Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1963, p. 1

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1110 hm mun In Idlr lyllmllun Me plan Iller IM mmplellnn even daennlnl KIWI TM ml nnlm III mmpltml In Junta m1 lml Ilmimml nu all 1er In may Nun lluuna n1 ummuMm Mr mad Ilm mum Soc nmlly Ihe munlu Inlk ol rlnwllu rMIn lmumlum may Mrmlnrnll In Du rhnrau lo provincial mummy wmmll nlrml Thlnny cMy Iml whan an Inn mly uvu mm mm hm In vocolnlllnn of hi pup ulnllnn mm In lmm rural MIN lly lhe llmc IArllummt null Ihln mnlun In alum Mth nmnm lhu fommunl may hum Id In prodncl al hm lhm Imgmtlnnl lllnlul In lhu lod ornl Imllmml OTTAWA 1CP Flnl Ilflnl uppmcd Thundny ol lhrev mu mm on Iho prmlnl nrohlrm ol mlmplnl he Imulh lulu pullmum mnlll mention The two mr muunlcd Jet mum and will curry 70 pnmnum Ipmil ol butler than 500 mllu In hnur When Mr Dialcnbnkcr me la rommrnl an the Annauntcmcnt In unidenllflcd backhand Lib ml Ihomcd rammk about the lurmcr lovemmrnll clntelll WWW uuv nu In In Wlnnh on an cl ha DCB an In mm by do anlllnnd Alr rfll Comgnnyjn Togvnlo Mr Pearson rend lcnmhy Ilnlcmenl lo tho House about ICAA choice In Douglas Ilrcrnn thu prospcdiva work load or In Cnnndnlr lellzd plan In Montreal Ind nu ro tomlon TCA whopr OTTAWA CWPrime Mlnls or Pearson nnnounccd In the Common lodny TransCInndn Mr Line wlll buy all Douxlu DCD jet nlrcralt and louchcd on slormy shouting mulch with Opposlliun Lender Dickn barker MOSCOWIAP The Soviet Unlongacculed the Unlud Emu today of trying to make 1h julus far Soviet policing at West rn convoy Infllc on he Berlln aulobuhn The Russian wnrned they 21w not pcrmltfllh PROPOSE BOUNDARY COMMISSIONS Russian not to tha 115 government rejected In Amul cnn pmtesl aver the stalling 15 Army cunvoy for hour Nov banuse me Amaricanl reluud to dhmoun ram their uvehlclu 1Iml be dounnd 1113 Sole reply renewed the threat more Immune wlm Wlsum mop convayl on lhe no mlle llfellna hlzhway be chn Wes 11mm Ind Wu TCH Buys Douglas Aircrait Provokes Stormy House Session US Protest Rejected fo Irate Soviet RCMP Commissioner Guam McClellan left and Montreal Pollen Chic Adrien Attack Redistribution In House Of Commons 99th an No 273 For Examiner Want Ad 1219 phonl PA mm The lelephom number to call for lhe Busineu vr Edlloml Dept 11 PA 511 Our Teiéphpnes POLICE PRESENT BRIEF 0N LOTTERIES nummunl IIrlumm or nllrlcnllun ll undmlmd IIIIl nu mln hllchn duulnp 1M nw Imu dull nm In hclvn Illnl mm In again m1 nlls might mnh IN ln hold An clocllnn In lull ol Im on live hull lb new houndnu and an lnllnlfii nun ommonr Th ma nollcu mutlun ln in IIHCIDII ln will be uvrrm In wnri Imund my rammlulnnl wmhlnl on houndulu In tnrh pravlnca Thu wmmlulnn pumer lmumlnlu wlll mmmm In Thu lovcrnmeu lava nollco In lhn Common Thude lhl llrnl lulullllvn If um Ilnhlnl lh oflu reprnmlm Inn commluloner Mm ulll In flu in man In ndlnlrlbullan by lndqwndmt rommluiunm my gvpmmnn Fehrury wllhaut provhlon Im lnl made or mlhlnbulln houndurlu or lhn Anrll 1W IIMIW How am lhnl Ilofirhlrmilmm being lnlo1fl he neluhbor ukcd Why hcl In In nl lhen 1y lo Hnd puking pllc Inlhar Wu lelllnz nclxh bar how he stopped his