9355 Kid Senator Slams Tax Act Critics ustice Héarsj IUPetitie7I1V ZMONIBEAL CF Mr Jus co Roger Onlka Superior Thursday look under ad ï¬lament or at lens two wean Lawtmon by member lbs Menlarers internation Union mud suspend we Iedenl liarlllmo Trustees Act The judge hem testimony mom Dpnald Roy Swan 35 SW Iecrelnrylreusurer and repre mmaLIvu ol the federal jusllce jdeparlmem daylong hub Jug helm ndjoumlng procecd ng to decide whemer mm II pmhahla cum to believe tho it may not be vnlid legisla an hr SIU Counsel for the Jusllce depart mom mnlended the lrusleeshlp over lhe SIU and our other mnrlllme unions did not vlolul elvll lihmles um ls Intended tn mstnra lrecdom to the mem bcrshlp Mr Swan sald he was pew Ilonlng or he inlerlm Injunb Hon ungmunds the ac usumed authority granted the unions executive and membership mush he SlU consulullnn The lnluncllon would suspend the ac pending lormal lhgnlcglslnlluns valldlly by OTTAWA CP Liberal and Cnnservntlve crllIns vTax An amendment proposed In the mural buugu vcused Thursday by Senulor Da gvid lel LOnlarlo at lunc llnnlnx In the rnrlflm ntmus phfra nl hjghllnnn nn ll was referring In the Smule lo criUclsm IVNhCS duy by Scnakors Salter Hayden LOnlurio anlnce Mc Culcheon PC Ontario and Thomas Crcrr Mnnhobui change in he tax on dlvh dendx paid to brain compan les3y Cannglan subsldln 1111 am Increase 18 tax or ï¬rms that do not have at least marcent Cann dlan ownership It designed 10 reverse the rrcnd In greater Iorelqn mngrnl ol he ecqn LONDON AP you Inulcd In buy chocolate bar Illd on lound ll cm you you lrumblo And Wu lound lhnl cmwny chlckcn cnmg lo $1 you wouldnt llko it at all Especially it yuu eurï¬cd an mxe snlnry mo mnnm npnrlmcnl rcnl mlghl he 55 at mnnlh You wouldnt urumhln about man Nor would gnu obch to liveccnl lure onvlho subway or bus nnywhm Mod no John Lloyd nu Aswclnled Preu correspondtnl nlnca ms In unlzned lo Mume in mm Now menu cmlh fllve hr The AP In Europe AndAlflu recently went blck In Moscow or v11 Ilzru an Ml obicrvnflnm MUSCOVITES SAID NOT UNHAPPY Mr Swnlt said the unlonl iyiixamplesonewuy RED WESUTFE BLUE BARRIE TO EVTORONTO $200 $230 $200 vmcouvm $4000 $4400 $4000 Chickens Are Costly But Life Comfortable ago wmm oz mcwmz 0022ngr mmmmzmo ozom 20 mxx 01sz JOHN LLOYD NEWRAILFARES connltumm had been damaged and It number Ind suflered lrrepmbly through the 3p polptmen of he muleuhlp mums 10 our constitu liouli riahu over our buildian Ind 9mm he slid Also we have our rights cur an counsel and take action withbut permisslnu the 3m tees mlher we have lost Uzi right to picket wllhnu their nu modly and cannotaim our bank mow without perm onJ Bum Mr 5wch usuryan through SIU Inwyers Joseph Nun and John Ahern was the only nes lo appear The 510 lull mony was considerably longer than the pleas three lawyen mpnsendng the justlca depart ment and thq three Images Both sides however will pro aent note and Morena to the judge during the next two wceks The $10 lawyers based their niinck on U10 conlcnlion ihu act was In Invasion by the iederni Parliament the propelwand civil Hth iieid which any aaid was resarved exclusively or mvinclal legislaiure by Ola Eri sh North America AcL Croll said There was nnt one wordr 1n the three eechu about the solution be ng at tempted In the hm This hill an attempt In some way to con trol foreign investmen The problem of foreign own crshlp In Ihls count cried for nllenllon WE me sumo lhing was dune nbnul it and the government was maklng that nllempt In this bill Du Sennlor Croll sald that even bower acllon was required to bring about more Cnnndlnn nnd less forclgn nwncrshlp ol lhe Canadian economy He suggested that dlvldcnd paid by Cnnadlnn corpumunns In Canadian reside rhuuld be taxrlrce The resulting 10 revenue could he recovered by lwnpercent incrense In 3er an corporate pmllu For huth Informlion phomx PA 84152 PA 66525 You would not like paylnl two weeks salary or new dress or perhaps doublo that or new unit But If you were en lhuslnsllc about everybody being ner and about every body belnx llllcd to balm plnno or exlsknce and warn 01 lussy Ihoul he llme It took you might well alonu with lhu Idea Ncnlyaaven your IN was correspondent In May cow Subsequan event took mo lo vnrlous olher pm at lha world Only now have had he opportunily In in back MORE ROADS APARTMENT ll clly that In my llme clnlmcd