Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1963, p. 16

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mum nIuAn mm ummm mm Mun um um omnmm WM um bu dmtlmm Wle 875000 WRONTO tCPiAnlIu ln chulr Kenny 49 oi Toronto crippled nnd unable talk result oi Inning struck by car ins yrar was awarded sclllemcni oi 373000 in Ontario Supreme couri nlursdny Sim wn walking on Ihe rldcwnllr March when rim was hit lrom behind by cur drivrn by Do mmlro Scarlo 01 Toronto IM GOING TO PARIS OTMWA CPIPrime Minis ier Pearson ioid no Commanl Thursday he Ims Accepted an in viinllan lo vial Franco In Jnn nary but lho drum and olhcr drlalir nl lire lrin hnvu not ycI bncn worked out CRASH Killq GilliNFlIIL Sunk Cii Four persnnr were kiilvd Thun rlny In lwocnr coillnlon on the Trnn Cnnndn liinirwny nix Inlch cast or hnrc Killed wm irnnk Zimmtr Onl uorln 8min his Hyrnnolri wile Sylvin liirhnrd thran llrillrl And lliidrm Crow uni Sli th oi lirxlnu WILL MAKE LOANS WASHINGTON AP nw Uh Sonnin wirxl nmrndny in make unnll inulnm lnnnl nvniinhin In Inn Lnku IIAlI cry mmnunlrr hnni lull lipcnuru oi rncnni drniln mulling irum nnlra Ininkrd Wiliiliilh lrnm Ilia nrnn lll qute switch says Rnbcrl Kcilh executive vice prcsldcnl the Pillsbury Com pany In Mlnncnpalls Well have to be on nur Inc If were angina oul nhea And now the Communlsl are balding out their own prospects of trade xrnln so far but maybe utllergnods Inlcr questioned dur lnl crnsMounkry lour In sum pl the American buslncs mood say Iheyre nol cerlain what lo mnlgc all this The European Comrnon im kel many my has Iurncd sour So has Ihe hope that trade llc will produce polillcal United Stale Europe In mud an ngnlnsl communism NEW YORK AP Bush nnssmcn In the Mud Stale are baking new and mldcr look Intcmnllanal commerce prospects They speak drastic him about In the lust cw months Keiih my lhu Unned Slnles The Jam studded Crown of The Andes which grand lhn Virgin or Popaynn Callh edral In Columbia fur lhree Trade With Reds Offefs Dilemma To Businessmen WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CROWN OF THE BNDES SOLD AT AUCTION M1 qu groups or Iormn xugnr export er wIIh the vIew nI possible 1qu purchases by Cmndn nl timed prim MOVES MORE GRAIN MONTREAL CPI Cuna dlun NnIIonnl Rnllwnya said Thursday II moved more gruln Irom IrnIrIc cInvnlnn durlnz October Ihnn In any month ainca Oclahur ma III MIIIun CNII oxecullve VIN vrcsIdcnl snId MS can cur rylnz mm lhnn 11000000 bush els wen landed Ind moved Io Inland and ocean pom duran Iho month IIgn ma recordan alHImo markflood All 307 can clrryInz about $0600000 RECOVER JEWELRY NEW YORK IAI Iallce re covered H000 m7th cl Ilnlen Jewelry and nlhu valuable lhuudny In MM of an npnrl men moral men Inspeclrd nI mlu hold ImmIanu Thu Iuwetll flnl burly ha hour pollco mde and nIIIcm InId My may have Iukon mum Hum 200000 worth loot wIIII lhcm Mum HIHML Sale 12 dunmen nod In wany hnl Inmnxed 100 per cm In hut llvo yam In 4500 Inn annually 169 an Sh They 3517 saw expand lng Ia Embrace nrllnin and most other European stale In ynlled Fumpp Hrulqoany KM your Francs vetoed Britains