DIRECTOR dlrmon mun the harm Animliunl Roddy will in bold nul nyundny pm In lln nfllro or IM Depart mm AimHurt Collllf mm CA5 MEETING 11M mulnr monthly metHal It board at dimflm of hlldmln Md floclrly 1M County Slum Ind the CH of unit will be hrM Tunle beginning um III Coun ty nufldlnl mm car owned by Edward Hew wn lunhlll Towmhlv nahn mm ml plrflnl 10 mm 15 mm yamraw AM Wild Hlllmll School 11 pm Low GENERAL Plymll Bruca Down us MJ $21000 Corponle Cy WH mx 7501 37le Imlmlom El and Spain Nmu Drum Owen Ind llnm Johmlon no BID School Gard WI umwl hora will 65600 Advm Solid Thu Hum In CANADMN or ORIFNTAL DINING him 00 Ordm 60163 unnl um of ash comm Ice with lha amount collected IM Ihc ochclIvl It lol Breakdown of canlrlbullonl to flu mu United Awel drlvt hive bun relmtd Ihowlnl an mcrun mynanu but Iowa United Campaign Hits $80091 ham 111 an Mann Both Ruu Davey ML Ind 1m Savannth up DiscSSfAISISédrdï¬céS CMe Tuhlrhlr laid lhlnk toquem by lhn public or afl lclal rcpmenmlon me ml of order but they Ire refund H1 people are hurl Thar Ihnuld In some me col lhnra ll quite de rnnnd on our elected niflcinll by the public but pananaiiy con sider it quit privilege dont Il any hardhip THERE PROBABLY no am convinced many ar nnizatlam are warlhy cMc repruenlnlion ram llma Io uma became Ihey wouldnl otherwise mm to the attention or our clnty wouldnt want to Ice any dlmuruemem thin practice of clvlc rcpmmtallan an nual banqutll etc 19an Mayor Cooke uaId Ihlnk men In this position will have to be mm earth In Ihclr yar IIpratlom In sport IIIuaIIon Ihe lyncm cu more wound up ban usual and lb person under zrm deal pram 11w wen asked whether cm all le wclal luncllam public olflcIlv Ira obliged to alltnd thauld be kept to minimum nd whether they Ihould play mm In clly nauncll team Yulerdny maul Barr II flexmen Mayor bu Cookeand Police CMM TlchIIhun wgre Quetinned on IhII unwed ï¬lm the unllmely dcth of Tmnlol mayor Donald Sum mcrvllle mm Emile hm been crlllclzlnz It my work land plated on public omelah mm mm mm turned ln hy wnmnn whoa plulle baby balml Inllm whllo Ihl mu nmlnl ll rm Chle llnlly Mn mid Ihnl llramrn nnly had lo Mp rlur lha Imoh mm Apunmrnl Darrin Flrn Dcpnrlmcnl mm mm lwa cull yellerdly Onl Will lulu nllnn lurntd In by by who lhauuhl aha law In an upmmml Tm llra department found lhn ll wu In law of weldm larchu Iw lnL In frmln ihll nmnunl Intludu North Collulnta student Council Dance which oalltcled Mon Dick Campbell $4400 Commerclal Bob Nel mn Harry Armnlronl and III we moo $5500 Rnldmh III flulh Klnm Ind Ethyl Tum bull 67 1000 Tnul unull donnllanl In lople lhI 679660 oblod re Fire Department Answers Calls unvcy mmr mnn the Barrie United Ap peal Campulrn arm 15 mmHm Cnvlnaunh Irwurer ol Ald Wllun laid luv lleve the practice In Barrle lm been lha ha mayor Ind In cant mugs Ihe Act janes mu All DCUPIE Includlnl alder man 1hrqu keep In good play neu with lha amount of mm he takes pm In Newton observed When Dr Ed Wllmn wan mayor law yam ago he annnunced he wax £0an to than hlsmlnl dul lu wllh the entire council ms ll wan aoodpfloy and Wn unllllly lnvlu you lo In lhm wt amlmm Imi ywr Mum Our mg nlmtnl lnnlum an Invoulflt mlmu For Unhurvld Ilm Ind prompt drllvrry munu III um um Ia our mllonrq dlplfl mml Spam may not be hnrmlul lo Iha younnr man active in 1pm All 1m but In the middlemud man not used to muldbe halrmfulfl Am William lald lhlnk man In vubllc 0111c nhould altend main function on requuL ll expected him Eu pafllclpallon In worn in dlflgrnnl matter When one occupying put Wire null pmlelpntlon II cmvhulud and expected Thue pemnal henllh mandan counidernllan Md Hexhey ma ho Ileve that partlclpnllan In lunc Honn for tha Impravemenl the community In which llvu an duty of every clllzen control perhapl committee up by council think loo much Inked public official evpeclnlly