gm Ivlvnlu IIVCI lumuIIu und up ll 4w gm lhll TIL BIIIlIlAu In on Ilc Powv Can lull can Cfln In CPI Cln Cumin Chum Cnlun rowI Con Hm ll Albulu ï¬lm loan mummy nomlnllod No due hn betn yet or ulo nomlnlllon mm In llll 1h third vacuum Mr Whllosidu nld lodly TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE nu Null humor Ind was lumen chllrmun Ill the PUC vnclnclu Dr Chum and Dr Um ulna qullllled for PuhUn Schqol Irpqnxjho joul Aulamnllonl the ï¬lled dx vmndu an Iowa mndl nnd In two on tho Publla will 11 Commlxslon Servlnx on 19M council will be pruenl mum clllon Juhn lot Funk Mluner Bum and Mn Jun Hither Ind newmmm PM Sluluk Ind Olk GCAY Penman were nomlmled ALUSNN Stall In man race or mmr all out 12min an the elrcllnn scum hm except far nomlnr uon medJM needed to III third vmnuy on Public School Board Al othar posh wen tilled mumHon whzn mu qualiticl Ion dudllno cum 4m 1th at 51m clerk Lorn Whllealdn In Why Seek demon In or Dnlhu encumhcn mu ind nmnu Mlldxell mayor for the pm In yam vm nomlnlled nun lhll Your bu wllhdnw mm nu ma George McCuuo new by lullmltlnn Ralph Hunler Depuw Rem TwoMan Race For Alliston Dr Sea 51mm Comm Medical Olllm nl lmllh numbnr uerln rum Inner bu In chemo In mm at well um ind um In mmo use on hlvu uhown small dame Low Wells Give Different Taste COLONIL IANDIR FAMOUS Complled fly lLvu ll Dump llnlo VI IIOII 31 INCH In Ah Dvlull Nlmlh 0MB Wllllty Dalloll le lo luau lmnnmk up ll lllll vuuuu an 10on INCI ucn Hill do Md II II ll down OIII dull ll ml D11 In Dom huh Dun llmu Luv lam URN mu NVHIMIJ LAKEVIEW Ill Id Incl ngNtu ION lA Ill MIMI IQ FAMILY DINING XI drlnkInI uler must be put chmd ou thouid mnh mm lupp at pmvldu mm mm approved noun or um lha uï¬hlnleclgdï¬o cmun it mm pollullBE me etc the reportmntinuu lind inu it dilileult to obtain weter nrlnl dry well my to extreme under below normal conditions Ind dmp late the well In their queet to eetixly their mm The report ldVlIM that ll the level the well new low well ehould be cleaned out and Icruhhed rim with chlorine dieinieetnnti Whether ur not the weter level low the report lddl It would be ndvinble to check nur well or lorelxn met ter In disinlect whet water is In the welL me only remedy ior persist mt rliumeeble odor or taste the report nyr II to iiller the enter thmuxh mmmnrclnl pur tiier or relocate the well slmnuly Dr Scott um um lmlll dorm mnllmlnn Ion In no he delecled when ht love of mm 11 normal but all wild mall Iomu con mlnlunn when the mm 0w 11 011 In this lower lml my mum amount mluenh lhln ll hllhar level uivlnx th wller dmmnl lute When the mm In lhl well law the um 11 leo more menultd Hun when the 11 mutaln hm or our um much When the um level low In upon umlm the mm 01 lb um located In dil terenl loll lulu lhn when It Ithlsh Dr Scolt allrlhuln chan In Ivor Ind nulluflon con am to the lower lcvnl wail Ifler the ummaly dry monlh at October ol pollulinn HI Ilntemmu are mud In tho October report or Lhu Health UnlL Mai um on In Fun mum 375 495 35 flu mun awn ml ulIlI with Harold THIN Ind Human Mn Im In many other men in Mt that on and ml mm hunilnmnbmlmt 751 IT mm WU mum ot Im or mum Mum Mir Moon mockInn In mmm ml ma nlu Ind IIIUHII EM IM Ill Don Mom mm nu mm llvln In to mm mm om am Gwrllnn Buy Ah loml Timmml Southarn Whllc Rlvcr North Bay Sud bury lnlarxnllunnln lonluhL Cloudy Indmler nmndm AME yamM Hm km un NI Soulhem iconInn Bay In Ontario lllllbunon lhmlllnn Tomato lnlermmenl nln calm path on Thuw day morning wllh durlnx In th Iflmmn um chunxa In to mm Lake St Clair Remain Lake