Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1963, p. 2

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Pulit nan nu emu Jm Comp mom Ilul lur II ulna mom Mod mm on temporal will nmounlnd lo mm at ILII kfllmlm Io ma no mmnn 11000 or II mm durlu lho mrupomflnl wlod 1m nu nan Armin IvanIa mgm nmpun mill um vmulu mini mm DO uuunu 1m Minn lJmIM Th Com pany repay Hun far In nIM month cmlod wlemlnr 10 net nrnlnn Inmnled Io Mom Dr per Ihm mmynrrd vllh MN pvr OI than durinl flu mr mwmimn period In my IIIH lrutdenl be lnr uld he Company hm huvy Aimup upcnm In ha mm qunnu or new mum which wlll mail NMnull wry lrllmflan lo nvmuu nnl yur uhlal ram um 1mm chmllcnl tmmrutllon nub lull MIIIIIG to oflul do dlnu In mm paper um yn than durlnl llw waomllnl no period Ncl uminu or flu Ihlrd qulrflr ended Senlcmhrr 50 mounted la mum or mm per llurc mmpmd wllh Doom or mm er nu Almllu 1m per 0d Domlnlan hr Ind Chunkl Co Md The Company porn um or lhc month ended Septrmber so mu nu coming Imunled 0060111 or 03 anl yer Ihnro comvmd wllh or II per Lanzhney Pmldcm on Inld conwlldllcd nel earning ll Company In me third quarlcr flde an Incrun um lhe lume pcrlad ur Enrnlngx or IM In month mra lowrr Hun 1m ym Thl third nunrler Inmate In enr nlnn rclltrud Ill lmvmvcment In unculan pm In all up menu Company nptrl am Mr Muuhney nddrd lrnmMnuntlln 0H Plpe Llne Co The Company repent lhat or the month ended Septem ber 30 not earninzl nmnun led to 4429000 or 71 cents mm al compared wllh $6083 000 or In com share durlng lhe corresponding period 1961 Net Sncome lar he lhlrd quarter ended September 30 was nmounlcd 11180000 or ex tent share as compared ulth 701000 or 25 cent Ahnre In the rhlrd qumrr lasl year The Compunyg nunze culpul In lhe first nlne monlhs wnl 195006 barrels per day down per can ram 198016 barrel per day In the corm pomflng 1062 period The Com pany enllmnm lourlh quarter dellveriu will lvernza 130000 barrels day Aruln aiur we mull ll lrtlerrld And Ila common Indullfltl mnlnl TORONTO STOCK EXCHHm It In high tlm Ihe Mun overnmcnt again doubled Ill ran per bed to all Iha prnvln cu Dr Hymnd urged In lhll day of spiralling cam many He noted that am of he first Inn of thc previous Conserva tive governmanl had hem lo double the rank per bud and this had led to the provlncc Ontario Alla douhlnz Ill gran OTTAWA 1Spcclah The led ¢ral government mould dnuble ll gram per bed or hosplm connrucliun Dr flyunrd MP for Em Slmcue laid Ihll week He was taking pm in do bm on the estimate of the Departmem of Nallannl 1mm Ind Welfare BrlflflgAmfflunioll Co le Rynard Urges Higher Grants For Hospital HUNDREDS OF poopla lln ed Colller and Ron Streets thla momlng to watch Santa Claus and his refindem Complled by Flynn Dunlop at Emma Innum lummn lo lh Wu lqflu Nov AVIIGI HILDI MI 4a Ila 119 BULLle BRIEFS Mun poimu Ht Th ommny mm um ur the mom wdnl Renomlwr II urnlnu IIMNMO or Cl hm magma lllll 0170 nr II ma our mmr Win pcrlnd In 7m NII ulu rm Ih¢ period Imounud Io Mama my Fatal HUI muman lut 1m nmlnu um dollar um mm In both wlmll nu ampy mum lnr IM MI 01 the nu tununm IA up lmubk nu elm CompI7 Cunldn lelm TM CompHy rcpo mu lnr lhu llnl nIM mnnlhl ended Member 30 lm Ml umlnu amounted to 071551 or 3116 Ihm up mm mm ur um lIIII rormpondln perlod nl 1W1 Nu umlnp or lhc lhlrd mum lrr rndtd September 1m maunlcd la 9311 or um mm ll vamd thlh nrl earning OMEN or um in lhe lhlrd mur lrr ML Bmlly lml dent of Slelm nid Ilu Com puny ulnblilmd new am for productlan mm or flu lhlni l1 or Hm month at LMI your Imhmmvo ht uld In dlnflom now an lhll Iho mh mm hunlnm In In ml mumr MI leI ha nod In mud In dIflIM In MW mmu Ihul Mrmnlly can In wdtd In lhc tlmlnl INKI yur mum nn ammo MMJM Ihn ouhlnndlnl mummi with 2337705 in IhI ma period The Bell Telephone Compn7 nl Cnnuan The Company npom that or Ih nlnu manthl endtd Septembtr 304 nu earnlnn Imounlm In $50550420 or 91 mare mmpnmi wllh 71072 or 510 share duran lho mmspomlinu mrlod In Gllnl Yelluwlnlle Mlnu Um lled The Company report lhnt or Ih nlnn monlhl ended Sep lcmbcr 50 mm gamma mounted la 900031 or 70 can Ihnre compared wIUI $193374 