Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1963, p. 13

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MNGII Vllll GILS SHOE SHINE comm Eon TVHESEFIRMS Axmt mm run III mlu Ind modI cm gnu mum nu cm morons ma PA um BEAUTY SALQ Hum Avu fannyEli 31 Flu Ammunmnn flnnunl mum HimI Mam nunm mvlon Ihmlc Hm um um nme Pnncl Muchham gBfwnLC nutth Llnvln Pnlarlyddn pickl II and mum ma eh IL cnmmu thvn mum uniulnp St Collin 5L wnmy Puma wm m3 CUSEN PHARM yunr an nudl Buflnl Fond Pll Imnd Iran quman but mum onuu mm mm Ind hoth snvxc Comylnn and Holu um um nu 11 mm Clunen mumm GGROCERIES Mias 535Vcxs r001 mm Coll EL PA EVERYTHING HUNTING Egywm 51 mm Wm INSURXNCE All Im Manna BENTLEY CO ll Collin THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA MIN IIKLEANII IBIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA mm abovsn SALES 55 GMHAMS MEATS Quamy Mull Rzuonnblc Prim Dunlap 73 Nunsmpiiomn ulnl round MILK AR HERB NURSING HOME sumo 713 Thll Ipacn nnw avulllbll or you llrm Clll PA um ITuMrs Run in innu vum vjlmvf KIN WINTLII Fry uni pumnd ul ma llll aqnlymlull THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA HAN uIusmms GOLD suos smvxcz muffin In an mun Our Email MARIES BEAUTY SALON cumn3K ssvfic TANKS KEN WINTER Ill IIIMold IL TifanKbid mmm BAYVIEW ELECTRON ICS Huh nnonnuulm Iluxlwvlfll PA urnoxsmnv nmphl mm Ion law mm inm SOULE mm In vanv UNUSLKII iv uw mm mm WHI PHI mm THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA MAN unlmlu mm tom wills nnaim mm cum NOT ZIP mud Hug will W5 ouwn run lrhvldmurmin inkan mm 51 um Nm Ia mu mu Clumd ma nmm mu AUTOMOBILES COSMETICS LOG cxfiwqum nus mm Is AVAILABLE um um SHOPPERS PARADISE ATOZ VSkEu Lxchlnla NEW Ind USED SKATES GIFTS Can suvnly InAI yaw minu lF HIIOI unlovd You With KEN WINTER From In To PA N1 IA 5595 PA 01 1101 PA MD PA Ill PA 007 PA 01 In IA MI By vlnue of wnrnm min the 21mm of MRS BEEYLB THOMPSON Camp Borden om hm mudone Wood qud gun finial No gum Irene or by PUBLIC AUCTION on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1963 ll Valleyl emu MI 10 Ave Binlo 0n 730 PM bhlrp DATED II Barrie Ont mil 22nd day of Novcmber ma MYRILL DEAN Ballm may gouaHLIN SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ert Fierl Fnciu Issued out at The County Court oi the County of York whemln Harrlran is Plaintrit and Jos cyh Caruso is the Deiendant and to ma directed Ilalnsl the floods and dluttuis and rand ansycncmentl oi JOSEPH CAR iiltVE SEIZED nnd taken in execution all the right title in terest and equity oi redemption ol the said Jmph Caruso in Ind to tho lollowlnl that to lly ALL AND SINGULAR that cor toln parcel or trapt oi Ind and premises situate lying and inz in the City oi Barrie in tha County oi Simone and being composed oi part ni Lot Sixty raven on on the North side oi Coiiiar5tmt in he said City of Barrio according to rub tend Plan Numbr Two NOTE Complete lml descrip tlon my be seen the Sher lilil Oiiiu Court House Bur ALL or wnrcu said right title interut Ind quliy oi res dempiian oi the nld Joseph Corqu in Ind to the aid limb Ind tenements shill oiter for ula by Public Auclion on Wed nesday tho 27th dly oi Novem ber 411 ms at my oiiicu in the Court Houu City Eur ris It the hour oi 130 oclock In tho Iitunoon DATED It tits City oi Borne in the County at Simcoe this 