Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1963, p. 4

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Momhn DIvun AquIIn Aldll Ilium Cumin rm mu In In volumenun In IIM dun Dlllr NI Ivy m1 IM Aummm new mu mu rm mm Inpulmnnl Ind ll uymml Infill mm lllmhn um mnnm Ilallfl mud IINNKIII mu In Immm mumon mm uuun IIXLL mm mum mum Mum mun mum mm Im umfl 11 mm mm all mu In mum nu nu um mm lll mum mun um nunn ullom In hull it In Unlnullf Tannin om IIml Immn wul unu lm VinaInn Momhu IM cmann ll DIvuu Alum lb my r3 mm vr um of ihe greet days in world hislory when the Germans accepted Allied terms or cease ire of lhe war which began in 1914 iii Worship was advised MIL but decided in lei ihe eiiizens eiccp longer However sharp at el hi oclock nil lmvn bells and whisiies ct ihe lengmwnlied new of viclory be known and peopieipeured inio iire sireeis hnpromébiu parades soon be nan rnising den ening din with every manner of noise pro ucer ihei youihs nml ndulin alike could My hands on or tongue in The remnanle the old Barrie Ciiizeru Henri iimse who were nol oversea wilh army uniir vere aug menieil by some musicians irom ivy nnnd mnl mun ndried ilreir ver necepl ahie quot1 lo the allr nnd Juhifiriien Mm meeting began nl Grnnd Opera House n1030 run run hare rpiemllrl evi dence ihe Izml Joy uni ihunkauivinu ihe ihreeu rueiure very similar In mm In uler lo lornnlol Barrie Examiner Nov 11 1918 With spontaneous rejoicing the people at Barrie joined In the great peace celebra tion iodny Monday The whole day was given over to marking ihe event and he celebration was one of the most successful in the iowna history almost equal to the diamond jubilee oi Harrie on July 1013 Mn or Dr Robert Sprott procl ed public olidoy or one AEMBIIEE 45 YEARS AGO This ferment is not had in itself far from it Oni it is becoming clear that nubody hast ought to tell young copie that rights are always necompan ed by duties and regionsibiiitics that the in divlduals tree om is limited by his neighbors that democracy in education does not mean that from now on the students will teach tho teachers and the children their parents that progress is number of recent incidents bear witness to crisis of authority in the yrovlnce of Quebec the Ottawa writer inds it is an understandable reaction after some of the eopisodes of the years Kreceding June 196 Mr Dupiessis with is authoritarianism nourishedlon pre judice sometimes iii served the order he an supposed to defend After his death everythin overiiowed There was no longer ta anything but rights re storing demecracy new institutions lib erations reiormsprogress movement and so on No compleie answer to these questions can be given in brief comment but pen hapl some light is thrown on the Quebec scene by recent editorial in Le Droii French language paper published in Ottawa What really isgolng on in Quebec at the gresent time How is it possible for peep In the rest of Canada to under stand Quebec and It problems when so many volpes are crylng out about so many things The 1963 council has been good one Individually and collectively mem hers have given conscientious service to the people of Barrie But the fact that Some of the alderman who are un committed now may decide to run be fore nomination day Nov 28 However this should not be deterrent to other citizens already toying with the idea of tossing their hats into the civic election ng the moment the municipalplclure In slate of uncertainty It has been rumored that live or six alderman may not run for office again thus making way for newcomers to clvlc politics or tormer members at council The Barrie Examiner Barrie Jaycees have launched time Iy campaign to interest cople in run ning for city council an to bring out the vote at the municipal elections Dec They ho to have nsufllciem num her of cand dates toessure elections in all wards Political Confusion Cause decees Hope To Créctte giMore Interest In ElectiOn Wills Publllhu