Huniiiigror Batgaiï¬st or lI TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMREIT ANNOUNCEMENTS For FIoWers And Plants is mt ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS ALLANDALE DISTRICT GIUIDE AND BROWNIE REAL ESTATE PaonEnTr sate ROGERS CONNELL PHOTO REALTORS DUNIDP STREET EAST IiEAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY WTD TO BUY ORRENT WANTED TO BENT with Wild to than Dalillllllul lilo lmoh RENTALS LARGE GARAGE OR SERVICE AREA In Main Busl 83 DUNLOP STREET WEST TALES24142 ness Section ARTIcLEs for SALE Iiiiwuii FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 it it Adjoining Firmans Service Station Parking and entrance trout and rear IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Appy FiRMANPA 55485 or TEXACO CANADA LTD PA M282 Call BEZZANTS PA 80247 PHONE PA 85568 Save Miles With Our Photo Flies svauines CALL MacArthurPA now she as sit has Have own Ilflck Fuhrth an hlfllVlyy E=Irld until Ml 301 all FARMS WANTED McFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY NORTH TBA BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE Saturday November 23 Mrs Nauru RogersPA also BURTON LODGE NURSING HOME Now Open or BURTON AVE rAtioIiao PA c5095 BIRTHS IIAPPY OCCASION The birth bod Bl your thildl To tell IIIWI Ip irlllndl and on The ulrris Exlmlner Clultlietl ant nu is your tail phone Tbs day at tutu Iim dlIl IA L11 KRALEAL tho Royal Victmil Iilrrlli on Wednesdsyé Ilaspllsl November Til 1953 to Mr Ills Gerald Knll RR daughter Chillilnl Cstlnsrie DEATHS MARSHALL AlRall EliPill swsy November II II Hollie ion Maine Aihois iuI loved hfllblnd oi the in Doliery dtlr IIIYIIIP oi George Roach at linuiton Mains Ind Mn Men at Texas brother at Clrl his bail oI Mlnsid Point lilo suIVIVld by three and Ihrel lteltrxrlndchlidleni Resllnl It lists Iennslt hlnerll IIoilia Elh tie Prldl Funeral service Sl lardy November Lili Inn in lerment artis Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM DWINNEILln In memory III dCII lather Ind lrsndisther Robert John lennlll who puni lle November 11 IPEI who loved you sadly miss you Al IL dlnns another it In our Ioully hours thinking Thoughts at nll mt near Sadly misled llld always ID numbered by son DWI Anne lrsndchlidren srsndenildrsn OORRELLII1 lovinl memory of flul dear meta Ellllbltis Lou Ganell Vibn IWI Nev be 27 i9 our dear Ernest II onmii who passed away lilrch ll INS Elch dswnlrll day minim oi WWI At evtlllidl prayer And In In hurls IiilL lulled you both You slwlyl will in unn Lovlngly remembered by me man vtm GVIHI Marjorie Ind llmllill llchAll lovinl ml Dr oi nur drlr Elm Ind lite twinIlw Allllll who we lud OP taken torn Ill Nmn er it ll November cornsl with and rllretl it prints bscit dsy we will never sorrel Day oi sldnesl IIlll corn oor Ill lllrl In silence ultra law For memory keep you Ivsr slur Iovsslly numbno by dsiis sr Asln rAnTatnt loving memory or our dear molher and mnmno In lmlly Partridgl who plned avily luddlnly Novssnbor Ti ioii God innit her home it was lIls win nut in our hslrll The limit sIIlL Ssdy Trillle by her lsmlly COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE and BAKE SALE SATURDAY NOV Ll am to mo IOOF IiAlJi 0N COLL ST REGISTERED NURSES ASSOCIATION SOUilISIMCOE CHAPTER 11 Proceeds Student Nurses Bursary Fund DANCING Every Saturday Night lll GUIIIRIE COMMUNITY lIAIL liluiic Ilrlle Iilra Orchestra ADMISSION 75C TURKEY SHOOT SAT EVENING NOV 23 tit IiAIlIilH REVOLVER CLUII