Has He Already ForgOtten It in mm mg to team that two new Almcoo Coun Industries have been org anized and Wu bevtn production soon In BanH2 the CommutatorCompany of Canada Ltd has been established with remixes on DunlppSt East It expects opealamrodqsthe in Aiiiston theiiurpnin Fertilizers Ltd will open plant in February with small staff The com any the countys first diy bienging Ite iiizer er AL nun pert to Egvlce 3311 of the county ahii wt make in products gyallablethrough ratallroutletgi It in significant that the Barrie com pany was formed tollowlng product aur Voy to determine the posalblllty of re placln imports by manuiacturlng in Bar rle rihor studies indicated that the commutator could be roduced in Canada and there was nee lot it At the beginning the Toledo Com mutator Company Canada will bring in component parts and assemble them here But eventually all part1 will he Canadian labor leader has suggest cd that the government should use the $452 mllllon lt wlll me through cancel lation of the Royal Canadlan Navyl gale construction program to develop merchant fleet The securlty and mbhlty at an In duslry cannot be assured by the detencev program alone he suggested nddlng that his union deplored them1 that this sTWO Néwv W111 Be Lduï¬chediiSéï¬fbn 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Nov 10335 Car ter Scholarships awarded to Miss Lucy Vanderhoorn and Henry Sims oi BCI Towu Councii signed reiiet agreement with provincial government in which muu nieipailly pays onethird labor cost Womens Canadian Club heard address by young German exchange professor from University of Toronto in which he claimed Hitlers sole aim was to give back to Germany sense oi hope and honor Ho outlined some things the Nazi party had done or the good the nation since taking power Ontario Religious Edu cation Council held convention in Cen tral United Church Speakers urged more attention to rural schools and church ed ucation tor children Bandmasler An drew Sugg led Barrie Citizens Band as Canadian Legion members paraded to Essa lioad Presbyterian Church for ser vice Corinth an Masonic Lodge held 75th anniversary eeiebrailon Grand Mas ter Corus of Strattord was present Presiding dinner was Otto Willi ams Vlil Also resent were two oldest members Josep Lang ot Barrie and ii Tarllush ol Angus who boih altill BINGO IS NEEDED Chalhnm Daily New More In Chnlham 111 art dis lrlcl govcgnoy pl Klnlmcnn brief on blï¬go in being prepare for presen llnllon to the Onlarlo Mlnlltcr Jup CE Mr Thwart mld Kinsmen clubs wcro runnng Into lelcultIu In bclng able to npcrnlc blnï¬n games In some plncu and no in at cm Ha nld thc club would look llccmlng luthorlty which would rmvlde that permll could be rcvolm In an lblflc Klmmon car they ma have In aban dnn some their proï¬cu wlllch In volve mm 300 to 400 youngllm ll hln no not allowed or lubslllulc unil mlalng project lnund Klnamcn have nlnlrd nut that It would he almost lulllo Iurn lo doorIodonr canvnu of mm er on lap of lhmu already cxllllnl In cllf Slml ar complalnu lnvo come lrom Aulhuud run on and nu mu luum mun flouan Mm mu II MAIN mmulnn IILIIAI III null muon mull DalNut Cl In Mlly mm all In mm 5M0 mm mm ml mm Man ym mlu um cum mmmr Tump my mm Immn Wm mul mm my Vllm flu ADANIII AIM ll NI MIMKTITILc3i5mm ru