Arum Hum 133 1th cm cam an CfllL AV llnn 9n nL Ila Album mum mom sun mumxnmm nu mu A1 ms nu LC Pol can III cm can VIII CPR Cut Comml Chum All Foul on In In ARGYLE Special Fan Emile making ï¬nalists mm competing In recent con us at 0m Town Hall will ro men On at lhe in ammo 1m in be held RCA Edgar They um Donald Cnmpbcfl Helen Beardwnod Curl Oun mlnz and Janice Gough TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 04 AI lnlh lull Ill bl will link of NJ mu 11 Eom an Dom unau Two misslonarle the Church of Jun Chrlsl of Latter Day Saints Mormon have arrived In BanIQ mm he United Stale The impodors reports on he tenchan at No 10 and No ll chooll were rend and discus od Account wan pulsed or PWlL Arl Musxrnve Clarluburg OFA president In opening the meeting urged armor to be coma more tellreliant and un TM wns unmounted flu November maelan of the mm cu or School Area 01 Ohm The meeting wax held No In Axgyla School will Howard anpbgu prgaldgng The Decemcbr meeting will held at fluulln on Dec 10 VI MOI lmlVl IIDCKI Com Mdlul Cure NMMIL 1M Mwlmfl MI DOIJOK NIH IBII lVllAflll MOMMA awn llull do mlI down mlom llocl mum mnu an In lnldl In II dawn 01 dawn Inï¬ll Slmcoo County Foderadon of Agriculture prexldem Len Cum min of 0m Skullnn end dime torn anlnm Kcll Churchill John Hebgin Alliston and Mrs Earl Parnell Elmvnle altemh ed the Onlarlo Federation 01 Agricullure nnnual meellng In Toronto volan delegates Tho federation sacrum and seven other eounly pause were also by ostendonce 31 Goydun Todd lhe county lederatlnï¬ Tha OFAlannnalrwu large and enlhuslnsllc meeting as dele gate from various county md member argnnlzaucn worked diligently Io solve many the nodal and economic problems which concern agriculture in My province at lha present time Two Missionaries To Acquaint People With Mormon Church Pour T9 Compete Speaking Finals Ur quméxslt3é¢0ï¬1¢ More SélfRelidï¬tT CLAUDIA WADMAN om Complltd In Hm Dunlap El Barrie COLONEL SANDERS FAMOUS Iu on ham Dom stem Human Mum mm mmnhnau GI LII In 7mm III KIM Homo on mm In Hudun my nun rahm gmna on flolllnllv X00101 Kort Imlint In Dullufl LIMII him Amt lanenuxl luau Mull Mmumu Nu Ilaea Nu Mullet Normnu Inf Acme IMAM NH IMII Nltill Hot Ullllgll rum til Clllh mnmnuu Sisler Shirley Karliel Ind Sir lur Claudia Wetlan an two at nix missinnnrleu workinl in thin area There are also sevm build ing missionaries who have been called to lulle the new chapel on Perri lanel it in scheduled or completion In the Ipflng LAKEVIEW Helma Slater Wadman came to the Canudhan Minion her home wal In Ogden man when she won secmtnry Sitter Rachel from Ponland 011 when ms was employed telephnnt uperatar may no hm at their own llma and axpema for monflll and will mum In thclr lormar accupnllvm 375 mm 495 Lsxmm 135 PHONI PA Ill la acquaint BanII people with the teachlnn lhn Mormon Church While In Bunll Ihey can be reached by calling PA mos Bmlo Distrch Collezlnta Bond will mac um evanlnu 1th oclock In 1h board room Central Collegian ltcd Onlnrln Inrmera must not allow lhumolvel to become dlvldcd He mfcd that no farmer should loleme squalr bllng between Arm oman lions Agriculturel maln nlm should be Ipuaklng with un lted voice He also repelled many the recent nccompllxh menu of the GPA Bentley Edmonton president oi the Canadian Fed eraiion oi Agriculture in his address at the OFA annualhan quei stated that new mum un