IIlii onctulnii Vesprn mile Iiiillll Ill lililtltliil liIItn St and Highway 00 Shotguns niily Ilritih lllKllly on illili TV YULE TYDE TEA BAZAAR AND RAKE TABLE Wednesday November 27 In ii llll llIlNliY IAI HALL Alipiece lIIIMi lIIIIl illty Sitting Frill DANCING lIVIZIIY SATURDAY CARARICT nnm COUPLES ONLY PINECREST mo rntrttls For talus reservations unit Linen1 TEA BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE Wed November 27 It pin rim millii IIALi CENTIIAI UNITED tittittttii Arlmlulnn Il Nnil AURPIil IiN AI UCW ovum mt hlrb IMMI Wellnmls Iv it til on lw III viii tnmlwwIt oser Min to 70 line nuts MI We ammonium ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ESSA TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD Will Hold Their ANNUAL PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST In the ORANGE HALL BAXTER WEDNESDAY NOV 27 At OClock in The Evening At the saute time the twin prizes won at the School Fair will be presented to the winners NORMAN COXWORIH Sec WILLARD COLE Chairman RUMMAGE SALE Friday November 29 am ll Noon YMCA BUILDING 16 Owen Street AusplcesYS MENEIIFS For pickups Phone PA Misti or PA Milii TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ngiis Real Estate Broker Owen Street Harris smile or lsriio Dinner Rlsl lltlll liolrd Representatives or several reliable mortgage companies EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME 56 SIIANTY BAY ROAD 317500 Close to rliopping centre schools yacht club etc local improvements completed Cen tre hall plan living room lam with llrcpioce large dining room many other icniuns to quality bcautliul kitchen with breakfast area three large bed rooms ceramic tile bathroom oll Nd hot water heating built in garage vicw ol bay Terms arranged Call Gordon Coults ONE HOUSE ONLY 201 STEEL STREET SILSN New broom bungalow iullydc stated throughout In pastel shades aiurnintim storms and screws double loldaway closet doors latest design at manu lacturcd kitchen cabincil dish wmiter high ceiling spacious divided basement All the hou ses In this subdivision have been mid except this onead inst Call Gordon bulls TRiPlilIX 9000 73 MARY STREET Centrally located triples hot water heating with Individual Ihermoitailc control always 1007 rented This property will About an excellertirciumonymrr investmcrA lor particulars coll Waller butts Ifll GROVE ST EAST 2700 YOUR RiIDROOIII RUNOAIDW ltrernlly Intlli modern iamlly lilltk Ironic lmo to public and high Miiool on bus route Iilv Ing room IHI dining area kitchen lib Il iiimillion moan partly linLihed openings tor iiilurs Imilimnni In base ntent Coil Randy oiittl PHONES Oliirs IA II Irsnln CUIIIIOI ititi TIIA snil WAlrrn ll ttillmira lilil sANriv CUIiTrlJA sml FRASER LTD RI ESIAIR BROKER sisIi nnrruin st tom Farms Minirtian Properties lloines Iiiillnrslu Appraisals Represented by ARCHER COLWILL Iisrris lhons lli um wiiiisst nmn nmi Iva Nil iwflle lint In 1mm dsillls ronlsel Tsiiilrl Is no no in muslin antiwar IiIII Li ennui In so Lllll mt MMIUII Tmr er Inr lunlnilmlli Isllek remit It Tm um will lvdml IrIIIIIUd living Ind dlni pl Illl Mm Madly Nichol Mil II MUM AlllrhM my ini Ow PM Hunmu on ANNIE IN RottenPA aasaz ConnoIlPA HMS MEMBER FARM ANT DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD SMITH 32 HIGH ST 12 MILE FROM CITY AIM PIBVEIL PHOTO MLS PA 00241 REALTOR Res PA 87389 On No it Highway itllflld new bungalow lull basement oll lum aee bathroom Listed prlanMOO