DOWN MEMORY LATE Published by Canadian Newspyapers Limited 15 Hayfield Street Barns Ohtario Bnmfkmuht Genenl1anlu MONDAY NOVEMBER yPlll Iollllcinnn are nuhjeclcd lo mnny tempo Inllnns nmml by crooked people In private to Knawleduo lhnl ncccplanco Inlho can loud dlrul lo prlsnn WI 1pr pnmlcinna kccp onlhu Ilralghl Ind narrow pull lho Onlnrlo Apprnl fuurl has lncrrn ml the noulcncn to live yam In rrlnon or Haynmml Hrunonu armor Ilmrai MP for UlcnunrryIrcscnu Ila was con vILlul nl nuupllng $104000 lmhu and Ivulnnl cuunly cuurl judge had mere ly nnlurml llruncau to Man bond to Map the pram or No yum uniJ In most father connlrl are honest mop Indeed we thlnk they Ire as most lhe crasmscctlan of tho pcoplu they roprmnt One reason they know thnt It caught lholr cnrcm nro rulncd There Is one way In kccp nur pnllllca rlnnn That la mnlshlnu any pullllc Ian cnnvlrted tlalnmmty 1011 clam know that they wtll no la Jul tor trnnd brlhcry etc just as any other clllzcn they are more apt to wnlch their slcpm was packed to the doors and avail able standing room Prayers were Ie4 livered by town clergymen and remarks by leading citizens liuge arnde was held in the afternoon in in evening all churches held special services in memory the war dead iiuge boniiro with music and community singing enn eiuded day at the Market Square on Col lier Street in tinai week Storey oi liawkestone reported killed tn action and lrnin llrelpston grandson of lleeve Train of Flex lownshl died of wounds Elmer Brown e9 35 son of Mr and Mrs Alex llrownlee Barrie died in Regina tram Spanish influenza Lastminute rush begun to get Can ada Victory Loan over to in Simcee County lilri and Mrs Anion ii Skin ner liaytteld Street died on Sunday and Mnndny respectively leaving tour mmll children POLITICAL HONESTY Vlndsor Hlnr innmllnn pol Fnmpnrcd tq lhosu an mum cangngflh Without much hope that anybodywtll listen we have the right to ask for mom discretion more sobriety in public state ments In particular it is high time to re mind everyone that work preseverance competence and taxes are the essentials of the liheration they are talking about There is too much infatuation with up hosity the young are being stirred with hollow slogans and are being rea led for disiiusionment whose results could be disastrous It is up to those in office to give the signal or truce Because these things have been tor gotten the government of Quebec is swamped port and stuboard fore and aft Not only do ministers contradict each other in defiance of the tradition of cab inet solidarity but one oi them par ticularly eloquent one contradicts him self iromfiveek to week it not from day to day One time it is matter of out bldding Mn Daniel Johnson or giving fledges to the separatists another time ls reassuring big money about the safe ty of the loans which are essential to the bl projects being undertaken As we sa all this is understandable hut vie said all this is understandable but vis ibiy youn people are gelling everything mixed up ecause oi the overbidding in which the areengagei mm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS not always synonymous with change thai movement should not be confused with agitation that new institutions will only last if they have solid loundations that lree education and social security are palgior out of taxes The Jaycees hope to achievetheir twin objective in the days ahead The clly councll runs big business It spends approximately $3000000 an nually and plans for developments of the future The best men should run and the people should get out to the polling booths on voting day The best way to dlsslpate apathy is to get more people to run for offlca and thus create greater interest in the elec tion ma men shouid not makeprospacuva candidates hold back The may feel they can make chlrlbul on as new alderman we have glcffkignt myniclpalgovefi rtvrryunc hm lell Nu and he dmm my an hymn my 11 and In Inlmdrd lo