the mayor mm PA was nmmmuv In nunwr County Councllyeumln heard molnllvn lmm um VI an erdtn Alburl DcConkey Ihlnkrd councll mrmberl Ierdny or lhtlr cooperation dnrlnl MI mm Enld Mr De Canker IPDMII will be or cupylnl ma chnlr lodn for tho In Hm llll noon antfld Ilka llh he opportunlly Ihnnk you You hlva lnl bchlnd me And llvrn mo your luppofl TIIII car In Warden will ha yrnr ho was at my hhlury llml will never orncd T0 111 PM Nonly mtmbm Emmy Council loll by but Aflor Hn unlon ended yutordny Iond lha Roynl Wlnler Fulr In Tannin tor lho Human and flaunt MILD LANG BYNE Warden Albm DcConkcy Ind member County Council yellerdly flood in their mued mm um um Auld Lint Sync to wind up councfll pmznt mm onmmlxn hole an vm bd ler um how the actual m1 mud by Barrie animus And public 0091 Bummer Photo Baldu engagement are not mually manned through caun en the club often picks he make wants ï¬refly hard In distribute Du war load evenly because of pï¬bjllligl4 Not all nldennan Eauld get out and Kai weakly gugagemept mm on the penun Sport lhouldnl exclude any elected employee Any more than an execullv al company They are overwork ed in much ï¬xï¬EiIZIE7i dont think public urvam Ahauld slay away ports 17 It flapgpq However the energy and ac tivity yul into IIIon Inked lo thehpemns Md Smith noted nrdleu of who the person II whnher public nervam arnat he mull have certain amount mclal acllvlues Illa would hallway dull va alwnyl oundthe people Ive met mvnnxlva to tha de mud made on councluorl ma ml the would realize lhltl mem er council wasnt able to attend lumbar he would have good reasonslf think the previous mayor and MI predecmar hava been dolnumore then theyre re quired in da Perhapl the am wervlt he Ilmuld delegate more mpomlblfllylo memhege councilv LETTER BLED maniac mm mï¬miin COUNTY BRIEFS COOPERATION Elmvnlo rcquullnx council lo up nl lo the Allamty Gentrnll ofï¬ce for whudlxnnan or In all any nr route ujrvlco ruvlu 111i Irmr wnl lnmcd nnlll 19M Ml Norm Aim cxnrmcd lm nwmlallml lo lhoso who mnulbnm to nnd worked for In United Appeal hm uuppori 1mv the VON and the other par Idanng ngrnclm Mum oo servlng he continued prngml made by pnumls during their mvnlcsconco after their din charxe 1mm hospital she added MEREMTION She said that three students from the lnlcrmcdlnh class the flaynt Victoria Hospital ob mvcd VON patient can In tho homo durlnz October We calmu new d9 volopmmts being mndn In the VON branches ncmu Canada aha said and were assisted in dimminn by our Regional DIonr Mlu Ln nrlntnell The WHO nurse Mu Young worked lhrca full days In as list wluu ho puncan durlnz um busy month Mls Hermon described um um conference with Or flllah Colllngwood Grnvcnhurst Huannle and Barrie branches NEW DEVELQPMEMS NM we pallcnl admllmd Ior VON service seven were Mend from the hospital for continued cage at home mu mu mm on we visit made during October per cent were of madlcai surzlml and convalescent cure to adult pauents with the re maining 20 per cm being made to mothers and Odober report he Vic torian order Nurses Barrie Branch states that approxim ately seven VON visits were made each day during October He raid will he touch and so to mnke and meet this year and well have complete re port at the end of the yam VON Made 166 Visits In October Councillor John Smali gave verbal Interim on welfare to County Cauncl yesterday Mr Small said Illa Chudrcnl Secler In favorable ï¬nancial slzlon Comparing the number children in cm the Childrens AId Society with last year he said there are 109 com parcd last year Mnglslratn Faster 161d Ihe youth that they were All well led well dressed chlldren armed lone personnelalld that ho IBW no reason for such ml conduct He ndlaurned the can unlll Nov 23 to nhtaln pre Ienlence report 109 Children In 6113 Care lhehause baa nlrééay broken Into the night