Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1963, p. 7

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Domulle lullan will to bo Illdud dur nl Ft nxll day vlbrlllonl In bell for Ilrklly ptmml 11 Mr than they III or bulInm mutton Dul Mm hem tome mflnlm may be needed 111an In lam mom who my be under tnan may rtqulu un ululfly maul hundllnl FOR THE BIRTHDAY lamarmw ll yuur blrtMny our horalcopc Indlcnlu Ihnl you danl min tmmedlm monetary lnln you can hm roducllvu and Inlemnnl yur rom bolh Job Ind humid lulu Your bm wind or ldunrement Ilonl lhm llnu wlll occur In Dmmluer Jnn unry May Aumfl October Ind Novembch TOMORROW Mrs Kennedy made tewlpuhiie nippearanm since the death oi her intent eon atrlck ouvler Kennedy on Aug of this year This was the first political tour Mrs nned had made with her husband since he became the emocratic nominee for president in 1960 In San Antonio Houston and Fort Worth Texas where the tourettpped on Thursday Mrs Kennedy spoke in anlsh an drew cheers from the crowds At every op she took cue from her husband and walked that from the presidents jet transport The president had recently been eriticiaed tor observing presidential rev toeoi and walking tow steps ahead his wlie She is loving every minute at said Pamela nsrnure Mrs Kennedys press secretary on Thursday Mrss Kennedy was unaware that death lurked around the corner Jacqueline Kennedy joined her huabnnd or what was to ha his last tour She was perhaps reluctant about it since she onen remarked that she preferred to leave this campalgnlng to her husband Worth noun the act that DOIIIWBD right home on the as Ion scene In hut AHne black coat much she had purchased In Barrie cspcclally for the LAST TOUR Long evening skim worn wllh varlol co ordinated top were romnntlc and regal loo tho reflect answer to what to wear to holiday artler snld he Barrie woman An emerald and sllver mode can ensemble to quote Mrs Nullycombe was absolutely gorgeous The latest news In ashlons from New York was passed alon to us by Mrs Doris Nuttycombe Bar rle who was the clty to attend the Association at Real Estate Boards 58th annual convontlon The fashion Sande was presented by Gtmbels and was held in the rand Ballroom at the Commodore Hotel Deals noted that the shllt ls still one the leading tashlons snd noted that although some of the party dresses were very high fashlon everythlng was reasonably priced tdrflpanreaekriadé VBarble laumrmryr Mil noén be joined by lltlle slster Pepper and brother Ted as well as father and mother We have Barble doll in our famll but Rellable Toya Canadian made Tammy who ma her pear gncq only this year 15 nlakgqg lomng stridesnln cachlyg FASHION NOTES The doiis could even serve as locus or fund raising project Womens organizations could sponsor contests in dressing the dolls with as for entry and prizes for the winners Besides pulling in the funds ovary organizationaiwnys needs the contests could be tremendous interestvrousers Patternmakers have taken advantage of the pop ularit oi the fashion dolls to turn out special patterns just or them One pattern includes special outfit or the Christmas aeaaon Another includes complete weekend Wardrobe for Tammy to ensure she is fully outfitted when she oes to visit Grandma over the Christmas holidays closet full at fashions for Tam my even include plans for making the closet The doll have another potential educational lunc tion one television personaiit in Ottawa uses them in her hobby of creating authen in native costumes in variety of nationalities Canadianmade Tamm looks as delicious in match slim and double nit turtleneck with fake fur vest with the layered look as she does gn her full length plald athome skirt Even it little girl shows no overwhelming or to create her own awardWinning design an prelu to lifelong career in irehion what easier we could there be or mother to train her in the has lkllll fiteemin which will stand her ouch good Head in er With just few acraps left over from that black velvet dlnnar gown mother whipped up for the onnnl ball Mm Junior Dlor can perform miracle on her very own Tammy doll BASIC sKILLs Wouldbe little dress designers can use the attrac tive fpro ortloned dolls to practise creating naw exotic outfl thout mining yards and yard of mothers ex pensive materials An early start in glamorous calden Is now 1054 albla for var Dung ladies wllhlhexlslng popularity of Inshlon ola Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and SERVICE PA 6H WHAT THE STARS SKY ESTHELLITA SKIRTING BAY tfilld born on III in will