nr 99 um than during lht orrupondlng no period amounted to $683471 or 63 cents IIIan II compared wllh $422 000 or 42 cant than during lhe correspond 1962 perlad Share earnlnu during the 1963 period are based on 1051501 Ihnru outstanding and on 012735 mm oulsnndlng re cch for stuck splll In Jnnuury mm during Um ntrlod Jamel Tooley presi dent of Canndlnn Avlnllan any he oxpch ha Company lo earn 35 mm In 1h llrcal your ended March ll IBM com pnrnd wllh 93 can IIIan In he prevloua IlrcII year Dr Bynnrd also wanted that lack be taken mu can nnxcllon mu or hospital bulld Ings and nld that Ihm costs have lncreasnd during lhe last few years ram $10000 to $20 000 per bed In sum case He Iuggaslcd lha Canadians might be buildlng hospitals that are loo camy In vlew nl Ihe rapidly changing Itchnlquu Ind require municipalillcn cannot allord lilo same share oi the coil ol hos pital bulldlng lhnl lhny contribu ted previously The only plus they can raise Iheir slum the money is through municipal tox aiinn and today education ac count or 50 per cent or more the tax dollar Nag armed from members the ormer Kemponlelt Trumpet they pasted with the naw band mg 17M fluflun Anoum Imam MSKIHVJON lcl Thu Inc nnummenl um mum In In bu bum hm Immped many qumu In oppommlllu or wmen In an prnlmltm Im ll lah mulm and monl vb Ilnr hm uld npporllmllm no land MW Ind may In mlod lo toning um nu PHEUIHENI Muyl Calhuflc Yth Orluulmlon malt Mrlmmlx and pm hlml ern wmnotd all Nam C0Tmonln pol She lnlrodutcd 01k lingan at ha Illch Sucrnmcnl Catholic Youth Orgnnlxnllon lhroe yenrl hole ll came lnlo nu pmmt popularity Mlu DIM also made cording Now Lay Me Dovm Tb Wrap for Ilauncr Record Delllum She bu just can cluded role In the On Thu Scum CBC TV thaw She had ha lend male role or lwa ynm In De La Salles Annual Imcrprclnlion Brand way sham Carousel Ind Fin nlanl Rainbow Miss Dina whn gang mural song has just mmplelcd luc cmrul our of Europe and North Mricn cxcepl or Czech oslovakia and Hungary Sovcral members or line 11on Name Parish ol Tornnlo wen also guests Simona Dina celebrated voc Ills from Tommo was special gnu at Catholic Youth Or ganization dance at St Joacpha Audllarlum last night He said that mm beds mun be pmvlded or the chronically Ill because as lhe human life span Ienzlhenl there are marl people 111 He also alknd when lhe iavemment WA 10111 to raise the pension or the blind and dinhled and how many pm vlncel havs agreed to web an Increase Noted Singer Performs Here At CYO Dance mi mm mmuuun Coal oi conlirucllon might bu cut anywhera irom 15 per cent in 50 pu ceni ii Ihorler liia span were pro and Th money saved could en ha spent on providing more bed and more hospital or it could be invalid in tecurlilex that would yield money to replace hospital when ll yearills span is enfiizd the East Simon llil In mill the medical prafculan Band mmm Plaza Men chanla Assocllaflon sponsored lh papade Examiner Photo VSVanta HBit surname TdMgke Parade fummlmmmnu miMummmmhmm mm MIAMI ed wllh uni Diff filmom Mun ul flancu In 8L Jomvhn nmlilotlnm Hmnlmr IM In Mr nnmwy warned however Hm John will bcmmo mm mm within the next cw ynarl with more maple qunll fled to do he work cw yum no educalcd pwpln ware the parasite of In nalian The laborer nuppor led he cducalcd Today lho educalod puraun has Como lnlo hls own and mm provide lhu filenly upon whlch the other can In 11w technical knawhaw here but the ecunamlc knnw how ll mlsslnu and lhls what you must provldc he said We need all lhe cducallnn wn can and we must use what in callan we can not and we must use that cducnlion lo provide the Heads or olhc Resmnxlblllly pruvldlnz or he need an other real with lhe educated lodny lraduam lug ntudenls and lhtlr parcnu wm told at last nIghlI Cam mencemcm exerclm Barrlal Dlslxlcl Nonh Collegiate Ramsay dlxlrm Inspec ar OmanIQ De canon lald Ihn Auden that lhfl responslhnlly does no mean many difficuth wont pment themselves but It he edu cated persons Job lo undermmd lhe problems nnd to try In 11nd mlullam them Aside from zenaral Ideas about cnmmllleea almx ML Coulis hal not yet decided what will bu