helm njuvmlle who slashed dow screen and unlocked donr Testimony showed that mgr dark on Oct 12 ha bays entan Ed house an 15 mm Camp Burden and Halo so caahmnd nuryher of auger Itema When they first apï¬eéred 1n the morning only one had an hi zlglrale Foster reruaedtu hear lï¬Ã© camuntu the parents were pm lcnt Four Camp Borden ypulhl Med 19 and 17 pleaded guilty In Mazlmalaa Court yesterday to charges of breaklng entering and then All chase to be tried by the magistrate and mgne had Jew nounsel Yauthsfndmit MiSConduct 316me EXAMINEILV mun novzmmz gym dy been More by wk ked the She laid II II ulmmly llrull In rchnbllilnh drul ad dict may be boclun ld mm are aimed nlwnyl IocInlly lnndmunla mplu wllh mm pmanulfly chm who lurn la 5m um um mlura rule monz cmalo pnmlm In con Ildornbly hlxhcr Although many adorn anributo lolM the mid Illa nought Algnlflcant that twice In many Irma ol ï¬ndcrl no malt In drug ld dl Many ol the pmlnel who were released long time no llch who will be on par ole unlll lhey dle and lhmlon wo never have less than 1300 copla an parole at any ulven lme Ihe Inld Mlm Lynch sold our lulluru that publlnlly and mnku lhe lmnl pun nzwh papm Our Inca5m cannot be ndvcnhcd Ilnre wu musl pro ltct the Anonymity of lime people Mall FEMALES FAIL ccnl uuu ormore In chml prluom lb group 115 no women and per can penitentiary 1m mute are tweeter The hall ure rule on pamla 19am 121 per cent and for the our year 01 the Nndanal Parole Boanh operation nine per yum these approximately 7100 are lervlng amen mun lnjflwn She laid the original idea he hind Imprisonment wan ven geance and thin was modiiied tn punishment and iinlliy the new and more humanitarian up preach in rehabilitation Although the punitive actor is siiil man consideration uuluu nr canilictl Iha protedlan the pub wll prevail even though It may seem an Injustice lo the Inmate cancenmd Mm Lynch laid Our purpose It to pure those Inmates whu pmve that they sincerer dellre to reform and to be good citizens but our duly Is to pm llc In rug limb She salt pawl Is not par don and parole can ha sul pended or revoked the paroles misbehave or violates his par 019 pondfllorm Dannan parole Mm Lynch aald xymm whereby In mate who have shown Inten tion rdarm are enabled to serve pm of their sentence aut aida the Insmullon gnd under mm IIIDLXVISIOII An even more dunanlnl xi ualion ll the child who in un loved and unwanied by either pareni has Absolutely no sense of security and known only loneliness and despair MOLESTED in lew cues lemnle ni iendm have been abusedand molesiud by their own or luster laihen and this has resulted in lpermanently damaged penan said she sald some have had Irom to 11 ruler homes End though marw taster parenu are kind and understanding II xhauerlnl experience or Eelson to keep changing one gum Eéimlly tragic Ihe can lb young person who Is lhu pm uc of broken home she mm Innlx or vnrlety reason We have those who in 11 Iegmmm with no knowledge whatever to the Identity lhelr natural palem Such per sons have usually been brought up by win tom parent or In an Institution mum witme Déallug WIUI samool the lac tor that make admin Mlss Ialc cflm nla bales mup olypeopla or parole are qaynal can men murdar or mandauzhter 1h only woman member olflla Na tional Pam Board told Canadian Club Jim In night Speaklnz on Pflwnerl Far ole Ind the Public Mary Lou lse Lynch nld inzeu peg in criminal pguufn spsmnsm pumcfl MUST HELP =1 dun 1015qu yéun comm Sha nd the approach not hiiozeiher altruistic ll 0on $2500 car ia keep man in prison addition to lira rup his Inmlly which 11 envy burden an the municlpnl iiyor province the new program is rue ctss lhen not only will lira re or not it was mm mm lrua than May that we ara our brothera kec er and that we mun move arward mm the day when the main purpose Incarceration