son 1mm bclnl Inla high Ichool bought him Cir he laid Mr Ditiunhnker mid lint his zovcmmcnl ind been ton dcmncd for lha decision but it was only recently revulcd that this previous Liberal zuvcrnmnm under prime minister Sl Lau nnl had decided the Arrow pm gum must be discontinued wnl alruid in mnim iha nn nouncemcnz bcioro in 1951 election elm1W hm held up three Amcrlun convoy Ind am British convoy ll Soviet checkpoint on Ibo nulnhhn because the convoy commnndm refused to allow their men 10 ha counted Inn of the Avm Arrow super ionic Jr lzhlcr pmzrnm Gerrmny Thu Western conn iries insist lhey have iha rilhi move on the nuiohuhn us they The Kremlin note raid 11m cinims of Ihc Amuflcan auihoriiiu in establish ai their discretion lhu range of duties and manner of nciion ni Soviet representatives ihe check pain In checking Ameriun servicemen are in general air nniuuly untami in man Robert look over brie be ore It presenlnlion lo Just lpa Minimal Chavrler Thum da Execuiive memhers 51 HEHES ONE alivmarrifEmmijmr mllxlrlhullnn unlal oul on he lmlu nl cunml unnum null lulu would mime um mum mu II mm lylnn Mum mm Nova Sun 1m New Illumulrk 10 Wk quelm 75 OMIIIU Mnnllnlm IO EM hnkluwnn ml Allmln II I11 llvillnh Culumhln 11 Norlhmnt Trrrllnvlu III km ll MMMI mm Cvmmonl hu Imn wlduly Illncumd Imonr lho pollUrul plrllol And II and Iny mm In In hvond UL hngovemmrnL Il IJuhrnlvu ihll dulrlhullun mu Ivy pmvlnm rumm Inl bmkdnl cludm No II lo lncm lhn 1000 In my ol lhn chlcl almonl alum now Nmnn who ovnnm All cqulnn mnrhlmry tr pom Ill lhu nu my be arm mono Tho ucond resolution also quoslnd all municipoilliu In tho tnunly Io present iholr View brim council land In endor nollon io any Ipplicollon or In lrulilul 0n lhadny tho molullon la luppofl lhu 11ml molullon It withdrew pmvloualyddop ltd msolullnn Io mpporl 11m rle Clly Councll Application in mm nn Inslllulo bull In clly Then ll pulsed moth mo Ion rndarllnu the establishment an Insulqu In Slmm County Simone County Councll had xe cnnd lhoughl yesterday on lhu proposed Itchnlul lnslilulu Th Russian nole chimed that lhe Amerlcans Inlflchlly pravnked tha delay Nov and um win mull un Ionunnlo acllam by us ofll ten in chum or the convo It Inld same lrmsponslh American ofllcer couid spark of dangerous lncldenll Mu fig 61 Western convoys with Im an so passenger have made lhu qqlobahn Irlp without mulch The Western powen weld their longeslablished procedure was permll their hoope d1 mauut or aSovIel head taunt only more than 30 men were aboard not nounllnz drkver and codrIvma They also nMEd lo lower their truck tailgate to perm headcount The Western power spelled out Ihl procedure to II Soviet ufinl 103m in MM County Retreats On New Institute lhe Canadian Assoclallon Chief of Pullu held Iwo day meeting In Olluwl CF Whephota TM lwo LInIdlnnI HunId Pnlrltk ll pm Xlltlr um and Hum Duvld Mum ll MonluuLwm IYNIH and rhmnl wllh mm lllu plum and mama nrlmu mlnlllvr Id Ihl Commnnn lhII In In In hnurl lleunll MIaIu MInIqur Mmln qu met Culun Ambu wlor America Cm In Ollln III III Clnndlnn nmhuuxlur In llnvnnl Im cnllnl on Ihn Cw lnnn lmrlfll lllllllllN In mnnw III Ilur mnllcr