chlld lmm nn at will be mnlllw Ind Inluhlw lml my hm la mm undone lid new umhllnm mer rmannl will aim b0 Mghl Mal qluvinl lhe cum lnl 7m wllh omphnll all In Innte In Munm Awll Jun an Aullll nn Ivml In 1an In Ami July and Murmur AM mlnl MIMI In Dmm lwr January md mmm ll cronllvely Inclined ml could pm mm mm oppor lunluu Imam nul Mn and lkvlcmm 1am Il wlll In ncmnnry lo lmlflll Ind erIlln In mm Inn but mi ynur mill at Inknu You hnvr Itan uret lenl Job Ind llnlnclnl mlodl IndlcnlM dnrlnl lhe nut II nlflnlllkflaflfl In Inlo Damn Iwr Janunry Au uIl O€ Icvbcr Ind Novemm ul you mml nnl Ilnp llvm Yuur horo mvo me nmml nurcmlnl mu nhtnd ll ynu mnha Ihv mm upmrlunluu helum mm lll Hm rm 10M lomunow II your blrthdny your chm IMWI mlny no mm rlfhlly um 01v you Ir on Ill Inn And nuch mlnd prlcllcnl cmluued wlm trnl lmnc fly at nur Ionm 1n the an nl oh Thur lflll two lulu npwlnlly nhuuld Mp you Ihrauuh lhn nul yrnr whm 1m IIIMIIDAV Good vnnclnry lnlluenm continue will be In uccl lent period In whkh to to plelo longmud project Illa la mm new venluru nod Mrrcury ppm enum John rcinllnmhl and Ilu communlcnllanl gen lrllly Reduce once you under lund he phyllcnl xcnlon buck flu Inordlnm mvlnl or awn you will know you an By IDA JEAN KAIN Help After In 20 bulzlng roundl my clalhu llllcd beau IIully Friend old me looked wandcrlulnnd yearn younycr Jinn Inc In Ion an Iluyed IuIrIy clue to your pm lecnvo pnuum but Ive lllppcd back my old habit of Indulz In In Iwccu Ilnd am rnvcn bully hungry and crave IWMII What can do In conlral mm 1011 TOMORROW Habit 0f Indulging In Sweets Wrecks Havoc With Reducing PROVINCIAL HONORS the top award In 4H glrll club work wen presented In Had ellene Stewart and harm Bu ellnan both of the Vauy Mi THE STARS SAY COUNTY HONORS went to then 4H club 11m Saturday It Elmvale Back row 1mm kn nre J5 Bucjlanqn yam ey Fem mile smuln Em fly Anuey Van Vlack swan fly EBIRELHTA mu IHPVIMZNVK aimdimer ll mm or Num 1le baby InJM 13 in pan mmpnml la 74 yr lo whit My Anollwr uumllnn whlla dlfllnl Irnln ynurull In rat IIIIIIN wnlom 11w pom ll whlrh yum MI Irmmu mil llnl II mlM ullh unnllrr amount km Mnllnll rule or holding vclnhl Mm Nmr dolllmnlely nvrml In uvmnllu ml up yumr ur puul Ind lam mlmncn overall Alldl mm load tal raloln II the numrnl Ihnl may yynu nml urcvruu hunm penny in main lulu lo Intlmk protrln ml or In woMn mm It truth or yaur mm mm any When you lul hunrry belwern mrnll ml youml to mm llmk landwlrh an on Ilka nl hum 111 In humhr mm Inln Ind lhe I1er Iumllhu Iul nlnrrh Il may ram dm no bum quickly Inlnr 0r III Imd coolml HI mm rlnp nlgryl All nu ll cllnrly evl den lhll you mm mm lhl MW IIan on your Mlle by conllnulnl INan Iwml slop lhl powerful Illmulm lo lmulln mmhm lhnl II urnllug Ihe rxrrulrv nmrrlllu nnd you will he 1n cnnlml To uplnln when chtll Iurnlah quickly Mmrbublt nr whlrh npldly arm lho blood nun levnl hlnh and In Ium Ilimulnlu 0n mullon ol lmulln Under Ihcu mndlllom the mantra pull out more In Iulln Ihun II llttdtd or tombuulon ha Ivnlloblu lu tar AI you know In ur Incl which II burned qu ck nd lhl blood In ur lavol ar ldly Irh brlnn an lhl pullmm hunlcr Mug no swam Whllo you are reducing you rolrnln mm min on many Iwuu nnd llarchol When your menu on low In cnrbohydmlel your blood lulnr In Ilnblllzcd by harmonnl conlrol Then you um mm man We ouch uddan donor to your mull you not only have ho problem of coping with thou mu cnlorlu lrh may or mny not be umlhe but your blood Iunr II no lower nubil lzcd by hormonun So what My pent Two bourl lnler you ltd duper21y hungry your uppe Ito out oonlwl Whnt an no expukndny In poll min to hunter cope with he viablem Nulrl llnn knowlede power Club Mn Clarenca Ward Coldwakfl SImcoe North db ma president Ihe Womena IvlultulemmAdo