Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1963, p. 3

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Militia Begins Armoured Course Teachers And Trustees fTo Confer Over Table arm um Murray I1 II nml llumond Emmi IAlllm Dmlld Mrlmd mm fiuuu Honoan pm Mm we mmn nonIcy Kvllh mm an unlrll Mutan lime Mum Emmi numumr 1he Grey and Slmm Fores ter began lhelr In Introduc llon 10 armoured carp lrnlnlnl 1m nllhl after our yem ul mosl wholly devoted to Nllkuh Survival LleuL HCalwall Ind lwo other rankl 11 mm the 8th Hussnrl came to nunla Arm oury In ruck to give lecture llld dcmomlnllon In armour huoud llama llnmllwn In mm mm Mldlmd nmn Imrypnd Hum mrmvrlll mvlu hrld In lonlllu Unlud Church va l4 and own rmlwd lmm lvlcmla ml relum In the ml well thou In Nuiflrhqwllh Mr mm In born II nodwl Palm mo and HIM In Orv lvr nu ma Mm movlnl In lnnlelx flux who mm with who no tanner Ault lurl Emmi Funcrl urvlu or Charla Tlllnll wnl hald In Ora mum Unllrd Churth Nov 11 HIV Frank Jennlnu MIRIAM In mull wu In Inc church mm fl lxpedcd council wlu Inth In bullnul or III mlln1 by Thurldny noon Member wll 01m luvs by bu or hlr Memlzm of County Cvuncll wlfl mu lm flnynl Wlnln hlr lho Canndlln Nullonll l4th thon mundl 1n ananta Thurr day IKOIHWIL Vnh lha Induction the el dcn wlll bu armrd the In Klrk Sculon of the Wzllmln Alcr congregation which hu un tll now hnd nn Aumor Senlon mndn up Charles Church Ind WIIllnm Manila Em Road Pruhylerlm Church And nu pert Bold Ind WIllInm McKIn mm Andnwl Prubyur In Quurqh Ordlmllnn II In elder II the highut honor Ihll the Funny Itmn Church cm conflr upon Ilymam lccnmlnz In Rev Mnlculm hummerl mlnlller Vulmlnlur Pmbmrlm Church urvlca ardinlllon Ind 1r ductlon of elder wlll be held by wmmmm Fmbyltr Ian Church 930 mm John Inn Slrm Publlc Schoo lhll Sunday The olden clm If Colvln Jowcll landWllllgm Ralnlnrd County Council Goes To Iair Bwrrle Dlstrlot Oalklialo Board will hold banquet me to get to know Ihe Inching but better The banquet Intended to im ve Malian between Iha mi and the teachers Is pmed In cost about $3 Originally It was luflcsled that $3+plalz dlnners be Ml cred and only Ihe lunchan mu be Invflcd EldersElect To Be Inducted POINTING TO ONE of Ms flluslrnlluns or mm In Weekend Maurine is my He maon Toronto lam Ir Bnl Central Collegian princi 1AllLPl 11le OBITUHRY pal Bowman numstcd that 11 I110 bound did not lnvlte teacheu wives and husband to the banquet reaction mow the teachers mm mm thu PW WM WNW auntsth that it would be bum to provide $15M plm dinner and Invite the loa chemo bflnx than Mm and husband was taken uy by the board whldl dccldm to serve the dinner cafeteria Ilyla In Ilead mvidlna tablnlervlce ed regiment nmnlznllon com munlcnuans and organization They um lectured on armoured llcllu at the troop level Man 150 Farulcn all rank Iltendcd lhe lmtrucuon Coming from Iquadronl In Cal llnlwuod Midland Orlllln Dur hlm and Owen Sound Um men wen transported to BunIa In army bum Hal Mr Hewnlaan lpokl It meeting or the Enrrlo An Club In night It lhc Library Hull Ha wu the In mm Buy 1904 Valiant really does machining or you Lightlwnrlod styling pin hnrdhoadcd practicality Highpowered perfmmmlco coupled with unbeatable fuel oconfimy Buy it 1004 Inn um uwnumy Vuflantwlllmkoyouavrywhm Rafilrfimmn gunman OANAbTErb 75 BRADFORD STREET In