ludmlbtmdmlnflhfll mu in mmyubmhn The Barrie Examiner ublkhed by Caï¬ndlgn NwipeH 16 Hayfield SlyeQQVquo Onlquqt 16 Baynelu auje blkmi unwnq am jBrlnn THURSDAYN0VVEMBEEIIIIM My Mini Minn OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE nudg Bargle Mayo Ccoke noted Her 1han véakf Both the BanIa indrAlnston plnntl could develop Into sizeqble ndustrlesln dusky does not alwayslm blg Way 0cour59 we have mnmanï¬ cues where maiot concerns hmuta shed huge plan emgloylng hundred 63n plqyees at the nu owevetj government statisticinahow that much industrial strength In based in themany small plants which em loy under 50 employees It does not aka mnnyï¬ve tenand 25man plant to re main sueable pay rtvm Starting in mall way an industry haropfortuntty or growth In the case of the we newdlrtrlct lantl the future nppem bright Indeed Commutntor Company in fact will be manulncturtng product not prevloualy made in Canada It Expect to ente expo market a452mllllonlsnt belng used to start throuh system of subvenllom for con atruct on and eration the establish ment at Cana 1m merghnntllefll Is not he perha forgetting that Canada once bid zeeble ocean10in merchant fleet fleet that was wipe out ship by ship through demand for higher wagesand more fringe benefits than rhi owners could pay and remain compeilive flagvngwilndusiiyr répresents more employment and rosperlt forthe com munity In which est liuhed sled in 1887 New livegin bowling league formed with Harry eelorth resident and Bill Garner secretary rank Rayner elected to mans Allan dale lacrosse club Ca in ood knocked BCl seniors out runn ng in Georgian Bay lnterscholasiic football but local Juniors led Roy Red Storey who gained 120 yar in ive rushing nt tempts won by 230 Other local stars were Bill Strachan Paul Hart and Jack Dyie Barrie relay team won Orlilia to Midland road race lioxy Theatre lea tured liiary Pickford in Secrets with Aslie Howard Ca ilol had Lionel Barry more and liiiriam lo kins in strangers Return Earle lllinms ened load store on Mulcaster st with ull line ol fish products and smoked meats Lions Club rehearsals for minsirel show began Barrie Curling Club hold stag arty at premises on Clappcrton St Prey dent Murray Mills presented euchre prizes to Norman Johnson llarry Love Alex Sinclair and Bill lisinlord Con tractor William Rusk proceedin with re pairs to Allandsle wharf CA con 31an membcrihlh rcrarrrixiavlgn dlfccled by Morrison pmldcm and Scllz secretary other organlmllons men an the Mglon In Jaygqu It would mom that some change the law ll dulled It ll obvious that pco Ia want to play blngo and are going to ay bingo In lame form or another Ccrlalnly we know locally that pro ll lromlblngognmcs llnvn helped malq iarlnï¬arilmlnarlinl and popula youlh program Vc are also aware hat Um llw Ia allcmmlng In kcc out the ro leulannln who would lo ï¬x 110 men and walk with morn than nlr prom often times ll Ihe ex pcme charitable organlullon Mr Tngrarll Iuggutlan tar licens ing aulhor ly mm to have mcrll NOT OUR OWN MASTERS Montreal 6m Vhal gnaw painfully ll lho vital of mod un howaver thu evidence that no no nmlcrl in uur own home that we hnd la uk he Unlcd Blair lllmr baron or lmlp and me Jccllon that we had lo uk lho Unlrd Slam govrrnmcnl lo mopmlo wllh us and mcl nJrcuon We had In