Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1963, p. 8

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41184 llmv 4m IMnk wing to mm mhku mum They tun lomnmcnl un lump ll node In ml um Ila nld lb Mimidon hu rflfllllll of dam mm hum nod The mm hllln ll lum und blmllurnllam fllnl Panda MVP Canada at InlandIm at rr urlllm My mum In 1M union the mmmlulon ILme And lho Cnnndlnn pm know whll klnd Ilmy ll dad Ia mum ll mar la main mnmmmdallnm mm In hfuncll in lptlfh In In MIMI dl Crcdll luau rnnvnnuon Mr Mnnnlnl Inhl hln mu Imrnn nul In lhe Hm hurl Hm communion In wlxlch pmplc uprnklnx Wm 11 hnvu lml vrry Hrrcnl vleu ol lhl DMKHVII ol Iho mmmlnlnn rind fluhula milliii by Clnldll Conlcdeu CALGARY Cll lremler Mnnnlnl ol Allwm nmndny tho mynl mmmlulnn on hlmllumllnm In In nmhlxuaul In It Imm ulmnce uml on Iman whnl ll ll he Ippllcnllonu rovmd morn than 27000 unnl lhu program an pllu to male hnmrs Md ml demlnl bulldlnx conlnlnln up In our llwclllnz unllx Th1 would rtrlulru about 754000 WAWA CW Labor Him Islet MncEnchen mid Wednu dny the wlnler hausohulldlnl lnccmho plln to pay 9500 lo he 1m owner housu bum during wlnlcr month has nl lraclcd 11500 nppllcnllnm and 11 wellgssmed menu The Mun NAN dzpendl on how much headway the VIan 01 Frame main with other European nullnns ho Biculturalism Commission Is Iimbiguous Manning 10Ron CPlTha North Allnnllc lrealy Organlzallan ll engaged In cruclal policy do bale that muld ahnrply alter or destroy lha alliance In lilllc man than llve years my Brit In delenu amen Allmlr nu an Mr Buchnn director tho Insulun or Stralezlc smile in London pmdicled In an lnlcr View Wednesday but ma mm is coming In ha linu tlon alliance when lhe treaty came up or rcnzwal in 1969 Crucial Policy Debage Shakes NATO Says Defence Expert Osborn one the Inwyefi Iiollaa federal own trial here last year from Whldl the orlgL nal My umth dmgu me could not be Nadfld km mgdlaldy cgmnugt In niemiyiandm lha judm laid Osborn nppmadxcd Nash Govt HouseBuilding Plan WéllRssured Success Distrld Judge Wllllam MIL Ier and Frank Gray Jr ordered lawyer Osborn Jr Nuhvflle baned mm pracfls In federal noun or hi a1 0561 pardcsbmlm in file Ab federal judges charged Wednwday night an ab tempt had been made to Influ ence prospective jum in Tcnmszers Pxesldent James Hoff Jan trial on innum mumps we an In continue to ah to fulfil our mla provid huz Iha strength and slnew or our federal govemmenl we must also Be allowed to com Llnue our growth and develop He Iald that to Canadas whole each area Canad owu somethan over agd ahavo It regional Interest and all must be prepared In glva well asmcelva In urder that we may maintain and streng lhgp n1 c9unlryfj The Premier said mm 50 per cent HI total revenue raised and spent by he federal gov cmment is levied In Ontario In an undress at he opening he said our wlshex will ulwnyl uceed our Incomefl soon will be Impossible In dn verylhlng everyone want In do We will need in do Ihm on priority basis He took part In Vlhe emcm opening on new win In the general hospital SARNIA CP Ontarln IL reaching the point when it will have to nuke nine priority choice in its spendinl pm rmn Pumler Jnhn Robin laid here Wednesday Judges Charge Jurors Approached In Hoffa Case ITflE BARN EXAMINEIL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 11 Priority Basis Is Néédedf For Expenditures Hobarts NASIijLp jam my For 111 lbs pram Added Innlm llmn lully ind openly Thu mum mm Amrrlm Adhlflll Clflldll Cunnil ullan dld not mu out or um lmpty dual ol ammu lloa MIHI mm on Inndn Cum on Tho linemen mld that all lha nppllcallan nu ellulbln In ccnllm will tom mnrly ll 000000 Tha wine lho com plcltd houm would In about 3000000 Under tho pmxrnm cansuuo 1le hulldlnu cannot be yond lho lnundnuan by Doc and It mun complth by next March 31 worker during the our ulnlcr monllu Annlhcr 90000 warkcrl would ho MquIrcd In hi bulld lng nuflcrlall lnduxlry Mr Bach nld NATO II lul lcrlng from tho film or an Idea of an Mlanllc