wna am all vengeance and Her Vunlah menl to tho pram znllghtened and humanitarian preach that rehabllllaglon oliender must be the main purpola lmgrlsongnent Am happy to lay that have had some measure argue cm In making my listener II that whether we like It plain that this pain oi View in entirely wmnz And that the De partment Justice is on the right rack in the courageous way in which it has ugkiad vmblsm PURCHASE DIVIDEND SAVINGS PLAN all poopla pmveol It Thar sun mny Canadhns who are llvlng ha dark use In 31 ran gsgoncemed mikes do 1315 Ithat this p0 Mm nch stressed Fan mn mask to educate the public the bench and be 901190 II HI of parde Qaqaus nu mumu dlr or of the Can dlan Club chats wldl Mary druxa as crutch or then In ndfgnacy um um Inlcn nrruu Io mun if MAIMfAVAYIAI mum lUDOIT Accounn mvmn No mmur cmnou nlmcmbor lhll plnn II 06d on Ill your punham our Alum ulclm almond rim mm Inch luy mu nub mulrl um Tin had to MVIMIII eï¬ml no 1le whlch Ar 10 mun nun MAI um Everyano Mudlo mend Pastor Prank Spnln Final lervlco In thll area at DR MICHELSEN noird Hebrew Clumlnn Min Mcr ol Coastloom He brow Chrmlnn our pm THE JEWfl PALESTINE IN THE LIGHT PROPHECY me an any ï¬lm which lawn YOU CAVE ZXTIIA llrn undor our VINO PLAN YOU On Every Purchase with BELL EWART BAPTIST CHURCH MW TWICE on cry In mm min 151 Reeves SAVE 10 nuu rs th lawul lblq TIM llrn undor our IVIDKI ynllm 10ml ver In re 11er VI evuy community In wilde penum Gary located Our regional upmsenmm or the mem bm ol hll mu personally InA tervlow II appucnnu or pur 010 The mom Iva his Iessmcnt thalap Hanna flue lnmma II Ilka pmspcct on parole Icammunlly In Lynch laid Because ha nix n1 Clnldl and the num ber Inmalu not possible or to Interview personally the applicant or pnmlo um wummmy In addition wa have the re part of ha Judge or magistrate who INIan him the flea report his complain mlnal record and report mm ln allluliona authorities Includlnz hose ha chaplain the ward en lhe clanlflcallon 0mm and the ofï¬cer In charge this area in which he hal been taking MI training These parts pargm have the Inmatu own appllcntlan We also hm his camplzla Illa history which gives hls background from which we have some Idea of the actors Explaining the parole pmmsl Min Lynch laid When we are decldlng whether or not an up plicam ready or parole we make careful Andy his 111e 811m msronv 111115 lfynflng nIIainber nlrhlc Canadian Club meet on me Board who was Hes speaker Just in Examm PM hahmlaled humus be Ialvagcd vestlgntlon made In ordar lhll or mMy but we will also be we mny know what the My able to mg rent deal Allunuan and whslhe monay emnInvrmm mm 1m MICIIEUEN Invman PA Ml can Mm may US IN PM No II Mr flUflflllr would like to men tho ma necessity or undenund lng 1h unlartunata people Ind 11v nu them chance to earn profgr and decent llvlnl Mnny emp ayen who have IV In such opponnnlllu tell III that they nvc nevar rareï¬ed mu AM Como out mm hm no phnm and an Inlemllnl cob locllnn lel mu Arm and let an lell you man nboul IMI lmlmllnl whim won 9mm their dévclslan Such person ha to beam accustomed lo makinl decllkml and coping with the many prob nm of cchryday We Inqu Mls Lynch said Wu all Il allzo what terrlllc adjustmem Is Involved when prisoner particularly one who has Ierv long senwnce llnllly lcnsod 1mm an lnllltullan She told lvyeamld llfl who Applied or parole beenuu she wanted to go to Vancouver and be striptease mm In nlgthlub Her appllmlon wll denied we mny know what tho llmlly allunuan and whslher or no employment umuld he avulnhln much was granted Knillnh Mill Huh Our vnsl Hch Ub rnry will provlda Ill nMnunry xlnlu In cav er lhounndl of mm You musl ndmll um Family Coll of Ann would mm In cxclllnl nnd trulurm Chrhlmnl In poclnlly or lemon who ho nearly nvcry lhlnzl COAT or ARMS Unique And YOUR FAMILY Original 61M X1