Substantial down payment SUNNIDALE ROAD Beautliui split level home has everything an eiecitiive could desire call today or an snoolnurient STOREY BRICK CENTRAL It bedrooms lull basamsat new oil furnace This home could say lly be converted to Income property Priced to sell JUST OUTSIDE CITY This geamlng almost new home has large living room with beau tliul oak lloors nice kitchen with plenty oi cupboards good bedrooms piecn bath lull basement oil liirnaeo Owner has bought other property and must sell RURAL PROPERTY Call lodey lo acres with nice storey room house small batn hen house good garden irult trees ved road to the door 200 ACRE FARM llo acres working balance bush and pasture good buildings lots oi water Price mom with terms Joan LangFA lImii Del ColePA 84937 Cliaricl ReadPA 32617 lllrs Loreen RiceOra was Joe LengthyPA lIIISIB Mllllblr at ITer lrld Dinner Rlll hlltl liolld CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA 82419 93 Dunlap St llt and and ntnrissu arranged on low monthly plynients Vs wlii buy your present in or 1nd mortlllll usurp transmits rA Moos ton Irasmi an Mass will HARRIS ea Mill aiu ouritrnLAnn amua mm FORRSTER AND COMPANY Photo MES tteailors Victoria and Gray Trust Co Mortgage Funds Available $500 WINTER WORKS RONUS is only Ii oi nliat you save when you buy To Ilelrose Tim mortgage 390 month earrlu the mortgage and taxes Re duced Ior immediate possession To aspect and buy call Harold Forster at PA WOII or any salesman lVLVma CALLI Curiy Kloorlermsil ll liens Kolllts PA um Ilsrssrsi lino PA lrm Dorll NultYrombo PA MIST Mildred Mann PA lilar iisnt stuls IA Moot Wilml Illdwell PA Hill as BAYFIELD ST PA MIST ANYTIME Tllllly oi IREI nilI It psrling svsilsb Emory PHOTO ill REALTOR 10 COLLIER ST PA ettsi CITY OUTSKIRTS Largo modern bungalow three bedrooms lull basement dou ble pared drive good garden Tciephono Percy Ford PEACEFUL RETREAT an acres with winterized wiiage and lovely creek Make an oi IN Phone Percy Ford FARM FOR SALE 90 acres near Darrle to work ing to pasture llam garage and room home with run ning water oil licated Phone Itrcy iord RITIIIIR MORE WAYS llistily rittcd on location real home appeal generous month time line recreation roam porch and garage Priced tight and possession to still Mont worthy at your consideration at no obligation 5N Emerson Swain IRIISTIGE IMATION In tsxiringion Weldon area Unique plan central Ilrrpinrr landscaping carport gas Iirnt ed Modest price till monthly Ii challenge to look all IIIIIHI loll Swain ENINGS CALLi IA sins IA ma IA IA sees m1 ssiss arm loses GARVEY iiiiiiit TslulioNs ml is Niorrr IA Ilm lulu ilii Eglliiioii Ave Toronto IIU 73333 lililIIiIII REPRESENTATIVEI LES GRIFFITHS IA ooair Tar sixssiumt two as rantings mi km Mvnsii rtira manms tint want new lliiiu STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE rs IIsaoi Central Ontarios Largest Realtors COUNTRY LIVING bed rnom home with all convenlen ces on It acre or land FlGIltlllG on highway Also available acre adjoining Asking with ex ira acra only $8500 with terms DAIRY FARM Modern brick home loo acres clay loam large new born bulk cooler Jersey herd lull line oi irriole meats including tractor and comblas In condition All or 0000 with It cash Latsled on Highway 11 south oi Rarrle FARM BARGAIN iso acres rolling clay loam ioo Ecm un der cultivation 50 acres pas ture and hardwood bush with spring lad stream Modern home hams 40 it so and 36 5o Priced at only 7000 