TORONTO $200 $230 $260 VANCOUVER $4000 $4400 $4800 STE ADELEY QM CF The death John Barry Mick lecn 74 whole body wn nund wllh built wound in nu head but bun mind luldde Conner Jenn Loull Talllun Inld nmday lhl Ill inquest lnlo lhe dulh Wu unnecem because then wul clear ev deuce WM lulcldn Michelcum body wan lound huntcr Saturdli week er he dlnppured mm It In Ill Laurenunn tammw guy lurch Md been argum cd by provincm volley Fallow Mickelunl dln Irnnce note wu ound room mil lhn MI girl The mull prompled ques tion in the Home 01 Comm when Prime Minister Pculon Cold pman Lender Dlllen bnker wouid chuck Ind rap Inter to whether Cannrla MI made any repreunmmm to In Sovlel Union on the matter an Rublnmln nmd3l nu hwhh Labor commlulon laid in md In th ambu om USE MORE LEA IDNDON cmExpert prr did In lnmnu in tho prlcn lather bcuuso more and mm women an huylnu Muffleng boon lulu our time In much lcnlhcr la make ml boot thnn ll don nhou and thm II them hldu They tried tn any 111m was an discrimination Mr Rubin Ilein am repnmr after 15 hour Interview with thI chic counlellar It the embnsly Alexei Papov and two other Boviu ofllclall Soviet Amth udor Ivan Ehpedko Wu no OTTAWA CF charm perucutlan cl Jew In Run wal Iwelled Gavin emhluy official nmduy by llvoman delegation handed by Montreal Lawyer Michael Bublnneln and hpludlng Winnipeg MP David Orllkuw InquestSaid Unnecessary Rule Man Committed Suicide march Hm an mum March On Soviet Embassy To Protest Persecution MEMBEM or tho Jewish Label pomrim pl plund ALL COACH SEATS 0N SUPER CONTINENTAL RESERVED IN ADVANCE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Examglgggneway RED Wflflflï¬lï¬ BLUE BARRII TO cars For lurflm lnormlllon phonox PA 84l52 PA 66525 Mlckelsen IL money In hl mom Io my or the lab phggl call In It hnldb HI pamm Mr IndMrs Mlcktflun live in Mlckclsm hld roccnuy returned to Cnnndn from Denmark Police nld he arrived the helm mile north Mon real carrylnl purccl that contained gun been Mrhially shut down friend In Denmarkhi nullvu munlrybo telephoned 1n went my delth The last remaining Jewish cammunal Institution ha syna gogue beset by restriction that bemnk an olfldnl allot lo llquldah Judallm hundred of lynlgoguu hlvo bean closed Erivate pnyer meeting luv rec blqncd tbs Jpno nbbLu The brie mced MI discrim lnlllan back to 1m when The brief dmcrlbed melancholy catalogue parse cullon laid the 3000000 Jewa In Iho Sovle Halon are not al lowed to have Ihalr own school ar cultural lnslllutlans or even newspapers whereal smaller ethnic group have than all dnh LEMword memorandum which rays In part that tho malfly oI tho Sovm policy on Jewish culture represent an lemp to reduce or pulverlze Jewish idenllty consclnusnesl and rpldt NEW RAIL FARES Embassy In Ottawa nzesday pmecuflono the Jews In the TB Mex01m protested um mm Union CF WW0 BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK B¢nutllul 5amka Fr Elflmllcl FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phom PA 314 BARRIE Uphalmrlnl In Our lun Iul NM lull lldb Ile nnlmrdnn CANADIAN NATIONAL llwso examples show you how you can cut yourlravol cosls and llll onloy all tho comlorls of CN modem mll tmvnl Plan your lrlp on Rod Whllo and Blue days from CW now Calondar of Days anngors holding pavlorcarorslooplngcaraccommodallon melvo compllmonlary male on lmlns carrying moal IonIce ru Mr Ruhlnmln Inld that when lhla point will raised Ihe em hwy omclall replied that wa dont