Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1963, p. 3

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Kiwanis VP Is Here Monday llul ho nhn aimrm llm thin llnd nl MlhII rcqulm mu dull Imk mm pollco catch lhu ofltmltr lullcn Chin lid Tnthlrhm nller lhu lxlnl lhnl 1mm wnl mum hy luff Hm Erma cg Crown Mlurncy Cllnlom er Inld lMl lllpun rmly un uupcndul unlvnco or can vltllon or lhell our mnnlh mm mm Indlcnlnl lhnl he would leg hll lmplly floclor Fa Bl mmml lhu mulmnm llnu 50 1110 dan Harold Wilson Gllpon 131 Sunlurd SL Harrie who Id In hnvu hnrnmd 51year old municd wumnn wllh ob Iccno ltlcphunu tall or Iwa mnnlhl lhl year mu convic lcd nl Hnnlo Mnumlnlvl Cuurl ycsludny nl ualni Indcccnl lln yuan onn clfphgng pou whn plem my had onllitr mlmlllrd ln 1m lhll he mndu lhu cnlll urlnl 5cp Icmhcr Ind October this yeur Crown Mlurncy Cllnlom er Inld lMl lllpun Ilrmly un luxpcndpl unlch or can He charter her Bus York Kiwanis Club past Uculcnnnlzovcmm of DMslon mi ms governor of 00 Di lrlcl Ho wn clcclcd In tho Kman Board Truslccs our your use and il now In sec ond year vlcbpmldcnl The 1961 llculcnanlgovnmor Murray Anderson pm prcsldcnk the Turanmflloor Kiwanis Club In Mines life he Ls he 0n luio director the National Film Board Mr Osborne tho owner Osbornel Pharm acy In the Medical Am Bnld in floor IlSI Scum Mel Osboma of Tumnlo fim Vlmgrosldenl Kiwnnls InlcmuUan will be in Barrie on Monday or he Uculemnt Gawmors Cnnlcrcnce nl DM sian Onlnrloflucbwllarilimo Dislricl He will address denMe rum club In the divlsion lhe Cummunlly Hausa the weekly luncheon ol the Kiwanis Club of Kcmpcnfelt Bay at 1215 pm Mrs anBush member at the Earth AnisLs Club was pamllng permit dnsrmcm her Mn Dolores Way The six nther members Ihn ponmll secuan the mmembcr crun iwllon were employed In lhu same task The slung Mrs anBush explained was pan at special six week course 01 lmlrudlon held by the Artist Club The club lhougll ls yearround pmlm she sald showing cl pzlntlnxs ls held ones year Pninllng ls srldly hobby with In said Kw TarBush shn dew added touch calor to her canvas Fine Youth $50 For Obscene Calls rTheir Painting Just Hobby ARNOLD IIODGKINS noted artist and teacher points out finer point to Mrs Myer COLONEL SANDERS FAMOUS LAKEVIEW Nu BARREL lndlvMuIl lan BULKET nox DINNER Spcrln mmlc wna pmvidrd IIy Ml llomnnry Ilbhmn 51 Irorxnn Mlnndntn Thu Wnr mm umup put on and DomMI th rived Hm Drnmn nophy nu hellI KM frmlp Nurnlul Iwy Nov anter mon Dnvll Ind 1mm lnnllnz Ian durl nccmnlmnv In Ivy mm on Iho mane nulur nm MM lclcrn qu llrnn Chnnh Minnnu Imld mmmu Nnv 17 no rh mrkh hull Ilso tnrrlc pcnnlly or up In day In Jail or hath no and jnll lcrm FOR FAMILY DINING Dclcmnm will be present rum lho KIMan clubs Owen Snund Ktmpcnlcll Bny Aumrn Newmnrkel North York Norlh Toroulu moor Luuido Ind Downlnwn Tomnln In addition to Mr Osborne misllnz Mr Anderson with conlcrcnco will be Ken Wall of Dorrie divlslunal lluulcn nnlgnvcrnor All Snvngo Try rant dlslrld smolnry with head office or Cum Loml Murray Anderson Toronto Roynl York Kiwonls Club former llcultnnnl governor Bruce Bordon QC North York 1M1 lloulcnunlgovernnr Ind several other Klwnnis ll Irid omtlals slur ll 1015 um 31 Barrio Community House with Mr Anderson pm slding Morning and nnernnon lmlnlng scsslan or incoming 0chan and directors are sched uled Inuludinl slides and mm =1 Young People Enjoy Skit likely that he will be the next Canadian president olKl wnnls lnlemnllanal Mn Hodgkins prolcsslnnnl mm has his own studio In Leaskdala near Uxbrldxe where he teaches summer course In an During the winter ho dl vldc his time between painting ang IcachInm prefer the semlrenllstlc school and Is concerned mostly with landscnpes portraits still life