In reunion nnd ddormlnnd In ht punult 5014 bu may hm curb Ion mm lawrd cuIn umhllnl nmry and Avril huuvcn Malt mllvu Sulllarlul will be undrr lama lmflon during hm refladl which rould rtflm ml In pmonnl remlomhlpt Boclnl lrlvel mm lenllmmul lnlrmu Ilww promlu of Mn man IHmuXIllnl In January Februlry and April lilo lwetn July Sepith Ind In lhem you um 11nd relaxation from Job pmuum my Ind vakmbcr brlnl prnmlu Ina cmllvu omnunillu but In alcrl lo Imlmdn Inward ulmvmnu mum December Ind Aprll By mm mon WATER RAISE C08 NOTHNOHMI anllnd Cmllaumvlm Arc Iylnl ugloflnlonlorw rln PM relary flail Ind muum hm om1 than uh lrgm hmfnjor the NI Mn 11 Wlifll an we rud lnu uh If sand 14 nod Om upon Um Adxlwemm Dry Ibo HI Club 11 b0 hdd nut menu will hth Ibo ham Mn nu Adamo McDonald BL the farm of arm duner nmv will bc exchange unimn 1mm Tho mint will mm 9111 vw attachcola 1m lumber rtpomd on he plck Ind membm wm plemd to bear that Mn Ju oln Illa number was Mm mm helpiul flu motto wan LII 11h pathway through an mow bo cardul whm you stop or over up will BMW M1 member Answered tho mlI cull Much oolL action or Ibo Pam Fund Bllnulu Wm mo and up proved the an ueuurarl Bank Womenl Inullula m9 at the home of Mn mm 119 Baylldd sum or the New ember meeting mo pnfldml Mn Ru Ad ams opened the human with the human Odo It lordl Prayer bar 014 Thu origin Adapted chlldnn can In chuckod by your nunnay through tho nuncy which Ir nnud for the Ian Illi lnl you 61qu situation wflh lha boyl parent nnd mm mm mom IV million In one that that th we in land but flu hnvent menlloned 01 Wk Why to Camille but both my husband and du 1y cm earned Adviu us pom 80 whlll the problem Camp Ila adopted and no In tho young man They look to much alike It Hzmum WM 11 the two In brother Ind DIP er Barrie WI Hold November Meeting wry In solution PROMPT DILIVIRY Now that he Ionbird 5pm they burning up th mnlll Ho an to uhool It Penn am to naturalld the want to in than ml In Dear Ann Lindem Thll put lumrner went three weeks Ink mart Our l7vyeu old daughter Camilla becam Inlalulled wllh young man from Scranton who Imfly had rented the camn nex to curl Townrd thn end of tha VI cation hay wen mum hour dny DICK STEELE Personalized CHRISTMAS CARDS AN LANDERS JOHN DOBION director of the Shah Ehrm Club mum Mn Sundr Wlllllnu with use whlch Iho won In lucky dnw Ladlu Nizhl mu mum lAVllID Ill Mill Check With Parents For Peace Of Mind SON um wmetlmu when wldmm nlum la to marry In beenu In hid Inch 1mm limo ol that he would mi mud cmmfly or all In In Caylon ml would not him to than no netdlo on On brvken rmrd ll mrm la 01an In II aim um dont love hIm Nth nnv IN um huwnnd died um Id prob 1y trim myull lo deuh but nvm no dont run to nuke any pram lux Pluu MM Ill lulu and our Inner ltl becoma ur aul vrohkm between umma and um De II All In ll lm IIbIo lo medic what your Lu pp yum mu Now mu rm promlu hlm um will nevrr marry um In um In And 11 dont um 10 bur Irritated may well be that the mlhlnz action the current had um nonsm Hc ulna or It may hnvo Haved her of cmlnn and made he ml betlcr 50 why dan you back in whatever mu you wen dalng balm you to Involved In Ipr Indy bus nun 5250261 mama Dur Ann hnlmx My huh band and hm been marritd for 10 ycm and um vtry much In lava Me In uld aver And on um he would never rm mid dle 11m Now unt min In dont bellm In male and every tlmo hear her all about the mlrnculou um boll Ive IIWIYI nund your column to no Ind umlble wm you plem 01 Ml loan once and or 17lrrumd 8h lella ave llnl lull yenr thin ml her back lched so bndiy the could hardly do her houuwark she won medal com and look hm kind oi medltine Finally her luck at In bid Ihl couldnt ni lI Jimeven with pllil lrfllil she decided to lake in thin llllio 51mm nur her me just in cool oil lln mum in not deep enough lo awim in Sh Jun ml dunked In it and floated amund an ller luck The woman imlm lhal alter the rim dip her back Ihowed dellnila improvement ll key it Now Ill claim her back in good now Den Ann Modem Pleau Mend at mine mum She II nu who 1mm that daily deI In certain um bmok near her ham have cured Ier buhdm MAGIC DIP poulbfllly should ho Invali nlteg or your own peace Ion ll Al Ginum Collinl wood lecand vicepram flu Shah Shrlnl club Over the pun Ihm year the club hu ruined Almost 5000 whmi TkANsmAh amuff STRANSMAN STYLE WHIN IT COM TO COATiCOMI TO 14 DUNLOP IT you an In Ihudutlc About um pou yreznancy exerclm when you no thumps the Inn way of knpln beautu Mm or In mt of your 19 In nonml cum on can be In exerdm low the 2nd of flu um week And eel menu or doing