Rumn Windsor Iowan Sunny wllh cloudy hllh VII uxu chum ln Synapsll Claudine Ind nln shownI hm upmd nonhum In Lake Michlnn lhls morning In advance norm moving ward the Great Lake 1mm Klnsu Thll wulher will movo Inga 3h pmgng lglu My himm the Mam bu chm Ken lmhu En polka was not aim or common Ms morning mar urlval It he 51 Chlldren Hosplul In mom when abs In nuhed by In puma Shani reported In mm while in éina awn1 by but mount was unhid Rom rvlotorh Hanna Banla Ontarh Pmlnclal Po llco Banla lln Department and Royal Vlcloda Hospllal joh od ones yuluniay lo nva the We of moymold who had fallen We hub ol soapy water Molly hell dauxlher of Mr and Mn 111nm Excel had fallen In Ill mpy mm In her home on Highway so near Baa Stauon iv mllu mm Barrio When Banla OPP melved the call or help 00M Al 1AM man was despaldlod Ba ll pod at Barrio Olly Fin 38 up no ï¬remen and muscllalor and rushed lo lho ms nu chlld was In tho car and ha taqu appllaq mam AL Ioin Poxces To Save Life 0f Child 11 9mm upland eomiou WEATHER unnllpux diplherh Ind polio mum prndlcnlly unknown In Cand In recent yearn nm body worries Iboul the need or pmueunn alter chlldhood Ru no an In born with luuu Inr munlly not than Any 1th ma thu Million In 61M hogg will In hum In many Idlllll who nu been rrvmlpalcd lor with few empllonl ban and than the thfldun 51mm Ouunly 11 pmmled unlll My leave mm no adult pop ulation Another quesllon Than mm lo be mat mmpllmry um lhu urlnu communitan disuse OUR REPUIATION Ii YOUR GUARANIEI no people oi this pnvinm fortunqu that lhu common immunizing Ilflfll unaiipox vaccine Him in cough vac due pail no Ind dlplheril Ind Mum mold wpplied 1m 01 charge in continued The um number my mm the booster bun Ivan by tho Ilmlly doctor or it my mom they am not belnl done by wont he mind It has been estimated that tho Hulth Unlt lnocnlulu at per cent lb babies born ouch yur In 31mm Onunly leale 73 per cent to be protected by the unity doctor inBid IVENor lhl lum dune ll run Inmunlntlon clinic In been nuhu nah ym and um yen1 no um uuuw Iva nun mmhwt the yen until school have bun fluted Ha lesllna Ior tuber cum wlll mm In Ill Im dent 1n and The Immunlndan pmmm to um um um hu pmceeded an mm In 15 centres in um Reinforcing Ingculumn spedth grade In elem boen timed Dr Smith Medical lcor Knuth 51mm County Knuth Unit wnrned In his not for Odom um the Adult fowlwon tomplmm about mmnnlnuon 3mm communl 0913 dlxum PURCHASE DIVIDEND SAVINGS PlAN DUNLOI DONTV TAKE CHANCES WARDEN ALBERT DQCON KEY mum chqu on tho winner In Simeon Own flnmrmber lhl ll our Ilm my llfln New lad In In ndnnlun of IMI mm m1 which APPLIM to YOUI nun NAI MYAWAYI Al WILL YOU HAVE TWICI on Inry yurchn You IIVI on our rlcu whlch In lhq Io Eon YOU MVE Ika undar nut WIDKND IAVINUI PLAN SAVE 10 On Every Purchase with Concerned for Complacency Regarding Immunization Bcwcs chlld Mun my be crip plcd badly by thn Inn of mm lg by hnvlnl lh alum lull II II limo or Adult lo anldur whnhtr ho or Ihn In taking hln Ihm at tho Nb Wnuhlllly or protect him nU hl children hls In lhborl and his mmmunhyJ 51mm County Hum Unit pom the follow balm vim urlnl cum on th an or ma In bnckgu lying um mu Preschool ma It Act lhal pmnh wha than chlldnn mainly to doctor or to ï¬lm or pm tectlon Imus cumin disum Inquenlly hm 1min lmmunllv hemulvu It may he um the loxolds wen not nvnlllble when my wen chlldrtn lb emu hmd mullpox vacdnohubm IVIUIMO or xunonUonL the origin Immunity In been malnulnud by levncclnl Han evuy Iva to eight yen an unhappy expeflnncl can hgedbeen aging