AUCTION SALE Hnlurdny December ll pm almn mm II 11va ml IIURTUN AVENUE tMImlnIolgllmk vle on Inn7 No II Mr all Imaer lmnlnhlnu Includm tom ullllull Tum urn No mm lm ham MM WATI lm lull llumnd ll on mum IWNMW Jnnnv UmlIILIN about ilnh now In nllrml Huh III lha Inh wm manmxrll and mld by Jimmy Hal Mum HIIHIM The Ilml In roomy lumlnn Mm llnu Iilh gmul mm In ml two wulca Hod mud Inn now 0mm or mnmmrmrnl will nnl be Md nxpomihlo Inr nc cldcnln on llwir pnmuly dny of ule thlni be remand armed or COMIILHmmsiE 0t llrghlcrvd llururd Mllo ZIMVMH SALES STAIILES li mum wnl Elmvnlv Thursday November at 130 pan luwlly nl IIOn Hunr AUCTION SALE of valuable household iumiture including several amiqucs it undersigned auctioneer it received instructions irom the Estate Late DR it SPROII at CAMPBELLS WAREHOUSE 75 Lomnn Street south oi John Strceu on Saturday November 23rd at pm sharp The following iumiture Electric ivburner range heavy duty Bedroom Suite dresser rhest oi drawers mattress opting immpletc 31inch TV set Electric tloor polisher Davenport with their to match Wurlitzer electronic piano good as new Frigidaire cubic it Retrlgeroiors good condi tion Electri Toaster LE Electric Kalle good us new Electric Iron Antique cmmh troy Viking 21 TV good as new with rabbit can Kitchen table and chairs nniique Baldng cabinet Kitchm ut dis Kitohen dishes Silver wm Utility table ltlcdlcino cabinet wall mirrors West minster chime mantel clock Antique mantel clock Brass ï¬replace moor ond poker lron coal bucket and screen An thue occasional chairs Antique loot stool Antiqun ovnl tnblc Antique mohognny round iob Antique small lound inble Din in room suite complete with table chairs bullet chlnn cabinet and sidc inhle Tclc phone table and stool Antique ten wagon Cord Inble Studio couch Antique wail mlrror Chesterï¬eld and my choirs Bndgo Lump Nilght lump Electric toblc lamps Good china and ultuswurc Sever11 bets old books Odd books Antique piece holl set includ ing mirroruchoir table hull tree bedroom suites complete with vnnity unmet chest 01 drnweu mattress nnd springs Antique rocking choir on llque bedroom chnin Antique smoking stand Bookcnso tscc lon Antique cellar Cilfti Eur eka vacuum cleaner Cnrpct Iwctpu Antique clothes clmtt Antique writinx desk Toilet lei Electric heater lrnwn chairs Compirte not oi Witkri Veramlnh iumllurc Flown Moods living mom my odd run Vnses hnlrkknncks MV ernl nnthuo pluum nodding many olhor nrtlcllu too num HOW to mention Term rmsh Nu rrsrrm as home sold nml lulu nunl bu nelllni ngg was man who did most In uncover Profumos af alr with Christine Keeler whlla the redhead we dallying wilh aflRussfgn axon covered Scalllsh al lndnslrlnl and nnciear en ergy developmém and national security All seemed designed lo Shaw up what Labor mnsld en 10 be Sir Alecs lack House Common experience economic knowledge and ad minlflrauve apflily Labor member George ngz murreded tho ghost of he Icandal which Involved former le mlnlslu John Prolumo by Asking the prime mlnlsler to lay who now wIll be answering questions about security SP ï¬RED INVESTIGAHON l3 AUCTION SALES LONDON AP Sir Alec DouglasHume defended hisnew Conservative government lues dly against an onslaught of La bor party questions and aunts In his first question purlnd in Parliament was the iormcr Earl oi Homes baptism Him In the hotvseq occupied by Eyitisll mime ministers The House of Common Institution of question limewhich allows the most obscure members to questlnn lhemnnirys leader is the nearest British equivalent of an American presidential conference Home Receives Baptism Of Fire SJ Alec replied Ihat Home TEE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 1m Fer mm lrvk JHIHW OUGHLIN Audlnnrré unlil BIRTH RATE DOWN OITAWA CF This year has been one of fewer births and an increasing number of deaths By the end cf October there had been 393092 births registered in provincial ofï¬ces compared with 400788 year age the bureau of sinilsticue ported Tuesdaqu total 124379 deaths were registered com pared with mom in the first 10 months of Inst year There were more meninges however rosuo compared with 107190 when Sir Alec was on Ill lee hls Iallering and occasional lumbl nllractedx derlslvo vhawls lrom Labor members And gusts lal laughter and cheerlpg arose lrom his follow ers when one