Cnnndlnn Iml Almi am Pm and United Pm In annllonnl new urvlcu nl Ions in dully mmpn nl luul rmlln nnd mu 1an uln llnnl Includinl all lhola unlml in tho nlnu Lnnndlnn lehlll Mun cum rnlm they will an ml II II mhl lllcy wlll yno wllh numb llnum wlrlrTl2l Immv Mmlln wllh mrlron hand In lcll Ihn Ilory nwy ulll have holler View ul Um game lhnn nny lhc ox ncclrd was lnru but they will mllcr or II The prmccllon mm the clomcnls wlll tonalll llanM xuppmlrd by Mel plptl lull mum pin Bullh Ind ranch Tcluvlslon will carry the name lram Empire Slndlum Nov 30 um homes across Nanh Amer lcn and radio In Enzllsh and French will blanket Cunuda with Ms lnrgcsl huakup In hlslory In nll newspaper new serv lcr male and clevlslon pmom ncl wlll number 150 In pm lmx mum Menu wllh lens 00 moru sharlnu sideline wllh lho players Ahmll ourHum the press hax mm wlll clnmhcr up 11 mm luddnr through In door and an lhc me this stadium on In lho nlr By DENNIS ORCHARD VANCOUVER CP The nory lhe Grey Cup game will be mm with more vnim Ele um and ward lhl year an ever More Tlcats had several player changes this season but the result was the same berth in the Grey Cup BC Lions making their ï¬rst cup appearance have line squad Both clubs are up for this one The word over comidcnce shouldnt be in either clubs vocabulary for they have great deal of respect or each other Hamilton des Ito the fact that theyll be in BCs territory gets 1h comets vote They have solid experienced team and theyre hungry for that cup SevenUps hope to have couple of new players in uniform this week There was no report from the club today either way practice will be heldto marrow night and perhaps something will develop from this Its either case of great improvement over what theyve shown to date or getting additional help They havent been too sharp starting oii and if they wind up on the short end of the scores against Bradiord this weekend theyll have L5 record THIS WEEKEND the attention oi the Canadian sports world turns to Vancouver on the Grey Cup contest between Hamilton TigerCats and British Columbia Lions It should be thriller Bradford has six straight victories and theyve been breezing through the opposition without too much ei Iort Theyre powerhouse end without any feelings of envy it could be said that they are too owerful they may hurt their own crowds its all ri to win in tough contest but when the other cubs cant even muke it close the fans lose interest BARRIE SEVENUPS the Intermediate entry have their hands full this weekend They meetJeague leading Bradford Expressrnen twice Friday and Sat urday And with oniya 13 wonlost record Seven Ups cant hope to improve upon it this weekend un less they show fantastic improvement This time of the year isnt when for hockey at tendance Usually interest picks up after New Years But you wouldnt he wasting an evening ii you can get out to see these juniors Youll get fine even ings entertainment for small admission fee This is new team and new league All It needs is fans There wasnt complaint from anyone who took in last Tuesday nights game when Barrie battled from behindto beat Orlllla These boys produce scrappy pleaslng brand of hockey They give it everything they have every min ule theyre on the ice Cup Coverage To Be Best In History Barrie Plumbers make their thlrd start in the Georgian Bay Junior Hockey League ton ht at the arena when they host Meatord and Al Shewp ucks boys