ell ynu unnly haw you ynumlt um mrml mulr ur mew mlny nl IM lhlnn In Am mound your Mu umlll ul lrnllnu Inn In Hm Imllvhlunl nenln 11 men women ml Ml dun In Alml Evuyllm IL Ilql Miller Hwy 11m unclm demide rm mrlnrmul unhqu lhu mm and Ilnln uuIly moclnlrd wlm phynlrnl lllnm All of hm umlm In mmlc pm normal mlv Ily nml MM lhrm uuulm lpttlll rqul men 1m ymlum ll plume In lqlplexy min Llwlenml Calml ll nun kln or the Unllul SIM Mnrlnn 7mm IIIII wrlllen depend IMO and readahln I4qu Iur tv your The author ldllll lhu lmlc prlnrlplrl uwl In denhp Mulnu which no hnml on Ihn lulu nl lannwlrlc umllnrllrlnl mlu urrrhu whrh ulll In III In lhohody 11 Mrl Leo reader lrnrn Ihn urlnclplrn Involved In hlnuo cmklnl nml lhrn udwlx lhrm In her an Invourllu mull Ind VGENIMfL Flt An Milli npv IL nnm 7V In 1M book Mn Lee Ivu tho but prlmlplu and tech nlquts lnvnxvcd Alan wllh nth prowlqu mlprs The author de mmu lha bulc ulcmlll and mulcrlnll needrd Ind lullnhla American lubnllulel Milan on Chlnuc vruetahlu Iplm Ind alheranrcdlcnl luIlI haw In Inn nnd Ilure thrm hfrn It buy Hum Mrl Len husband owntd Ind mlnaznd he oldul Chlncso mluurnnl In New Vark From his cm Mu Leo learned In lechnlquo Chlnese cooking NH that me was won leachan lhll nubch ll Iha China Innlllulu In Y91kClly filliboak did to Iulhnn Chinese cooking mowing lha Amulcan cook how lo mnka Chinese dlxllu bath Ilmvla Ind clnhonle lmam man Shermanl Bank Football an excellent xulde Ior hluh lchool and call com palllorl The Zuy WI To Chlnua Cock In Bz lined Lee The nulhnr discusses he onslvn and delcnslve pasllians detailan lha curred physical Ind mental requirement nl earh paslllon ML Sherman ev alunlcs Ihe popular larmallons explain why he prefer Um hash and with pholb and dxamm nulllncs hll flvnurlln NM up push allncks Thu um demands lhc mnx lmum In learn coardinalion Iplll ylsqcondjlmlpg 9nd men la and phnycll chndlllanlng Coach Sherman llrmly believe that each player should know the nrenglhs and weaknesses own teammalu wall nhl opponents Man In gamer Imp cqulpmufl the use of Ike lurmlllon Ind ha general Im provement defensive play To day Iho plnyen mus Idan themselves Io lhm new con danns Mlle Sherman book reveal the lundunentals line point and phllosaphy winnan football Then more science Ind sklll In the flue football day than ever bdare This In due to the lncruslnu compelA Man In 18mm Imomved Al Shemn1 Book 01 Foch bl ByAllla Sherman 9T THE LIBRARY Book Beveéls Fundamentals Winning Football Games Whats All The Fuss About Think The Kathe Has Treated Him Rather Well Hm um um In Ivanelll unlrr Ihuc new mmum luvdo llrlnuunl In lhu ondary Induslrlll Iru Iylu llll nulhwul ol Unlnrhl Unlrlen Hurmlml All llalu nnmvnllu MP hum Guelph hu mmde lhl mulynl Jmllllu nllltism on Pullman III nu mm lhm MmM ml 191mg munul ThnHum 1M erlllmu Iml muln llnhldl an in lnlrlu mum have been In to llxun hron In lIuL run In furl MM chum Ippu II In Mn 11 ul IO mu lo helped us In our to bl magnum mul provlnm nlghuy Inrludod In lhm In In mumlulu Onllrlu rom numllln annwnll hnlmlnl mm mum mi Two manlhl no Puma mvnrnmcnl Innnunml mill munqu nl lndcrll mlnnncu or mmqu or lndunlrlnl dr Women In Im lumrlnl hlxh Ian at unlmplaymml Ind flow HI at lowlh The nmmmcnt cllflhlq lor MI Wm pw th or uhlnn dam by larmer lmmncrIUoo an Mlnd In oonlnx hy Mulcmy In ed by tmdo NIHI OTTAWATho economic vmlly nl CIndnl underd velnrmi Ircu dmrvu morn el lmlvn pallclu hy Oll Now or ID yam pm hi rlrh mmmunlllu now rlchbr wnllc ha poor wulu nwny Mr Crouse show How our Mmcl nur lranxportnllan our work and plly my be chnnm by lha ulanuflc develo meals now turning out nu Aban lurks umnuymcnll nnw pmgreu And lufllsl when those dcvtlopmenln mllhl uh In flu Iulure Underdeveloped Areas Find New Champion Rahal By Inn Axlmov 1w xcienu mum eon mu Merle nine nlllzd nhorl slums Dr Aslmgv lolluwn robot development hum Ila crude mid twentieth cmlury begin ning lo slate of much per cctlnn that hundred yam later