nld modes mum mtï¬buto lo the risk perm canyin scrim Noellm Itch one country to mum 1h smallpox In Wu last ymuï¬rflalvm strong wppofl to Dr Scott called on went to lake on man mponslhlllly In Issurlnx uverynnl receive vlc Ill GIVE INCIDENT Dr Scott dumbed In Incident when woman was vncdnlled or the In Um In ynn Sh wu zohu to Muloo for holldly hm the medalltd uven reaction 1mm bar mlm dnnUnn pm um dumm on her Viclion WV In out mistsy lo um an WM sum and win In In WM mam mun unmanned within ulod HIM mu balm 11 allowed la MMII Camdu PMedlon axnlnsl mullpox doe wan all smullpox slnwchlldhood the medical omm hunk dock ed Thu lmIH mzullllon for mom ante Gland are exlmmely rl Id Any person In out mumy lo um Weed In an ru Jessica of men at get children 3mm duquu tanglulmn lxotopdudnx Ex NH Mal number of Inoculation xlvan al the Child Health Cu in or the month of October are allows Quadruple muxen70 Pnllo vaccin Smallpox vncdnauom School an ml Prennm 91 Adult 130 280 Men Mom 19 Communicable mums Mental Health 10 SJ ouhupedlcs 47 on Social Wellan 18 11ch llneoul Is mm 10 1050 mu lunmes receiving are 1111 Oct max 5930 8463 lAMB l0lN CAlF HEARTS PORK llVER SIDE BACON RIBEGIN lh47 TENDERLOINLSIJ lb57 CENTRE CUTS or CHOPS 69 1mm mhumwmmwmm 5w nah IAVI PORK lOINS 45¢ lb 9C RIB PORTION 10 an lemoy 10 On an Wendy Hutchinson No IIIan $9 Mm Gammon Essa 33 le Lanna1d St Mary School Victoria Huber s7 Immune Boyd no Em Ann so eryl Sam Midland $5 Muk Weber It In nislll Wendy Gralrlx ll 14 Tay Bradley Hawklns RCAF Edgar $35 June 5mm No Konomnua Ranid Rumll No wm minimum William Boyle No Plus SandiI Talker Na 11 Vespra lhnNau No in mun Warden Albert DeConkey yes terday presented cheqm lo 13 winner in the 81mm unly 196 Weed Em contest Follow 1h Malian the winner wen taken to Oommun lyonse for limb VWlnnurs In tho canted wan utollow and pumiéii wt1ch he warm Mr Maï¬amfli Murray Faulkner Canadian YMCA World Service mum ucrelary yeslegday addressed Lanai m1an Barrie bagl mergers and mega on invites been mama In the development at resident umplnx In Souths Asia principally Thllllnd Mr Faulkner ha been wnrldnz In Thailand or the past rm yam 5mm Maw Cdntesl Winners Receive Prizes Locdl Events Felt In Thailand uv Anmuu 73 M317 Ann staple No Essa $3 THE HARRIS EXMUNER W£DNESDAY NOV 20 Smutd Mk mick sand luv Irolllng Pk you may Sikod Flank On momma Ponnou Ovaluy Pointing out the ulna hi Burris candylale which ll to be conducted to ma mono or the World Service Mr Flu kncr laid that money nixed mm the ula of on box would pmvldo noufl men for younmer In Th Ind and that 50 would provide load clothing Ind educnflon lnr nlrea wall In India or one full yen in 11 man Boyl Camp keg Mt Fnulkner lnuded the and mdumugllm well um pu up the World Service or contri butlng the pmgum In mm the heavy promam costs and the new bulldlng pmjed whlch present lml llnenclel chullen are plain the skill and mi lude which will unhla lhun to aka In ellectlve leadership rule to Internet the youth pm blem In urbnn central hunk of my emotive pm or um ncw me time has xulked in wide range ku youth problems YMCA cam lax programs which operate year mud In Thailand have liken many yuulhl at the meet and pro vtded heallhml udlvxuu ugd nomad parent sought the Idvur km of education and advance meat which ch Illa learned to utter he laid yuuths wen removed 1mm Illa daily respon sIbIllue whim lhelr lamina 11 had demanded lo the dlsrupllon o1 uadmonil Illa hmuzht abnul by III Influx 01 the population In the clues um ms carner 29c 39c 33c 59c yd ludm