with good terms lvrntnll Illli liistv and lids Could Dill to salt lor IIIII illo rbsrgll WoodeTdCrrrmdn Ill liora locumPA um Member at Ilsrrll and Dlltrlfl IIrll latt lIolId CAIiéON PHOTO ith REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST THIS WEEKS SPECIAL For sale or could be rented with option to purdtase Ilig Ilay Point Schools churches and shopping All conveniences Also lurriishcd Very reason able Call PA 65091 $7000 AT ST PAULS Lovely Ilitlo suburban home kitrudder modem lairkisraped lol low taxes Ideal Ior young couple or tor retirement all Dill Hamilton PA oust lien Ingl PA Him COUNTRY LIVING 3500 down boys this nice bung low In the country low tasss large lot On the highway Call grimy PA Milli evenings PA MOST IIIOTOORAIIIED ROME iN BARRIE At Ill Clapporton lit now his solo to close an estate Ii In termed loci tee to arrange Irv aperilon with no obligation Sev crnl other top bolth homes Ittwn which to time Call Nmin Srnnott IA Mill ever lags Ili Mill ALSO PROPERTIES IOR RENT PA 6648 Mssnblg sr Isms snii nirtsirt Issl gstsis aura Roiih Marshall REAL TATE HRUKII IA 591 CLANIIITUN IT IIAIIIII II illIll LAC IA AW Nunbor us IlTsIs smi iristrm In NEILES iuorn IIIA NEALtint 7i liAYrlElil 51 Ill 01405 EVENINIIII Taro newness HtANitwiisuu ms minim or in Is In mqu lest mu am IANI lb Nina HalIns min in arm slum IIM and min nil buo iii in tissue supleu lllil PA ll JIM HRIT MORTGAGE Wlnled WANTED 10 NT or Buy IN lo 100 arm with good Dulldlnll Milli lull public whool Ill till lrel Phonl Toronto 751110 or writs Mllhen TlllEl Clllr Ave rllll Elli Apt Toronto l0 INSURANCE MOVING Dont lorget togtrsasler your INSURANCE and it you need extra coVerage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS ill Duniop st PA um MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE let 2nd Mort age Loans Anywhere ON LL itosszs AND mine NEW LOW RATES Lils Insured IF YOU NEED MONEY OTo consolidate bola sy oll existing mortgages mnrtlln coming dus loans In rovslnsnts at war while csuu Write or Phone PA 60991 Mortgage Funding over Sim sonsSears WP ET Member Ontsrlo Mortgage Droksrl Association PRIVATE HINDI Ior Ilrll mm llu Triephono PA 501 residenlili pmperiy litres mllrl iroln town Wriil Bu Elrrll itsminer nun aronTnAair money svsllr soledl Any smoigit lo de pen rig upon you prop uiy No bonus or hidden lees Coatlct sir Elllull st sort Real hlsis Phaiil IA moi evenings and bolidsys ea Mist WIIY WORRY ll you own IIll estate property ws will tsk tint or second rooms on It AI low llmpll Interest lip In £07 or It Value llld Irrlllgl low monthly plylstlnis lrrliilzd river ll years we will renew or buy our pro ssnt martgsh for mu No hon tiles no premium no Iua chstKeL ID Rell El 91 Dunlop Etrll Elli PA RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT nrnczl roa NT One to our rooms CratrIL Etoislt Allnclcl mltrd Realtors PA dSWI HOUSES FOR RENT EXECUTIVE TYPE ilorns lValL stile December llsni sits on morilh APDiy ll Dunlap lire West or telephone PA Mill IMALL semi dlilrllrd riou Trail rooms Parking Psrit am no rnontn Av Dumber Telephom PA all Dilli ATTRACTIVE two bedroom brick hauls to rent semideilchsd oil Inmate lll convenient garage rr month AVlllIblo Dnsmbor tlephons PA HIM noun loin Giraud Uniumished Ilrg room and bedroom wo room all lurrss sn sittried llrlfl 150 moriIIilY Telephone mill sirouo itnnan Two urdmni riricit lIoilse slcellsnl dry to oil In dining room cum Io lthool routs silo mainly