All 1000000 pearl ha 0000000 lodny do Ilmlghl avenue cut lhmuih ll Ind llva brldxel npan ha hmnd rlm whm lhm wm nexl to none hclore Apartment housel all exactly lha lame but never lhelm large cant van um CANADIAN NATIONAL Passengers Holdlng pavlorcaror sloopan cur nccommoduuon rocolve compllmonlnry meals on mlns carrying monl sorvlco 2cm Thusu examples show you how you can cut your Imval cosls nnd sllll onloy all the comforts CM modern roll travel Plan your trip on Rod White and Bluo days hom CNn now Culondnr 01 Days TORONTO CF An ele mated 30000 persuns crnss section the citys populullnn paid their respects to Mnynr Dnnald Summcrvlllu Thursday Members hls lamllf elected reprcscnlullvcs clv and clvlc omclall clergyman working people xmfllves and housewives lled past the may ors bier at city hull Mr Summervllle dlcd Thur day of hear allan after play lng In chgudgy hockey The mayora body was mixbed In dnrk bluo sull wlih light colored in and Second World War RCAF service medal was pinned In his lull lapel lll chain oi alilce rested on red velvet cushion near his set Toronto Pays Respect To Mayor Grimlaced munhers of the Inllznvernmem urea Aland with aummalic weapons nn Baghdads main elm during MATURE LATE MONTREAL CPDA United Slate psychaluzlst Iold group women hm that maturity sunny begin at as fhlast peo ple 29 ur so are all in late adolescence said Dr David Ricks psychology pmlcssor nt annals Unlverilly Waithum nu on he oulsklrl Um lormuly Wu dump Mnscow has spmnd ll has mm In populallon lurlou hulldlnu enterprise going on People In wall or chnnu to get proper llvlnz quarter Proper moan small moms and no mnny but there load hm there In plumhln and or Int pen morn lhan lhgy havo ug the put hlnscaw In drab and peo ple dress drnbly Then no clclante but they Ippenr lo bu cornmflublc nppcnr In be not unhappy with tho circumltnn Twentysown yum no an air of our dunked Moscow no lo mcnllon other part the Soviet Union 11ml now has been much ullund THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MIN Sloopan Car Space Extra SOLDIERS ARMED FOR BATTLE IN BAGHDAD Population Burst Worries Doctors By ALAN DONNELLY OTTAWA CP Common wmmluu that has been worry lng about side meet knee Nelda begun to quesllon Thum day whether has Men wony lng about ho wrong problugn The popula llon explosion mnjur producer lnseclh cldes Cyanamlrl or Canadl lellcd In an appearance be low thu special and and drums tnmnillcs spellcf out lhu saf ely prccnullonx taken In devel uplng and marketing new pul klllinglproduclg Buk Its members wcro chlefly muck hv ha warning com pany omuul that tho world Inca population catnslnr phe unlcu world and populi log Abe vs1y lpcrgq oveuhrow the Iraq govern ment Monday The can top led split Bamhm re an intense mm capital le Slcvens assistant director agricullural research or the wmpnnya us pnrcnt Inn mld tho worldl pros Inuon jusl over l000000000 could human to 6000000000 by the year 2000 NEED MORE PRQGRESS Agriculluml and Inlenmlc pmxrcsa In the next to year must be twice Iran the proï¬ts the In 100 year ha nld Dr llynard PCSim Bust nld he only conclu Ilon Is lhnl he world wlll end upmwlqmut Ilandinz Ipuce argued 10 Icommenlcq Dr WhileSlums xnld the World Heallh Organization em male 2000000 Hm your an nvnd in lho world by ll pro Roplln to All Mllm Blyileld PA HIS HAROLD JORY Momns Authorized Denier For ENSIGN TRIUMPH VANGUARD nu SPORTS CAM 03 AAA CAA ROAD SERVICE HI mm ol praylnl Inlnsl mnl urlal mosqullm nm com pared with accldenlal death mm insecticides 1n the linked Slllll Bauer Insect control could npen up ncw llrmlng area or and production Some 4000000 square mile of Airlcn were vlr lunlLv denied to nlflcullurnl production by lha tsetse ILV whlch carried Ileeplng slckueu clly wu reported ï¬lm3d to be rid most open ml unce to the new lovunment but wu In mm 01 ml CHATHAM CF Evnrish BembIch II will cam today chargtd with capl allI murder lnlhe death at hll Police were called to tha homo by the vIcflmI dauuhler Vega Mu Bemblch her hand hal lmd hammer blows was hunt and 11 blood In thailï¬amllyaroneisrlomy homa She ind her threeyurold ulster Dehby who was also In Iho house It thu lime at her Murder Suspect Appears In Court Thla winecallar which matsmuch less than you think In In perfect way to start laamlnd about wlno Hera aye the mostpopular wlnes In Canada Have are wine