calgr theory admin good nlulracl though he says But dont gun lull nl lumm and hub Arnuld Hodgklns the instruc lnr cache anatomy at pornal lure and handllnz colors to amines forms to the pornall an during an class In Barrie In the forcmund Mn IIIUNI IA III 375 495 35 Chappe uho hm worked ln lrrmillcnlly or ml company or flu flll our ycam lullrd nlurn lhn campunyn rah whrn he hnlnlml hln nhlll on Nnv Ho ulna dkl no mm In new Ruben Clupprl 21 will con Ilth nl nurrlc Maxlnrnlnl Cam yulmlny of taking va hlrlo with Inlml In operate It wllhoul lhu ownerl cnmrnl Jayrldlnzi Ind lhdl Ium lug than Asked it he had any comment on County Councils IclIon In rescinding ll mollon to hack City COMM In its nppllcallun or technical Institute in Bar rie Mr Hersey said have quite to snyl Fiflbfilnx an ME comments Bune may pay steep price lorcounclll lllmdvlsed mollon in mm Finance Commluce Rupert Ald Hersey chairman OK that committee said today NGM COMMENTS City Councll approved mo Inn to request the sup rt 01 munlclpaliues In ha vlc Ry In MHDM WINNERS ho are 1mm Ion Tony Mullll Judo Tnurnnmcnl in Elmvnlu Cump Borden Army Len Sch Man Convicted Of Joyriding mhnvo with Barrie Could Lose Technical SchOol Johnslon who appear quite fnlent at her own project Wnnl Io mu but dont know how Auk about Scoliabnnko unique wwlco PSP II llhlnluud pmonnhavlnul plan wmfiaam Herscyx llo fluvial uullly In both char It and MI wnvirlul Null ll Fnslnr rcmunded him or Icnlrnw unlll Nov 29 In unirr ln ohlnln prononlrnca revvn Thu cnr wnl mavcred on mpcrnlnvkél pnklu lot on Nnv II and Lhnppel wnl mud the urn dny belonnlni lo lhn company hll dnyl rcrclpll mm the opera Hon lhe lnxl In February delegation re commended that Clty Council rc quest that leehnlcal lnstlluta be located In Barrie In rport No 20 dated Aug l3 the City Development Cum mlttco recommended to councll that Industry can teach the per aloncdany technlcll knowledge do sr IOnn must have knowledge of County Council and how operate to appreciaie whai hap pens when municipalities sirive to ohinin nnndvaniaxe one over the ulher my opinion Ihey were misled by lndlvldunls no Iamlllar with ex litlng relationship and rival cs inns mmusn standing in from or one at her 51th Cample Hullm nu Nrnml In nnnmmre ll nmulnb mrnl of Mr Jon lmwlln In Mr lulu In Mr Innan hnl hem mhl Inl of limit for II will um III In ml mall lmlnm or III nun lpodllll Inn In Cnmmmlll Inventmml man5 buInm loam And mldmllnl provqlln Jo will be happy lo mod old lrlmdl and new acqunlnunm and VIII be planned In lulu In any your rul emit problunm EATING LESS VINNHEG CI Margar Ino and mum comumpllnn per tnplln 1n Mnnllolm durlni ho llm nix month mm was In Hun durln lhu Inmo period In m2 mm the minor nvcrnx In no poundl mmpaml wllh Lu and Hm Inuer 971 com pared wjlh BM On Nov 11 he representa tive from the Winter Works Committee requested us to make every endeavour In obtain mhnlcal Inslllule fur Barrio asked For Immediate action Oli Nov 18 alter wnck of study and lnvesllgallon lho Fin ance Committee recommended nfipmval the request In coun slaled that the cnmmluu Flanncd mutant adjacent mun cipalltks Ind sullen their sup This was he firsl male error Industries in nanla are financlng altendnuce at the Tor onto institute locndorl Barri Olson Banlo works prepares her paint or furlher ork on her hobby JOE LUNUTIN necclvlnl grndlnz 1mm yellow lo arnnxa were Club 0110 nmrlo nnd Colllnxwood enm pdllum Bonnie Gardner Ilm Gardener Brian Pnskln Dnul Munlxomrry ann Mont gomery and Diana Canon mm and brown honors went In Len Schloendorl Barrie Jim Pnskln ol Unnle mu run norup Mum winners um Schlocn dor and Olson ol Barrle and mum at nurdtn 0mm and men dleslon 1143 want In Tommy Mmlln or Camp Bordon Army