willvhe seeking their third straight victory In two games last week Plumbers knocked 01f Orilna twice lTIIE BARRIE EXWER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28 uéjh VIII SPORT AT GLANCE Plumbers Mtet 3rd Win In How bYIRICK FRASER Examlnor Spam Edlhui In In ollunln hnchflold number am he anly mu not men unmnmnly Is at cl mu um Verna ludmon ulum Ontario Mum rlmd Iva men on ollmco Ind on delvncc mm um two He nn defunct mm vom 11 um um plclml or 111 Cnnmllnn Im Iyy loollmll wrllIrI Iwrumlm nnd courlm In lhe aur 11mm clnu Klnwou 0nL Mnnlml 41m dun 0nl Ind Thnmlo nu vul lnq mu mm 1m equnl hulth mull Io tum Int1mg qlly Queenl hnlnwrk Jlm Younl Ilnnnlmaul rhalm ll ollrmdvu hall and Gmy Smnbeu ol Unlvmlly at Tomnlo uluu wens In only lwn In he named an boll 0an ml Itmu Tnnmto In nocond lo Quunl placing le men an lhc Ilr maul Includlnl In mu Mgmu Unk The Canadian Pm will In slnlL In cornpcrnllon with Um Vuncuuvnr dnlly ncwxpnpcn wirephota mention lrnnsmfl ncllon shot was Canada dl ml from lho nndlum TORONTO CI Quecnl Unvernlly Golden Garll undo lunlul chumplum of lho Inlcr callulnlo Scnlor FoolbIH luaur mmplclnly domlnulrd lhu ltuuol nllIlur nlecllonl nnflounguljod 0an HIM ll mnlllonl ln Ill pinclnl Imn men on In allwnlvn loam and our on drlrnte Thoy Ilsa owned lhm ol lh VI ununlmoun who Ham The sldcllnc wlll lupport snvcn lelelelon cameras new ï¬lm cameras or bulb CHANTV and he CDCI Vancouver Ila Hun CBUT 25 lllll photanr when and camera In recard lho Inmo or Chclwynd Fllm Com any of Toronto agnln mnk Ihn fullcolor Grc Cup lllm or nnHannl dist cry will cavcr lho classic and semi an llluslrmlng nrllsl Gaels Dominate AllStar Squad Spam Illustrated magnxlna lly IIHL DECIIMAN Cunndlln lml 5h Will Wu Alandnyl will Guelph Gall TIIIIIIMI Game Gill Port Culboma Non Scull Senior llnlilnx New Glasgow Onlnllo Junlnr ll Hnmlllon Slamford SuiMenu Ernlor Moose Jaw nnglnl Saskatoon Yarkgon Welland Gnll Oakvlllo uelph Part Colbomn Elhlhlihn Euuvnn SJIILD Brandon MJIILl Unlvenlly Waterloo Wu loo bulhmm MnndnyI Run Oshnwa Pclcrbmuzh TnnllMl Glmu Monlrcal Oshawa Enchant at Niagara Falls St Cnlh Niagara Falls Oshawa Kllchuncr llamlllon Woodstock Toronto Montreal Penman Crown Eager Beavers of Oak ville lapped Holiday 64 Etta In Ladles Travelling Classic Bowling League action here SMurdny The visitors look wo and one hall palms whlle Elle man aged one and onehnll Allce Steele was lop bowler or the local glrls wllh 198 slnglo and BEW AnnoVIloilir paced the vlsllors wlih 201 single and triple Its team effort loo not the work of one or we super stars 0mm NHL statistics leased today show Chicago piny holding six Um In 10 5pm In he lndlvldnal pointgel Ilng rncc knl gum Jim Omnwood mmmemm Weuem hurry Imam um Thu Hawks have mulled goalsIn their MK 19 game and it may mnllnue this rate theyll have 269 at the end the full mum schedula The 11ch ohm goals in one season ya at by Monlreal Ca nndlen In 136162 This season Canadiansrun nersup In the scorInLdepaIl mamare averaging slightly better than three on gum or total an Mar 13 con asls An Indication of Chlcagol Im pmvcd performance may be seen In comparison wflh Ins Year when the Hawks also led the lemma but with only so son unm games MONTREAL CPIOne good mum on lhe phenomenal luc cess or Chicago Black Hawk this nelsonthe obvluus one Ile In their collective abfllty to puL the guy Into the The Chicagoan an tiring goals Ianch cllpaveng Ingmrly