the presente aim ViExamlnu Photos Hancock Vnn Vlnck Llndl Nighklngaie and Marlene Cowan RR Phelrk on mm row lrom Ian Car ol 0rd Wyevale Judy rHall Wyevale Gract Shemdown milli From um pducnllnml mlnl Hm mmlc up Included In lhv yrnnnm Mlnn Klun nnd um um llnyd rnmlnlnnd wllh Imulc on lhe Mum and Hull Mm Wlmlr Ind Kmn plant In vlana IM quit on rmle In Ila mu mama 11 mm cloud and mm by Ilu lunch mi hhomn uplulnm he mvk dune by lled Cm qumnlairl Mn Wnrnlu vs IMHO Ir lnymnllm nlmul me It Cm mm Muory II nr ntk 500 IC lnlomlnl uI Ihal lheu wan mlluml rare mum unl prlnr In lhp hullm cm mhlp nnAqlmumI Mr Thamnn mm All In lrrullnl paper tnnrcrninl llw mam run hm hulll run In In ulr put loumlnuonl undnr mm Mu AI mM ï¬rmrnllam mldu Inla hmpilnl my Invouu ll Hm Ik mplffr fnullgu 10th bullnm Mrl nfn Vnrnlrn mnvrner for Ulimum and Mucnllan look chum mrrllnl 717 money civilllmnl mu reulved mm In 1mm Alrlcullunl Roddy lnr nhlbm InjlnrrlaiFnlr Ai lie inhuman cxrhnnxe of glflx It wnl mm In Melon thy name 70 lm mum An lnvllnllm wnl mmded mm thllas Ill or heir nu mall on Nev 20 Ap pmxlmnmy 12 member plan Io lllflld Mn Thornton wu Immin Ied chllrmln or lha lmn Far mg prandml Nov 21 Ten HI homemaklng club In the Elmvale area parIIprnch In lha Worklnz Wllh Wool pm IncI coune on mnkInz and remodelllnx wool garmunu In nddlllun Io Ihe nIlarnaon Iklu and dcmomlrnuuns lhero Wu Inlhlan Ihow where Ihe lllll modelled 1h lurmmll they made durIng mum Mlnum lbs previoul mm In wen read and IDDNVM and lrenluml rl rmlvtd Mu Burk Ale mrmbm lo nonlrlbule mu ï¬ll or III Cnnndlnn Menu lleu lh Amdlc Prnvinclal honor certificate Ind pin went to two Kiri irom the lame club lama Buchan an and Madeleine swan both Vimy For Madeleine this award cap xix year of pur tiripaiion in work 10m in been active in 44 club work or levtn yearn Provincial han on an lo girl who have com yleied 12 projects Counly hanarl award wen lo Marime Iowan Cmuland Mary Van Lanrhoven New Pics Peggy Miller Samin Emily Im Iiey Van Vinck Sfllflll Han cock Van Vinck Unda Lung mun Vln Vinck Jun Buchnn nn Vnsey Grace Shcnrdown Wuverizy Linda Nightingnie Wyevllo Narlh DomnIiwmpg Ion Wyevnie North and Judy Hail and Carol 0rd bath We vain South Two more onh Slmcoe achievement day are coming up Mn Campbell Id The are Nov an Guthdl Cum munlly Hull and Dec Trin lly Parllh all Barrie Pmidinl Slark opm ed lhn 161mm with Remem hm Pllnlwlck Womens lmmuu held thalr rcxulnr mecllnl Nav 1wllh 79 Irrmbm Ind Iwn lhil was the int liuee North Simcae achievemcnidnyl on the all project Working Wiih Wool Thin mice was canducied in he Emvaie am by leaders of it Hi club un der the direction oi North Sim cae homo economist Mn Peuy Campbell ELMVALE ith Twn pro vlnclalhonars awards and 12 county honor presentltlann high lighted the Girll Club ï¬chlevement Lday hpre Sawing 17 was aponmred by he Nomi Simone mm of the Department Agriculture 4H GiflsClub Receive Awards November Session 0f Painswick WI Waverleyr Linda ungman Van Vluck Donna Thompson Wyevalo and Mary Van um ham NW F105 Your dnulhlzr ll tool In Illow him In court her undcr tirmmltlncu Bryce Ihouid bc told um unlul hl want to Accept ho MIMI Hlu human In lnlher In II no wolcomo In Iho home And In 1m In do on below In ham wilh mulm chlldml on her Ml In lho munllmn ynu Dur Pmnu uyurald II bay Ind In doun need punnu town to mgnlem Bryce Ilvu homo and worn or his lather HI 12154 phone our daughter mm the dml Itorl every dny and come over Icvml evmlnll during tho wuk nlnin yam MI at about 11x bloc from our home beaue hl donn want hl folk know he in here We ml Ihun Iwn mould bu gurglgd bygl Dry II Ionraid hr h1 nitgum loll cant IIeue IeII what can do In no Ill bay Io Iva our mndchlld nlme HER PARENTS Im read to mm an Inlet