hone IA um APARTMENTS FOR REN COMPLETELY Redscorsild SIB bedroom lplllmrnl ll 7t Illl Dirt In modrrn losrirnsntbu rill liar rltlng sundry Inglnegslï¬r llnllor per hie December prions Ni CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 pi Llsssldsd Display so which must In by lioo nun Piuldllll dag OI MINIIIIIM LAstllflZIt AnVIIITIIlNO Cllfl Dixon Ill illiilll TV ï¬ll Dl per iflulllml lfll one or two days Til Intillrul lsinlilnng pl ward In em an ronuriitvl llmi Insertion IM LI ill lddltlonsl lhull it not pus wan III Ill til Oluhirrl to la Ihlu lllllIlrinsY in llllNIl inns mint niind er nns Nam In spun Is to sunny 4le snllsl no llsI Is latter Ilnlss II on out only is says stlel art it or publlllilon Adllill llol Numb out be no srlt LNIirrcls Cronin hulli le want trrilnl Imam eh II Eli and main Not tile in up in il iliil in nm is on esltl deI In ismmun Home lll verso tiled II my lord uIllIi swlnss on collncriowsi Ali pilest Inuttinn old usim emulsion Mimiu Dinnim In Aomiiuw Ire srimni me lindlr libsli tinn In inmtinw in no missions on an in mu be mitosis in tsllestlovs Tbs mu In nwvneilils in only on mnntll lnlsd IntF lln an continuous and Mn nil is Ins stint as In Ill Innin IhI MMML mIs unm oe Inun the in adssstlssmssil lible ss stations by null loll stinn siloins MonlnN APARTMENTS FOR RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Seth contained two bedroom apartment Living room ltltclr arilull basement with lsundy tubs Central location Free parking 35 monthly Ponce slon December Telephone PA uNrulNiI meat priv relspitoas TWO BEDROOM mu lab including lnIlo unite lie Dill lion II 0001 Cloll to schooll Tllophnnl PA Lu Apartment prints bani Nested mit tns snmi Electric Tel phonl IA um lllli pm IIIREI ROOM Ttlrriifllld Aplflv InIlII Ior full Adultl only Apply LAT John Street liter pm or room no co and stir tolrpllullo PA H15 befor rominl AND flflIEE Bedroom lltmlnil bullfllfll Ill tar stavs sbsrsnd dryer supplied Janitor will hit phone PA LHSL LAIOI IWO Bedroom Aplflmlnh ILWOIIRO rlllllelllol Iluridiy Ila cllltiu and bus stop Amt git plrliiiig Avslls chembor rloplilinl PA Hi sliALI ruanlIllll ssrtmsnt privst entrlnrr rellons ll Tent Trio lint or Suitlhll or business sou Il Pllflnl FA Has liter Melinda IIIIOIII well Iurslllhed lwo room apartment All Adult prslerrld Av diltrll Telephone PA Two BEDROOM Apsrttnent II Iismilllrd ellitlel per la Lelllil Street or tolrphonl ONO TWO LARGE Furnished Rooms Ind pdvsl bllb Store laid Telrllr lrltor included Llundly iltllltlel Clolslo to shopping Telephone PA UPPER DUPLEX two bedroom heated selkollllirltri Ilrll sIlIIllY mom Vicinity Dominion Slflrl Immediate occuplncy Relwnlbls Telephone PA Hm ONE pension tunilshso or my tarnished spsriment let rent washing lsciliiles private enl rlncl Reasonable rent include water and hydro Adults onl Telephon PA it liter DOWNTOWN Upstairs Aftrims Reasonlbll at Contlln Ill large living room two bedroom Turn ell Ind bllllrooln rIvItl lill rsncsltuiso untum shed Anti now Telephon PA 89150 LUXUIV harrilshed Apsmnsnt Pill monlhly Irn tellvlllon Nell building downlown on Dunlap an lesss lwo ldulll only Tele phone Hi1 Ray PA dlyn arPA 0151 min ONE uununoM naturallied sosrtmrit In Queens Park at selifonillnrgi aroma stove hes rd st as as sale slepltcns PA Mao Ior Iutllisr Iniormlilan NIWLV nzconillw lwo be roams living room kitchen bstn room llesled privsts enlnnrl and Inn Rumors Avenue on bill route Available December