cm PA um Any oi of nu ma clulllltd Id mm mm In Ind la lulu yum with yaur copy Stationary Engineer mm clan requlred Immedi Alely to take charge nut plan and maintenance In Im vllal 125 beds Elpurinnca with all and In lzqulrtd For lunher Informlllon conlatt KM admlnlurntor blllnzwood Gan crnl And erlM Holyllnl Con mm Pharmaclu Ilaquked Immedlmly Mr bod hmplhl For lurer Infor ormnllml mnlad the admin lrnlor Colllnlwood Generll QINLMMIM Hmplul Colllnz MOBILE HOMES chnlred immediately or 1w bed honpllai New depmmenl and zqulpmcnt For Iurflm ln mllm contact Admlnmrntnr Coulngwood General and Marine Helplul Collingwood WRITE SHORT RESUME OF YOUR BACKGROUND TO BOX R907 BARR EXAMINER VIIICH WILL BE HELD IN THE STRICTEST CONFID ENCE ll r911 Ferd llndlly PM Id ram 50 Ind Ila mun TI Mir uw Experlenu In accldeMhenllh hualnm manned bul expul ence In bulldin an sums Ila orzanlzauon men men In Salary or fluanclnl open dim amnion REQUIRED BY ONE CAN ADAS LARGEST ACCIDENT AND HEALTH COMPANIES TO ESTABLISH PERMANENT OFFICE IN THIS AREA IIAUTY lllOl caldwn By Clrllllld hlll Vflur awn ham ha III III ml 5mm ms or Ho prepare your ndvcrllnlnl mcmgu now You will be ulnvrlud the special low ram and the convenient an nulmwwnu made or your lam mmago mncmu Inmnmnn In your awn harm Only nu hour Pd nr mu Imam cm cm Muuul WA Trol mm mm ale mm PA amo hmr The om Spotter Ill will he plum In thp mum on Ncw and an Im churn lo Vnncouvtr clnry Edmonton mm mm Harlan Toronto 3er Amy mm ban1M um nu You IL 1mm 51141 lJoleph Mir mm mumum any drhu lnwrn In In hll am Novtmbn without my wrluon comm 10 HELP WANTED PHIL AND flll Bl Mnunllln Bun glul blndL Old llml And modm dlnclnly II II LI nnlb Cl OMICL PA IOlll ORWNI TlLLlNflX on HIM OM IV PA um Inyllm In Innlnlmunl EVERYBODY READS THE GIFT SPOTTER man Fuuvmwuh 5qu mum MK mm 1N1 UOLDIN fAlCON Tull In uh 11foot mull le Fr In lrll ma non wIIh Imn Ink Tail lllclllfl TDIID om PA MIW PERSONALS Supcvmuvkct Gift Ideas 700 GLENDALI on or nln wlnurlud lully lnrnhh Ody slum 1mm ml bl mud more mm VI nmnlbly PHGM Tlllphunl I47 REGISTERED XRAY TECHNICIAN rut ml bl nnlnud lfllflylllyl Eunmul Hllhwly 11 an mlll Iain Thomlan when Ivy Farmll llll on 1m gmtmm Mummy Newman nosn eAuromorwE MOTOR CARS FCK SAL mgmng womans cowmi For homo ond auto For every member of the family In Tï¬arriv Examimr Gift Spotter Coming Your Way Monday BRANCH MANAGER MALE HELP fcflllllnn mm mm 1mm IXPIMINCID Rd Inlllbll In cum ch homl with em 01 Ive hfld For ylnllu Pllnnlnf Allan In or wanna halal lxtrlllnl hunt Wrfll Box lllrrll lllmlnl For Want Ad Service my M55312 PA 57091 NllD YOUII Dad bl dannl Clll PA In mlnlmL Judy Ilr yum um loan lllllnlnbh IILIADLI LADY wllhll do hnlmkupllll work by GAY flu own Irllflvflrllllnlll Awly lax Mm lnmlnhn AUCTION SALE Wednesday Nov 27 For MM WALLACEv It MARIA STREET ELMVALE pm nmcs Aucuoneer LADIII Holidly leIIDn ID Cralchinl you med manly Ily nm lily lnr Chrlllmll ull aur Bllulllul Llnl of Cnlmzflu Ind nth Pradufll Llrlliglrnfll lhl Dent JIM Mnnlrul l3 AUCTION SALES LADIES in Illfl til mllllll um nanny