want la dlxcuss what hap pened under the realm of perlunnllty Mr Rubinstein said Mr Pm pav wnuld not accept tho male menu In the hriel vast array of Jewish cultural Institution In flunk was lore lbly Hquidlled by Stalin who alw executed practically all Jewish cultural leaders and writers LITERACY man The hlxhut literacy law In tho world nlmust loo yer cent are ound in western and an en Europe northern America Oceanll Ind thl USSR Slooplnl Car Spaco Extra ONLY FOUR APPLY WRONTO CPlJ Ken nedy chairman oi the Ontario Municipal Bond said iuesdny that to date only our Ontario municipalities have applied or lanm under he ederal govern manll munician dovelopmeni and lann fund Mr Kennedy da cllned in nnmclha mnnicipail in that had applied ior loans CONFESSEB BTRANOUNG SANTIAGO AmJon mils Galinrdo Ewenmid fisher man confessedio Chilean po lice hmsdny that in mangled Christa Mack Puliemer is nchool leather wllil in lap oi her bikini blillinz null Her body was laund buriod in two feet oi land Sunday GUILTY 0F ASSAULT KAMUJOPS 30 school ieacher charged with uniting linden was inund wullty and lined $25 Monday Brynn Klrwm was charled liter strapping Tammy Goad win 12 last June The charges were brmlght by the boys ia lher Goodwin who said the boyl hand were black and blue The magistran ruled the mapping war reasonable but the teacher erred by taking the boy back In school ior punish ment met Ho had been 111 missed and had gona home WINS vom LONDON AP The rullnl Connervnlvn rt may high beat all another challenge by the Labor party ALabor cemun motion In In House of Common accusing the govern ment at dragging Ilaen over Jeanie and educational train gngyrogramt was delealed 835 10mm mm Emma Manson Nev FUNDED BY HOME BREW VANCOUVELWPL Frank Cooper asumlnl nlnnmanu term In Oakaila Prison for than has one blind from drinking home hrnwconcacflnn mud torn Ihellnc thinner prison III HunMu dllclosed Madly They uld Cooper and three other prisoners staged homm brew party In Aumt alter smuggling in half alanonml mothyljydrnte shellac thinner bah used on naInung 5gb CooperJuan going blind nu dny Ind wu taken lohospllal The omen ï¬mamgxinlenlly 11L wonm ¢ans IN BRIEF Chlldl and Mluu Your children wlll enjoy ha comfortable wurmlh then null attractive W1 mn Choose whichever Ityle win your fancy each long wen1px and complelely Choose rum many pal Icms Slzu to Flinuelelh Ind Polo 159 199 PYJAMAS These boots am well insulated to assure you of extra warmth and rotecuon Ill winter Ion Side uckle tor comfomble Choose from red or brown in sizes to and 61013 ONLY Orlon mam deï¬ned or colMort and wuth Ind complain lmdom nl movement Chum from the unnu hullomlmnl nylc or EM 110 um um pend lan We IV ula Ihade or striped pallem 111th MILXL CARDIGANS ALT yum un 795 399 277 leln Fnhlonabln va that winter ll nearly urea and the wind owing cold mm mm boy $01 wowed warm Iwenlen 000 Neck Pullover or Card lï¬m uyle Avnllnbln 1n hum Ind allem 1n ynlllno Ion Ind Acmllc yum Wuhnbh In ML COCKTAIL BOOTS the hi in style and 311112 of 51656 lovely Cocktail boots Conven ient Aide xitgper allows you to slip em on and of easily Black only in sizes lo NoSlip rub ber soles 17 189 SWEATERS Boyn Wnrm 59 Her umuly vnlul from our boy weir do ï¬lmment nlck your be to Ilr of wum Innalello pyllm They 100 Ill fleecy collan Ind gum Inleod washubh Each hu been upemy humad lor comlort And In com plthly unlorlxod mu men It Ihll prlcl Boyl Fllnmlcm PYJAMAS