OTTAWA lCP 051 mm lander Dldonlmker numluy umd ltlmc Mlnhlnr Penman lo nwul dlmlly In Cubln Im mler rum Culro ml Mull lln Curldim hold In Culln illody Mr IMrwu nhl ho would ah lho InnaIon unvlor UL vlgemml Cuun lmalt Inld lhm in mm talk In Orlllll wllhdnw lnl mm In county and the 1mm qua mum wall ht Innugh la It all Councll Hnllly uth let or mm Duff silty poungll 11m rcquul 111an depu Illon mm ha Dmla Wlnlu limploymenl Commlllec whim hu hld lhn mnllor under comldA Illou or oboul your 0mm Pom McOnrve uld yummy Ind ho mul Ier could In he Ibcylm unlll later We lnk he county nhnuld buck In In county no In Burris think It will In miller ol healed dlxcuulnn In our own lb In molullon nylons lo mud wu Idoplbd number Cauw Council mambm were no In Allendlncu Subscqucntly number voiced lhelr objection to nlmlnl Ipcclllc location this limo They nld Bmll Wm hi only community wllh ideu than lavemmenuup ported lmlllullon Appeal To Castro To Save Two Pilots Dief Asks PM Thu thief asked ihat the word fin um 01 10 cent In hour so um any In New vi ur Warmmm lion of the word maximally In the cod wind it Ilium In occasional bingo with tin pm cud gain to charily Metmpolilan Taronlo Chlel Jame Mickey mad the hrlcl In Mr Chevrleru Parllament 111 Mine He was Immplnlcd by Ruhr Chm Arthur Cook um Joseph anel dim xenml the Quebec valm c111 Police Ind Montreal Pull Dlmlor Adrien Robert lh help pollmlo tuck down an mfesxloml emblem In so cial clubs tha chm asked chin to the codidullnz with fees pald admittance Under lhm pmm code placela not an 111ml umlun house an In In new 10 cents an hath ol 50 ml dny charged to pusoln for tho right or prlvllm participat Inl In the me played therein The brief said many chm tened soclnl clubs on mnceal Inn lam scale pmlculonal glmbllnu apexluau Ind the ten charged under lhe code to license it club In llnlk mount 1m cum to op ralo mumqu member or the Canadian Ar million Chief Police pruenled brie Jusuco Mlnlsler VChevrlar Thursday asxlnz for change In the Crim lnal Code dealing with lallerlu Police Chiefs Seeking Change In Lottery Laws Oakfilo Carl Novomlhr 22 196 YENNEDY DEAD SH or nx uni Io nnylhlul lhal mllhl gMquccrt mummy In Lam Mr momm lth IhmuM dlml amnan ullnn lwmm Ilr lumn um Cnlm would 1m lhll or dlnlry dlplnmnm ellom unnm newele fiMr lmm uld ha did Mr Iclrn er nld Pm Ilrnl Krnuudy In summit on dlml Ippul lxy MI Inm venllnn In rounocllan wllh lhl lluullu mul III lune an unlvmlly prnlmor on thl II IM 0an Mr Puma dmuld nmmunltm dlmlly vllh Pm ruler Culn Imuuu dulh pull lm nu lonerHy Med wt mild LC In lhn murny ol Ilflli Their Irlnl II Balurdny In IV 11w he ollcrcd uplnnl on or elr dluppuunu hi my wallamm uld Cump Borden Ipokumln venlcd lDdlf um lhe chlldrcn cut the nlhl In lho old pm oflro at Anxul 1M Ind wen reporlud mman by Dnvldl mu 5n Lullc Bond whrn dlzht Mum horn Illa lhl normal Ichool hour Allin ll lhu Ian Cpl Gerald ll lemln ll VIII lulmod lhnl lhc boy never did cl In Ichool yum dny Illumoon Twu camp Dordtn childrm who were reported mluln lcrdn Illnmwu wen luun Im lmlon of Army bu Dnvld Bond 10 And Allan Croclmnn were dllmvercd about nine oclock lhl momlnx by Saul Gordon