Buuly Cnumnlm hlva flu Inlwer counullnr Ind mlnum punlunm lullbin run mlnlnl pramm Mmel commu £35m plul bonul Tollphanc PA hmmay all mu Inltrlct plmlllll mannu mu nlu phuna um my 3ng PA82414 but EMPLOYMENT WANTED BMW 1118 nulllrld Mb III an mm buy mm 10 IJII PM Thu flly hilly PA unifsz Wlnlldx mm In llva In Ind cm or uniy WM llrl erlt MIME 0mm lb Miarino Hospltai niï¬ï¬mnun mum to um In In may Imm Ix amnu EXECUTIVE HDUSEKEEPEE With hospllal experience ro qulrad Immediately for mixed new howllnl For urthcr Infar maflon contact the adminer Eqr Cglungwpod 64mm Ind TOWNIIHP col Ann nquim chm or llnulfy mm ply mllnx um nu nd cllllml ta rlhur lmllh FR umnum Dlllllllflln with Yflfl HIM tommlIllnnl or mum of In hIVI flu Inlmr Mum Alvmln Brockvnla Out In In or mm lull or lfll Blunt Ind um Int Calnan And Advmlllnl Im lllll Illlh mmxulun plul ll RIM 1n MED In antmnc YOUNG MAN FXIM limitn xv nan Iry Limlllfl Evy hr wnrk In In bul nal flylh Ulunm WI IMVI AN nunlnl or nlv um nm or mm mm quit on um llklnl or epln Wu aux I15 InnII MUCHAYE ml hllphnnt PA was mum rn mm mu my lllull Blrrlt Pllll IO HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE mnmhu Inlummon FEMALE HELP MALE HELP Dial CALL PA 82414 13 mm Mu yrllnl Ind PA um um ynlon Nov 25 Thu crowd ullnnM out Jun pm In on Ill nu flu Tndn mm ha nod pallllon when lhn momma mm by nbaut dun mllu An hour Iold Thu WIND nm Ind ml min pldum bl ha molorcldn when he nw Ch prnldtnl Ilump la the floor Her hll nary In Dull an can vtnllan mi decldcd lnfll plclurn of hi pruldtnt II It malomd all TORONTO 1CP 1er ban wuhwdm mm who only In can any whtn Pm dcnl Kenned wu mllllnllod Frldny Inld um Ihauzht um unllrc wu lhv sound of Hm crgpkm He mud or lull And 2n Ihullullc nupvm cl Democnu everywhere IarKcnnedyl or elzn and may ml urn um decllm moth cpvanunlly the furry op valmou Republcnn puny lm only he plotn Amarlcl cnnnot do ItAmerlu mm word he pmrml um WI and parly ncllnn In 5qu llam for the new kinds prob 1ch brought Ibaul by popul llon Incream Ind concenlr Ian and by flu lengthening 1m expecllncy We hm new guinea III nld We hm new yalenlllll We Hand In Id at now era humnn prawn In our own cavalry And In thl world In am ho numeroul matches ha made In recent yamum am In thlnglon April uJohnlan 01hr broad View what In lhaulhl Iha Democrat Ihonld attempt In nm yam1 prelldenllal clans llan carnjpnfzn 3nd hurlHer um munum aid the Democrats mm that grey What dlrccuun may the John wnindmlnllqulloq mm Jvhnaon lnxmer Damo mill unnlar tram Team but known or the vigorous Imu Alva way 11 bundled the lab at Damacrullc leader the us Senate More he quit hecomn VI cement Toronto Man Witnessed Death Eu on Oct al Kennedy wu ukcd whether he ran mm us election ha would unln wan Johnson 1h vlco presldenllll Ind whethur ha expected Jannlm Id be on the ticket If plied nun pun loo lho Kepnldy loaderrhlp ht hmmc extra ordinarily IcUVIJn bahll of therKennedy nollclu 1111 llvlly Incruded work or flu elvll rllhtl prolrlm Kennedyrllld dawnlamelhing um leuened John011 pa ullrlly in lhl 113 South1nd wu