Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1963, p. 11

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lunnuv Novumu no lllduny runmm mmy Ihun cxul Kiddo 50 Hunl In 1100 um Inn 11 wwnumy Novnlnn no NM 00 15 ll VASHlNGTON CF The first lhlux that ulchu your an when you enler Stewart Udalls olllce the amped Alrlcan shield of laugh rhlmcero hldo tan high panelled wall Below It hm gully plumcd unllve lndlan dolls guard Iho maulclplm tutu Nuvmnn ll 00 no P9 00 no in 100 no NM 00 15 hnhlll XL Izzy Pny 5mm Dull Cumul Nuu Wulhll Inn umnmy Peltflll human Pill Duh Ben Cm Datumn Quail LDC TV NI In spam New Is World TrctVeller Recalling that Sovlm Premler Nikita Khrushchev once ro markm to him that whoever has Illa most mechanical mbotl will be the richest Udall old lhis reporter at ho Important he Illaches to United Stale co They such darlng Ideas building huge dam In Arctic pcrmalmsL It would uanmle at least 20000000 kilo walls or nlmricltyho equiv alent About 10 Niagaraand Show this huge power supply through some 1500 miles of hlghmonage dimdwrml line into hydro network so vm It would eventually cover the can the SavM Unlon But at mom was conlmnled by another pointed reminder of more threatenlng challenge Seated helme him was hlxhplnccd Soviet hydmpowcr delegnllon which had mnppcd lnr his ben efit mm lho Soviet power pins or the next 20 years DAM IN ARCTIC Nal Innl berm he had com pleled his new book The Qulcl Crisis In which be accused hl fellow Amerlcnns of being tho ml chpngwm an One of the mo vigorous man on the New Frontier he hnd lust turned mm Africa where among other lhlngs ha had climbed 19700400 Mount llumnglj Theyre evidence lhal whllo Udall ls smelary of the in lerlorJn the Kennedy adminis trallan his travelsand lnkl tauare by no mean confined by lhu boundndes at the Unll Sims ll nu ma In Irma by AM III In numm In um THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS RVICI ixum Luv 11 sun 5qu um um Tm hum NIanIl School Che Hull Nunm school Rump Roam Paper1 PIN Nnondu mm anll thonUrr mamn Punom SaulH Ill Tm 1mm Mum Gnu Millmun mu llrly mm mm Woody Wmvuhr mun mutan DRIVlYOURSILF CAR AND TIUCKI nmm TELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 1mm nn ll um um andluuqunll luo lrn Illlloll llnuv WIDNIIDAY NOVKMIII us ssssssaks rIyum Illh Unzll Iobhy unmlnl lunlno Namy Mon Kiddo Kmnm Dunlnblr Ima nur Hana Im Lucy nu MinionIn Ilu 1mm Ya In Comm mmm nun cm pp 388 I1 xluan Ell Hun llllla upon Wollhur mu In My um Humn NI mm All AI mm hnlm lo LTV Nan lulu 7an um Mum line In nwnnllu Novmnll In Inrnlnl Inn ll llulll Clul um um NW nun upon mm mm on IM nu Mullenm Innllnl AI VII rum CoMIIrl Ina IL mumm Mk mm €qu Man Nmnd Im oowww 1m 00 CBC TV leI ll weuher Spam Nun 30 Sun lentdm iaw Hindimi Ian Emma and exporting them lnsteld ol linlshed pmdnclL mag mm CanadVIJwould Mlln ho llonll ldenllly And puma her Udlll uld he didnt It with those who mum lhl con cap might leave Cmnda un ll merelx produan which energy resource can bes be used ll mudmum at fluency and lowestcosts Cm lumbll River power In an ample Hem we Inlend Io shun the power benefit on 5650 bush and we lntend to pay or Any surpluses Canndl wlshel lo sepfi us mean we should work closely together study our nure needs together Ind run out how and where these re sourcu reserve an heal be By podium dont men um Americans should win In grab at Canadlan some or that these resources sud IB hydro and nuclear power ml and petroleum should be held agglher In common Energy power In lhe llll blood Industry WI could som=how poolour ener sourcesmake lull use ol mnlinenl nalunl ahundnnce we would have that muchmm advantage in slnylu Ihnd In vie Ihauls for economic Sub vva ihe Norih Amerlctn mu nanl In competition with in Soviet Union not only in mil itary sense bu In an emmic sense said lidall he sat in shin sleeves behind DIW immd desk mm of his 1d viser nearby any rowan mm openuon with Canndn ln Innk lnx the most efficient use 01 re some or the benefit tho lwucountrlex and Ike world Jul rm and mv IIIMIIINDVI Mtlvn MI um um AM IMWll cum nwr Them In many wayi In Tut Pllllm Nlunml Schnox Chu 1mm Nunery Sthool Rum Rona PUD Noondu upon Mmll Second he PA wan III III mnr mendb Millerolln Mr Hpu mu DI Va llur Tumbllnnl 1mm TV lel um mu mm cmp TORONTO mum smu mu 5mm luv lumber Furry unnn luuvll rv Soulhl view III In nolrump wnl mhinz Md nnd been sumulul op Openlnl Indseven ol hum Hero remnrknbh hand 1mm mbber bridle name North Ihnuld no hnvs respondcd In Iha dImoud bld but hclnx unwllnnl lo acknowledn hlI weakness openLv by passlnx In blq hun Saulh unnwlm lhe mlrpnr mpanu Jumped In lhreo no lmmp 50th didnt have ex Ictly nalrump type hand but ha Ind MI partner were pinyin lccnrdlnz In muhod by which lhlx lequenco lndlcnltd lanl nolld diamond lull and mmnablu pimped AIM lrlgk nouump mama ucnnu 31 DAILY CROSSWORD Hqu urn ul Kin In ll bumpn Winn bhr num noonrum my mm lLAnumml IL ooJ un human ll nunmu monlh ll Mn fihlnk Mon mwuuu man is