madnesch Iiiorttias6raitsmen willbaar the Imprint made In 4H Manners MEET porno MINISTER Members at Mt clubs tram across Canada meet with Prime Minister Pearson and Agriculture Minister llnrry Haye during vkit to Ottawa INNISIII NOTES Thursday Two member ol the group which also attended the ltoyal Winter Pair in To ronto are ltonnle Fraser at Stellartan and Beverley Proposes Committee For Recreation It 03 It would seem apparent that we In Innieitl should have township recreational committee We hear at aovcral tawnehipa with much smaller population and considerably lower tacillties letting up their committece through the Department at Ed ucation and making expenditurea aublcct to available granta Granta available cover main tenance and cost for maintain Ing buildings oIIlce on case equipment advertising on pub Ilcity and each lpeclile event or activity included In the general program other than leadership aalariea It director Ls engaged great payable tor one third at his aalary according to qual lttcatiene Total grants tor municipality under 25000 popul ation would be up to 514100 tor director and up to $1700 for other coeta T0 ll MEN Township activltlca could he handled by committee at up te t2 membera Pnlnewlck in developing rink and common tty program ttincta Paint had an active group last year Straud with it new rink will have plenty ol recreational ac tlvltier Lctray lIell Ewart Churchill Fennella Ilolly and Thornton could partake oI ineil tiles and benttits Enquiring about thia program we talked with the County rc creattanal director Jim Iteld Ila aaid the district representa tive Frank Willock who would be in the area again during the lirat week at December could ltcrp an evening open It inniy il delegate cared to meet to give the matter on airing It In likely that the township Council would be agreeable to pointing lfnmmltlea named by ideal dia cte thh big lbwnlhlp Iicld day an annual event and long win ter beginning thIa la the time to get real program under way Comment would be up precinteti DONT tillOOT TitIA Following our atory an the need tor Itcmce tar huntera who went out to hunt the Innip tit hear we have received letter Irom rillycn who tccle that we were encouraging the deatrurtlen at the animal We have heard women exprcaa the with that the wandering ani mal would he deltroyett Irrlora nnn One can underland the collage at mother living will In allurt dialnnca tram the lnir at the bear SUNOCO titifli IOII THE Gilli lIUIt amrnlaomnmmnloa our anutpmanl Iangu nunInt ltmmmiul om healing tail to Inflow turtay HIATINO 0th anr SARJEANT r0 IF PA 852461 Here are extract tram the letter we received thla week Treat pcraon who teeia that killing any animal ahauld not be allowed The time to coming when aomethlng will have to be done to curb the huntera In the area in tact In all at Canada In care you dont know what huntera are Ill explain They hide be hind treea blinds and any other cover they can dream up They do thin to enable them to cheat with glee the defenseless crea tures In InnlalIi township you could lirten on many nights and hear the shotgun oi huntera dir ected by tlaahlighta Ill never underatand why you keep men tioning the Iriendiy hear at In nIatIl townahia The tact that none has come in direct contact with him muat aurely mean that this bear Ia mindlng hil own buaincal Your article at Nov to aurer Indicatel that you can hardly wait to tea the carcan thin anlmal proudly dIapIayed on name car tender The lnior mntlon you euppiicd in thia art late am aure could be tound in any at the ainughtcr maga zinee who aell them by ualng auch titlel aa new way to butcher tool man at yourabiltty and contact Iheuid Join the Federation oi Ontario Natural lata and uae your pen to the advantage at there who can not dcland thcmrelvea might point out that moat huniera when deprived at prize blaat away at email blrde Vaeman oi Macawto Saait The all membera alao attend ed luncheon given by tha agriculture miniater CP ercphoto IIIRM PRICES INAIN wrnnreeo ca IIIDlt pricea ahowed llrm tone in dull opening trade today on the Winnipeg drain Exchange Data and barley prim moved narrowly in generally domet tie trader Flax thawed tlrmaen aided by more atabiltty In chl eago roybean ltye waa heeitant influenced by turthar deelinea on the Chicago market There waa no cary rapueed trade HUITEII CTIEAM TORONTO CPI churning cream and butter print prices were unchanged today nutter pricear llrat grade Ontario therane II at nontenderable 5W1 track In light trading 52y nominal eatern EOUIIPING LAT GUELTII Ont CPI Dr ItIaron Pachham lormer Uni veralty at Toronto lecturer Ia enul ping mearch Iabornta at Ontario Veterinary Coo logo here to atudy the protein arpeeta oI hemophilia blood diaardcr characterized by ex ceaaive bleeding FISH CHIPS van on Fiahnat tor the tlnalt In teod Light iunehea Italian Food Take out ordera The Fishnet Dunlap TA Hill TODAY Feature At 700 and lotllfl JOUHDAN LITA MARTINEllI CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT FROM I2 NOON rnzanrm ntonnna rattan aumon MARGARET IIIIIIIEIIFIJITO MAtltIIE nnnm non IAVltln DIIBON