Telephone IA Man are Nirw inm room llamllhtd illlnl win hath rnvm tri Laundry Parking om rail Also minima brd morn with maroon Tele phnnl PA not or PA soars TWO llsdrooin Apart na relrigtntor rap but wsiu Ilnllor lervlro pmd parllrll healed sssl end tloss to plan lrid nus Tiepnono rA um PA Hm srstns Apartment Ior mu lllilnl room two bedrooml priv Ilhrnm Illeben Ind balcony nthly nut imium ldrli or all Ismlly Available sin in Appty itt Mulrsstsr simi nlullIAULT Apartmenu iI aim Iiimt now TenIInl bedroom siia wiin Imu mason ryrs all tor hum is lirle Tslwaons lnlacnvl srtrnsnt ler mil sawsslain lie all room dininl roams vs no snirsnes his traumas Am noon nnitimisnod belied mu nt two minor living room altrlisn Ind loin pim bslii mm imit qntnnm him mm in mi Ilnl wllh slot on In rl leleam Apply Ill any ï¬lm IIHCI ADI or IIIWDOHI rA um APARTMENTS WANTED UNIIIINIIIIIII hApsrlrnssil dIIIIï¬ it was on comm ln sn downtown Telephone lA sills ROOM BOARD AvAlLAnu Nun Warm mun with board Telephone IA lieu norm ANn noun In nam issr iisnml Jlrllir Peeling lssIIlIlu 7M Inn Inirrmsilnn telephone IA ll Ittrnw ANII nnsnri Osnllmsn bed ngnI downlon riiw noon in nu gentleman sn III leenmmndste two in dmtiilo loom and In innan print laundry non lslinl mission IIWI Ennis aimimam lo In ROOMS TO LET BEDROOM to Ill ln downtown am or business gentlemen Tel phone PA IIldl CLEAN Nmihed Dsdroom LIME lIleUed Sultlbl Ior lllllt ham Fopinl TellvllflnlPA HI litll Vill HOUIEKEKPIND Rooms or rent suuy llllilllDId Hydro uni mi wltlr included Centrally located Tllemnl PA THREE WRNIIRED buulekslpinl rooms or rent near It In North Collellltl llll Euita coupll Avllilbis 1mm Tollphone PA Mm aller LARGE Nrnllhld Room and Kite client lilo Hilliard lawslupin roost Both equipped with stovs ginningrater Tllspllonl PA lURNIIIIlD OldRitual Rom erinltl lnd Ielllllrltor Linn Ind dialiel supï¬lied Cslltrsily Io tlled Only re sbll huslnlll Nov men Telephone PA 53980 DRIOIIT Cï¬mlortlblo Banishd Bedroom Clean quiet Idull ho Clou In downtown Plikinl lp Umtlemrn only Tolophm PA MU ROOM TO RENT Very emtlli Fully Iurnlshed ley prelefrrd Apply It 51 Dunlo Street East to En Kaine or nrthsr Nonal on communal Rooms tarnished cillri no Rum Rlflnd or pan llosler Iadlu llllin lllfllln III the moni Very ezntrsl Apply iil Blyleld tint == ARTICLES for SALE Its The Season To Advertise HUNTING NEEDS NEW and USED People are ready and willing to PAY CASH TO YOU llEllL now for Seasonal items you hara but Dont Need JUST CALL PA 82414 BARRIE Mo am to 500 pm Weekdays to Place law Cost Fast Result BARRIE EXAMINER WANT AD CLEARANCE TV Soil 35 up also Vacuum Cleaners in and up Limited quantity Repairs to all makes oi TV sets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUIII SERVICE PA Hill It liuicaster Street SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern Equipment ROBERTSON Angus PHONE 4405505 AnnIJl lbs oi hitter lllds ho letter til it mwnis ltulisi Csrrirrl new Mans Tlmsl Wrist Wstrh rusnaltionco Lhllns Tintu ersI Wsieii re rondlliorlsd Iilvu eo Robinson Ilsrdwm BUSINESS AUTO WRECKERS PARKWAY AUTO WRECKERS Used Auto Parts Cars and tnicltii bought ior wrecking PA 89402 llTII cone must MILES SOUTH OF IIARRIE OFF 77 EXCAVATINO FOR RIIOVEI WORK Excavating Iiaclttios Clam Drag line Crrnent Dusting or raising sleel boom shovel buckiiliiag Dorer worli and trout Ioadlna lsrslllng or Irusltlns loud lop soil dsllw cred ir loaded an your own tturk ittorie