robou In runnlnz manl hurld or Ms own and Selena Hunt Tvmormw Byui Illm ll Emu mu Tomur rnw dlswuu nunlemu lmpon avalapmenu now OTTAWA REPORT How To Fix Almnsl Evzry Ihlnz arranged Ilphnbellcll 1y Trio um mum In book In alphabetical llsllnz of mm you may want to know how to fix Ind the malerlals they are mada or The second pm of lha book will help ll yw are uncerlaln about name of hi mmmon techniques that no used In many repaln are difficult but became people are Irrald they will batch the job or dank mllu um cw mlnuus Ilmo Ind few cents worth malcrlal may b3 11 lhfils leaded ll PATRICK NICIIOUON thin aomhuled HM Illln polnll out your Mnd omplomeni IMAM ho tho In nlmlnu mum hy It lamnmenl lur mequ tommunuyl mod whether It In mulled II Ilm lurplul nm In Hum flu Ill Iummer muulhs Hum lmlrl nhnw Ilrlnllnnl la In unfit Mn Imemplnymell unlnl HY nnlulth All llulu no 9le mulled In tho llouu ll llu durum llu ml bl ll llnnllnnl II prlmlrlly In huh rullurul mnnnlulmln IMI lmlullry ll my bmy lhmulhoul lull wlnlcr Ind Iprlnl Prollnclnl mu mllllln Ivy lor wmmor nu 11w mm Imkm Inlzl all In IIrl mlduummer unlro of low cmplnymml Ind poor mm Yu llrlnllnrd hI Imrdlnl lo olnvr luvem menl lullluu morn Khalid worlm lhln my 01 than other mmmunlllu lam your hld 1M1 lupnycrl nrnln III IV lneomt ol JILIM ml hxhul mrnrnunlly Irmu mmmunlly lvum In Cnnldl mun hnd mm mldonll urn n1 III an mm mu Md 01M tuning 007 llornwllL hy mmpnn 105 urnlnl 00096 Why Decuuv mil Wllhln as mllcl ol Brlnllard In lurh ramprah ctnlru II Gull Gullph Imlon Hu cfler Wuodnlock Kllchener nlerloo Ind Sanford Yet Hm llalu polnll out 1qu mm lulunu emu Ipcechu In the mm Commanl Ind Im bukod lMl up by luhlllnllll hehlndlhr It Nov The first opernllon standard llme in North Amarlu commenced midnight so yem no lo dny In In umm Navn Scam Smlishbarn Slr Sandlnrd Fleming who came to Clnldl In ms probMy had more la do In Immducllon nun nub he Ind moth to him Imn olher mm mm wicked lhll hlmull and the euler In In dwell thnxlnrl in Int mu lull ll um lhln the lnL Lulu mu H1 hem was swept clean but amply Eyll wlll naturally llll In the amply place where the good not dellnllcly lmplunlgd Ind culuVIled msA Ile Hdal wavc Ilruck pm Nzwlound lundl loulhwut coul kill Inx 27 pemns Ind auxin 01000000 dnnnuc SSThe Unlled sum cnrxn urrltr Clrl and Icy uni In Lake Mlchlnn with In Ian llvel Only two lurvlvad mndlrd Uma mum the world lhnn Anyone else lie first puhllcly pmpoaed he Inlemallonll standard llme mensunmen It Tomnlo in mm BIBLE momfi By THE CANADIAN PRESS TODAY IN HISTORY Guelph wn hlrd hll Ind Brlnllord hmllml by Ilnl cm undu unvurnmrnl policy pllnl wu In mum of trmlon Guclpll Ruled an my lenu lo llu lubxldllry Unlled sum rompnny mcn lhm chclll uld mmum wen Innounctd whlch proud la be worth lm 00000 lrom lhI Cunl dlun lupnym lo lhu U5 own In If they wuuld Ilumlon Guelph And lhrlr pullnllylmlll pllnl 1an local lmlud In rlch nrmllnrd only 11 criterion Bnnllard II npulnl cm btnellun by lhl quirk or In lummor llyofll bul thn um qulrk wmnlly tludu louml cenlm mm the bum Mn WI wron can expect Ihal lovcrnmunl would not do IWI with the vale wllhoul he reIA urgency And then hu nol bun uvldcnct of thin WE PLEBISCITEJY In Bur Ippmrh num men an Ihl pmvlnclll Ind kd ficESn Hm who Incl thll even wllh his compulsory mir lellnl our princlpIu Thu mt uvlnl use Km mnrketlnl pmgrlm ha been Um Ilrunz luvmhla vola hu MEI required By JON OIIEARN mnonm Onlnrla Fod enllnn nl Mrlculluro has come up with new mponl on mir kcllnz convenllon rasolullnn pro poxu Krill markuan mummy These would be mad wllh out vote and run or two years Then the lumen could decldn whclher they wanled them or not Alrlrlrst glance lhll Ippcm than prlcllcnl glvlnl mine or lho Irmy lrlll BENEFICIAL Whfin you prom urlne or lesllnl donl depend only an umpla liken Ihe first thing In Have you had any mlscm than or minimal Have you bid Any large ba bies over all pounds birth Have my bible died shorfly Ifler