WELLEH raua mun anal tha Vary important Pmona traitnu utrwu rTrin mm lAlUllll IATIIIIIIAY AT tlI NAT1M ll YDATUIII IVNDAY AT ADMIMION th Mat he ril apare For woridisFair IythB meme HOLLYWOOD ANSanta at th Irrigateanhibita at next York Warlda Ijalr Catllorn In Burbank Dirney crattamen are working erreverything tram rehiatarle menatera to an au mated the Lincoln to apace eratt to be uaad in tour motor exhibitiona In Inclory build Ina in Mar Viata near the ocean Cinarama In giving ahape to American Journey highlight the v5 pavilion ahow drove out to the Ctnarama plant to no how the project wal comin along Sad Jeremy Leger head at the exhibit Were doing all right even though we atarted only three montha ago We ahould have atarted ear and three montha age bu gencioa at the govern ment are loath to make com inltmeata tor money they dont commerce do artment tI natty came through June with 32750000 budget which in eludea operation at the exhibit or the two eixtmonth rune oi the lair in loot65 Thil made he rd keep eye on both the POPULAR PATIENT DRANTFOR Ont CPI When to year old Shirley Vaughan apent It mentha In harpitai tor correction at api nai detect aha received moo gotwell ea rom lriende and relative and 720 viaite tram her mother INDIAN INVAOII IDUOI IIDAN outlay aad thaeaiendar but he appearl to be heating both OCCUPIEH IND FLOOR lie explained that American tourney wlll occupytthe aecoad iioor at the pavilion atark modern detlgn hyCharlea Luck man ahaped like aouared doughnutlt you are lucky enough to get to the fair in the next Iwb yearn hma what youll see You atcendto the mend tleor byeacalator and climb more with rowa araduatlng In height Waive auch vehicle holding or apectatorl will make the Loottioot ioumay througtr aw yeara at American hlalary Inlt minuteal to aeeande Ca pacity 2500 In hour Deapite the ruah Lenard plane to beat the April it open ngby month aettintr up the thaw at 11than ltIeadawa able to iorm only early to get the huge out marinara marten many Newman no Brttam LONDON ICPIta hard to Judge whether Brltain waa hurt more In ltepride or in lta puree by the Auatrallaa declaion to buy the American TFX bomberu Auatraliaa choice at United Statea plane that doea not yet oxirtrover the Britiah tunz expectad ta tly early next ear waa ataggerln blow on reperduulona will debated in the new arliamentary aeulon opening ov la So aatronomlcal la the colt la voivcd and to aophlatleated tha planelthat ordinary lolit are easy tdeu about the rilhta or wrong at the case But the Britiah are aaking themselve whether tha decl Ilenmeane that Australia aeo oad daughter In the Common wealth la drawing eloaer to the us and away from the mother HELD OVER aesrrtoruneorrnemat CADEMY AWARD WINNER wmmwwm memo IMBENCE OFABABIA WWV NOW ONE EVENING ltIOW AT pm IMPERIAL IIIEAIRE MAI1NEEU ear noun AT 200 pm CHILDREN Utt Super surname country Canada already uni ea Ital NATO atrikerecennaluanea to Critter are also alking whether Britain derperately atrtvlng to maintain minde pendent nuclear deterrent haa actuail embarked on cart at Intra lied arma racawith the us race It can never win the Aultralilna ave an trick In the teeth laid one aource clone to government inking But Prime Mlaitter Douglalr Home in the midet oi hla by elretion campaign was more nation We are naturally dilap golnted that Auatralla did not uy thle aircrait but we do not defend an export erdera he trod reporter The Americana were appar ently able touaderaell the Brit Ilh but it may be eignitieant that the eantroveray coincided turcr with wave atanger in West Germany over the lobbying tac ticaot us plane amputee Douglasllama war urged by The London Daily Mail to put blunt queriea to the lure tralian government and Praet dent Kennedy as to the poaeibtl itter oi undue prenure In the deal The newlpaper aoye BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK BeautItul Sample Freo Eatlmetea FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA MM HARRIET Uphelatertng Ia Our Bula aeu Not JIut Std line 65 BRADFORD IT Barrlaa Largest Anti Moat Luxurioue Fully Lleanaad Lounge Presents Nightly Entertainment wlih GORD HATCH at the big HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO not BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL KEMIENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY iACADIAN Canso and Invader V8 spunk Thtnir of erythth go youverever wanted to family These smart practical Acadians are lowpriced and offer big value in every way When we say theyre made by Oeneral Motors youll know what we mean You get an allWelded unitlzed Body by Fisher beautifully emboth ride wide choice of primer with gives you 195bp to ptaywithIKTheyre at annual morpna Vawe If Intel or 4Looorsodansana Wagone Cheese youraatyou me to narrow all ten one an DEAN MYERS Ivt rates no sat stated car Add choice of fullmuscled V8 povVer Biggécr safer brakes Freshstyling thatsso sporty and spirited it makes you feel younger just byvlooklngl Finished Fine rYoure thinking about an Acadian Invader or Canso thrifty4apirlted and now an optional V8 that AOADIAII CANIO lDOOR OAIIIKOII NATION WAGON