lam qu thll year that Johnlon mllhl bl dumped lram lhu ticks next year mm yuen Yet lo both of lhnunquu llom That in comet VIQQROUI UMBER om old olmcnl on wllhln lhc umacmlc purl My Imam elmwork team Johnson tried In new or flu pruldemhl nomlnlllon When Kennedy wonnlohmm Iccapml ï¬nd plm an lhc Democmlu on ma Kennedy Friday onsoyld KIII nods Mill team And confl dcnco WASHINGTON AEHLyndon Johnmn man In pru nned Swear Jahnsqn In As President II nod to qultlly ml 4min nl my luv pearl My umd II mm mm uld Whm Du mm In In In ala tum an In Id Illh Mm mun rllmly walked out ol the nu Cum John an II Hm mm flu nun ll ollnl HM ho nun Iold lulnh In no loollnl PM HM mm II he ball On men unylnl lltal mind In In pl IN on thy lelh llmr IM downtown Huh Ind Null lmlld In lhlplyrnll Mn pnpmd TORONN CPIA muted unmln Ind ntcnmï¬llct held Mn mhln wllh about Hull MEIw door Ind law pmldenl slumped to Ihn flour and mu lowrd nu pnvamenl Jukll KennIdI wu mm Ihl loll Aldo lhl car All Tum Governor Connllly on III ylthll tculd hol In ruldenll Icfl lempll Ind MI and 1nd lmlr mm mth In blood TM mnl Ioahd In Ind um Oh my God lul Old Then mother that nn out And third Ilmm lmmad Italy an lap of II lyyuun 19 noon mm blck lo look Ihl mm 8mm mun ran up with Ms drum Mr llcomln bald mu drew MI ro volm And cm HM mwdA Gunman Robs Toronto Paper Thtn Auddenly hand chirp tuck mum lhlnl thll clmn lo my mind van that Iomeom wu lclllnl afl flu cnckcrl lumtd my ram tho pruldenln Ind looked bull to when the nalu mud to cum from Then somebody dont know who wuyelled nu yruldantl been uhau my mu UN Ablel ml cultman at our Former vicepmldent Rich nrd Nixon wn once ukcd About Johnson He replied you would count Hyman nut Thml Johnson In the Sam ale buttnnhauu commie nIkIni choIInl IrzuIng per mdlnl In umIIy knowl Im for Ind whol nulml ï¬lm on almou nvtry que and he quickly mm In And Men to convlncl than who not onhIs IIds Jahan Im he worldl realm weaken He hll but when xenklnl munfly Ind humorouly He Ml worn when In In reading nicluuyprcgmd Arthur Anaclated Pm wrmr Who hu pedal lzed on politics and permul Illa one commented that penann oplnlon Johnwn would bl Iwnyed by where that Damn met him HI wrote an the bull mnnl knowledge Johnson all hh pham WW uruer Illa llbenl non lllve Taxln nxpayer rancher bullnenman comumer parent voter and no In young In and to bl nor as old expect to bo and am All Ihalo mm In no qud with DEFINE HIMSELF Johnnn om uld Mmulfl Am mm an Amer An United sme unalnr Damonalum my order whn mulled lylm an MI ovur ha dmdu ureed nut III wu 1m flaxlbll enough or human enaurh lo hm been all 01 than thlnn on Kim or oth a1 mum norplnf stlndlnl IX bet three Inch wel In do to 200 ML Jo man ha IIWIYI superchnmd with entry Ho hu bun called nilcen Ired Ind conï¬dante human imlln Ind powerohunum Ihrlwd opportunist mud pam Icll unlun lanai and ye vul nenblu vnln friendly mm In Imboylgll AI 5mm mnloflty loader ho In all over the 1mm mne but name than ha would hm to claw down when he be umc vlcapmldanl ordinar ily 1m curempnlll lob But look on to many