uk bu cnuuc cvon Unlln Slam murl ordrrl dld no compel Chlu unlonl to end Dayton on nonSlU nlpl HURTS TOURIST TRADI Chalham Dally New The amidqu mlauraleur llon man mnlrl nycralar clo canv gouging mnra than renonnble pm Iml maklng law 51HK dollm dluour axe lurllm vlullorl from place of Dunno am from Onlnrln IIum are null Imppcnlngn Inn In mllly hava arcunmlallve Hm became vlIlm lnrllnrd lo lalk man about had trralmcnl than lo pulsefor Um mod Program We are also aware lhat 1w aï¬gmï¬tlng Inqu oytlgyolï¬ OlTAWAWhltmrl hay 11¢ng ï¬bleernl Pmy Thll vm ha quuflan poud by the leml national organ 1m Keith Davey when III Id druud Iha mumul Ind dz cklvn uncut lha Judy held fluxIn wuken Immedi nlelf preceding lhe open Pnlnmem altar Ihl lummer men What happmlng II that Innergroup back beuchm who um 5wth inlo Pullman In the tidal wavn that submerged the Dlzlcn balm lavrmmlm min loin mm but notjmrd They Are you they In new lo Plrflament but lhey mntm her vlvldly tho llmsllon whlch led to lhelr predeceum In th Llheral government of Mlt hmla Kln Ind Lauren be ing derlded performing mil And they no Mermlned lhnl My bhall not likewiu bl epluyhzdz mm no la fea mnwhy hcln but to do and ln ulhrr wards Ihty do not Accept um heruy Introduced by tom nun prlmo mlnlmn that wtr El 1n lhl Cablnn by dvlnt rim um mzmhcr ol the ovemlnl plrty ouuldn the Cabinet mult volt bllndly upper wllclu in when Ihnpln they mny hlvt no Voice From many lidu one hem wcllfaundtd crfllcllm Ill lhl Ermle member of parlllmml wrongly been Ilri oi hln or herIndeug 1y Only OTTAWA REPORT GUImD BHUNNED livemillinl vropoullm It ctpled lhn volts lb buck bencher no miller Iww mul blg talked Th wmuneu nl this undrm ocrnllc dml mm In DIIIII men ll ml 11 lllummd by Ivy ule In lha armh vyunmml II In An Independent but ddtr mlned Ind ll utnl who ï¬nally at hll pr mo bll pund to reform the bully Anlchmnllllc dlvom In cl lhll munlry It In ll mnn holler known humour In Input In our pullmm vrlull munbm hm lar ynn been dvlntln Ilvm bllll lntmded to brul mlm my Iefldlnz Thou wm 1wa Ihunned by In lovemmonl Hut mm long nvrrdm MI lma ponlnl nllrr hu bun upon mm government It would an Pmn wlu Ind jutflu tor tome uvllcr govt rrnmmt Ia Juppar am lhl muny Inlllllvu by prlnll memben The JimIA In de lmmnnd Hm lhdr mm mm Izlllllu mu not In Ildclim And um helr own vollllul uu Null not In Mptndm erly upon Iha mm mntlnvu of my uhlnrt mlnlum for whom mllodlmy Icy do not hold unqunlmnd Idmlrllmy IMNGEI DMANDED Whm In lhlnu Immllnl In Unln Manly ml in my mlly do an nut II rulllnl lml Mum lim Ia lb Wk MI new III ml II Mll hll II III II nun IM and Ibno Wm mm yOIPNDHNI Ix BIBLE THOUGHT Wise rwmmm 31 PMle Nlcuouou 11m 11m mm If Liberal GingerGroup Wont Be Silenced WHEN TWOS CROWD group Wu compel lhn gov zrnmem to Implement pre elmlon vromlu lo mamto rnlu MPI Iallrlel nwlr method will repofledlylh hm ully lnnk muman 19¢an wulkquln The next my Wu to lnlln that ha pmy cnucu nlher Ihln mo mum Ihauk be 1m dlncuulon mup mun which pollc Ind leglllltlv Ihuud bl mved Th1 9qu It th Mora ntly they um up an mum of Ippolnl menu upecillly wllhln lhl you 30354 Hrhlo Smyrnzmky Bullrim cl ml born 1m 11 Kukulh Ind dl tuhzrcu 1qu Jun ma Too bad Your can um premix yur DON OHEARN TORONTODo you drl Maw£1 Do you drlvo IlIllon wuan1 ConmlulIllanL