undersundably mnmrned Hes 33 and Ihe sea son jusk pas wu his ninth with Bomber One of lhese yam hell bs lhmugh with prom uolul netball and than with mm min ILA thick Um mm uuun lot bigger one Just spranl up couplo or blocks down the rec rm AQIII burly Illsm centre or Wlnnlpez Blue Bombers nl the Western Football Conlemnco made clrcllnx gesture at he lulhle 310000 hllllard husl ness of whlcl he ls lplnt owner ouuide kids In school men working but gully weve goi lo incl llY the com peiillon Ll Iimusi choking us course It Isnt always likl this said Dmxman altering his big right lund with It bmken wrist mending under cut Its summebllke weather outside kids In In school Near the door handlul of palmm Wen eyeing corner prhckm In practice shots few ACROSS 011 HCMIII Lauwud DOWN Aquino ldonlbnl of Inllu mqu cumd Ilnu lIi cl WINNIPEG CWThe usual clacan mud or George Dnumunn billlnrd parlor Wm bucly ludlble In the mumm lna qulcl Snulh denier Both Ides vulnerable Nam 16 V010 gnu an fro lmtlally By poollng what we hIVO Ilelhll by eoopernuu closely lnplqnnlnxnm needs there would be less wast ol valuable energy would up pose In Urns you muld curry thls Idea Into raw material planning xencrally but that would dg on how Incesslul Bombers Own Billiard Halls Unite To Fight Competition nnllonll mll Sh would drew lhosu emu resource Ihe needed or Iheumu ea In some clmlhm numb nunplum Iel over In Cunnda or use lnrthe US In other use there mlth be surphue on the v5 ads which could helm be mad In Clflldl landing ulommnl typu yrlnL hm Thu palm VI wish to make gnioi dunno um CONTRACT BRIDGE No But Pun Pun Dbh towntr mud NIIlau ICltnry ammu uuonl man Mn In 05 loll nrmuu Anh rumd boat 13014 mul um Io mm um 14 man 25 lam OCD xaai AKJHI By JAY 14 man 211 lubl IOJAI ll lo 011 IMMIIO Ania ducllvo Mo hm flock WW London Ilrleeml In as mfioflfix entirely rcspanslhlo or lhu dil amr hurt hld was Ilrlctly lor lhe birdsthough might poulny have urncd nul to he flood lncllcal maneuverhut hll lnllun lo rucue hla plnncr Irom lhm mlrump doubltd VIII rm error major proportion North Ihauld luv mHmi Hm Soul was munllnz an him or normal valuestht Nan knew vary well he dldnl have He mould hlvo hld our dll mondl Tomorran Anulchl mum nu WW cashed lhreo dubs bringing hll Aide to lwclvo lrlcla and lhen admlnlslcrtd the mun do grace by nunMn spud lo Iho king 50 South won min In Enaliasficd live hurt lrlckl and In Jack of clubs aIlcr lhh dltppdqtqlht Dtclarer would havn dune hol ler ll ho had played the ulna on the deuce but In desparaln cum la hold hlmscll la down one he put an the king Wm mm with Ihe ace Ind led an olher hem BECKER poslle mos hand North wu likely to have or hln hean spouse am In the actual case the bid worked out very poorly Bail doubled three nouump Ihu commlndlnz West to land hum lha suit lhat had been bld by dummy West delighted wllh the double licked hls chopl Ind led the seven or hear Em look lho len wllln lha Jack Id nlumed thelwo of clubs um Am 7r Representan 36 01 hr so hil llani parlors In the melm area lh assoclallon Is also talus lo havo Sunday upon lawn madl lled Ellllnrd parlor are not al lowed operate an Sunday Il lhoual bowllnz alley The pnnmpal aim of the MEGA says Dmxman to discourage prospedive Itssee or builders mm selling up bII llnrd centre In neighborhood that will because of compell financial loss for all Dmxman president or the newly formed group operate Bomber Billiards In downtown Winnipeg with Ed Kotawlch tormen Blue Bombch player whornow coaches St James of Junlqr jeam Fearing that the gmwinz number oi billiard parlors in Ihu meimpoiiinn Winnipeg nu mighi spell financial min pm pricier have banded together to farm the Manitoba Billiard Opuniors Assadlion knowledge he uined imm ll business administration course he look at Oregons University 01 lfoniangi h9il havu in db mum xhouId give the mun to harness the tldu Pusamnquoddy Intercon nect the electric power ayflemx whale regions economically glue fresh water mm the was turn Vast oil shale bed Into all Andbyldlmverlnz the innermost fists salon Ind mien allow to breed energy mm rocks Udall touched on the Qnoddy progonl In more detail he am of CanndelLS mm on dull my tull fledxed collaboration of lance Industry andluovarnmant tqulckened by the spur of bu neu companion will enable ul to write bright new chnpnrx In the conservation mm ames read an ii business Acumen dial Mg brawn Is that we should luck on our two commXe holding mu nun resourqu slam huuse Ind we should not Illaw national boundlrle lo lnhlbll nur alien to Achieve maximum economic dlyl 311 Dale1 l0 lllu in mmmsmmnmm snowmanM1 mammal mmiwm WW mmsum SEANit 9W mrymmm Pl comm rum Man 51m Ana mm mm mm out sum may mm 791W DAGWOD mnnwr Ll won par um sméw urvum mummy mnwmumnnmwmm THE BAlllilE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER sYWmum um mu $511er fluff unnu flflnlMlanmm mflwuummmmmmmn JUST 055M 1H wzw BEHINDJPLIF Si11 51w If

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