between Canadas arm org sailor was becoming evi dent This was necessary in view farmers decreasing mun 17ers gndpollilcnl power Emma 91 gram Delegate In ntlendanca at the on annual repruenled As caunly federations 23 commud my groups men cducallunnl or rqn FAMILY nmmo COLLEGIATE BOARD Tn I1 mi 11 SHIRLEY RACHEL Mu Pol llv Hun Nmmfll Nor ML NIL eon Cow Ntln For Me IIll PlDI may lnwlr CM uu NII II Trlnl GAIL Tum Tlnrn Union all Will MW Wlulon llnllh Innr mu MK mm lad hl Unllt 0H Unllld XIII Wlxlroy wn ivs WATERFORD om CPDI The Ontario Farm Product Marketing Board ha ruch that Moral lubsldlcs nro paid or arm tobacco produch lhll year Um will be papgollnl yum Joseph lubak and Ted Fry flack directara Ihl Ontario Flua Curnd Tobacco Otawm Marktllaz Hoard laid Sunday alghl Iobacco prim all law coat pound each mar will up lha dlllar can between ma prion III In an Igor price Hellman Olen Anon Farm Beetan Amalan Couch Clark Dame Ra Slrnud Bruce McQuarrle Bee lon Bruce Keeler Brndlord Brecht Tattenhamx Mo Cuue Alum Jeneyn Morgan Thom on Albm and George Andex ton Drum Market Cattle Craw ford and Son Ora station Crawford Ora Slaflnn Bob Wat Tnltenhnm Beelby Strand Dr Wlhan and San Khamlan mom Wool Jahn Selle Cookslnwm Rob Walker Cumnun Sheep shamins Roy 13 Walt Cochtown Tom Bowman Strand Nell Memeral Crew more John Selle unknown Market Shun Elwaad Ban and Bonnie Bane mannon Guy Emmi BanIa John Fen nel Brndtard John Humil lon Cohan Nell Methml Cree more mm and Sam Column John Sella Coakllawn Sullclk Sheep Robm Walker Creemoro 0mg 5tayn mum mm Cheviot Sheep Leigh Hawkestona Swine Braden Amnan Gnllauxher Aflluon Park er Peacock Slroud Chalmer Pratt Lelmy Robert Spmula Barrie New Strand Jahn lion Calm Enrllar It had been propolM lhnc Ontario rawm van on plnn lo pool uu dnllcimcy ply mrntll nyon flu cnUu ma cryp About 2000 poundm Many county men are Hand In breeder campetlflonr at His Royal Amonllurnl wlnler Fnlr In Toronto Breeding Homes and stew Bell RE Btuin Harris Hm Orlllln Hughes Bros Stmd Albert Hewron Thamwn Miller Barrie 1th Minion RR flaxtie méédxnz 6mm mm Barrio prize ulcer Mo Aqulrï¬ gum Bee cm Mclaum Beaten Dairy Cattle John an And Sons Churdhul OConnor Cookalawn YoxkSImcon Guam Nogpnurlget he nmwu would hnvl re celvcd partlon Ike pool do lermlmd by lhn nmaunl of bum ho mld but ha arm produdl board provlndnl uovnmmml Henry with with n1lhorllovtr lhl mnrkrllnl bonnll or vulmn commodluu ruled lhnl no volt nmonl Ill myan II In be held 11m nurlcullural Ilnblllmllon balm In OHnwl let llu 111mb kgme mlnlmum prlu on In to ntco Thesermluuonl deal with markcun mum mtezrallon teed sublaldel mm mn 9hinery Ieghlallon annulment andlaxaflon the Highway TM flc Ac and mnny more Ray laughed of BanIo we returned EOVHIIDI Iho 0FAreprmnfln¢ UGO Ind An dmw Cununlnu Bards dela we 1mm Flu Coop Puke was also returned as Mr OFA aovemor representing coopera tive orznxuzalluna c511 cm mm mum Mo nnluunnl and Iva owner tivel In all the OFA rs am more than 95 per can all agricultural producer in pmvlncan mm of 401mportant maln um which originated ram van lou county and member organ Italian wen dabnted and ni Empriale uglinn wu taken on District Farmers Compete At Royal eels Subsidies Would Replace Tobacco Pool VDnVVtrlu slrcnuh two dm Much cooler air now our nonhun muons ol the prov lnca will push mulhwnrd and cover lhl enllro pmvlnce by night Shower will taper