13th dry at August An 1961 1105575 HUGll Sheriii NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER KENNETH YOUNG DECEASED All perlonl having clalml union the cum ol Walter Kenneth Younn Im no Elmvala ln lho Towmhlp ol F101 In the Counly of Slmtoc who old on lhn ell dny Sex lumber ma In requlrrd lo lllt lhelr claims helm Dbcemo her 17 mm Alter whlch dole nu ma wlll bl dlnlrlhuled hnvlnx usz only to the cllln whlch lhc underlllned Ihlll lhcn hm nollce DATED ll Toronto lhll llh dly ol Novamber 1968 Ellubfih Dulhll Ind Phyllb ll Glm Execulrlcu by lhelr lollcllorl hmullOVLDE mlmlIlIflIIIIIIIIII nocn WALTON riNLIw nonmson usz KIM Street MILToronto Onlulu EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA mu We Invilo you to shop at tho followlng stores for Christmas Suggestion NIIIIIIIIIllifiiiititlullilflliinlilllWuwinluninvlllitfilllfiifl THE CHRISTMAS STORE vgmlffl luauL GIFTS wml curs oALom r011 Women Llngerlc Sport chr flllmm Hy Apprccllte Mont Curllnl NW Skl mmmmmw 11mm sromwmn Applrcl Sum Formll min or ENGLAND IIOSIEIIV Accmomm lmuuAcmorlu Mm Comvlm Wk nouazcom nLousu Lomm Wear Sflgififlfiufilflfi In our uymwny II Dunk 5i um 0le Mn II NifiiIINIIHIIHluw Ihll In MIINH IIIIII nnllln Awly LLOVD CONRAD mm STATION um um Curling Necdl Skl Apprel Sum Formll Drums Ammrln Lomm Wear LENAS LINGERIE AND SPORTS WEAR BAILIFFS SALE LEGALNOTICES Scotch llm Spruce FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES Coumy Slmcoe Audionear Ind Dunn GIFT SPOTTER Here Is Your Christmas 13 AUCIION SALES Lot 17 Concuslo Noll walaza Township mile 3min wean Shyner And mile noth or the Duntrom Road turn rlmlvllthe In side road Sell 01 um Itock lmplemcnu hay straw ponl try and some houuholtl nflecu Term ulh No mam th mm 15 mi may qouamN TOWNSHIP 0F INNISFIL 19 VOTERS LIST NOTICE 1s henby llven lhn hlve comallev with Section ol the Voten Us Am Ind Hm hlva posted up at my office at Slroud on the and day of November ms the 1m all person enlkled to In the mnnlclpfllly at municipal election and Hut such 1m mglqs were 0r Inspegtlon AUCTIONSALE WednesdnyuNov 27 For was WKLLACE MARIA prawn mum at pm TRACE Auction hereby call upon all voter to take Immediate prmedlnu In have any omlulom or error corrected According to llw Iha last day for Appeal belnl lhl 5th day of December ms DATED THIS 22nd day November was GROH Clerk SEOUL Snulh Korea AP Cnmrnunhl North Kort charged Monday that nlnn Soth Korean killed on 05 mil lgry rlnxe Thursday wgn killed by nuclur welpon 115 Ipokesmnn culled tho upon Ibraluu nonlenn 14 PUBLIC NOTICE North Korean broadml uld v5 lmpurlllllt Irm leryrnen lighted the South Kor ean amenn1 wood on nearby hill and med mm Al wallet to mt nuclear Col Guam CmL us uh Army xpnkumln uld II out of common unu to by Have um my nlnmlc wnrhlad used on llrln mm In Karel Nuclear Weapon Killed Koreans Communists Say WRONTO CF Tumor Mlnmer Irwin Hukeu On lnrla nld Mundly nuduhpow and vehicle In deflnlta pom Ilblllly Ind hey do becamo relllly wlll iv you znxim 0112wlll In almonl lndallnlt ey sznklnl to delenm hi Automollvc Tnnspad Amth Ian 0mm Mr fluke laid in hmd hll Inlement on Iclenlhlu pom Mr fluke lold lhu delu lnlu momrlm can expect to gel mm lmprovtmenll Ind ax lemlam In Ontariol hzhwlyl nelwnrk In mm mu nud In new no pmlmud lo lull In pllllml la lay 1M lnundnllon