SALLYS SALLIES pkg emolch chlps moilod up Purn anlo Extract cup contccllonm uglr Vc cu chopped wnlnuln Add milk to bo llng water IUI In potato Inkcl Ind Illow to All or mlnulu Add hullmcolch chips And oxlrncl mlx welL Stir In nu nr until well blondud and creamy uld wllnuln and Wu Iml lnlo buuurod lqum pun Chlll Ind cut In Iqlum 2V ibspa Orange Juice Mix apricots dates nrrowrooi crumbs lemon rind nnd coconut Add sugar and rilr until well blended ICombino extract and onngo nice rinkla ovor fruit mlxluro mix until well blen ed on ingredlenu hold another roll into balls dlameier roll in addi lunnrl inlli sugar Ind rlpon overnight in refrigerator Mnkos dozen balls Mn pk bulicrscoich chip isps inllon Rum Exlrlcl cup ovuponicd mllk 15 cup chunkliylo peanut butler Va cup needless nlainl wk uhocstrlng poiuioca Molt butterscoic chip with rum oxtucl Ind milk in hoav sauccpnn over mediumlow hm tilrring iro ucnily cmovo irom hcni Blend in Peanut butter old in raisins and polnloca until we mixed Drop 13 lenspnoniuls onio waxed paper Chill uniil ilrm ieldx 2216 dozen cookies QUICK EASY BUTTERNUT FUDGI lbspa mllk 11 cup boiling water 1h Sup Myth loinlo ilnken HOLIDAY AFTERDINNER MINTS cups granulated sugar 95 cup water Vi tsp cream 01 tartar 12 tsp Pure Peppermint lktract Red or Green Food Coloring Combine sugar water and cream of tartar in saucepan mix well Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves and mixture comes to boil then cook with out stirring to 2381 softball stage During cooking wash down crystals from sides of pan using pastry brush dipped in water Remove from stove le cool or minutes add extract and to drops of red or green food coloring Place saucepan in cold water stir until creamy fill paper icing cone or pastry decorator bag and dr ndi onto waxed paper AChiii ammo NOTE For eHéétly shiEti mm 5331510 pap er candy cups diameterfto Va thickness Gm BAKED In your kll packed In thm Illrullvu than pin ulra appul when container There are many containers you can pack your con lectlons in apothecary ara baskets bran shifter or bread trays that can used hi the race var again and again Cardboard boxes and jel or pickle jars can also he made attractive when decorated with foil felt fabric or wrapping paper Irlm them with Santa Claus face ma of construction paper and cotton batt ing or Christmas bows Christina also reminds us of that delightful aroma of fresh baking so this may be the reason the most meaningful gift you can give is often the one you make in yourkown kitchen Whether you bake gakes cookies or candy any of these favorites will be welcomed by all alges Since you will want to do our baking early you iould choose recipes with exce ent keeping qualities Of course if you hate freezer you can repare your gifts well in advance of all holiday festivi es and wrap them just before Christmas The recipes in this column today just fill theth Apricots orenï¬lejuice and brandy extract blend to keep the Apricot ha very moist and they actually improve in flavor the longer they ripen The addition of mesh ed potatoes keeps Butternut Fudge fresh and its so easy to make that even the children can help it and green AfterDinner Minis will Iddjust the ght note of color to your gifts Everrsrlnce thEVlhree Kings brought In to the Holy Child near 2000 earsago the giv ng of am has been be 0111 tmas custom and one flu setï¬onls specill joys GIFT SUGGESTIONS APRICOT BALLS cup chopped dried apricots 1A cup chopped dates cup Irrowroot cooho crumbs taps grated lemon