hrllln All these Ire sign which In lo the likelihood of dia le Appcnrlnz after time The chemical lest urlne Ind blood or lunarm ha lures my duman dlahe us They dlmver curly you Will unulolher alum be come appmnl hen the dlxuse zeta head mu nAnnIcnuaynom at mmmu9l onuun 32 Mnuunl Hwnl3257151 OHM VINIMI AmununrhflmnI OI OUR the minute you want it Ginnys PARK MONEY the ONE place to call for IRIEQ chlncu hi may become diabetic Ind how men would be checked or Ive naked my doctor or In examlnnllon once year but he seems to think am becomlnl on normal about this Ind doesnt think need the lull Enleu flow Igmo alzn dlb Deu Dr Molner um mauled wamln yam old Ind hm beentald dlnhelu heradllary problny worry too much then flu became my randmothu qn my molhcrl lldfiljlld my motheruy dil hetlc My lnlherl mother dlld in diabetic colnl Ind Ml nun died tram gm 05an Mom am up to HOODVow lo we huma 30 manlh column on In our 31600 Trjal Marketing Plans Are Advanced T0YOURGO0D HEALTH Heredity 1mm Role Diabetés FINANCE co or éAifATJX OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL PM In On Noun lav Monday Mom ll Ulmficlnll Gd mh you run daublc In to do your show lo lnn up you hlllt la unJo ha hellflayll tall ua mm 1qu II ficlnl Im to uy Yul Even mm hm wuuld he one lm omnl lncldcw Ill benclil In In lhc pubflu would become mart uln mrd on nuhllc pmhlcms olnz In vol II would win In Imuw Now Ilrnly daunl cm on me mm ll hnuld bu at wlue hm he mull rigs hll Ipecllla quullonn no decldm ll lmtrnl IIECUDHI ll lulu today ll ever wu lrur Eledlnnl Ire do cldcd on ml numb In lorl And bmuu III rlouanla ulech pnrly ll dmnl mru ll urm wllh avuythtnl ll nu dnno In do The nrxument AI am leo Ilon lhc communlly mould be AM In in uniml marl pr clplcn mum II lulu one Aclullly lhl rim ovary tllllcn Ira my much can cermd when tompulllnn ll la In mlrkellng other would use In old Ir zument but lovtmmenk live or III on In rmrd and um tho pcoplu will exprcu lhanv uXvu nl lhl poll wllhuul pleb lullu FALSE ARGUMENT There lllou who would nlnsl hishole who would It was mnller lor Inn ers or only group lumen And lhol they should be Able lo tun lhclr own bullneu ynlunLl Ill ex malon of opinion 1mm lho pu He might well be liken Where new prlnrlple being embarked on Iuch In this case compulsory mukellnl of ha vltdualya pmducl 511 Va mlzhl zlve lhls mm nnd lhouxhl lar you can son when my could he of value uullonx Iuch markcllnl whlch Involve general prlnclplo Ir LIn example uv um ulflnl SI 01 plehlullcs In ad wa scorn them oral lava we 16 no make us mx have perio dle chucka It lens onto 14 year Thu should am you ade qunla time to conlrol diabale It mm Dont wall far Ihe Mar nymp tquuch Incmsed zhlral frequent urination And to on vu mu uc Honey maslly lunar so you can he sun hat xlx extrl teaspoons ol day wont ra duce weight will do Um op posits but Dr Molnen recently rend Ihll lwo lea anluls of vlnenr and two only In Klan ol wnler three times day heallhlul and also good or rcduclnz weight Wham your oplnlanlP0 Thern nolhlnz heallhlul Iboul vlnegar allhoulh dont lhlnk It ls harmlul tllher Alter all all ansnlad etc know of any such ulthoulh Hera are drug which make person vlolunlly Ill ll alcohol taken In any lnrm These drugs hey rcqulra doctors prescription because hay must he used properly have some value pmvlded person wants slap drlnklnl Th dlfllculty that It per son dncsnl want In quit he wont mm the drug Deu Dr Molner then pm that can be put In beer to make persomhnla ll lnsle My husband not an llmholio ezfibuz drink too much uumu Delth diabetes early and you can keep ll commlled 11mm too longand you know some flu lh Hull can mull now Her your main meal the any That In more likely to thaw sun If any present thin the earlymam or last lnz xpeclmcn blood mar lest Iwu hours allar lam meal Ilkuwlu more revelllnx lh no bglpn breakfast lunrlolerancu ml blood leg more accurate lhl ti

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