under discussonnt the am meeting of III an Mac Mr Coulll palnled out that ihe cummmee wIll have to Include representation from other com mittees or Ila Immmendatlnns as to use Incllllle would carry no weight Must Use Educafidn Today To Provide Needs 01 Othersf The commltm wlll cnnlain no elected official huweven It will begin with Ihree memand the chairman sald Mr Canal and well add to It ram there Sandy Couits chair man sald the committee will In dude mtmbm of Ihe Parks Board Arena Commisslnm and Individuals from any olher in terested arnupl In addiklon it will welcome camments from Interested cItIzens The new Barrie recreation committee will be incbiindlng bady designed in cuordinnie and Inn out he Jobs being done by other commiilees that deal with recreatinn and recreallonni iia cliiiies it was indicated todayi The arade was scheduled to Mar ll 10 mm sharp and police wen posted along the route but they got calls at the Ins mlnulu first that Santa Claus couldnt be ound and then he had for lajlcn his sul Meantime however old 5nt must have done doubla aka or he was In his suit and all not to go with hlmtmsty relu dm 1010 mm and tha pnr ado so Augderlwqy Even Santa Clay taller Isome times and ha slipped this mam In when he didnt Show up on gator lhe ijrle pafiade zmz maypzxmmn wimp WW Will Findfacts About Recreation Seiehal hufidredflpeapla llncd Krmlunu Innis luhllc and Smmluy ldmflll Mr am my lm hum will Km Onlnrlu Drpnrlmml ol lhluullnn ulncu will Mum In wu nppalnlrd Ila lmpeclar ulunu Mnmnlcd In mmld Inspec lar In tuld lhr mule lrmlnn in that lyrrnun Ihrlr Inla mns an mldlliannl 37 would he nulnmununlly ullxml ln Hulr Annual ulnrlu In Hm um 01 and zruhmlu Hm would In IMHI lo handle lho nrnhl lhmwn lo you by your union III will human ha Mllm human lly GET WISDOM Gtl whdom HI Mlh nll flour wlnxlom cl undmlnnfllnl advised Mr llnmmy nnld Hm cm Ilndy lowed by thc Dc pnnmtnl of Eduullan poml dlrmenl rnunu belnl oflmd ludcnll who continua Ihclr educnllon In mondnry school Weln educnllon knnw no have man you tho Ability to 11nd wisdom and In Elva inslruc Ion We hope you can prumnlo lho Idea or dlacrtllon tolerance and Judgment nnqylll be able He Iold ha sludcnla lhey mus lunm Judzmcnl based an ax pcrlcnco Inhch not only from thomulvu but the 1mm alhm Machines nnl lukinz over mm quclu he xnld Mm chine nu akin over rum men Mr Coulto awn experienca with recreation includes wnrkJn drama and other clubs in Barrie beforelhe war After the war he was on an earlier Bnrrle rrcroa Han mmmllteennd he dl rector and past prrsldenl the planning board project he has been prrrnnnlly Inleruted In over the year the Nine Mile Pnrlnge project and he hal nerv cd on the Chamber at Com Jmerce cammillee or that pro ecl added however that whether we accomplish what were expected to do In such 51191 Emil quesflanahlef Be that the mnynr wnuld be most pleased we could hand In report by February he laid The in ct ma er ior discus sion at meeting will amuse the committee gels under way however This procedure re flects Mr Cnuits heliei hut in general we have to keepan Open mind abuul the whole situation halore we can come lnany conA cluslnns Right now Im about last asjon egg he said It took ho parade only at mlnutes to pass and despm Santa Claus bad start II was Just about back on schedule by the time the parade flnshcd ingest group people watching Ihe parade gathered at he corner Hayfield and Ross slreels lining the mm on both mm Voolworlhl slow mum boys ran along the outside lbs float 1119 new bandrormed from the Inrmer Kempcnrell Trum pet band led the parade irbnp ofjmall COLONEL SANDERS FAMOUS RAMS Npmjmzn is LAKEVIEW ARIEL Indlvllllll my 11 lUCKTI nox mNNfl mom um FOR FAMILY DINING Honey in vnrlmu um lulnm mold Ml nnd nrlced rum ml lo IIJS lnr our pound ban Cabbage In red white mm mm lwo Mend or 25 cenlnl Cooklmz oniom wrnt lnr lhm pound for mm Iqumh And 15 mm Ind unlqu Ipmnls 20 me qunrl Carnal mm or 15 tell package been 15 mm quad parsnip cents mn peg pm 15 um qunrl celery two or 25 cent and Imam cents Potatoes mid or 35 um basket or 3150 but wk mm his cm In Mac