flurry Own Daryl was rynncrup Barrie YMYWCA members did extremely well wlnninx lwo oi lhreu medals and ion of divi lian lilies Elli Own Bano won 19 Junior boyn crown allowed by Brian Pnskln of Calllngwood Bemfldcltc Conlgan BanEa was Junlur zlrls winner fallow ed by Dawn Montgomery of Col lingwaod Chris Olsen Barrie look lhu while and yellow clnu allowed by Qoug Montgomery of Collin Five dislrld cluln compclcd In the Judo Tournaman hold Elmvnle Community Hall on Thursday which saw champions named in five dilelonx The city may pay an exhorbl lam price for he Illadvised mo tlon to amend the Finance Com millces report and request sup pnrt ram munlclpnlitles In the area This action by Simcoe County Council could mean le failure in obtain the Technical Institute which is comparable with an in dustry employing 300 in 400 CI lzmsf part personal explanation of the advantage that would ac crue ln Innisfll Esga Vesprn and Om as recommended by the Flnanco Commiltee would he the chich approach to achieve su Barrieites Take Many Prizes At Iudo Meet JANPARY MA llHON KWONO KWDNO MARCH MARTHA SCHLAMMI The Don Shirley Trio IWEDNESDAY NOV 27th 830 WI be on Ilmo No on sulod during pcrlormnu TEACHER llbDGKINS does some touching up on mm of The BARRIE In no CFNTRAL COLLEGIATI AUDITORIUM COMING CONCERIS Tram In also uald hit grin Mun larily numndbrcd hls llcenco hq clulo shagld Io logxqr drlv Mnxlslmlo Gordon lecr Inld that he wnuld Impose law no lluu hccnuse the cash was un usually hlxh Ahko Donovan wont rum whlle lo Vycllnw Competing cluh besidu nnr rlc Collingwood and nnrdcn worn lllllsdalo nnd onllin Dflcncc counsel nahm Owen naklnn or law no Dulnlcd out lhnt Small suflcm rum seven llvcr cnndiflnn which pro vmled him lrom worklng and that his wife who support him would We g9 thn fine 757ml cqllnger at Mlncln Point was nrrcsud Inter at his Cayuga Smnll sldcswiped car parked on Snphhl sum west Day lcld slmcl at about pm Aux IL The accident whch caused about 50 damage wnl men by another driver who allowed imall and took hk licence numA Cf Jame IL Small 62yearold pharmacist ram Scarborough was fined $20 and 170 east at Darrin Mngislmlel Court yes lerdny or lafllng In remain the scene an ntcldenL Slidu and film strips will nug rnenl discussion on such topics as general guide on lho running of Klwanla clubs pmgranu mu sic and the conducting ol the presidents conIcrenca luncheon meeting will be held or all members and execlr live or club In the dJalrlcl Other alllcm elected were Ralph Franklin first vlcepresl vdent Dan Allan mnnd vlce presldcnl and la following dl mclnrs Henry Dolnan Glen Stewart Del Jenney George Wilson Jlm Gmnhnlxh Fred Salter and Gard Roach Lt Governor designate Mur ray Anderson announced um his LL Governors Curflerencewill be held next Monday at the Community House beginning at 1030 am II Bob Bentley was elec ted 1964 president Kempen e1 lusLManday Costs High So Fine Low Bentley Voted Presidént Oi Kempenielt Kiwanis Club the portrait paintings of an an held Barrie Emulna class sQudent The classes are Photos EDMONTON CP McMillan Album poultry com misslaner say change In lur lmy hnndllng methods have re Iullod In lurkcy halves quah 1m steaks pallles allcu rolls plus loaves and canned products colms or ms mp In Us mum In 0mm our lnlrnsllnl rul Irdlun nl Crull nnd Arm and In all man about lhll lurlnnllnl whim pm mkrndl unln mll now In hnvn nn phnno and Our wul llarnlullc LII mry will 0er all Im my duh to cr llmmnmls nl mum Youvmml ndmll Um anlly Coal at Arms would mnlm un exrlllna and Innum Chrlalmnl In peclnlly mmaann uhn hns nearly amy Wm mum Scnum mm COAT 0F ARMS Unique And Original Gifil YOUR FAMILY TURKEY MENU BENTLEY

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