respoma to Inflation thM ho dlnnm be held alter he new year he noted lhnl Iho Aubjocn 01 mman the mu had been brouth up in Sepicmbcr min and Annealed that tho board would on lace he dlnner was put on unlll lha new year 1119 old Rtgmry Building In Hun1e will llflinl and than be used or Juvenlle lug Family Court County Council yuterday domed Property Commllm report and Awarded lhe lender or nnovntlan 1h hulldlnl Archlnd Sana Emuville Bourd chairman Frnlt observed that mlnflona had be camu bn Itmlned earlier in the year and 0m It wu lul mted early mt Juno ghM there should be mm mm Approxlmalo can In 315000 and the prom will receive up Ilmmce un er Um Winter Em ploymen pmmm To SpruceUp Registry Building n1 hll kllid to Mk the club flu describe lhu role at lho commerclal arm in adver thinl and lllullrnllng Exam Iner Photo munnm nxmmviyannmvnavfu 1m The two prolrnml were Im munization the 53 rural hook and tho Iccond round pro uhaol cllnlcn Dr Sam nond tho atlendnnca nt II clln cl wn Iamewhnl dllnppolnv nl Dr Scott pnlnlcd nut that one tin mum or me dluwolm mm was Ihal Wl do no but lho nuulnl mu Ivnilnhla to make the mum Mme VII hoped that lhc children If Humor by their Inmlly phyh an The weather mad poulble or more Hum the mull number mm link In be Inmlltd Dr saoll uld Iomu mlnor dlr cum or Inlemllmu lmpcuza and pediculull cumin lama concern student with elthur nre excluded from Ichoal by Ihn princlpnl Ind mun my Immunization ml the arder the day In lhe Octabcr ac llvlty of simcao Caunly Hull Unit reported medical olllcer ol health Dr Scott Alonl with annual uhoal In Ipecllanl the Innltnry Impac 10 are quill buly ha port limited rummmpisifiuie Slain mad Cnnndlun cam mofilnl mm Aid In nmln 1m my Heweuan Toronto Inncn arm and Illgllrmr or Iuch mnuazlnel ll Chllelllne Weekend and the Star Weekly told about 40 member the Bunla An Club ho felt Inmm lralqod In Canada ya hotter atgynm Mgmqumon aradnalel llu ent mm Yorkho became an apprenllu to an tablllhed Illulmlor he explained In Canadl you In nlven bl ol overythlnl to do nnd you form miter Alarmin llan hi dlmrenl knda work Ihlnk Ill type mln much better or In ar Mr Howeuon dolcrlbnd lho rolu ha mm In ndvmlllnz today and he mun be hullncumln well pcmn with nblllty cu mom In profly cullhranl bull nun ho mud wllh Ill klndl Lack Nurses Is Blamed For Disappointing Clinics Says NCitveldffirfiSt economically and In flyio ValiantI ammun 51le Iupcxb Ilmtl why its tho only on in class with 64yonx60000mflo Mot1min wan rnnly You wont find mom bountiful barnln Buy at You cant but it FRENCH MOTORS an wnu IVIAlIMDoMILI yawhernia gumx WHOWBWS ANGUS sum All five men nominated or tho Anlu Beard Tnmm Frldly nigh dtcld ed to enter the elbcllon race The will In elecld Sammy 11m lncluda flu three 57mm lumen Duck wonh Fred mm and Merv Milton and Sargon Gum and Guru Dexter The quullon on lho hullnu nr prayerly owner ll Which do an prefer mulled In the v1 age Hm munchpII waln lupply or mum out until udcqunla trenlmenl In lullable He noted flu olhu dlmm remain at mun Ho mulled cam 01 mumpl 100 mullet 01 chlckm pox 19 German meulu mrln Itver nl monclluh And lnIccUmu heyalllll Ha ch mnlor illullmlan work being done In Idvmlllnz Iadny he cnuu nlphawsraphr and mo cllnnt in more madly lullled win phqloiraph btcaun lion will emu chm no to Chi lIluurallon Sam hi