relationship based upon the wln plllm Iha Unipd Slate and unilcd Europe Mr Buchan hm lo nddrul he Candun Inntllutt Inter nallonll Mllln on USEum pun lrnlcxic rellllom II non of he lale Lord Tweed muir novelist John Buchnn governor xcncral of Canadl mm 1340 Id President 40 Gun cunvtfls lha Europeans to hh nor concepk In nmmu then you wont an American arms In Europe by an end this decade Osborn proposed to pay ha pmspedlve jum $5000 and when ha was selected on tho trial Jury and An nddluonal $5 000 we end of the um Kl the Teamm presdenk was not confided the jquu sIld fln mmdnm also no cused Osborn of giving In amwem to the mm In 11 vats hadgg new Hum d1ng coir would mind 05er pruning In any other Mm villa meuopollun pollcaman Robert Vick Nov 11 and re quested ha oflicur to coan Ralph Eluofl prospectiva about the pendinl no From hue development come much of me nallonnl strength and wealth of Canada Halt our davelapmenu and dc muse the straw Cam Ontario ncedl lax nvenues Io puvvlde the tandem required by ouran and Industry and gallium1 bun auidgga gld an 119 Osborn leading Nashville PREMIER Mam momma MANNING hwyer wu an leveld who upmamd Bull in nine week federll com rial her last year on chm1e of mph In to Well lederll hbor lu Manon 11 hr wa umblo roach mdict and Judge Miller 15 dated mm Ha Ibo or dated an Investigation mu p0 uld he hegd ghoul cl om to IanApe with the Tho inquenwu laid in wan eulhuslullc Ibaufi his experi mcnu probably in mixing pm mm or methyl Icelyiene with 11qu nxida in disposable bolus Dr Cunem dictum mm the Iltameyzenuraln depart ment died In In explosion and fire Oct at In waterfront Haldlu Chemicahhlmlhd Phat Althth Dr Huh Clmeron was ma lo hm bellaved In had Ichlaved nub bmk through 1n gh woldlna Held um Inquest learned um paunl or the mlxlun Ind been taken out In the Unlch sum man than so yeah TORONTO oclurl exme 1n mlxlnln wald ififigmfimfi$ W1 pm which be varied Ind cluud lull dulh In Inquestnu told Wedludny Doctor Is Killéd Expeximentipg DIVIDEND SAVINGS PLAN Venetian Glass from Italy Enamellcd Bronzn Irom Israel Forcelnin from Ireland InInld Brm 1mm India Pottery from Germany Cu Cryml from Polmd Soapstone Eaklmo CanInga mm the Cm ullnn Arctic on awry vurchnu um and SAVE 10 Exquisite girls from almon every corner at the labs owned to plane from Reovcs THE PARCEL FROM REEVES Traditionally Her favourite gift 76 Dunlop fit Em Imlo PA M745 Round the World Gift Shop To Mention Only luw shock mm mm ham ml to flu Itemat parlormlncl or wmh but for In lull1cm cushioning davlcu which uh unimpeded culprit ln letting tha drum the Swlal now nonmmauo metal whareover poulblo In their um movemanu rocombnl he he thll wnlu has on ordlnuy maul flu Swiss were qnlck In apt nul mkunl mom for which puts lhl developmenl turned with new alr mellon And cm lutenlnl davlcu prodnced water repellent Umeplm or everyday wear and also speak dulm or deep nu dlvlng To overcomu 1h manna ol mu werde honuhold 9L 5th appulqcu wlchl wan Dun and dirk loo fine to In men by the naked In out of 01 none on ol um plocu Nomwflh new linemen ed nroducllan method combln ed with new mun plow which applied to the cm Ind cryltnl modem Swiss qunllly watch completely dust and dlrp me slum Innovntlohl hunted and Idopled by flu Swln watch mmn npw dimlnullnl mutual enomlg ol lccuuh timepieces 11 mean but vital developments huh madam 5qu watch the flu chlon Innamen but ll ucfllcdohnumechumm hm been Incarpmnd Into o4 10 guilty wlbch manila ol the clan Iverydlyhu unit Inch dlfl dun mm mm And nldden bumps bug or jmlnu Stop Enemies 0f Tirnepieces Dont be do youu wuch tlnkmr ll anything should happen to your Wild in mm Ill Iccumaurerlormlnco uh it to qun led Jawlllor who has the coma tool and mum Swlu pull for mu my Idjmtmenu Remember that uquhllo clamp lbs 5w mid mlkerl ut which you won on your wrlxl II lull melts plea of muchlnery conlnlnlnl nvu 110 Imam Dlfll Treat wall Ind It will aem you well If your wllch II we mum and 1m recalvod ducking dont In mhlod