nauanal un on antiUpper on will join me Yea am w111 as In pay hlgher prlu 01 mesh mom and lull Jul avoid higher mathemallcnl ac robaliu in delennlnlnz the proper tip for veep whnse bunlnm It to give urvlce How Iboul mCEE Den OER Id luv to 10111 you but how dou an In about chnulu autumn which Jim been bum into our mlely to generation Plan will dclalll by My mm but dun promlul won Up he mcuenzcr LEGAL OBLIGATION Bur Ann Landon Our duuuhlar who ll 17 became Emu Altar gain with ryca or over year HI phr em and mu daumer every name under the Jun Ind mud mum lo lha mur rlnzo nllhoush Bryce um 21 at the lime Dur Ann mam You bal flo me with your menu on wins You My lha penan who undertip II Ignorant and the one who ovcrUpl In gauche Yet ll you were in queulon vs expzm on the correct per centage or ll plnz you would zet 10 local lnlormmonell conmglnz It In unlortunnte that In mnny eopla dernd on fly for llv but remain embams ling evzu or stoned rav eller like myull became al ways eel have overlip ed or underlined thun yrnv us In Jamebody uniI am Ignorant cruluuchg refreshing to see how many iahrlce or venue meni erl and ski panu can be walhed mnchlne wnhed al that Sinoo iew clothe gel dirty an aciivelportgiazl is eon venienl and inexyemiva to be able to rude them out an often needed For the ladiesuretch eb ricl liill predominate In panu The parka are olun reveltibia and provake norm of color with gay pnleieye vivid florlle abstract print and amine on payder blue Sweater many handknit and machinewashable model areuyled In Scandinavlnn palfley and abstract mums Whetherv you lava Ildlnuar limply flu Ikl Jock yourl bound In became an ollhe mwenr pruned or now tme And the latest Ilylu to flu enllxe lnmlly razcenl easywear And anycare at well appggllnl minions Im hump WEE Minn ANN LANDERS jspariéwiéar Madé Fd AqtivlejIPfeople LUAIHOME 10 TRANSMAN Of Small Change ouAï¬‚ï¬ Cant Change Custom By Emma 1105 STRANSMANS STYLE WHEN IT COMII TO COATSCOM TO 14 DUNLOP FUR FABRICS CAR COATS Iu It wu one cl IIIo Int dwar Ium In yam mm the hub IIrnIfhlnrron necklIncl made vunr In lhe Im cw yam IIrnder InnaAudrey my hum Ind Euly Parker Although Blr James look morn pIum Imam wm hlc In nearly all collmlam Ihown In In CnlllnmII Fuh lon Croalon Irm Week II HI 11939eg Wilyhlro Hotel Dur Mnnlrul Welt ml lllypeu In the mnmlnfl and dont wnh unlll 11 mm will ludlcala wllllnznen on your mm wopmle Per ham be will then be lm all 131 of flu bub crylnl And olhar nolsu wh ch you cannot canlml The other day ha complained becme our baby cried and woke him up Danc you know In Build541 ho rammed told him nInamonIMM baby hm Sunday from Wad ugdlyuhu would be lgnlul Dawn have any Tumulom M°mEAL BEVERLY L8 Calif AP Plunging neclllnuI Pub imponvhu wt in back Into womenl lellum hour wnr Cllflomh dulzncrl mldo modm mnva uncovering bah am In lhclr Iprlnl and man rolledlm Iomnhln thl kï¬lu Dlor did in Pm 1m Slr J1me Ihowcd drop neck llnn to union dullnm but ave he option wilan lIum rum and middy blame My hutbnnd lika molt men mm to work 830 am anti do my homework in the morninl lika mu women Thin man downstairs ban on ihe ceiling with hmmhandic mach on the pipe wiih wrlnch And Iomuimu he tele phgnn iii gaze Den Ann Linden We llva In duplex The dowmtalrl nrlxhbou keep oddball lung The mm worh mm itan may Wm have nlnemonthold dflfllhlel who makes In ol laundry My washing mnehlne In he kitchen which reclly above their bedroom and runtour or live load memlnyr uuzlll to net lawyer to hall to Brycalnbvut his legal nbllgm lam to man his chlld Necklines Plunge For Leisure Toga NQIBE CONTROL Youthful feature novelty stitches and bright col on lqlt shade len vlvld than motherl Handembroidery and ï¬lming plus matchlnl mm and cups complete the chic