Stewart Comle lion IA I711I NURSERY SCHOOL nier in tnritiisn nmv to mine sno bslnmm ROOM BOARD WANTED mime AllllItAIll luv04 Hes Mmel thrusts rrl 11mm rolled stem tler III Want lid Section leiMed until IT in Day More Intonation Illtmfl IA nits WOODLAND Nursery School And Summer Camp 07 DHRCZY 51 PA 845I5 PLASTERINO and GROSS Plastering Repairs WI Ll TRAVEL PA wet or PA will any urns NEED NEW srova on nutrient Buy eiii with Iowreost Liloinsured SCOIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA scam roacsn an on him hills boy model um siier palI IIARWDOD MAPLE or ssislor stove or LI II to Teilo onl rs JACKET in IALE Orlyrun muted plaid nits l7 TelephonlPA LIL ma nutcrt Motor and ltsnosro Transmit tori lMs tws ll rare Pawn PM or lunhn Inlorlnlllon VIKING cLoTulll DRYER Ior Ills Ln lood condition only Iltlzl month old ADI liter IM Collier Sheri WASHING MACHINE or II AIRLINE TWIST PA III or DIED Illnch Air Oil Find hu nse also ZOOgallon Iuel uni nlill Instl ltion ll an 101 menial In whu noon misses Ior is oil burning with ihemostlt sup Travel must in Golden Palm tr loot Tumu PA was BLACK Wrottlllt Iron Mien hll lnd chlin Lloyd Baby Can flue Roll in God Mdltlon Tllr phone PA 560 LARGE IPACE Heat th hack Ink for salt Runnable lieall ism or titre rooml Apply High all RANGE and Baby Similar Ins ull Hour In good eonaltloa Also Tom cylinder luiomllie Tlleplaons PA woos CCM TUBE SKATE Ior llll IllI ankle supports white one pair nu worn on season In good condition Telephone PA um liter part TYPEWTIITERE boufll laid rent ed repaired stuosat rnisl rails All sbout our Rani iry thus Ruy Piss star Typewriter Co as Dunlap Ei WllL PA 565 BABY ITTIOLLER lar Illl ll 00 condition sic llso dotsbll with lprlnl llld nearly nlW mlb Ines no Apply Codrington Apartment ranrauum new and mists Ieplln Prompt Ionics Uled Cam vss Io er squats leaL usrrls Tent wnlnl Co Ltd ll Bay deld Siren Tllspbonl PA 01 IACRInCEI 211 Sewing us shins liskes button holessews on buttons llslsnu owins sun or seven plymenll Ill WTIII to Box Eagrll Lllmlnel MV rrANil Benches so built spe eilieslly or you Quality workman ship by Clnadlln enlistsn Two models Allow two weeks Imts dlle order Telephone IA WI rnlvlr Mu Illcl our cost sill i9 Red coll Junior Hill drl lo trains Irstilrdlril ebsntols lining sclilnl Ior ti Telephone PA WI boilen Ind In Tllllll PIECE canttaste Euiio maholsny mi in good condition Including ori malrhlal rhsl snil one green so ollsr Teiv palm IA us ATTENTION lle hr but drsl on gun turtle su typu lporllnl good vIsll Iiob so rm Sports Iilghwsy so buy sell tulle npl mil Olsen svsnlngl lur PA use Pllll rllIT ls aim siiisaniis Illh lull Crown nail II nnt nun suiamtus snsly rutmidtuna Cam model loo Carl lrhwslltlr Illn ulsrs with use nuns PA SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year TELEPHONE PA E2414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO EDWARD IiMlIII AND SON Painting sntl Paper Ilunglag Sorry Painting knit Since im IIIl Ilsrrls PA noose PRINTING PERSONAL IiNl BUSINESS CHRISTMAS CARDS Select Tito Card lltat Suits Your Needs Pursotiallro IlIem With Your 0th Greeting iiatiy Sparkling Design Cotiteitiporary anti Ilellï¬lous Lords AIIIINEII COMMERCIAL PRINTING HERVICE is Atrium si IA sun REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFIIOEIIATION SERVICE Tisnierion IIIONI IA WELL DIODINO WELLS DRILLED IUIIIB Instittsu iiiI Licautau DRILLKIIS ram ESTIMATE Couoland Drilling RR ARM an em or no