pclillon or on he mood In lhe led Slate contrasts with talk year ago when excitement over the Com mon Mnrkcl was El high pllch Businessmen 511w lhnl slxnnllnn grouping of France Germany Italy uelgium Tho Nclherland and Luxembourg as heguillng market for Ameri can goods and strong pnrlner InmAllnnqc commerce These comment came on he eve of meetings to lay the groundwork for In new round of International mm negodnlinns made possible by the US Trade Expansion Act 1962 They came at time when mm dlsA pulcs rate over several prod uel peeiglly lnnrn goods must do all can to revive ogncls or yea wax1d trade in lie suirili Ilme maklnguihe most any Communist ofleu Sn Thnm Todly cenlurles shnwn at Solhebys uucllan housa In Lonan Thurs day It went on sale The crown weighing Ive and three For The Best Deal oRMISIQijTMdIons HlllMANHUMBER SUNBEAM Aulhorlnd Dulu un Am on wnr lino builie over poultry lnriiisl opened our eye to sovml uni prohicms any Conrad Jameson vich pmsidcnl oi lhe Security Fini Nniinnnl flunk 14 Angel Wu xhouid nnlixo um iun damcniniiy he Common Mur knl wns ml up to nerve in own ends rcnllxnlion huwcver lho first uinp inwnni rcvlvinl lrada hopes my DIIHIII banker Wnrn cxpeclinz too much in myl Thou counirics mni going lo abandun their naiionli lam overnighi upeninliy no France which Pm Juli wont even yam ilfhiinl nliionlb war In Annla Im nhld were gain In ind lhc Common Markel par taking nallunallsm or contin gnmllm more and more shouldnt be sur prlscd good mlny our products especially arrlcul lml pmdum legislnlcd on of competition ii Tho Commnn Market 15 jnsl lhe uld larlll unlnn wlth lllzll suundlnx name They wlll hnvo lo be persuaded to let lhelr lar llls down they wont do It olherwlse Presldenl Malcolm Bryan ol Atlgnlal Federal Reserve Bank President Thumns Moses Investor Dlverslfled Service of Mlnncapoll said We pnld million of taxpay ers dollars to get these coun Irlu back an lhclr cal and lhnn lhuy shut ma door In our lace says Governor Carl Sunder Georgia mu In In poultry production In 51 now try The other member qunr rolled on savernl Issues Levies ngnlnsl American poullry ware raised STILL SOME DOUBT Theros trace blflemes It same the reactions heard HARRY MURDOCK MilliCH courum mom RN BUIFKNEION OVERHAUL Pnnm Your Cu Tor Wlnltr Drlvlnl WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL nAMNClNO ABSORBER qunNer pound Ind sludded wllh emerald weighing 1351 can Wu lo the Amsterdam rm Auscher or 3154000 TonoNro if 1282202 run 11000 um Mali manly PA MIN Under the new muclumfil the Home Ind School Association only our menu yen are required These will he lol lawl Novomber school edu cation January henilh Feb runy mdlng April nmlLv Illa The meetings will be held on the Duhd mum at each manlh Mr qn Wlllred Flldey hnva returned mm Camry whm Ihey attended the weddlnk of theirJon loom Walker in Miss DllnnaBaverley Emmer aon If he Pmuuul Chnpel RCAF station Lincoln Park Calgary Nov mm In Cal nry Mr Ind Mrs Fllday were the can of Mr Fnduyl mm and bmlheMnlnw Mr and Mn Clarence Hidden nom AND scrxpm rating Sympathy of mu community extended