for any acoaalon any company any meal Youll novel have an easier more Idellghflul oducatlonal experience month ago cguldnt tell the difference between port and starboard Imagine me owning wine cellar MIMI II Dnvldl CloMlhl moll pawlv m1 Mall wl In CInIdIldul wllh Elnrsburlm nd mm my Mum Dnvlll Inulmw cmucddhmnnolhln mom homo wllh KMII mu cl In mum 90M pollor wll ulldl rBrigï¬ts Vulcan ecumenical councll volvd ï¬nal approval today ll llrsl completed ichema provld In or modernization at tho lan lnug used In Roman Catholic worshlp The Roman Calhollc pmlnm cardinals putrlurchs arch blshops and bishop lrom around the world put thelr IlMl seal of mum on the councils liturgy schema by lvotg 213 30 19 plrllyxls with most Ihops dds ed and train cumlled ItI wxrepholo All um leIt or the docu ment to hecnma the councill lrsl decree arm promul gnllon by Pop Pnul In pub council csslnn expected In huheld next Fridgy Vatican Approves Completed Schema Ailer math oi dcllhera lion in council and commission they had ilnally given llaman Catholicism Mira council de crujince he lint Vatican mncll mo lhni council pm claimcd the concept of mm in lnlllulgily Todnya vote was only mallty In uric of vole dllb lng lhn Ins two month lho council lather had approved ln divldun pans of the Aeven chi ler Ichemn on liturgy or pub worship 5311i bbdlbh molheri denlh wan mm In 11y lhelrnngnrrlcd Ilslar Mn VATICAN cmum Th9 yII II nd Evin you 600 III wlnl youll ml ml dcllcloul Min ll hum Vln flu VINE CANADIAN 10 THE MERE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBERJZ 16 OTlAwA CHWith mov lnngxumeni roup oi dis ed war veimns Thuridw urged halter in31cm deal or men who lurvlved warlaro with muiiipie disabilities It Ia not ï¬ll laid Gmddeflon Onawa repw ununx lha War Amputation Canada that the Ian one 11 It mnsldmd Wpercenl d1 ablllly whlla the losa of and leg add only 30 pu cent 1th disapnuy The member organizations oi the Nation Conndi ol Veteran Association in Clnadn ap peared meters the Common committee on veterin aim to neck nmonl other thing revision or the Iystem by which dlnbiiitie matured Spe cliicniiy it scum Java the Cnnndlln Pension Oommlnion eliminate it unitary Limita tion of 1mm disability LHloL Biker honor ary chairman oi the association veterans Ask MOI Béneflts QUEBEC CF Abba hula ONeill 1mm the federal anv emmenl in the Roman cum And he added In III Interview Thursday hath Cunadn and ma Roman Cathoilc church wlll prohahly stronger when the decisionmaking power of these two baqlt lg decentrllzedt The led al zovemment like lhe curla lives the lmpressfun oI alway belngrm Isle In meeting prablemx said the MIL spoken priest hlghly re sneaked Quebec writer Ind Rancher Abbe Advocates Decentralization 0i Govt Church Ha wax nskcd shunt weach Wednesday nizhl in which he suggested Canadian decmlralil alien might be brought nboui py creatlnz four pmvincex Wnes 012nm Bunm lnnnge QUEENS HOTEL VISIT ï¬llA dolllllllul wlm Wllh Ickl wllh ch amt mc mvlvcu Balm lull nutA MM plnk In Inwa and llnlln on hm uudomlm Duality IINCE who was blinded during the Flu World War laid Isnt enough to measure manl dil nhlmy In relation to his earn lng pvwer One must consider the inconvenience sullened by thin man In gupmpllzga to ve The usociatiun also recom mended thnt lite attendance ai inwence paid to disabled veter ens who must employ attendant be increased to $2400 irom 513001 year Among other moommandntinne was that on the death at men tied pensioner his widow con tinue receiving the full pension for one year that the rate of war veterans allowances be in creased and that an appeal pm can he established to contest dr dninnnbyflte wtnrninion federal swee snake was ult zested by the on Pznsloned Veterans WIdow Amcllllon Inc an organization of wu wi AlsocIaHan Pmflent Marl re Walnlord of Montreal said odcral weepstako could min lot of money or Canadl erles now were considered II lenl but theyre going on 11 ovgr lhe unry She told Ihe committee um tho money mm any maxim should be used 01eg or hos pitfll purposesnand medl Tho association suggested um ha basic veterlnl allowance be increased by $10 month $94 The brief also said that permit siblo Income outside the allow ance should ba mused to $060 year from mu DEPENDABlE DELIVERIES or IEXACO FUEL CHIEF Homc Hnflng Oll See SIMCIJE PETIIULEUM PA 82563 WE GUARANTEE LTD ANN 81