four gnmewhlle the other live National Hockey League club simply havent PE TEAM EFFORT cam which mm Chm Wutrm IJncluhrllny lor mnn Tamnlu IIIId DunnerJohn Our legal Mcfllll and Mm Dlub lIII anml Mcfllll HullJim Younl Qunnl Inn1mm Norrlv Quecnl HullGerry Bizmbern Tur mm nutterCal Connor Quennl Ccnln John Helm Ir Wmun Gum John Etlchun Quml ManiIII Mlklnl Qunonl TulIrchk main mum ImHe Dun llnmumn Quwnl EndIM McConnell Wulem EndIm Thomnwn Qucml lltlrmln Tum Illllryra Tnylul Taxnnln AllGerry Blendan Tul nnln llnlllfgu ijvlwn Tomnln Hal 64 Ettes Bow To Oakville mow By THE CANADIAN PRESS Chicago SéttvinéHsst Scoring Pace In NHL Jhy Queen Al rTIIaoalaa mL25471ann hwumsoacal Onllrio new 1RECORD The Hawk claim the lenguex two top palmsellers Bobby Hull wllh 31 and Stan Mlldta with 30 and the three top goal scorersHull has Mklla 13 nnqï¬enny Whnmim l2 Chicago has mos panoin mlmflu Io far and de lenceman Howls Young lend in Individual penalties with 62 min utes Annther keyln the Chicago mecca slory the lonllendlnl the club in citing mm Glenn H1311 land Dgnlg Delprdy No other mptymet you have been scored this season one against Toronto Ind one tannins Bgskon Naturally enough Chicago lends In most other dcpan mgnla well Red Wings In doing fine de ienliveiy but have noted only time in 10 names Gordie Howe lead the Deimit tenm in individual cerium and ha is tied or place with only iivn zogib andnlx qssl Even Thronlo anle Leah mnt acorluz Ilka Stanley Cup chimplpns STAR GOALTENDINO Forty goal hm been mud on tho Hawk Inkone them on an empty netfar In Erase gt Blame fzy comparison new an example of club um hav lnz trough llndlnz It oppo The top Toronto norm Frank Mahuvllchand Bob Pul lnrd lied or Inn position wlth 15 point each munl mmldmllnn of urnin nunfuhllmpluunuflnlmUnflnm mechanlul Inmlulon high Irm mummyth Introducing the finestFINA Premiumline batteries OTHER QUALITY GUARANTEED FUUR FULL YEARS Mums There are fine FINA values for Winter drlvmg MK 1001 nm comma NI mm QUALITY 1W PRICED NA Tm AT YOU NA IEIIVICI HTATIOPL Flu WInur Mmd Allowu 109 mu mu nmnnm YOUR BEET WINTER WUJDW NVIDN UNHTRUGHONIIUWED DEPENDABLE TRACTION MOUWD FINA SNoWTTnE ALL PINCEle MlflCHANDIBI CANNEQ THIS UUAHANTEE Hulk Ch Mlklla Ch Belhzenu M11 Wharram Ch Balhgato NY some NY Pllom CM Fermen Mu Chl 53 McDonald Chl Mahovllch Tor Pullnni Tor Bulun MN Ollvu Has Horton Tar Gcoflrlon Mll Kean Tor wlnlams Bo Gllbert NY Howe Dc MacNell Chi The leadefl DANGERFIELD momma LTD PA um am REPAIR NOW PAY lATER will our convenienl BUDGET PLAN ofnoighboorhoodshopping QUALITY FINA guaranteed products ECONOMYof automotive store orices Iwml madmun thymi nlvillly wrung mm ml long munmlmmivmmnm gun It 17 an 17 so Emit Jim Nixon triflered two of the Coilinzwood Ion while Son ny Robinson Bah Mack and newcomer Dave Filler checked in with innieax UXBRIDGE mlunuwood Shipbuildeu ad nï¬ Uxbridxe Black Hawk here In mm Geémnnpay Inlermedlnte Hockey Lanna congeal Uxbridge Sliifers 3rd Defgat In How Bow To Shipbuilders $1545 lulumm and there are 1700 FINA Service Stations BATIDIAOUON on MONEY REFUNDED mgmmhmmwn where you can buy them Skafes Ski Boots $79m5 animal Burrlou Orlglnll 5km Exchang line 1947 NOW SKI BOOT EXCHANGE New Bauer Skates New Daoust Ski Boots BOYI Hockey Skim Irom $695 Lon Tudo CLAIM RECORD NolllNGHMI England CPDTwo Nolllngham Univer my Iludentaclaim to have world an record They rocked for In hourl as aflIarlty flunk