to flu Dlvh hmlly on thuvdgnlhml their mother Mm Henry DIVII who died on Nov 13 It stavmou Memorlll Hospital 1151011 M13 Mariam Eldrldle or Tom men the wetland with her they gob Eldridge Mr And Mu nuuenfirl vlmed Sunday In Orlllll wth Mrs Fred Dales Mrs Wllllnm wnku mm weekend In Wellnn with and Mri Ian Wabb Mr undMrI Vern Abram Toronto vlslled on the we with Mr Abmns pumlaMr ind Mn Mel Btumun Mr Ind My Elwurd Splndloa and Mary Am hmnlovixflod on tho Mud with Mrs ln dlool mum Mn WU nm Spindloo Mn Wllllnni RIM went the wackendln Brgmplon with her dluzhler Ind IonInInw Mr Ind Mn Clifford Schnm Ind Inmlhr Mr Ind Mn An mien mm In mGend In manuald with Mr lug Ml Allnd Hm Mrulpd Mnhmjlloy Ind unl Murray Ind Ronnie visited Sundny lu DoanlII wllhMr IndMp jack Janet SIMCOE mm Imam coOKSiovm SMAPPA CAPPAfiEQ qAP CARLING RED CAP AfLE Mrs linmldSmlth landed in Ruyql Whaler FAronhlel ay Sixieen member Ind one vili ior wonwfruzni It um iim pm oi lhl dessert coum hub dny aiiamoan ll the hem of Mn JimKenney Mu Kenney and Mn Allen lhu lend en The allowing demm wm made and umpied lined ch clka pelnul butler brand puddinli Pumphiell an demrll Ind Ippio Iweei lop puddinl were dixiribuled Ind member wen divided lnlo hm mu to mmpiele menus with lul abie donut Ind bavum no second pm thin mum is in ha hld Moqu LiiernoonJeC aim to mod Mu Hope andMn Mlllum erg outrot hospll VIsllonSundAy It the home of Mr Illd Mu Fred Vinny In eluded Mr and Mm dame Majorol monlo and Mr And AimJohn Vinny Suun Ind Sharon Banlo Mr Ind Mrl Hurry lnln Mm Atkinsonjndlmflly mid Mra Klrkpnlrlck and Ron were among relnllvel who mended lhn asu weddlnl Innlvemry din nar for Mr Ind Mm Mel Sun sunnldnla 0mm week 1mm MI communllywo lake up mldenu nemr Elm vnle SévIrilllmlIIu irem here fiendedh lfia gal Iflmrhll would AVG Bar olamew ofifiumgo Ihowed picture taken Ireland In hll Mp lo hnzmm and baby And Im Darryl mom Thorwni Wm dinngr mu on Thume Mn plurality Manson ar Mn Coum Hmld 532 at Ind mm mm lucky FHIO winnm Iwm Mn or 1mm Kldd Mu Art mam Donnelllnd Mrs mm nu Navembarls India of thc Caohtawn Womenl Immuh an tumincd their hulbmdl Ind Elfin It munch an own Durlnl the waning cud wan flayed wlth prim or unchn hm fun I3 111 Wllll Wilk rung hnlth Mn Ha 11W Pullclly Murphy mdu mother Sin Hum downw rids mw Larry Inhmunn in Ontariol Hlmw Benny Mann Deal Judwflfln ankaus kn Mn Paterymnd Robert Denny placed Beverley Benny um Doullu Ken Imud Ind Karon Hooper lhlrd The Hut two wlnnen will represent Cen lmI unlan at the South Inniml competfllnn at army hr thu near lulura Eric Saumer will refining l3 union uvuvvu Can Home nndjchbalfhl uiion mef Monday qvuninu wilhi nod litendnncelvln Don Bully president thulrod th meeting Enlmninment wu pmvldod by Larry Keil Ind John Allan with accordion Mia Don uni Fairhead Ianu accompany in henlull on the min The highllzhl oi tho meet was the vubiic enkiuz cnmpellllon or uniarli Ipukinl and lap lc wen DonnFqirhgad Lo Pasteur Munich Todd Albm Schw Bunnie Rainuy 511 iqtierick BaniA ling Douglas i1 Yesllelrd the cm Mn Bum Prho wlnngn am In evenlnl Nov were lele Mrs IBMan Plrkes Mn