lnr yum um will product lhl mou Helm pap lulhh mm told in ulur NuclearPowered Cars Discussed um AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 30 1230 msharp For J0 WNHOOO TIIE HI1 SHE WILI APPRECIATE sllmu Shlm Car Com Skl Jukeu Sklrll Bwemn 01 Ill klndl STRANSMANS chflénm MENU IA Ml MIIIIIIIIIIIIU WASHINGTON CF AP Pmldenl Johmon move tady lrom Imporer ulnar Into Ihe uvnl pmldenul nmca In the Whlh Houu cannyour whole Ayugom ll an moi ho clm the Amulnutlon or John Kennedy mun xnmfm 111mm Since flier President Kennedy rrlday lnDnllI Johnlon Ind conducm tho pm Idency mm hhnld vlcepru dgnud quarter In tho execu Iv ofllcuhnlldlnu um doorvJo thnghlgq Houu Now hll own In and lur nllhlnnm In In In file qumm occupled or at month hyannecIy VOn or the 11m dny In the gaw ens ygerg meeglnn with forelln dltnltlrlu Ind prepar lion In Iddm Wednexdw to olm unlon Comma an my algneg llrqgaguleni rpeopk mocked Ind dlnlurbea byth kllllnj qlqungdy Johnlon In 11 um pooch Ilnce becomlnl ptclldent made evident Mandny mm hll bailel that the Kennedy luaulnltlnn puts lheAmerlcan lynem mere lea Ind mull prompt re newed mom to pmvathnl the system desplle any sniperl act II superior any other PLEDGE CONTINUIIY hn pledged continuity wlthou conunlnn continuation of Kenntdy ad mlnlnlrldnn program and 01 Icy Alma wllhaul Iny lmmed nle Ihlkeup top omclnla that ml puull and perturb tho nnlnn And the world The governor sald Johnson appealed specifically at sup port or Kennedyi lwo princl pal domenlc rozramIlha om nlbul clvll lKhll blll Ind lhl 10000000001 wlalthouxh magi mm the Ipeech lea bx th While Home dld hnfihfifibfinw SKisi nolvliclidl Ell Johmonl Autumn ol the need day wn delivered on In cult to as Imu lovem ouwho me with hlm lonl utter mm lhll wu not hit lull meet lnx lhc buly dly um H1 Ichedulo wn torped of by Im Ivenlnl nu on with Tm ury Smth Doullu Dillon and the councll economic ad vlun Thll muting took HF the Ix cut propoul And the brand oulllnu of thy ladenAl budm thll will so to Comm in Jan HIYY Jahmon helded or hll home 10 pm llvlnz ovary um um ovmvbefm movlnu into the Whit Home he wu anem lnz M421 hud og Ilgum For Iodny Johnmn llned up tonlerencn with name Iha may oxelm dllnimlu who WELK ILL SANTA MONICA Cllll AP Elna luder anronca Walk 61 underwml abdamlnnl lumrv Mondly St Jnhnl Holpllal Ipokumln uld lhl lurflly o1011mhmr Ind his condllon HEADSTHEAIRE GROUP STRATFORD CPI Ho ward Hemphlll swam huh lneumln hll bum alectcd pmldznl In SixAllard Shnk parun Felllul Foundation Clllldl lucmdlnl Leonlrd Webmr Am Slmlord Mr Hemphl membu nl ho loundlllonl bond or governor NIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ilulml wholesystem Is On mar Vory Unuwal Glm or Every Occasion THE GIFT SHOP WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF 33 Dunlop St vm JULIETTES mu and to villi with the new British primevmininter Sir Alec Douxlnl rHumo wlih lhg presidential the Phiil pinu Digsdado Mlcapngai an with lho new WesLGerman chancel ingLudwiLErhard new to Vfishlnzlon fir the Kan negx lunenl pr SM 11 um andmnny marell mandala Monday nlzhl lhu murde Bnmncnt before he me With elovunou In nddmon to reeling all an ulzn dulemel lo the Kennedy umrll Johnson upon 1a nun um pr vutely wllh PmIdent do Gaulle Emma 91th mlnule with Primlenincr Pamon of Cam and Iomoll mlnutu