rind 12 cup shredded coconut 1A cup fqugllorlou gugar cup comecuonorn at 29pslr11mug1 Bundy not gymnurngk cviuncnlas KITCHEN cossxp By EILEEN DIXON lm II In hunan fluid in mm AHITIIDAI lOPlNIIMIIN MIN IllMM mu Dullle nununvi um wmmN MADRID 10 PA mml luv wmcll 00m hm hutI Pmellcl rum lllmlyllnn IoUflllRN VACATIONII leiM Ah hm Nn In mm cumnu cman Ann In Mumnu Call In For NM Womlllon mmllm And Tklou OK JOHNSON C0 lIMIYED nu Ir Rm IM pronto 091 my ï¬lm Sun 121 Prom on REDUCID MR FAR lo EUROPI Plum wm mndl lar Gum mu mull ll lhl hams Nu ll WM llnlremmmtl um urvnl by Mrl Whflo Ind anlh Mn Don llcflrnthrlrerllrrirnl conducted In mudln Ind mem bm nmwmd lhe roll rnll Winn And when they um um humad TM mollo wu llven by Mn nkhlnllon an vem of ywr hlnhdly harm Menu In rend Ind dllcu nn nmfl mill vvnlnl Irhool In Iucmdul Mrl Jnmlmn mndudtd hm oonluu In ordar or club to lncmn membermlp It wu luneled lhll uch mambdr brlnrln lhm now mtmbm uch yur or llvc yun mm beam meant In Succeulm Duly Acl WM discumd well Jury duty In women Thu Provlncinl Con lmnu wn lunmd or April 10 In In yll York Hotel In 1mm allver MI Womenu lnlll um PM pllnn mm Al lhl hqml Mn flupm McGrnlhA Thu um Ipeakerjlin Murlel Perry Orlllll who ll mom Advlsor or union will Ima duced by Mlu Conn Wilson IAnd lhlnkod by Mln Gnu Iob emu Mlu Perry wake Iboul ulcnd lnl Provinclll BaaMmecan In Toronto lhmn ch 10 En llulonll Advlsor report ed on their rupedlvc clubs 11m November dinner meellri Bushman Ind Profession Voman Club wu held Thun dny vmhu It the Amerlun Hoke with Mm Llllhn Jane pnsldinl Silver Maple WI Conduct Meeting Mr Gwzh mum Mn Ncl for her mum Ind th chalgnxg lllzmuxht lo In Mn Dunsmm and Mn mk zavn report Ind dqxponstjlthn on Desserts Mn Newson and Mn ngtridga lunth Mn Suuon Mn Hamld Swllzer convener ol ï¬tlzenshlp And Education In Induced Mn mck who nv nplendld all on North gas Terrlloflel And condition are mimbuo was Courtesy ll contagloul 19 mm In epide mic Regional Adviser Is Speaker At Meeting Of Band PW Club Crown Hill Womens mutqu was held hi home Mn Edwud Suuon Nov at pm numbe of Evening Chu do member wen present or the meeting Roll Ill was What do lo further my Education wllll mymenlypy membep Plum wm mud or IM Crown Hill WI November Session Mn Gnu Murphy lnxlme tress 01 lbs Best Foot Forward dune wu bonleu It all dimm plrly held at in can Unenm Inn In honor of md mm hag nchool During the IArhu um Prop sum HONORS GRADUATES AT DINNER PARTY CHILDREN Mll MONTREAL CPI Wlnnl e1 Mcloloalll Dolly Nlclxmon mllcclod mm Hum 000 chlldrmnl pllnllnn lrom I1 munlrlu my wm med on Mr CBCW Mrlol ChIIdrm at In Wmhl lho 1N1 worldl Ilr will nlun an ax hlblllon chlldnnn pnimlnu mm amund ha world Slmud Wamlnl Inxlllult membm will mm In the Com munle llull an Nov 21 II Wm Tho mean will In In chum IM Aulcullun con venor Mr and Mn Chnrlel Sproula will pmvldc lerIlolUl Ihelr rmnl Mp tor Auunlll an hllmd Hon Kan tle Tho roll call la lnlwmd by cumnl emu an Mrlwllur lho concluslon ol lho med In presentation wn made by the Pnsldem to Mlu Evalyn leMIay who Is belnu married In December She was pmenled wllh urvlu ol II In le wheel cryslnl Tho Hach man lumen Lilo pmenlcd bar with In cryllll Four farmer member wm present for tho occulun Chrlnmnl nuke Io he Ivan to needy Iamlly wllh Mln Grm Purim chnlrman for hp eammlllu Tho Chrlmpnn dinner and loclnl waning wll be held Dec 17 Stroud WI Plan Evening Meeting bur Ann Lander Pleasa An lwer thh question or me Doc sleeping on not hm tho not In any my This may lound only to