on wlllh nrrlvnl thln cooler Ar by mlddny and then lumln coolcr Pnnlal slur and coo tonight Wlndl Ioulherly 13 Ihmlnl to northerly 15 by mld day And bccumlnl 11m lonlxhl Nlnlnrn mulhern Georzlnn Bay wutarn Lnkn Ontario Hamilton Toronto rcnfl wllh Ihawerl lnpcrlnl all Ulll Allennoon Ind Ihm umlnz cooler Pnrllnl clcnrlnl and cool tonight Wlndl Ioulhcrly In ba comlnl northerly 15 lhll alltru noon and llmlgnllht TomatoHobart Mmhall Brown Onllrlo tumpllun dL mm or lho Cnnndlun Much ol Dlmu Ind lam Admin In mmllva rmnla Chnrlll human Pullman pmldcnl Full crlerulan Pubfllhlfll le 11rd aundm by hll mm Inc John IL Fullerton ye Indians lhl Ivldem II Um law mum wll tolled drll clency plymcm Th0 Inrnn pm pound Thundly Ind Fri 111 um mm Hum 51 um omm Special in con Cam Dr Rynud MP or 81mm Eur About the el smoking wax expmled In tho Commom lhp week During utlon period Dr Rynud uked hulth mlnlr er Judy Lanh what action hn been taken In he pravenuvs fluid In connection with lunl cancer Synnplllz Very warm cov the province mum of line north at Wilden Mum and Guam widespread thunder Atorm Activity broke nu In thll wmn uh 1m 1m evening and In new lubllded exlemlvn ralmhawm In He referred to slltemem by Dr Frederlek Back cum numb lpecllllsl mp gulfjlo relmch eclnlm mm Burma who laid at 2000 to 3000 Can Some lunny punlad and mum warmlnl rend ll pemd Tundny allemoon wind lhlfl lo nulhwukerly nlnlm Lake Chin Lnku Eric Lake mm Lnku Eric Huron Wndlnr London Ovu pnll vyllh ulnperm pH IN mom of mm Uniud Gunoh at shanty Buy yams day me 75111 anniversary Smoking Arouses Rynards Concern DEATHS WEATHER FORECAST Hm anMm clnulc bounty whlch an prldng In tlur hll Ink Mi llulck mm woof INA wlm nur lor ulmllvcly ï¬nished In IAMXO un tam wllh mutual Ind brown lnluloc El In lrlm Induch rhmrm lmlmonl lmund window lull wheel mm nml whimll Hm Atcmodu Inciud pnddcd duh ahnddllo around nu om punh Hm lmulllm ridlo VI motor Ind Ammch Inm mlnlon mnyldu Ih Mdun Only hm Idull mun le mum an lo HIM will Mm In Your mll dam or vlun o1 lullnm or mmlion arm or lvyd Dun Mm Mum IIer Hauburton mien Loki 0n llflar Ovarcuu with thong lapelin of late thll afternoon or evening and then luman cooler rum clean1n and then cool lonlzhL Wlndn mulh erly II becamlnl northerly 15 gm cvenlnl and Huh on Tm IV morning Wind northerly 15 be comlng llghl onllhl and loulh well ll Tuelday Forecu Icmpornluru Low overnight hllhn Tuw dn Wmdwr El Thomol London Kllchcner Mount Form Wlnghnm Hnmlllan EL Cllhnrlnu Toronto 38 Patcrborouzh Jo Trcnlon 35 Killolo 20 Muakokn in North Bay Mlu LEM lb was not In ha Common but her pnrllnmemary lecremy Dr Stanley Hulda of Toronto laid he would lake Dr Rymrdl question an nolm Ind provide reply later Nnrlhzm Georgian Day goma Timunml Nonh Bay Suqburyt Mainly clouAdy 9n ILLUHTIIMOR Fm lunc llluflnlor nny flaw elwn ol Toronto will nddrm BIHIC Art Club All Library Hull tomorrow nluhl mm clock ndinnl died In 1962 lun can cer mm prevalent dmxe Ir1llnrom Inwkgng The llzuro coupled wflh the number of hem and bronchial dlmm bred by making put clnmlu well ahead mm nacldanu and lnlectlous Illum nkllerDr Bock gtnlsd service are ram léfl Rev IL Baker Julio Ferguson her mother Mrs Pullman JOHN Bs188888 E2 Mle Rev Ernest Lewll mlnu ler at James Street Unncd Church Enter was gum mln ï¬ner lar the ll mm nervm and Rev IL Baker minlncr of Willowdnlu nnd Zinn United ehurchel conducted lhe