with Prlmn Mlnlim Hum Ikng Pearson llld it wu very nice warm and riendly hazin nlnx in what hope will ha helplui and conliruciive nin linushipfifi Pearson said ihni John son invitation he would reiurn inan to Washington for further talks The prime minister also inviicd Johnsnn to visit Canada It sum future time Penuon add He was very warm and trlendly he could not hive bun nlca PLAN MEETING Johnson told the governor that at his manlan wllh do Gnulle we dld not finish tho cunvcmnon so we have an olher meclln set up or early In year when he come back Vlolhlacoun in this ullhand way Johnson Announced or lhn Hm time that de Gaullc whn has been king xhnrp Issue with he Unlted Stale or nearly year wnuld maku the American vlsl he had 11111an bclqm Kennqdys denlh Perhaps the casual mldavon Inn Announcement wn alzn that Ilka many new presldenls Johnson In time will he d0 in the upprodktqble In upcakfnl to ha unvcrnorn Johnson nave lhll word clurn hi lhounhh on nnum the prfilfianny Ia abruptly Chmmnlnncc over whlch hnd no control brouzht mo lnla um position um ucgupy lo nlghz TM dlmcullle Ind lhe lrlbulallom are great and um Ike Ilma when our whule lys lem II on trialnu ius the chubllcnn party and lho Darn omllc party but lhu mcrlcan Iyllcm nAI ipvcrnm He mid he would loll Con lrcu lhnl wa intund In harm the commitment we have mado at home and abroad undu Kennedy and that understand my own Hmlmlons but am aolng do the best can wllh your help and God IInce 1059 II pruldcnl and Ken ml manner III InrnIlurn manuInclurIng company Thu ounanIun produce SlrnIIordI Innunl shnkcspurun Iullvll DOLIOII DIES TORONTO CPIDr Chnrlc Frederick Abbott 55 who Icrved In both wnrld wnrs dch In haspilnl Murmur VhIle Icennrbyur mchcn Iludenl Wed In Egypt Ind France In me during lha First World er Dr Abboll nnllvu oI Smllhl InIln 0nL Inducted Irarn Quctnl UnIvenIIy In mo He was In command No In Cnnldlnn GnncrnI IlaspIInl unlt whlch look ovmm In 19 HAVE BOMB SCMIE SAINT JOHN NJ CPD bomb ICIM Handy emmled Ill Sllnl John cily Irhwll cull laying lhcru were hombl the my Achmll wn rccclvrd nl my to hendqunnm Dr my lrl Gerald Wnllm And the volce wn Hunt at young Ilcr Eli TRIAL DATE JACKSON Mllu Mli 1nd Ml JML 17 lha dule or lrlnl of llyron xle In nrckwifll nccnxrd cl Imnulll nllnl Nram leader no or mnr mnrlno rhnrgnl wllh murdrrlnn hlmlnnr livm MI Ihllppl mid mrrlnry lnr Hm anlonnl Almzlnllon or flu Ad vnnremrnl Colored IEnplo CHAIN WITHDRAWN TORONTO CWA charge of nonurllnl murder Ifnlml nn ununp oyml Tomnln luaur nuuud Illyfinu Mn wile withdrawn pnllmlnuy hmlnl Momlly Jnmu Shir Mm wlm mlmluml cantoHm III wlfnn body 9r my mpnlhl In can len pleaded xullly lo errlnl an Indlnnlly la mm and wan Icnltncod In 10 mnnlhl lmprllonmml ANNOUNCK GIMME HTMVA Cll IrMI It lllllnl mm hm bun Iwmlnl lo llvu Cnngdlnn un vmlflrl lor lrudunlo mulch In mk medium and mlmul vmuulnl mlm mm mm unnounm mm flu unlveuluu an MOI Qurrnn Tamnlo wutum 0n luln Inc Miami orrmu mammal LONDON MU Nh Hand Unlon ol Jmullm lfM my demanded an mm am In mp lhcumr Inc mm In nulemm ma my mums nmonpeuwbuu WM in NOVEMBER ll INSll WASHINGNN CPIA mile down the road you could see yhe vhllHolumned Lincoln Memur ial 1115an who an Just lo the let on the Illlhl nope nur the mvo Knurled donwmdtree bowed award the Hagdraped comm to In right below xomu