elmer he nuded hm omm Irom which to arm Hy hp 1132 km n1 Johan luflmd mm hurt Illck In 1065 but um buck um and In one of In most vimnu vollflcllnl over on ma wuhlnmn 1cm any urvlnl ï¬nal conllrucllva am he uld Mb mm mm Mr lo Ion Inld Mr Ron lnnd 403 mn undonu In of vkwpolnu ml Inn 10 mm um um mu Kama had hm mud In ch may rfrenml wluu In lho lou ol lhtlr Ildcnl ll dellh nn duly Mr lumn Iddodl TM Ill ll 701ml mm with lh lenr Ind dulnlvmu o1 hll mu and thmmr bul wllh wldum beyond Ml CIndn will ahm Mu Ken Mdyu um will Ihlu gm unuolA my og In Mur pruldrnl dcvulrd hm Irll dpublic urvlu Ind ho pll lnr lhll pub um um Ml mu DEATH 0N DUTY nI world could Ill Iltnrd lhu Ian Mr Kenned Ind Anulnnllon would known nl glam of flu mu lrmdlu of But for It In mmzlhlnl mom um heunhronklnl rmannl Irurdy Mllllonl mph m1 my hm loll Hrndl Whun you man Ind nod mm It Alruck down ml lllllc older but wl luv molva Ia bu belle our Ielm Mr Pomon nld In mavin luminult Iddrm on 13le on Ind udlo OTTAWA CF Pmldlnl Ktnncdyl dulh II In lmplrl an er la molvo to be bet ur men Prime Mlnllm Pur wn nld Frldn nlthl In nl llanV do bm cut Queue of Soviet clllzenl lined up In mm 01hoku In the cIIy mndlnz In lhe rnln to buy namrnpeu porHHI lhe um llnllOIL All pnpcrn camlng out thla mornInz cnrrled the newl 11 VCommunhI my own Prnvdn In um mark mpm or the and president rotunda Iran rm urly lhln morning Ia puhllh leal umn phnlo pomIII ledenl Kmntdy and In Iva mm MI dulh mu hlm var Wn conlldcr that Kennedy wu thin to rezulala him In danmam momenll We to lnrdcd hlm II very pallllvn and highly ulecmed hll £le Iludml make or lull cum pnnlonl ram technical lnlll lulue bad or the Amer Ican people and or our pl whu mlth have pencd hm hm been anothtr pryldcnt ghuqmnhpl Cupnlf er19 md my we no lorry It rut mlllarlunm ABLE TO REDULMB khieniirnzcrr wha Wfll moan wgqgnh ncq Squn VThI rim from an town Iald Pearson Lauds Dead President flawrnvflheer Inked Who wIll he may pgepldunt Toldhut Lyndon Johnson had an sworn In wile nlked he pegcelul manfl After brief Iummnry the cum wan liven Iham he wnltrul nld He wal and nun1 Ilwayl the loud who mun Iuflu The lmmcdlata rupama wax My God that cant be How II pnulble An American car rupandenl told Ihem lhc newn The mup emitted wait run an enulnoor and hh wife and vlllm mm on of lawn By GEORGE BYLVEIITBEN MOSCOW AP lmuv fluulnnl Itnndlnz In ch snow at bun ltnp reacted wllh stunned dlsbexlel dllmny and concern or the utura at the new nl President Kennedyl Aunnlnnnonl MRS JACQUELINE KEN NEDY back In cnmunh consoled by Rep Albert Thom DTex who pm her on Russia Said Stunned AM not mm HI II to mlomhle but to an llllllDlNl AP 35 mo mam In wu mm no momma mulon whflhu hp NA Wm urnlaud lo mun Mr mm mumd by um ub IMO uld tho Oom tho DC dullunder HvIlllnd II have nhm III DO sold nnr whm In rumwill llh lulu Mnellu lo Cam um mg Hun UM him IN WA or TCA picked DCl flu but In dlllmnl aimll Itudled In mm KW WI nu Imminent mlan dechlon In Ibo llm at IM mu on myloymm Ind Ind ryvlly In Pnllllul preuum 1mm Quo bu had Invaer lwn olher NIP lrnderl