Illuurnuom haw been Ioldmany llmel am to dlmrunt mulzlnel ln filmon counlrlol He ndvhed un nudlenca no to try to vdllcoumo youngKen ram bmmln mlm not only beenqu lth mlnht devalap Into another Michaelanulo but In cnuu 1h child wlll enjoy pnlnb Inn emclnlly 11 new old Mn Em Cox pmldcnt of Ike Art Club Innounced guided tour of about 10 Toronto II lerlu will be held Nov 80 bun will luv from In Iron In Welllnmn H0101 It Im returning to Banla It so 1mm ol compelltlon commtrclnl If plnt prim damn In MI own Ivory lawn xnlnunl 33199 Co palm Five Contest Angus Seals sicakln cl mnunzlno lllulm Honl Mryowatlonlnld Valiant orary mum madmaaler un til recent Wlnlmcnl by Canadian National Rallwnyl Jaleph OShell ll appoint ed mmm randmnmr Wa nhnga mamding Simm bqrz mafiade Tho award are In lhe cm of decal to be mixed to tho workerl safety helmet They In dime the number year tree from accident naming over two dags hpg all flan McFadden luperlnlcndcnl the water works dcvnnmcm ablcrvcd lhaL man the award wm or be all length of Mn The Award dlurlbuled by the Electrical Utllltlu Enlcty Am clnllan to ymvlde recnznlllan la emvloym wlw help prevent nc mum on Iho job were mun led by Wlllon chalrman 1m rue Fuhllu Ullllllel Cammlulon prucnled award to 34 men who records show year or man my on Ihe job The ceremony tank Inca yelterday It the PUC Euldlnl CN Appoints Roadmaster PUG Employees Cited for Safety WILEON right chair man lhl Public vumm ugrvefi lcmpv Mr Ralph mvvernd question about the wtllnm system In coymy llarlnld Admlnlllmd by dlrmor field worker and pad Urge dd vyorken He Inld there In growing feeling that nanny adminhm ed Ingram better equipped lo cal wllh many the prob Ieml oflen Ihey mm ledlva than ndmlnhtrallon mullet municipalities he mid Councillor Small lflld lhaugm wellm mm but be agrylnlileyqd at leap level Mr Ralph mid The Finance Commlltea has had to many quem or rcprcacnlallvu to explain and oulllne he Iyslem that It hill Iaund necessary to who Ihem In Hamilton Mr Ralph laid the unit wal entubfllhed earlylhln year He dlremd it and Iha Flume Commmeo County Council ha Wldsdlh Ed Ralph director of Counly thlnra or Wentworlh County appeared before County Council hero mtarday lo explain the county welfare letup In that county Explains The Welfare System For County Wentworth Commluion mmmlntu mayhem veteran of Iccldenuree yuan wIIh Barrie PUC Mr Stepheman wu on of PUG employee Alter nbuul hull an linaur of mill MY um Conllnxency Cnmmlllee nor prmnlcd In council yu lurdny Inld the money at no vet penal dtrlvrd mm the Ihno would to lowards helping flu Indlnm nu Chrlallnn Inland Olly Councll previously receiv ed umuar Invitation Member Counly Council have been Invited to pheannr lhoot on Chrmlnn bland County wllcilm VCurflo wan called helore council ID will lhl malter fluid Mr Currie In View wnuld lhlnk any pnl Chlan could enlom any speed llmll nr bylaw The quullon arm who Iher Ill Ontario Provlnclnl Pol lca could legally more weed llmll placed by the counly wrangling council ordered 40 mile per haur lpecd Ilmu placed stretchy road near Pene Bnl County Officials Invited To Shoot who wzre Elven My ward at ceremnny In the PUG bulldlng yexlerday He had the longest record of service wini out an accident Examiner Photo fifimimmwm

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