you but them in M1 1th on on In our tomtly About thlxt My mother Ind her ulster are both widowl My um like to otoop It my mother house one or two nights week My mother ha only doublo bed In hm aportmont She cant Ileep wtth my Aunt because my Aunt ll too restless so my Iunt hu been Aleeplng on the roll My mother bought now ooh two week no and the doc not want my Aunt to 11299 on It bot or 1m evening Mn Murphy mien led such Iho graduate with camaflnn Above Mlu mums M1 On Icepu her flower1mm luauno res while MIL Mao dnnald Ind Mlu Gull Rlchnldl ANN LANDERS ATAII MONDAY NOVEMBER AT PJL Mr WHIIMI nnnlnl clue II mm III In uluud lo Mum lhn allrl luv cl Mum1 31 WV mmm zxmm II Hm nll Du mmm II IA um WEEK COUIIHH Inn hurledd FOX nun llAflM WM RUMM IIOMA NOVA AND DTIIHM ADILTD ONLY Overnight Guest Causes Family Feud NEW AND EXCITING ADULT DANCE CLASS lfnflow Forming EMBASSY All JOIN BINGO Mllu Cannon Ind Kllhlnen melry hIVI hun III II um um In it shldow Cow an lDIlodl Screen Olml adluo nlu who 1qu In my Oren lhelr chlldrrn um mm mhllkm In not ponlhlo For an lh you dont ny whclhcr 1h good child wu boy or llrl ha wu the In to adopt Du mad or In thlrd You did all me how npm In In Ihl um dun Ind whu you wm whm you Idomed launch lul proved um chlldmn du lnhem ddlnlla per Innlily lulln bu mvlronmml Ihlpu lhc Inherllod mmrlll Dur lulx Tho old mumenl II II heredity or envlmnmm Ixnln rem Ill mntmvmlll head Aulhorltlu now um bum Adan slupu III 11ch ll ul So you am no Ann bllmlnl ha plrenll or cvorythinl II not Ilwnyn Mr ANOTHER ma PARENT nn lhlrd child wu lovable rccepflvo Ind 50y Wu muted Ihm children Illko Ihaw In no Averillm yet lho lulu erl vmly dying4 Alter number ol chlldle yum my wile and becam udopllvo llInU Ind nlled hm chldrennono of whom were bloloxlcally raluled No ol lheso children warn latully In corrlllblo They lulled to re pond to any lype of dllclrllnu whatever We lrled wllhho dlnl prlvllem mldlnz wanking Ill wllhoul Iucml These Ml thildrtn mlda our um um pinkIll dlll Ollen lhl ma can but you ml to rocolnlza that mm chil dren Ire barn with puller amount tbs ald Adm thin alhm um Ann Your mm to 1963 Model Mother wha com lalned oi Incnmglhln children Inmed parent xemrll or the Liluallon Den Mn What your Iunta 150 pounds would do to tho loll ll buldo the mm ll Mrli obvious however lhnl Iho necking 1ha mum out lamlly rolallomhip Yaur nun shnuld visit your mathar durlng ma dlyllma and Heep At horn in her own bed mlmnflzn you donl know the Answer lo Dill maybl you can cull lurnlhno Innms cause she lay so wm nu hull Iar IIeeplnz My aunt claim her 150 pound do not Ifld up to tho welm ol lhm peoplo lilting on it loak on Among Ihon Allend lnz the uvanl were Mn 01m LoGur Mn Nnncy McArthux Mn Cooke Mlu Lena Hons berler Mrs lamina hump llle my Sulllvan Ex minor Phnlo BLAKI ST FA M967 Convener 1n Livan Met nu Mn Dy Social Scrvlce Mn Anderson Ttn Cenu and Fund Mu Klvell Dorcu Secretary Mn Fin mm Buying Oommluu Mn Widow Vlnillng Commllm Mn Smut Ind Mn Wur kzw Rectorl Nominee Mrl Andemn Ind Mn Dlxsonx Tn Canvtnnr Mu Warlaw ï¬lo Ilnle amenI II In Io Iowu Hanan pmldenl Mn mm uldenk RIV Wane Dyer conducted lumllaflon ceremonial held or nuwly eleded olflcm the dim branch ol 0w Worm onl Auxiliary of St Georlel Anglican auurch sum in vice pmldmf Mn Cain Secretary Mn Kendrick mnunr Mu DeFomL El Mrs Bryon Campbell nee Dorothy Johnston of Thornton was guest at honor at several entertsln meme Miscellaneous ehowere were Elven by Mrs Rey Camp bell at Ben1e end Mn Eldon lhrck Steel