null Novumn no lllduwl NnATlmI um um wu Cluh nmv Novnlnln CW Qulcl Dr 61 Pnth hm Mul mul flutkhbun and T09 wumu 5m wuon Tmn country Man Ih Dllundcn E£ Th hlll CBC TV NI Winn Dork NIH Mavlo unl Wham IATUIIMY NOVKMIIR Tut hum Ill in mm Eig 3338888113 wmlunl Null upon nnvcllnl munnu Cov Bun nunny To II Tim op= moo 00 11 Is meeting ol Iho Paint nmcir ion Wu htld at the ham Mr Ind Mn Hank Bunk Nov with mldcnls present and Bill Edsall In the chair Skating Conzrllulnuon lo another oc mgwanm Mine Palm Mn CIAn Dollery was on Nov Mrs Dollery wan the ï¬rst honorary 1110 member QM local mmrnunily orzmdu END BIRTHDAY The maller street min in be followed up close by Ihl sedation commiltee local xarhnge operator mu that considerable lm pmvemem hn taken place on the pm of houteholders ln plun lnl Wists ln properlymveml receptacles Ther are however lew instance when lhl no belnz done with ha result that dogs Are Icnllerinx liner Imund Ray Johnson Ernie Mcbeod lnd friends who were In he Muskaka Dlslrid returned with deer Karl Fleur guide 1mm 1mm wu Iuccesslul 1n brim lng beck dge Ens of Yuhann The Townshlp Road Depart ment last week moved lhu ditch on Blyvlew Road South side to the ads ma mad alluwnnce Ind replaced culverts with Inger size ll nlrnncu to prop mm Understand mm prlvalo rr surve In he vicinity at Cooper Falls line allotment at huge bucks and smaller number of docs wgs aken ll my unlu In not mind by Stan Eskllson has been Ill wllh flu Them still appear be dunamount this malady hemboull Some or the boy and girls have also been away my 13091 on account colds my wan rLu All Can mn no Ornva In my THERE NO CHARGE FOR THII SERVICI Through Iho courtuy of Mm Marjorie Varley Elyslalr Dodge eudue will be held there at pm Monday In aid of tho Minotl Point Pmperl Owners and Tenlnll Assoc allun In View of the several lntmsllnl pmhm being lnnned by an as ocinllon comm ma good turn out of players wmdd ba mu lying lo the uncuuve We are pleased to learn that Mn Rebech Mooney been discharged from Royal Vlclom Hospital AROUNDSIMCCE mum DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCK MINETS POINT ALLAN INGRAM IELEVISION pnocmms CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 IUNMV unvmnn um um honm IIJO Ivamm Inn lllllln Joumll Dawn rumni wwfln llunl Conhu Conllnnrl Es Tmnl Won Andy autumn Ink numy IAII Mn Th unnkln Pallt CTV Nfllunl NI 1mm nvul II spam nun um nun um r4 Wlhu Mylllry our 40 mun VIII DI IUIIIA Nuvmnln IIITA Ion cmom mu Amen hm on Olununnan Wm Vnu Wul 31 fro 8353 3883 858 Nounn mum MaulII no law MM II HIfl 40 In WW vuull Nm 1mm Juth 8mm UIIHmllM CBC TV NI Wulhll Nun Bpnfll llth Band In ranU IUNDAY Novumln hum Hm Churvh 5mm 1100 En nlnu mu Dnvey non Ouldonnmn L00 Irllln Lia Cnumry cuemu no on Yoolblll no on Inllnlumll am aslxun no Tn chuc flnulc II nuhhlck Suulun MI Bomnll no llorlxun In limit Mn Reports were mind 1mm lha scorelan lnasurer Ton onto Milk Producers Paw ley at Brampmn Fred Harrison or Coop mflk plum and from MgQuondaig Pmideni Keilh Smmdm was in the chain Frank iodd district representative told oi unwe cm oi the Idveriisniz prognm encourage milk consumption