You pmbIbl will Inc cw dollIrIInd on drlvo wllan ynu llkoly In la mouth to ad Ind In uu lhtm an pctcylinder Mall drivm of All ryllndrr rompm will Ind their nu lm been bound 50ml Ilm dr ur mum will be ply Ill mom And milnn wuon n1 mm who hm been HIM an commmlll bun In new on parcylinder Ichrdulo also and will um money II In 191mm wlnnl Nobody hm ll mm ol kll uplnnltlan In Ill ll Ilnl known wholhrr lho new uhld ulnrwlll man man Thin In nuIhell would mm to by nu lenmuncn of flu rhlnln In puunlu at 11 can flu 1m out you an on and alter nlthu Xoummmll dont In bum flul Im money on noun Nojrp II ported nylnl my cum Mmr hlm IliaAI 0mm on on ll ml 04 CHM an Mr b0 ml lhll hm haw Wt 001 hut in uln ovmlm uv lo llll wr ll The on minim cm Immlu Ind hwlovmml on Mnnln Hindu Mu mldo hll llrll whuc umdu Mr HIMII hmm wl nld uv wa Iha Importm 0mm In Ihc rwplvr mum um ml 01 IN mum flmul hm lioloflmhluywuwhm ll ruin nod midi flul wu vlghl IN II gt In III II II III my Mum ml Immr AM I0 mum tn urn0 lot at lull many If mm UK It Ind QUEENS PARK Dont Make Changes That Lose Revenue llvlnt nut drlvl By 1112 CANADIAN PRESS Nov ma Cellar1 Jnmu Mumy wu Ippolnled Brilllh gov hlel Cmdu 100 am no lodnyIn 1m mm yur Murray who hid hm one WOUII hm brindle In he ex pedman Inlnu Ouchc wn forced uell duo won mutln wu com eiled to ram hm yuu um buqu of chmu ol vmllllly In tho French Cl nudlnnl but Inter wu ox onmled In th Ham Lawn Rullu mu uni an VII work louher tflutlvely or lhgdovelqmep Irg RIM run down we Inn lnrdln It un Ind WI olnl Into bl of Ipln W0 an only In bl bllnnd It llmu In tho pl hm hm qullo loudrmoulh which Ilnl bill uun wnl Inmuncad hut tanner pflmo mlniller Bennett would min in In Enzlluh emu noTh0 colllblon Ir mln Ind tank can enm lnln nur Cm Ml Lula ML killed 21 vemnl Ind lnjurod album Md hl ommllm Room No of Iulumcnl llulhllnp Outml lallr bulnniru ll Am Ind rontlnulnl unlll 100 jun Tm Wtdmdaya and Thuudayl udl ml unlll Dcmnlrt ll I96 lolanl OwlInu mm hum II vrcnmnml Jimmy II Ind mllnm on Tundm Wrdmdm And Thundm uh mk or km TM Onlula Commltm on Tuulon um begin rub hmlnn In Tmonlo rm vamM 16 ms nu luring will Iflonl In opponunlly or IM mamllm lo ml dlxuulon Mm mu dimuh Ind ovumHorn who IIM Mada Mlllm wlwnluhm on In Auhkcl nl mo In lml other mom mum of an 07le ampl mnnugnlllfu thI In nailInforme Warmth Marlb dlrmal la Ilu 5mm 11 0mm Comm hutlow Unhmhy Amt Tumult TODAY IN HISTORY covth lullIon II aw lo flu public to mend Discover Tuberculosls Lung Cancer and other Chest Diseases HELP SAVE LIVES BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS il0 YOURGOODIBEALTH ONTARIO COMMITTEE ON TAXATION IUILIC HIAIINOI 10an mdmn MD mm In mm ulumn gm Ink onl cook my blood man Ind 1mm tq my he hIdnl been to doctor In var yen Indll um um becqu thlnu Inc cannot ramovll mar1 mm thlfll dllbml Ind Ir and nod checkup quit lo IhII damnMRI Id In lamathlng wu wronl HI re turned or mother checkup m1 hedoctar Imnlly med the ma lamp and dllcavmd Vibe 11 Ihoum wm ynlypl Wlthln week mi hmhand underwent lumry II clmr WI an In Idvmced And he dled hmfly mama 11m could hm bun Ayolded II In proc tauoplhld been med In no mt eliminating how no on em will hm lo dle beenu of what he wu an ovmllm 4m Dmmclm Mlnfmdlnl your lfllall an encore lhn calm all hid to much you In my hfllblnd month