John H111 and MrLmeu Mo an Men AnnrDom qmgm org mynarglBuxm Ind Hm veyBeqlo winner of thom and overIn Nov won Ln xllel MIA ualll Donnolly ery Ann Burns MhWllllam 30 half men Roy Lanxe houmnucimm Ch uh Shu chlldmnzgcllmvoer law dm lhll walk with mndlnthmwE Mififi may In Number of Hnmmon Sunday Dec wlll be Whlle Gm Sunday in the Sunday School Saturday Dec 21 will be the Smdnysdwnll annunluncm mu ndMn Dow Mr and Mm Charm Coh Ind Inmlly vlall Emmy with Mr and MrlWl lam McArlhur and Judy at Bond Hold MRS COLE Mr Ind Mn Runell HIrflI vlalled Sunday with lhulr yonIn Ilw and daughter Mr 80er Clmpbell IkThornlon R199 rmorg mu In ex 3wth putywul held mayhem Mr and Mn We Hoq 125 Mn John Comm plllem In noyll VlMoxll Holpllllll la Mn Oilroll WI hope they will be nbln return harp mu Thai auchre party oi th mu held at he home 91 Mr un MiIA Plrkar Kelcay win dummies min whine ware hdiu hluh Mu Rim low Mrluponlpy men We Hdu iaw uliuiienry Ii yieuanl carom nyiookninco whaniciii Mckharl invited Mr angi Mnnciiii Webb 01 of hmrliwy wm Hunted with in bowmp and owueonuln en lmm their nuilhbon and iriqu inlha Community qnthe occaaion their om weddinl annivemm Aldliniy vm in cardiowar pliiemwn pmem ind immitho communitycluh oi which Mn Wahh ii In Icllve member Thu honored zuuu likencom mix by lurpgin amelyed InkA to Lhairirinldl for 110 gnu thin cyupll manna Cluh thhen lat loci 1le FREE dNSTEUCfl TIONS INDOOR POOL swmmmd am AND scum mvma Mlnlmlun III um Mlnled conplel yrlcomc Membcnhlp deudflnn Nov For lunher Marmalhn phnne PA Mm my mum PA 00555 PA was swag MCCORMSNM rysnyrmon nip mm Ixamnzn vmm suem wlih Min wA minim Purim Hall Wednudly um menunlm wu vex1y Interci llnifludy parlodon ndil Ind Pl lulu WANTED GBENFEL knock Mar Downer rend numb no the lawn Rheum Wu used by Dad1 Mnthm It mg decided lo have an tubing 01 Chrmmlnll Gluunulmamh EzbqrtUnilId ChurchWomen held mflr meelln the honw 01M Gordon nkaly on Nov with um mémben prmrlnf Mr Haul Brainy vhq dent mg Mrm cmmrd Cambmifnjm Ilnz Mr and Mgr Hmy Klrull in Tux0mm Mn and Mn Frank inzilnm and family iarohloe an mz weekend with Mruend reuCOell Whileeide it MILL MarySmiliI iotbniw epent the Weekend wiiii heapm em Mr and Mr em Smith lWoede Euchre Club illve eluted weir woeidy euciuysler the winter month The chm will be held overyWed eldey night dull the wintermonth Ln week then were men table as playing Prizelwere won by Mrl Janice Moezen Fred my Eliher mm In no Simillr ny Esman Downs Mr Ind Mrs Geomulul Tornnzo em Sndly with Mr H9291 Bro lay Hazel laxalley Walton wlih Enhernmi Wab an Downer Sundny wue Hulk Blnlr Lloyd Dawner Hawud Downer and Henry Downur oh Twang Ion In chum we High Icaru Hunnl Whncler lndelllllnI Wheclqr lone nandr Mary M0 Miller and Frank Holmes low moms Amy Holman and Hawklnx Wlnnen Nov 15 with Mr and Mn Rumll mm and Mr Ind Mn Harrllin chhru wm hlzh acorn Ly In Tum hull 1nd Harold Butler lanl handr Beatrice naldwlck and Norman Scan law mm ieul Kell and Smith Hunky NOVEMBER 1m In In In in nun ml PA same RAYS BODY SHOP Specializing In BODY WORK term

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