evening lervicq nt gaven ojcjockr Ono oi ihe inrxesi congrega tion In the churchs biliary at tended ihn 75th nnniversnry ner vim oi Zion United Church at Shani gm yenlleizdny my EXAMINER VWANT ADS PHONE PA azm Gum clout may Ftr gum Barrlm Good Attendance Ht Anniversary um wloiat her other daugh ler Cathy and Rev Luwll Exnmlner Photo COTTAGE ROLLS Caurtiéiid MES LEGS or MSTS PEACHES PEAS ONTARIO can 9mm Vcooxmo on alum FRESH CUTUP CHICKEN TEA BAGS BACON LEAN PEAMEALED LYONS OLENVIEW roon MARKET I6 Rumor EAST BUEHLERS THE BAR EXAMINER MONDAY NOVEMBER 1M Preliminary gum com fled 33y Fllh and Wydlfllu II ï¬n the apen lemon or daer In the Lake Elmo dlurlct Indlcnu that lha overall harvulwlll reductd 1h up lnlarmntlon chtck vofnlu hi thu Mmheduh area when threedry on union on crown land wn old durlnl the um pm at the weeklhuw5 dry cram In hunting denlkyha ml and hunter lucceu ll pam pared with ma not Iha Dex pmmam of Lind and Forull mymold doe with ham whl axamlned It the Malcheduh ehcck paint thll malt and mo recall that don with ham wan takan In the math pm cl Wood Towmhlp In year Accen mum Into dm mil in Mmhedazh were problem due to road Itnlghtanlnl opar Allan and bridge commotion which mad traval by pnmnier vehlclu very dflllcult Thllvlo Iolhermllh the unumlly mild weather pracedhl the open lea wn qulla poul 1y mourned al who MIN 1nhtrvull Inca in addition Innuai eieciion oi aiiicen the agenda included demonurnlinnl in mik lnz diiimnl nil preparation oi fur Ilia oi licence And in iormaiion regardiillr the Onlnria grappen or Norm ay mAPPERfl MEEflNï¬ï¬‚ During the Hum ï¬claher our Hm council meeting he min the Lake Elmo Donland wlldllle mim azemnt nlllcor In lhe Lake Slmcoe district fluted that he arming better preparation pm by the In or well prmntcd at the arth Simeon and Baxter Council muunn hdd Oct 80 by Lloyd Cook pmldenl the Ontario Trap pegg quclallaln Mr Cook and Con Ducharme 01 Iho depnnmenll Huh and Mann branch demonstrated certain hum of trapping and Inlarm Happen on the Ilm of AME wig flglanjg mm Ella it the North Bay OMulcl gm wins which ll helnl held cc In addition to Menu Dar land and Duchnrme the nllnw lnz Dapartmenl Land Ind FDieer Shot InThis District 3m290 49° lnu Conurvatlan ofllcenflen SmilhGeorga Love Spence Marlhnll Colllns Bow ea Vnn Wick ram tho Lake Elmo 1mm and Mr Louckl FAny squnddmrlcl AUENDANCE my In attendance ylnciul park In the Lake Sim coa diurch Ilaln Ihowed In llcuhla ncnm 1M5 MOB negordlng park Iupervllor Arnold Selwood Nearly 1600190 peoplo ï¬nned nun ynrlgl Operation with Wum limb 139740 and Slbhald Pnlnt 813 mrucorgflnz the lnrw num berl Mr8elwood mud Ihat unendnm wn uv approxima 16 per can complrod with union The dxmm conlerence ch Church Jam cm the Latter Day Saints held at Or lllln we attended by 136 dele n¢u The villtlnz authority wnl Frank Fllchar pmldznt of the Cnnldlnn Minion who wan Iccompanled by wlie Ind hll cagnyellgr Kgnqgth Coultl Id dmud prexldanl MelvuIa Shannon Permborough mi Wllson of Burllnzlan 5n mum pflor to the morning Ionian 1001 TIN BanIo Mr emu FILvSgt Pater Murdock and Gary Eokwnnaull wlll me ve thelr mm at BanIo Armoury to Th6 wingl wlll be presented by Squadron Lender George Mojr at Trenton W02 Erlnn WexlgarthTaylat wll be mauled with md uatlan dplomn or having cam pmed the lull nlr cadet comu Hold Meeting Ht Orillia anor Cadets flt Amoury LBS BARRIE 00 00 HI