lnr flu 1m mm both whom Ind pmmmd produc Innmbulnl Irrlnnmmu with Canndlr Limited Monlml their nlunu wm chum Than wm lm SuperCunt cl Funrtl Buthvlluou Ind lhc Onomenu of Brlllnl Mr cull Corvmflm MA mm Undo produdlon Ihnrlni den Havllllnd Alma of Cunndn lellld will min Ind Iflucllonl II Mon 0nL TEA viking In lnHlll on or nix 12 mglyqnMur cra Kllltnltr Thu lendel Ilrcun mldn by Douluu Allmu Carponuon expected lo Into urvln hm In IBM mush II III II pr ï¬r rim an lhc dulm bunt pinch In lnHlll on YIIAWA CF The lavem mrnt hu backed TrllIIClnldl Air Line In chain of American DOD Jelllner or med lumrmu mum lb pub CH4pr plrllnm Th0 dacluon announccd in In Common Frldly by Prim Mlnhler ann touched of now mund Ike polillul trill chm lhll hu lurmundcd lhl Inuc 101 ch Spirit were rnlud earlier In lhe week when American Tele phone and Telezrnph Ca vnled to 1911 In common stock two lomnc valued he dlvldend and Herod ll 00000 flnckholderl rim to buy12zwooo Ihlm flock quick camyllnu bullnm leader lndIcIled Ihn hullan mny In In or lull moral weak mull Kennedyl death hut that lhero wlu bu no Hump 511mm RAISED mm Home flnnnchl IndexI ell that tho dam of the prukien will have Ill lmmedlm dtprew In effect on flock prim but Iha Illflnf underlying actors will carry lhraulh the crlllcll peglad Newl that Keniedy had b9911 Ihulln DnIIu lent flack mu ke prlm reeling dnwnwnrd Shack lxdllnlll chiédriguhv dimly under premixa In IV in dlng Only Ml wuk the president had mum to Allure busineu men the Idmlnlllrntlonl rlendlhlp and to narrow Ihe lull that dzveloped 18 month IEO In In ateel price chl Whatever Ill feeling may have remnlnwbetween the pmldem and buxlnm evaporated In an outpouring of grief TCA PUrchase Is Backed By Govt By JACK LEFLER NEW YORK AHThl Il llnanan President Kennedy Friday Ihockerl Illa bullneu warld to In raoll nnd 1h worldl lul ha back moment we Lyn dnn Johmn Wu mm In an gruï¬dent 01 United sum In uckgraund lrom MI Polka Chm Jun Cur Market Prices Drop In US he Comment Opposition Lender Dititnbaker Inld lho dzu cIIan In Invor oi iho DCD In idicnled Im Ontario minlnm In Ihl ubinu won out 0V their Quebec coliemm Outlid Ihe Iinun LouIIJo uph Pinon IlCJollnileALM Iompilon Munimlm Inld flu dechion will Iva new Impetus in lcpurulltm in Quebec Ii would prcvenl an Importani ducilan uncmpiaymml In lhl Iiiunironl union lhnl wauld cam imm new contract iorI CInnanr It wn nppnrenL uld hl didnt IMnk ll wu bunlnm la Inks Cln ldll vollllcnl min and eco nomic conditions Into Account when picking which plnne ll ntgded Sibel productlnn me last week In the ourlh canmullvo week lolalllnz 1979000 lan gain of £01 an mm vrevlaul wee can 99mg HmmaANn 312m mu Auntouomoumif mils film um mawszkfw ma upmum Chumer been lhn nm In dIvldunl nulomnker lo producl pamnxu can In one Prime hauling mm run an Annual ma 137000 unlll up eight per cm lrom Septem ber and 21 per cent from year urllu Factory order or dur nbla toad returned to the ord 317000000000 In In April III Him 6200 magma can compared with 171067 Jan weeLk no Delpile Huh cl Ilrikes