beclm it continue In run or flmv Any mohluu which hu an into ha case will eventually cnun run and Mun In mechlnlun Take to your Jawallnr lmmedlmly When winding your Witch Ilendy lhumb Ind inner movh mom mould ht applied 1nd $1311 3133 1y pre the morning lb avoid Malina the windinz Item removo you which beiau winding Try to avoid ludden Ihoch Irran and unan mush hand Inn Allhouzh on watch hu bumIn proletllnn Ilium ult Iuch human II poulbll to upset the ridicule machmm Ind In mch use pmlmlnnll djustmen necesury himm only chock In cleaning up nllkm emu bred Instrument wall heml accessory Ipeclal em should be taken by the wan to my thI muterpleco nn tho so Hm we raw olmple Ind ha timely Npl whlch wlll ln crease the H10 WIN Ind fldmcy of every watch One tho canulna rum to follow whenbuylnx watch In purchase mm Nputlbla jgwuflyr and clap log2mm It to on whlcfi the with we wu thunk Into flu heat III oven or an cud of an refrig Inlor bum Ink the fibdm IllaVImIII helplnl to IMlll III fill buy and ham Todnyg haunwlh cm war but Hutch wllhqut qullm whllu doinxvher houuhold chum In cluding kitchbn duly hoenu nuw maul hm bun devclmd mmtgdeld the mvgunl Rafi ampere men 31 pan the defied mm mm flu bu un hum Whllo ll than all these mauqu by 9M we PENDANT WATCH flu Iucrelhlo Sm an amncy mm 11 In mauumlmt aim Wind poxlemon Ind munIcy together with the nblllty to In corponlt new method and on timepiimvihich law can in MN mm llnpoui Although luciz mw dmlup menu and lechniquu mull produu In oval men oiiicient man the munulmumn will continue to put their products through the minimum 400 mu deemed umsnry to produce lino prodded innrumant This does not indudo thc mun 01 Ill nw mllerilil which are un dur lepmil quality control Iyslem equally rigid than lppued tin inithed product node wllch compli menting the new mnd to plunzlnu neckllnes In Iodnyl molt urchin luhlnu new my This munmcanl Swlu dulxn II In whit lold circled with table Ind Iulpcnded from alumna encrusted thin In only on of many Bend niche bei shown Sill wnlnhm nu In lormal wear 11 wk mutton In in Em murmur of swxhaaua mm NW NW Mann and W1 lns relinme durum the put rm Than Immu win an dmlopmc neg nmdncllgn in Tfi Wale nhmulaclurglwguon 0310 VIIch Egg Elwin be u1l mod watchmakexs or Switzerland Still Pacesetters In World Buy Now or Layaway For Christmas PHONE PA 61312 T0 RESERVE YOURS TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA All vnncemm Impomn ml Anuhclurlnl Swill watch but will Impon men to 1h conlumer and the chmhr ll lhl eomplm Ifidfldlnulan of mm Whig we commun tclm of th Swlu Munit Many All mm In mod ern Swill wntch Interchan Ible Re uubIo ulchmnm thromou flu world In provid ed with complain mom of pull l0 um Ill Jewelledlmr Witches bl quickly and compound mum without having to land tho umoplocn noteworthy Idvlnu In MI meme of with mm In My mil nble wlth data ulendn lulu verymuph ju demand 01 um nulomillcl Thou Illmmu Myl now an Al ol dmncl tumble or dreu occulou 0m technical hm bun mud durlnl tho put month In an develup manta Improved mum of Ilaproclth New vmmn mlodlmodeh lu whlda nu Ilr lI removed from bentflhuyllu helm pmlun lullnl gravid mm mum Ind 014 lmlnm condonuuan mu Al mun than new mum mllnz mathodn may halvy dug undormm mlchu com °°° up Automluu wulchu cum letaly nuw look ud mu Illmmer but to meme machaka Idvum Inch an ultra movemenk mum It allowed man denim freedom to WIZW 1° nrdlooklnu ldeu Into mll nan mien Ipply umuch thl popnllr pflu with to medHy donned modeu 09H Idea Into HOBERJUGUESTION FREEBIA up An om all of the South Mrlcan Bold WOW Council mum lhal gngyhlldrgu maul Invited to curltmfiwfinfi was to mingle sobriety Cllnlc 2mm Inn hunkv Shock mutant nun uh all um no on him Il um Imnghu InllgnJlnt anonmm In lo yullw tn an complm Nation union unnumm $2999 saw BU LOVA Damian YOU CAN AFFORD An ml with IIL smmmtm 111ml MW lunl In 10 lmllw nr Inna lm Rd And In Woolwoth lloro WEBBS JEWELLERY

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