to Talk with your own Mot about no uerctm you an uh nl an tflll dm Ilolt down In in WP lLu Hazy luuul fly IDA JEAN RAIN Why do memmnem mead nlx week After tho nrrlvnl the WM Its bmuu overly stretched Abdvmml muulu when not tutored lo lent bo mma flabby and Intinfiltrated 104 nl flru flu nbdornen tell gloriously nu Dont In holed Lnto thnkln nntum will rmau one to lheu middll muuln wIIhaut your My malt Import limo In wommn we or mm mn lnggilon cqlmheniu MIMWMIMFHNI mnnhdplmlhumw Luncheon mm by the bone Mri Vzrne flown win be in filmu Devotion or Decem er Tho mmlnl wu cloud with thy Beyedlcuon Dec 111 Roll Call wu Inmned by 15 member llld twa vlsilon Minqu the nu muting were read And Adopted Trek tum5 mart WM 11m and 91g varlom commlllm repor yu ed Belly Mllnn prelenled Cecil fietam wigh Use Contraction Calisthenics To Restore Tone To Muscles skirting the th non followed by pram led by flu pmldent Dmllmu wen Men by Mu Cegll Wutover The rmdnr monthly meelln of the Ann United Church Wu man wu held Nov 20 at flu home Vggtor McMnmr llu been donned to limits In Bum Collinlwood and On lula The proceedl were uud lo urnilh llomlan ward or children th 3y Smith Studio November Session 01 Angus UCW MIAMI SELECT ION Mamach Holding on mm out mm It buck Ind up In high ulbla flu mm umnmin up And In with Du muulu Return Io Ignition And do an um will 00101 In new in or hm llmn only Movement Run with on sole net Ill shouldm nlu flu Abdomen and hip mm the floor with And In firmly with thc Ihdvmlnal mulclu mu Irma but at bud Return Ingmar Ind ro peat not man In rm mu Pullbux Go on kneel bend owned and mt had on folded mm huvlu knees And him In vertical Um my mum can In nar mll mu be muted the third week allowing the arrival of 1m baby Th number of Ilnm to perform cad nerdu dc and upon your strength stop on you In that Pollllux Lyln on back kneel bent mm on floor Irma down 1ch Ptlor lo lhl bullet In par zuem danced In lhn mule ol fiberidml nrchatn Taxom 11111 of the evening wu men men vmvldld by lard Power And hll Limbo map from forum unu ufifam Mumm Mt 317$ Jack Matthew Mn mn hevn Bun Wumn and Mn Emit Shannan all of Blflll BILINGUALISM HAS REWARDS Canadian thauid um mak ing excum ior not learninl Frenzh Ind xeniiu the re wnrdl learninl Md ianmxo uid coauthors oi the book Dear Enemlu dur ing recent visit to Toronto Gweihaiyn Grnham And So innge Ciunut Raiinrd both members oi the Volta Wm mbn in Quebec were Joint weaken Voice of Wo men Luncheonmedium Miu Graham nid Clnld inn lime with American the odd notion lint to be required in iurn wound in an in In imposition an by learning it nomehow you In dawnmdinl you own she laid American Ind Enxihhmnkinx Canadians were unique in their tingle devotion mu ww vn my VIII non vim Father Wee Ink turned Aucuonurllnd ulc tianed all flu law remlnlnx Halal Fnlhn WeeUnk made ha were convened Mn McDonald with as mum from tho Womnal Aux glory lbs Knllhtl Colliny Nonew booth wm added am year he flellllm Article booth convened by Mn Cough Iln And the Redemmrhuna 611 In had booth wit their land lwotk convean by Stone Feature of the event included the While Elephant table conven ed by Mn Sun Bake Tabla convened by My Stone Candy TIMI convened by Mu Em sawing table convened by Mn Bunnnn Knmlnu able convened by Mu Mc Clolky Country store convened by Mr IL Zeiner ally de cormd with traditlonnl Chrllb mu um of ihe Creche whH Lin tables wen my num uve with their red and run holly cloth and cum ecu ea hula wu Mn Do cutie The Holly Tea and Bake Sale mounted by St Mnryl Catholic wamem League wan hcld In St Jalpeh Audllarium under boll cmuzplgc Holly Tea And Bake Sale SponsoredBy St Marys CWL Snakukln 15 very fashion 1qu um yepr and In mu In everything mm 0min wnpl drum and nut to film but Ind hm Here It mum in smart Ind nmunry acce um um EXAMINER SAMMY NW mum me An IIIpm mu mu l0 AM was BEAUTY gun HAIiéufsum PERMANENTS Amman ow 550 CHIC ACCESSORY draw or the allowlnz Hm which were damned nn won by Door mm donated by Mu Sexton won by Mn Shrub ule Needlepoint dannlcd by Mu Julia Laflm won by HM Hurlublm Chi151nm Cabe donnled by Mn Partridge won by Mn 13 Vlncer Barbie Doll and Wardrobe danuud by Mn Todd won by Mu Gar dner Kenwood Blanket donut Ed by MI Sbanahnn won by Mn Wllmn Qulll donut ed by Mu Brennan and 1m Margaux won by Mu Ford Cake Bl Bake Tnblu wan by Mn La Plants wrythe wall 111 is mad cl genuine India cobra and dexlxned French pum with ddelor bull and an extra campmmcnl or alums which has packet baok closing lDuXn ll

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