children of Ihe Kennedy 1me weep lnx Thll was the men ml chilly sunny my thn Flu zerlld Kennedy cum to hll Ins ruling place nmld tho cab emony Ind pnunlry death In Arlmulon Natlnnll Cemetery and nmld ha mm thous and US wlr VGlElIIIL HeaVIUvelled Iomwlng Jacx quellne Kennedy bore her rlel without lelhle pain Jumanca nhe appeared tho dn yleldlnx ma Iccepted the In that had dnpzd her hur hnnds town and tuxnod to kls Gun Mpxwell Tgylor chalrman oflhu Join think mil In her request pineblnked clemal limo wu Installed near ma lrnve Shu applied the arch lo the name So dld lorneyAGencral Robert Kenmdy and his bmlhcr Edward lha Mumdmsclls Smllor Thtn Mu Kennedy quietly wnlkcd away LOOKED 0N There léokln an was lhu presidenlhbygdnl Jobnsun There Ion In the mm Nw of lha worldl Illlumm was GM Charlu dn Gnulle n1 France In MI unllorm Ilundlnz hcsldo Hull Selmle lha Elhi nplnn emperor hrulhlnl lenr rum hll eye Behind dl Gnullo WM the new wm Gumn chan tellor Ludwlz Erhnd II PRESIDENT Charla do Gnulle chat with Mrs Lyndon Johnson at Farther dawn the llnn lhnl had converged on the mn mnlled Ills ilDDd Anulu Mlk uynn Hm depuly premier nl lho Sovlcl Union holdlnl black lop hut Mon Hm Ilnlumrn bowed below me mm In paylnl lhtlr Ina rec Iptcu but Mlkoynn muvtd on wlhnul Ilnn olomollan Cnuldul Prime Mlnhlcr or ll lcmnn Iccnmplnltd hls win and by Exlernll Inln Mlnlllcr Plul erlln nnuud brlrny bclnre lhn 0pm urnvu gm powcd dcepy DALLAS Tu AP llo panoyly Ind romr lho und eur and um pm dcnll unml already um II In Ind In Wmhlnxlon nlnndly thn Hum man In DIIIII film hnlnl dim Eternal Flame Guards Grave Of President Ily lhn 010qu he Illen npcclnlm who had wnllcd or hour lar tho metal In truth the crmllery wrpl nlchnrd On lenlll Mlllo nur lhe Iomhlmllmlll clly ll 140 pm llul body TIM wn lumndmd lo lhl Tum urlh Ilo wu polka llter lImIly man wellllhd Ind ho dled ham NI wu lhl linkmired yumld pollco Mllm who Ill lhnl In dulh In mdny by In Harm Oawlld Immodlal III lmldlnl John Km nodyn mmlnulun llld ha Inlme Build lhc tuned mum mlm hm ctrput 11qu II no lulllnl when ho would hm hm nla In Palm Id Jun curry Ila mm my vu been ml ol lhu mm th with to dam my jun ME mmm uw to lwchld ll 3mm In lm in on llll mud fififihm Dallas Buries Policeman Shot By Accused Assassin FIRST LADY CHATS WITHIRENCH PRESIDENT Cardlnnl Cushlnl Boston in Ill scarlc robe Intoled raveslde prayer AIIENDED CHURCH Mn Kennedyl two children mended only the church suv Ice But the chlldrcn In other Kennedy tammu were at the lrnvcslde They wnlched as red coaled muran band played The StarSpangled Han ner and US Air Force bliplpEl played flowpaced 11mm the coffin llflzd mm It cal Stale Departmont reception 191d lag night Pmslgleng and Mrs inhuman re hosts at OTTAWA CF What could ho ma must Important lederul prnvlnclnl conference alncu Con loderullon opened today In new Iurmundlnzs with revlsed pm ceduren and III avowed deter minauon nu Ill Ildu to make ll lumcd For Weekl Prlmu Minister Pearson and hi mlnlmn hnvu hum lrylnz through puhllc eeches la cream cnnlcrcnte clmatn um lhcy hnvn labelled variously In one comqromlse chcrnllnn cnnmrd Inccrity lmnknuss mnlidencn and Mn mlnxnllnn II nm all then virtue of MIDNIan ware put lo he when mam than 200 ME unlcn closed hehlnd them the door to lnrxc hllhceillnz room carved on lhc old West