and Tolman Swmu at as ml bank Em nmnhmd unchangcd ll so emu medium and 60 mm large An assortment of homemade candy sold well nnmo gin Included home mudc candle selling at 75 NMIJDd up fresh made bath MIL In assorted contulncrs at 50 mm and aprons nt 91 In the mm line bmior mu want or live cent each pics 60 emu each The Fnrmm Market on Mul cnster Slrccl had new nddl lion lhls morning with lhe Von ure Clubl wide selcclim gift Ideas from the Onlurlo Water Immune Com mission that the village he reached the mutation pain In up tank concenliallan sug gest Angus should parllclpnll with the Aubdlvlder In lhq lew Ixe grojecl water cmlamlnalinn Irom sewage has accurred in Angus accordan to Dr ANGUS Stat sharing the contra interest at tire nomln atian meeting here iast night were aspects oi the water vs sewer Installation decision np proaehing as the population grows Consulting engineer Bec kctt Barrie was there to glva technical iniormation and answer questions Development of the Bonnell subdivision on 40 acres at property in the southwest end ai Angus was recently approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on the standard conditions that the subdivider provide com munal water and sewaga dispos al for the subdivision Angus Given Warning On Sewer Problems PA 61412 CALL US TODAY noN on the proposed newer project being considered for Angus was provided at the village nomination meeting mums MARKET 375 495 35 Fhmnnlnl nld to he vfllnxe ls available or lewm but no or wnler Mr Beckelt laid Through Cenlral Martini and lnuslng the village can borrow up lo on yer an the total roll hr project and have 25 per cent the can arllvch Thu Iubdivldzr on his own property pnys lhn nllra acwcr ml plus lhn Irunk line expense of 3792000 Mr Eockcl id The trunk newer ll 6000 wlth he luhjflvlder paying of the cost would leave Angus with 810 000 mum lo paylhl would brinl the total lower con to About $90000 or 12 ml for th Iuflesled liveAyenr program To pay lh vlllalel share or 880000 would amount In about 10 mill on the my quessmml OWRC unitary mnineerl rc commend miniature version of pie plant to be built at Bah rie Ihrwslaga lrentmenl plant hr the viiingel 1200 pox uialiun and the estimated 600 residents at Illa new subdivision might cost between $0000 and $60000 Mr Beckett vrcditted Until the projected future pop uinlion ll pinlied the cost inc lor wax uncertain recentlycompleted survey of Angus Indicated newer plant site alarm the Pine River was at shake uhas to be uv sewage disposal plum because then In no clay soil around Angus to make lagoon leasi bIe Mr Becket sald Any mnlns bum throuufi the mum In health Mr Beckett told the audience Enlh the OWRC and health authnrlllca any sewer system more urgent here than watcrwarks ANCILs Pllmo COPYING MAILING sunwcn ROOM mi a9 DUNLOP ST PHONE PA new DUPLICATING rmNG rgchmomc Sumarlal Burnu The ni hymn 1133 Beckgtgugnrrle nnm mums Beckett second from Iefl flayed am the to point on map the aspects ScolL mgdignluomrcpr of MANurAErunans mqu My mum DON CAMPBELL DUNLOI ST HARM PA 55 Rapmunling The valut nearly cvny wle pm priclonhlp mu on he drive and Ibllfly mm who own It When he din lmglc nqntnkz of evenll nn 1nd In mu ul ol the busing1 Ind never flnncld IM In the ham Time Ill ch1 lululiofl pwhlem whkh ult lor nminm LII lmunnce plm ha umcu of nkillcd L119 Undu wrlm at lnlmmullon call FIRST INHABIIANTS The first inhabitants ho New World are believtd lo hnv come from Asia crouan lhl Bering Strait In migrallon lhnl Ilnrled 15000 year no vlllaga came under local lrn pravamen pmvlslnna Property owners on the streetscnnnmed pay must of the cost Ihe lina along their lrontngca 011a quai Ier the lulu cost on an lha general mlll rate For properLy owner henelmlnz ram newer Installations thc cos might work out to 35 cents per lent per year In lucnl Improvement charge an myear deben ture basls SOLE PROPRIETORS vuur Huml 1mm left Vlc mum Waller McMackan Anna and En one Ladm so Sldemad E55 Whip Examiner Phalu How To Fravenl Found llquldallon ham DON CAMPBELL Memo fa III

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