Sheet The brides zlrl lrlmds met at the home of Mn Jack Scoltol Thornton and presented the bride wllh variety gifts shower was hosted by the bride mslde Mlss Jonnns Sheppard Mlss Merllyn Sheppsrd Ind Mlsl Undl Well at the Sanford SL resldenco at Mr and Mrs Ro bert Sheppard Nelzhbors and rlends ol the brldezroom held shower for the bride at the Ardsah Road resldence Mrs Russell Rohlnson Thornton Com munlty Hall was the settler or pnsenqun party for the newlyweds zlven by Thornton ares residents Following the weddan rehesml Mr and Mrs John Douzlss Cempbell An dean Rand parents the bride groom entemlned or the wedd in party The Senior Unll men Hlll United Church Women me the hem of Mn Gordon Dunl Imm for an November meet 11 Th ean afternoon was an In quilllnx followed by on buxlneu mslon SOCIAL Mm OmarInlanon to Mr And Mrs Harold Cooper of Ron St who celebrated lhelr Ih wedd lnl Innlvemry on Nov 19 The couple were married at Collier Street Unncd Church at an evo nlnu cemmuny conducted by Rev Mr Flllh 391pm anownns The en hasten wal Mn Pulridu Th Innnal Ladlel plain of he Shel Shrlna Club wlu be held lhl evenlnl It the Can fluentl lnn Tarry Harm Hausa Commute clulrmnu Ind Funk Taylor In Mchalrmen ol the amt Imelle lhe guest will ha Presldeul Ken McAuley and McAuley Elm vala Put Pmldenuan Carm orlllln Dr Franksllannon and Bert Jennm ul Banla and llulr wlvell Danclna lo Sherl dBlll Orchestra Tomnlo lol lowod bya bullet supper wlll hllllllaht lhg cvenlnx Wva mum Mrs Anderson Heads Auxiliary Crown Hill UCW HoldQuilting Bee EXAMINER PRINTING SERVICE BAYFIElD ST The newlywedl In Icltlcd In Shnhly Bay where hay dld pan lime larmlnl The brldczmm worked II the Holden Es Ian Shanty Bay or mm than 14 yenL Slum moving Orlllla 15 year ago Mr Hub hm hm um cure 01 ha Orllllu drlan lhcam May Rina became Iho brida of Arthur Mill Hubhen ceremony held St Thom Anglican Church Shaw any Novi im the lame church in which the bridesz had been baptixed The bride it tho daughter he late Mr and Mn Joseph Rinehm of Crown Hill The bridegroom is the son oi me late Mr Ind hirl Aired Higher oi ShapinBiay calebrnled their zaldan Weddlnl Anniversary at an en house celdnallnn held Emmy Eny Communlty Hall on Satur dal evening wpp A1 plum an The couple who now maka their home In Drill came blck the are when they hnva lived my ol their wedded to mark lhll upeclnl occasion minim ixqmï¬n viznmsnnv Nov ii In Celebrants Mark 50 Years In Village Full Of Memories Arthur mm Fur Elderly and cunvalet all pancnu Excellen Acilluu or prlvntc or lcmlprlvnla Ho and cold waterln room Relislcn 0d Num In Illeudmu smmsn NURSING HOME STAYNERt our MARSHALL log PHONE I14 MR BARRIE AND MRS ARTHUR ï¬iiiiamif PERSONALIZE THEM WITH YOUR OWN VERSE ORDER NOW CHOOSE FROM MANY SPARKlING DESIGNS THERE IS ONE SUITED FOR YOU OUR STOCKS ARE COMPLETE puxuanthn DIeIenbnker Congralulntary message win maind from Dr nynnrd MR Prime Mlnlsler Lulu TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MAM Presidan the tea table dun Ing the evening were Mn Ralph Hickllnz and Mn Carl Wortley of Shanty Bay Mrs Robert Obco And Mrs alarm Zellell of Drum RECIVInKKueslx were Brice Mn LeHay and lbee daughter 01 lha brnnu The warm hive uven children 5111 Frank Obee And my Orillia Mrs IA Brio Gladys Barrio Mn Ron Lo Hay Shlrlcy Orlllia Elmer of Barria 1th of Shanty Bay VIII and Lloyd Drill PgunnA mu sinmm mi Air Trent and 5d PA 83594 Ich Rel 1500 Pzrml mm mind NOW um PERMANENT Q99 BEAUTY MLON XI Mm Elm new by Jim nuk 7266537 Now No Mrl Mn