an Ha hld lhu bowel lymptomn you wrote ofnnd ha 1qu four win wen summed lo In com lelo med lul chukum but doclan leu amount onel nld ha wn 0Kg Nellher thy above Idlm ynnku ml ml very hapw you my well imagine but rather lhln throwlnl brick hm pzrhlpl cm lullm mm him which my ha lutun mu bzcnuu In de1 mm procedun Ind uncom orlnhla am It nvu llvul And by tho lnw nvcnlu 11 In to do my nod It will hm la uud many lImeI without beneï¬t In ordn to catch 1h car which hippen lo bl er cl rxrii thnk um the proclov 1an ll null =Hih1Y Imponanf LONDON when puldnl mum wm lnmlled ln Cenlrul London year or to no then wm llllll ho but they would mud at many wllh whlch 1h local nullwrlllu would ymceed lo rovldo ldtqulll oll Ilmt Irk llclllllu But llorm ll bown un ovu hl llnlnclnl nlnlemenl on the yurl apmllm hmuu In all ext mm and mm mu plug to In prulwn Hula lull or lhu improvement at landonl puking convenlcn 11 all revtnna derived from lho momy put lnlo ha meter by molarllu wu 01651000 But III II mu calllcllan Ind Admlnlltullon had been mcl lha nu mm tram um mul wu 42000 And ma MI mount ol prom II luhjnl lucamb ux Ind prom which will probnbly mm thin mil In hull nnoxa cnmcnm Returns From Meters Drawing Criticism REPORT FROM ILK strong chllclm oi Ihll McINTYfll HOOD Meomlï¬ldully mry mldlcij lchecku mm In carnv bthlI llnl mum mnt enoulh doctorlv Indthm quelllon mm IMUmC 11 llvubbyg wllhu Inmnd ol mu wt mould um um Ion flu cumud on neullvo and would never nulecl In Mk on that prnvod mum But how doh 1w clnllf to manl phyllc And mm In new Mn and Mm lurn to know nu Ununlly the doctor will en Irll prmllloner or In lnlunII But then tn emptan plv dlllrlclln for chlld or ma talcum who often nallm lam Iymplam which hit unchlly In so on ILIJIANION 5mm F0 ha dullnl wllh new dnclnr mm mm 11 um elm whit ha wlntl when for In Appointment or chuckupl Don he um roullne qulck Ind lnexpenllv lurvay7 or II problcml or do so want lhl waxk1 And In wllln to may for Tim must be Illolled or more complain exnmlnauon and lhould he planncd in ad vnnce Film or my new patient rum binary undlmtw requirement Otherwlu how an dnclar evaluate lhu prob lem Involvcd null vlvlmy vallent who denled rum bleedlnl Blood wan dllcavcred on exlmlnlunn WM loa ml He died In le manlhl tram clnczr nu colon Mb Von thlfllubjecl tamar raw Dent Dr Molnm My hull Ache In much Ihll Iflmlumlt hIVl my of my 1m altar walking lull Ihon dlmnco wry uhauld dalV our doctor or padln MIL 0n poulblllly heel 1pm or cllclfled mu from Iomoprlor Injurf somellmu luulul mnovnl In Imth Mmullmu limp melhodl lul llcc such It cushionlnl flu lull 110 lb llnmclnl relurn lrnm lhu moncy rut In plrkInl mum II cum tram Automobil Aun clltion John ncrehry Cull 0rr blmd mu Al the incl thu tho nel pro moo hn um um med xula Pullmen inlanded And In dud decreed flu lho lucomu lrom melm mould bu med lo help overcoml lhl plrklnl rob lem And not for this ban It ol thn trumry II II clan that nu mum hu becoma honed dawn In mm bureaumllc hum hledam Admlnmmlva Ind malnlmnc mu lwnilow but up Ihe major pm lhl yang Mr Orr Added um 1h locmlnn Intended lo hm lhll whnln miller hmuxhl up In Ulmmu Meltr nvtnu Ihould bu zmpl 1mm lax lllbillly In said Thu Mlll mu ndmlnlllrl Ilan muu Ilw bu Invullulld TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um