of lll will 11 arts floored cri uy 51 Alec men added thai be for full Commons debate on thu governments handling of ths Pmlumoqflgir would rather valul conversation with labor party leadEr Harold Wilson on some aspen bl se Secretary Henry Brooks wlll re mlln Illcï¬nllol or the sacnrlty aervlce but that he lllmselt wnuld not shirk responsibility or matters national scour EATO C8 IE DESIRED N0 MONTHLYPAYMENTS 0N EATONS BUDGET PLAN UNTILEEDRUARY I964 Ah EATON Supér Value Tobacco grower John Mala right of Simone on re ceives Ihe Imperial Tobacco Challenge Trophy mm KmmeyI pggsidegl My pany Si the Royal Winter GETS TOBACCO GBOWEBS TROPHY McCLARvVEAsv COMPARE AT 12995 EATON Spodli uch MODEL ZTiZJé This McClnryEasy otters Two Door convenience for tho medium sized family The Zero Zono Freezer holds 75 lbs or frozen loud and provides rack in the door for packages In the refrigerator section are GlideOut Shelv es nn Twin Porcelain Enamel Crispern Dclrostlng and Moisturo Disposal are both automatic Deep Dor Stor aeze provides Removable Em Trays Choose and mm oepera and Big iloltlo Storage lw Magnetic Door Gos kol seals both rlooro tightly Substantial Saving on 14 FT REFRIGERATOR MITED 27495 Fair In Toronto Mr Malns hgnd Iuecured tobacco was Judged the best of 44 samples CAUSES DEAFNESS car may cause lmpalmcnl ol Infection In nose throat or hearing if in neglected DunIop so in 72349 SAlE ENDS SATURDAY NOV 23 It entéred In thé lnlemnflonal competition held today Wirephnlo IIII mavg ta xeduce Una qual llylng age elecflan candl date to 10 years from the pr aenl 21 was poslponod pmdlng legal Iudy The muvc was apansared by Maurice Mar on LYorkScnrhorough and Frank Howard NDP Skecna who successfully sponsored an r1 recommendation lower he quaiitytnz age of vol era to from 2L The battle climaxed long writes of votes procedural wrangle and debate In the Commons elections cammlltee driving hard In complm re view ufelectural law helm Parliament ends 1111135310 nu month my EXAMINERWANT ADS mom PA Mm The LihernisJw Greene Renlrew South Rlchard 02mm East and Ride out Wesimnrinnrii lined up with mild block oi Conserva lives to outvoie LiberalND Sgciai Credih combination aim tempting to recommend that Parliament add palLy aiiiilu lion lo the ballot The vole was 11 lo 10 OTIAWA CF An attempt to require that politich amus flonxnlpandidnten ha llsledmn Jederal election ballots was de feated In Communu eonunk lee 112de wlflu vaung help mm mm liberals who broke with halt partyl um elecllon plggmrnk Réfï¬sé Tom Afï¬liations To Voté Ballots NY7 Hulda dd dry In um Mm mad maul And It mv al hcnd mm um min Umu mm hu 0qu in 60 Cum Tuvmnm 01 OanadlanMadal Shades EATON So poll 90 54 Wm Lang Length SAVE UP TO 30 on Nofm FIBERGLAS DRAPERIES Al wide Ort 014 ll II 1599 1199 199 899 He said Iinoatha trualeeship was imposed the Great Lake situation had improvedCana dian aaiiora are back on their ships alter weeklong walkout in protest against the takeover and the use retaliatory boycott against Canadian ahipnlol was OVER it will be more dlilicult The minister old press con erenco that the debate by iho United Siam labor movement on the imueship ism nuy servo to inform tho USr on the true incl oilile government cmsieeshlp over the Soniareru International Union 1nd and our other Canadian maritime unions wuhiriï¬mï¬mm MPmrnuflduuhlnll In mm min TORONTO CPILabor Min Ilur MacEnchen luuested mmdny Ihntvlhe Ileam may hm out of Amerlcnn labor op pouluan um Canadian gov emménl marina unlon mule ship time goes on OppqsitidnTo Trusteeship IsExpected To Diminish Ill whit 94 04 04 2i 1069 In these respects the lam lnllon not mention the Canndlan 3111 of Rights but In upper or princlpm In his much he answered criticism by American rude unanlsls lha he trusteelhlp was nnwon to 611an Km trade unluns In atolllariun way The enswar to euch stale mente In that it seems to pro mote free trade unionism In the Immue the semen them wives their trade unlonl end the maritime Industry he eald Ha met porters nflcr speech to the Osgoode Hall Lo gal and Literary Society In which ha traced the history the Grant Lake dispute tlmn we on or us supporhr era of he SIU to Iuslaln heh light against the trusteeship Mr Mncflachen uld SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS mama mr APPOINTMENT PA 87111 Prlvm