Pictures were Ihuwn oi unii ni variuo shopping centres in And Iheir parents could nee the complete oper oi milking cooling and staring Congratulallons lo Mn Goodch Enrrln who won Milk producers or district held their Annual meednz in Strand community hall with ood Illundan members The community wns saddened on hearing lhe death or Rnwal in Drill on Saturdly Mr Rawal was former prim clpal at public school ll Simud and Leiroy MILK PRODUCERS Mr And Mn Duncn Camp bell sans Grant and Emory and Murray Amos Illended the Royal Vimcr Fnlr Toronto Frl day and called an Rev and Mn Mulr Mr And Mn Harald Davis n1 Concord 0111 called an Mr Dnvls lllher Frank Davis Mon any avcnlnl Huand Mra Marlln Rom were In Collinzwood Nov 10 lo mend lhu wedding Mn Ro wats Hater Elva May Fryer lo WllLv Marla Nellum in First qutlst OIurgh Mn ï¬enlrice stones Toronlo Vlslled Mr and Mn Lu W311 yer me Want The TEE Aura Chrlulmu W3 1h5h°ldmf Motion of Ippmlauon passed upreulnn to Bill Edull mink or the oruniullon for his senla In connection with ha orznnhlnz of the Tron Club Mr mm has been In allendnnm at c1ubmeeflnn dnca lnguxuratpn anti how ll hmulon ll nunI I1 nImy Imuh lmmv 1w mu All Am Tvll unlu 311an uum Hull mm llulan fly wlll be held In Decemhar or members children Dead line or nbtnlnlng membenhIpl lIVDec 15 and haekoy rink nccommodnuon being planned It In appredr ted um John Cown md 5M pd Ilgflhgvu link in wr log nunum Vanewm nunamok Anlwlflnl hnlel TIn IIIII mm Humor mu 1mm tonomo It Your Bollom DanIr Nm 1mm Juth STROIID In nudes dllmandl or trump and he wry lo Ind nul ll lo jump 10 hm dlamonds lorclnv and compel partner lake Chaim The lnlcntlnn II to bid our Ipldc pnrumr bldl mm to bld lvn dlnmond It partner Md Inur Ind to pan hm rmlmmp ll lhnl Wm North Mdl ï¬lm nolrump This Ilmply In application of tho rulo thnl an openlnl bld laciIIK In openan bld mean game It would be wrong to bid only two nolmmp which would merely lnvlln partner to bid again The only poniqu questlon wheln ar It better In jump to three made Instead at three notrump but then are nlronz Indlcullonl holdlnz lupponlnz honor In tho two unhld nulls um no trump contract will Work out but Three diamonds Hm thorn toms unmrtnlnly about hellhzr tha bent lam contract In iiint 00 Elm DAILY CROSSWOBD mm In Km om Mam Qua mix tum mm 933 um uuu was on yum 9015 um 4m YM am South neither 31d dqerable The bidding he Monday Navembu 25 Is nom Inallon day or Ihe township Tommmlo Nominations wlll he held or rave councilman or 1960 the for school area Ims tees All Important subject lo coma up at lhls meeting wha lher lhn taxpayers war cur tral nebool or the townsth or Sorry lo re rt Jame Peacock patient nsAlllskon hospital All wish him speedy recovery momAm MEETING chk Guava was home run Fareslry 5tth It Dorset or he weekend GeorzoSnlder has been nnrlh hundnz Mr nnd 3m Cleo Lalonde and thy of Elmvnlo spent Sunday wllp Mnagg Mrg Lewis Carr Mr and Mrs mth Baldwm Emmy In Pagerbarqugh Mlu Justice bl Barrie was men vkllur with Miss Jean Cum cllubrd Bell and maiemnc 62de Yallgy Allen Slntou was llama from Cllggk Rlvel 1m lla weekendf Wmdmw with Mn and Mrs