Sltlrlu the Proyoxl Deluchmcnl TOKYO AP Despite In rond by moderate lemsu Ind Independenu Pmmler lhynlo Ikodll conservnllvu maln lnkml nverwhdmln tunnel of lha annnm parliament in Borden Children Are Found Safe Japan iReturns Premier Ikeda Lit1 PRESIDENT KENNEDY SHOT ASSASSINATION lhn Cuban In In held ram mm cm 4mm duh mm Ind mnln orposlllon the Sotlllhu who an award led Chlnl won lull on In lhnn mu chllked up In me And lovcnmoro thin they held at dlunlullon Follllcal pem had Yrcdlclod may would more llllbl ulm Thnuzh Md appeer lo hnvn won mnndnlo In con Inua It lho htlm In pro Veslcm ovtmmenh lhu win nln margin of hi Liberal Democratic Party In nlun dnyl elucflnn an lower hens ell below MI pull on final unoflldnl relunu znvn he UbernlDemocrnII lull In lb 461 mt rulan lower houu Th1 1m lhnn lhe he won In 1060 Ind lhm short the 2116 Inc can lmnllm held dlunhnlon lhgnynpkg up liidl had liked or 300 ml and confldcnuy mm WM Inmu mum mm am n31 unofllclll leclhm relurnl logy na GHULLE mum HOLD 1er She was taken back into another llrsttloor mom where Johnson orlgtnally had gone Asked whether her husband also had been wound ed rho shook her head negattveti Secret service men pushe reporters awny and permitted no more questlona Pull low Mir oman mu both all In maulr mm mom Mllflflw Imusm my Mm The horror assassination was mirrored in an ewiiness account by Senior Ralph Yarborou Dem ev who had been riding three cars behind enedy You could tell something awful and tragic had hep ened the senator told reporters before Kennedyl den became known At 110 pm CST 210 pm EST Mrs Lyndon Johnson was escorted by secret service ngenis into the emergency morn wheroiho president lay Poltce said they did not know whether VicePro aldent Johnson was In the room Mn Lyndon Johnson said after vtslt to the em flrgcgcy operating room today that th vlwprcsldont ts Info Kenned dledoi fizfinshot wound in tha brain at approximate pm CST ZhYm EST according to an announcement by acting House press mm Malcoim Kildufh my Th6 inva bicsldenl ndon Johnson and his wife left tho hospital and halt out later Reporters had no oppoflunllly to qugsfilon them The murder weapon was reported to have been 8030 title Show before Kennedys death became known he was admin stered the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church He had been the first Roman Catholic presid ent American hlstory Even as twb clerfimen hovered over the lallen president in the hospital emcrgenc mom doctor and nursgg admnlser9d Ablood transfus ons sideni Kennedy 46 died an hour alter snlpér cut hlm down as Ms limousine lelt downtown Dallas Automatically the mantle of the presldency fell to VlceJresldent Lyndon Johnson native Tenn who had dlnglwo cars luehlgd Kenyedy rm 4H DALLAS Tex AP President John Kennedy 88m president of the United States was shot to death tggay by hidden assassin armed with highpowered VicePresident Lyndbn Johnson Becomes New US President No Mon Thu Par CopyIIGPaau $5 Locai Weathél Show Ind tonight Cool ar on SI 47 am 0M Wu 0mm minister In Ion Ill Alhlm AP WWII up dam of HI 99 liar

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