lha lomgbfle ln ï¬ry turned out Whan Solid Fuol 80m Down Lin Ovor oven mbbllh wllhwl mvmlou ur Idiuumunt mud luel bum down ron runnlln II nvn Vvhm loud lull In built up INFONMATION llllll oil mm When your my N0 DILIOATION hm hm m1 ml qr CALL Huh In mmul Ian the oil burmr °5€99mx°v The commerce depanment re perm that personal lncoma In October ran nu Innunl mo of 70300000000 up 85000 000000 from September How ever Inlanflom buy now can while up tom few month ago dropped ham year ur ller The Intenllon cl families to buy new home Illpped from he previoua qumerly lurvey ugusma UP FURNACE Ila mack altering wlll give stockholder the right to buy mm new lharn for each 20 held on Feb la Proceed will help finance record $3250000000 construcllon program In 1964 cs utility will double the sham held by ill blues family oi Itackhaidm next Junei it aim will pan out In um lo cent in each quarterly dividend next year denlï¬ hlnk flu ry Mn Mary Gallnmr lec rellry to Mn Kennedy Mu Evtlyn Lincoln President Ken nedyx prlvnla lecrelary Rep Home Thomberry DTau BURNS OIL WOOD OR COAL COMBINATION Alhmfllully NEW DUOHEET Ihockod beyond worth uld Gnvcmor Gen eral Vanicr who mumbled Pruldcnl and Mn Kennedy durum lholr mu Ottawa vlm Ho Ilvu In my memory disllnnullhcd knawltdlenble Ami Iavnblo man He pomucd an unmmnknblo qunmy Irenun tampered by Ilmpll flmltull Ind wordl In lho lnellnul all who on Imdom In thin or rlhll manly whlch liken Elm ula Opmellan Lender leltnhnktr But 01 us It Iomclhln morea great hurlbrtaklnl venom Irnxcdy Million ol topic MI hay hnvn Ian rlcnd m1 um hm In lrltnd IBM ML Pearson at lnlked about In prelldenll deep sympathy or and under Ilnndlnl Canadian view palm rdhu our omclnl otllwl IIIAIZIIHIYV Irlhugu wcrvjqundtd Prime Mlnlxker Pearson oh vlouxly Ihnken went on lla tivnal lrlevlzlcn Ind ndlo hookup and talked to Canadian Ihou one of the real In dlca history Around Ottawa when In new all with parllcululy heavy lhud mere wu Illtlo ell hem 1qu bauL TQP TOPIC From all over he counlry mallardcharted tribute were altered or the president an Canada IWElled to think nbaut lmle elu Both the Canadlnn Erondcasflnl Corporation Ind the Canadlnn Tdevllion net work Impped Ihclr regular prazrlml to devote Ihelr me la the IQDTY Rndln Ilallonl nllo dropped commercial and aller nnted new report with mm bra mullc The Tomato and Montreal flack change closed than shortly allcrwards allawzd by Vancouver Ind Camry Tun were lhzd In flare and on buses Iklenerl Mood dazed before rldlau lhe Hausa Common adjourned In Ottawa court case wan flopped 1n Edmonlon Ind bullnest showed Ilgnl of redan under lha Im plcl ol the bitter newL Like the United Slam her clam neighbor ltlflened with shock Friday when new of the Ihootlnz came flaming mm Dallul By STEWART hlchEOD Candin Pm suu Writer AI thnuzh he wen their own Canadian from com lo can mourn the Aluminum of Prel ldenl Kennedy PameHa mrnure Mn Kenm dyl pron accrualy and Rep chk Brooks DTex Mm John son next In Presidan AP Wkephom ron rqnmn mronmnos mo onuomom CALL Killing Shocks Canada