Campbell mended Ifamlly gathering at Glen Huron Salurday evening The occuion mtha 15th wed dlnz university at Mr and Mn 19m CunpbelL Innis Federation Agricul tlln will hold dinner meeting In Suaud Community hall Nov 28 Ross fleldman for th Onmio Federnlion wlll be guest nggker Stroud Community hall was de corated Saturday when um Bar rle Ind mm zlrh whball learns held their annual hunan my guy awards non on TV nhnw last week Mn Goodchlld is daughter 01 Mr and Mnhck nmmpson Slmudu By ROBBINS CRMGHURST EVERETT Ii OWN CONTRACT BRIDGE onnl lulu llulI 1mm 50mm Illlndlnl my mm In chum Ilry dyi ymtum gonna wm Wm By JAY ILxï¬itm 4Lbu In mum Jngnqum Nn hearts 111 band will prnbably play bellcr In hum or spade lhnn 1n nolrump N010 lhal the lwo hurt bid not forcing oven lhouxh It new null mde by responder This is becuuu North hn Ilm llld his hand by ulnan oll wllh one nolnuup win xnmeolnl hand South would have lo jump lo lhmo hum lo assure Imlhcr hld lmm part 1m North may pm lvm hum or cum two wade prelm lhn nuil Irump llve club contract ll equil ly mdexlrable since eluvm lrlcks In lull wlll pmbably In harder In mlko than him trick nl nolmmp Th best lhlnx to do lo ah the Ihon mutt to Three nolmmu Hand with 44+ distribution In no ldeul for notrump play but In lhls case than ls not much hope cl Inclan mil conlrm Dual wlll oller helm chance or game Pnflncr ls known lo have Al most lhm Inndes Ilnco he lulled to min 1119 lull Ind spade lame conlracl Ix Unra lore Vumllracllvo Tommva An nhnonnï¬ ply BECKER Pass There Is pruilcnlly no chance 01 makan gnme 31m purtner notnunp rebld Is pmbably based on or 14 points though he may have few as or as muny 15 points The alternative bld to pass two spades but lhem In no mason to lhlnklhll lhlt contract 13 on my lrumgi Main Ream rpm the past two week with nlnllvu In Toronto Mr nnd Mu Lens visited the Ialler parenu Mr And Mrs Elke 01 BIle on Sunday Mr andflu Waller Bell of Guelph visited friends In town Suflday NMKS Hammel and Mrs Boymon vlslled friends in Bar rlgon Nag MrsIWMexIand landry vlsiled relzlives in Allmgp Elfin mg Ann Emma of Tallu ham sprnt lha wcekend with Mr an Mrs Cransmn Mr and Mn Earl Servlca 01 Mount Forest visited frltnda In owl Manda Mr and Mrs Watson and family of 01111 visited relative In tuwn during 1h wezkend Mrs James Aiken Mr and Mrs McGInly and Mr and M11 McKay upenl the weekend with Mr Ind Mn Bill Hen ofpapmL Mr and Mn Elwoad McCazuu 3n visiting rnmlve ln Bermw Mrs Puker Is patltnk In Stevenson Memorlll Hospital Allislon Mru W11th pent he aft week with relative In Stuy Mrl Crnmlon1omnla visited at tho Mama herlon and daughter In Ilw Mr and Mrs Cnnston during tn weekmd Mr ahd Mn Edlaf William and Mr and MmJ Wright visited 111de In MountForest may not Every lupayer 1n Ihl awn thp in requested lobull um meeting Debantum In um ngalnx Ihe pmenl uhoal and Tosmronfln cannot amrd can lul school AUhll Hml Mm Miriam Jenklnl In con flqu at her homuud Ill wilh her xpeedy maven BEETON WRIGHT mmmmxsumwvl Wmmoxmmm mAuuam mm mm mama NOVEMBER is cooDNBso wise TRVINOUT OUT CARRIED BROOM AMY t1 ENE MIMEBATAIHE FrusVouiurqumm Ermine Aux mugm