Black Rarllnmcnlllll FederalProvincial Meet Opens 0n Parliament Hill And null or he Hm llme Win dacldcd lhn door would be cluscd ram lhn oulm In mad at nllawlnz re mm In Ildo lho Hm by In our open nl Ilalemcnlm lhc deltunllunl exchnnud brief on Monday I0 as down lo baruulnlnl righl ny nuo hrlrls Ipclllnx out much pmvlncol nnunl lnn wen munlo pubfl lq church AI In nmmhl pl Id Iollly lrom hchlnd vs col bunk llnwm morn thin 400 punonl nund lhulr wny mm nmull htlrk clecn wllh Ill mull Iplkl ol Ilmdo lhe tanfmnca Is no beinl held In ho mm dingy Commnns Inllwny cammlllco room In lhn Conlrn Black men old bul lies and poulny lingering nnl mollllcs DOORS CLOSED llcv Tlvrn Jr whn con dumd the my co Inldl Ill wnl dulnl duly when wnl Men mm by war run Iumd mlnnuldni uuulu wu lht pmldcnl he Unlled nxen nner than MIMI Ind wuldu hurl lllod van Ihq npcn mlfln11pplll wldnw Mnrlo in Mined lamrd mplnl Inlly upd ngmlhm can trance inlnli lucll nnmmls nn lmnvnllnn It II mlmblung lechov Oulnldn nmly 1000 olhorl flood ln warm nulumn Inn urv qu la la lnlldo BM Ilood of long mnmrnl lrolld lur hug Ind wardlmly nlcn flu lurn any humor and In My om Ind III balm mm durum no In lamaIm 1m mm Br IW In cram lumvor Mum how mlMn um and 0mm lta mu WAqflfl Lii nil In in Ps11 IfCal 94 seemsi son 9m canind slowly up the min ugwurfilu Ovalhand so Ilxhler allmt streaked mm the blua we In tribute lo the alien leader The leldlnz alrcrnll was Inlay lnx aymbollxmz the mm thapresldenl The burial ma chosen for President Kennedy was In d1 rec line at vlslun with ma Ab raham UMDIR shrine which could he been mile away Both had fallen victim to as lassln bullets reception AP Wimp cred elonnlcd avAL Tho mim mlnlsler and nine of his mlnls ms In at one end with the lcderal sucrelnrlnl min as unlor civll servants at In nnell5n07ql tho other Ranged In between an bolh Ilde of the 1119 am lho pro vlncial deltalions each with ll ovm accrelnrlnl bthlnd It In past Tshnpcd ml lnz mannmcnl ollen has been med with 1h choml mlnlsterl occupylnl long ubln acmu lhe top on Illmly ulsod dais The general mm was In put 01avylubovg the prgvi Addidii Mhexu 100 ii mullnncous translation speeches agenda mwdcd everylhlnl mm lho mas con lenlloul Issues or min In Held nnd cqnnllxlnx lhu mulls plus he gharegllcpsl promgm lo cconom an uncmploy maul conlrlhulnry pcnslum medlcnl mvlm lotteries nn llnnal markellnl boards and ndmlnlalrnllun cl Indian Ind Eh klmo nMaln No deadline has bccnlel to cover lhll wldu Hold the cow lcrcnce Ilse will dcclda whtn In qull In um lEnlI It II II llul openAend Hm canton men In yum ochlIlI my Than Mm predlp wl TIM conm wu led In tho cfmelury by In wllu mnlorcy whn prcdld windvp by Saturday may lmvo 1n mlnd lhn other main lnmvnllan In pmduru namely pm on whlch mm ccrlnln adapted full name or Um II qu ho dean by mlnlslcn Ill cammmm Ihnl uoud ro porl buck lo the nu conic um uncumprchundlnl lumlnl bl clam mp bond Ilrnd lhll my Iml II in curlnllly AI ho lurnul nwny mm 11p uvu Chlrl Curl lumm up in lnllm mmudo Ho nld Nu mm In ldul ollmr III Wu nl very no moulL Ho try qulrl Iml lrlcndly mun Ind Ill nut omml had lhc Illllml mom lur hlmi mun Ym Cu Ill 9mm mum mnnmm WHEEL mu amp mom um um anlcfl NMILm mom um warmqu ovmuuu MURDOCK ll 1050 01 1102102 HARRY Bil

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