young look for Ihe last but not hhe least member ol the lam lhki And show clothe uh do much were In tar bright color wlner lehlighu an the menu mm ene range 1mm hooded pub lo Elbowpatched countxy Jnckell lo tun mm suburban cull Ono notable parka ha urelchqulned aleevel and side Insert at lynlhetlc lbar and many ziwuL lining make laun dcrlnz breeze Pg ms CHILDREN mun nanwear charmlnfl mwuane zoodlu auch Ifcks Eng delight dlopvcd wilhjbelll made had mm and drnpu SElECI ION Novmmm in ma PRICI club announced that the zone Iprlnz lnleMlub meet lng wlll be boiled by Humbu anley at llle Skyline Hotel Ap xll 29 The Ihcma wlll be oriental Delplto he Accent most lporuwur had ludyulu look Slack And caml were loom belllnz It the bottom or balloon Inz nmlcl drnptd low enough loner flack wearerl hip Hnu Overblaum km long Hooves an Mum mun Mn madden Ind Mn Moan attended pmldenla conlerencc In Brampton last week revealing bosom canton Strum fabrics In ave In lrom Jersey lo nation In enlm clunK uralezlully nmlc had In which warn high accented the bolom and wuemd prggnnpc look Mn Btuwell lnlrbduced the gnu meager Mrs Shaw who demomtrntcd the an decorum cake and cookie or Chrinmazl In lieu ollhe Chrlalmu lea son leveral acllvlllu have been planned hy the club Chrln mu parcel ha been ml to the Klneuel orphan boy Florenl In France and the club will help he Klulmen wllh he Chflslmm hamper agaln Ihll yzar chllv drenl party will he held at St Gllu Parllh Hallon Saturday DELI An exchange gm wlll take place the Decem ber mealan of the club The wlnner ul ha draw qakegagjilr Lamb The Navember dinner mcetlnn Ihe Barrie Klnzfloclub wu held In night at the Bayahm Mule with 29 amber and three guests In nlendance Th5 gum Wm Mrs Crnnley Mu AParker Ind Mn Wlmewald Acuptlnx cheque from Bob Bmanl Chalrmn Communlty Service Romy Club Barrie or Ihe annual Senior Clilzenn Club dlnner ll Kinette Club Dinner Meeting am no ll conth HAIRcuts $100 mm nu All Illnm Cant Beat Natural SIXS PERMANENTS n1 Amman ow EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE Mont PA Hm 550 CHEQUE PRESENTED BY ROTARY CLUB lmelecuon ol JugTVS oonduded byfleyl D4 ax 11m vieepreddent Mn John Murray mend vkmaldenl Mn Elwood Beam unwary MIu Rug Sdmltz treasumr Mfl Jory program can wIl held Nov with the president Mrs Doldze presiding The meeting opened with the wornhlp service led by Mn Doidle Final plans or the Chrlxtmas ea bake sale and bang which Is to be held Wednesday afternoon mm 230 In pm wet dluusscdl The to will be convened by Mrs Allen Thrme meeting to be held Dec will be pot luck supper This will be follawed bLlha mtgllauogl of ofï¬cers In mu of ofï¬cer or the coming year L1 as Iollm Honorary presldem Mn Jay BIPI Judi Slugqr The general mailing Cm kn United ChydeIWomen was LIJ Mu Marlon Walla preli dznt Barrie Boroptlmm club Ankh an are Sompumist Mu AImn Lee convent mvlce Committee and mun IEUDI or the Senior Cluzens Executive Elected For Central UCW DUNLOP PA mu Mull shop mu Ind IllGt your halldly mumhll ol null Imlrl Ililu run all wld If ol Ywn lnrl to mm in in from our wmllnl new ton on of mu dIY BETTER DRESS SHOPPE Orlglnlll On kind Fm Allenan or mi meeting cxosld with WU bx ths mat Mra Btlh Cameron and Mn Jones favored with vocal due accompanied by Mm Lillian Bay at he pipno mar Mm Glenna Downey The pmgram was In charg ot Mrs Beth Cameronr group Mn Norma Marcellus Kavu IE or ï¬ankmlving 34 McFadden Servtco Objectives Commute Rotary Club The dinner will be held gut mm ausp eel 11mm Club PAINIS ammo um um mm was hour allowed Inlandrd colour thma lmn Free Roller and tray with every Gallon or more purchase of Super Kern Iona or Kem Glo at regu lar price SUPER KEM TONE REG REG OWE BROS ROLLER AND TRAY 090 $890 KEM GLO Palm GIL GIL