IIortonSpqyr1s sLeqfs To Win Over Rangers w1uuk punud ho ball an to flu Banknlrhowm l7 yard Hm CAI nryl Lnr Rnblnmn lump Io run kicked the bull buck lnlu lha llldm md mm or lnmolyhvl polnl bul ll want an bound nI lho lun Iounded In IMI play flldm drlcnm Ill Grno Wlnlluk returned by punt mlmd old loll wmwx rum uullwo Inlrncllnm an lho ll nnl plny ho game were mlmd by he olflclnll In Iho eonhulon of KM dauqu rclurn llcku nul nomld lho mm mum la 11th at least two rulo lnrc 03 thch were not ullnd In Ilulumml uner tho view In Vlckery Md all With do clxlnnl ln Ihu Kama whlth uvu Saxknlchawnn the lwo um total palnll min Wm vindicated cum whlch cauud much dllcuulon wm urruclly mlltd hy Ihu old 0L llrl ncfrprdVltko Tho lame 111m came under careful mullny WFC am am that included Andy Cur rieuCFL commluloner Syd ney Hullcrl ofllclallnx repre nnlnllve the west and Al Vltkuy WFC dlreclar pub Hglw WINNIPEG CF Oflldnll of mu Vemm Fonlball Confer mco Thundny nlnhl backed up wllh lama mervnllanoflb dulan In In lcmnd Kama of tha umIHnal plnyofl Monday nlzhl In nulna between Sap hlchewnn Rouxhrldon and Calgary Slamqueu The two pnlnu Thunday night pulled monlo into He or sec ond spot in the standlngl wnh Montreal Candun at palm The Huiplace Rnngm munwhlle went wlnles or lhl llxlh cangccullve m1me Dave Kean Bab Panrd Funk Mahuvlich and Gem5 Amman shared In Iho Tor onto looting wllh Horton whlla the Rangers got Koala ram nod Gilbert Vic Hadfleld and two player who have not been per ormlnl up to expectations In Tho threwolnt perturmanca ran his seasnnl production to polnll better tab than any other ddanwnen around the Iegguo It was nlm hll llnh ml ol the cam IIKII and only uno other deencemnn Al Mama at Chicano ha many three He cored Toronlnl mm goal on bouncan shat mm mm in Ice um eluded Naw Yorks Jucquu PlumbMd helped let Iptwo gnrllerynes cnwcut 35yearold nu llve of Cachrnne Ont powered the Maple Learn to wIn over ha Ranger before crowd 01 12755 New Work Thursday mm In Iho leagues only name says UP mo com Now he stand to attract pack ballot for the Hrs all mr team and oven lha Nanll mglw for outstanding delence W0 Dull um Anyway Hortons lay wau chnracturlzed by slen hues hnr than dash Missing flair for Illa dramatic his work wtnl Imely unrecolnlzud between hi uophomom year of WW and Inst spawn He made he NHLI second allAstm team In both hose cnm Now hel Hurling la make lhgye eyeungchlpl playg Two Infractions Were Not Called Hll Toronto anle Lean lanmmnkes said there were per hapl moretalented haulean Ice Horton Iomehpw had trou ble toning punches while on thu blades Bu may said no on canld touch Tim for Ihaer mu ch pawn Up In lhll masonbl nth ull one In lhu NHLh chin dlsllnctlon was that he wnl widelyconsidered the drunken mnnh the lung0 Ilgnteg Tlm Hutton appears Io have utnblllhed hlmsell as the Na dafcncaman In lhn anlonnl 99k 19 bunndï¬zn Pro llmm lbnlyl lull an UM MOflfl EQUIPMENT TRY GARNERS py MAEVEN siniITwmer Halter mid that had he lwo lnhucflans bean deleclcd Cal nryl mun blinking would Ive been cancelled by Sasha chawanl mynrdl Dummy and the meme would no hump mllled an extra pIny Robinson was not zlva flclenk yard by Saskatchewanl Wayne Shaw and Cnlnry cen lro Duh Pinon lhmw block as Robmwn wnx mnnlnz with lhu billwhlch ll lllclnl on any klgk Illunflon There were lwa lnlracllbnl on the play but both went un delllgclgg Vlckery 1pm Hellvcau Mtl Hull Chl Mlkfla an Whumm Ch Goyeflm NY Buthum NY Li Gammon HI our goal and II mists lava him share of 10mm ape wllh teammate Phil Goycue mg Kennwlhlrram Chlcugaz Jean Bellvcau pl Montreal tops the 1m with 23 polnll and hat the most mm with 17 Chicagol Stun MIR 016 leading lollgetter wlth In pair ol Isslsu ln Thursday nlzhll play curled Andy Baill aalu al New York to the 15 polnt level In lhe Nnuannl Hqskay Leagua pplnl race Then we only one name and Bath ale was the only player In mp bracket to ro carq nny lmpyavzmgnls McKennuy and Fonte ne tied it up in the second per od Mc Konney clicking on in power 12in But Mnhovlich not To onto into the third period with lead Then Horton not hil out at 1857 and Hudtieid omit his with at second ieit Punc iminch Toronto coach dissatisï¬ed with the work oi calla Johnny Bower In the clubn uwott with tho Ca nadlen niuht dressed Don Simmons instead Thflrsdny night Ail lx cums Vim ncllon twjgo lhhrweekend Maple Leaf are horns litha Ranger Saturday nlghl Slmrflann stopped 13 shall whfle ï¬lnnge lurncd nldu 29 The team wens plnylnn ï¬ve men aide when he and Kean Icored 55 second apart in ma 93min porlpd qng AFgIllgrd Ignt Armllmn ml wan his evenlh of year and let him one shy of the Zmavel for hll MIL career ErieII ahead period ended while Taranw was marthanded ugqgmxanpqms LATE Ir lhllvaeasun Don McKunney any Va Fogceyne Bathgate Ups Total To 15 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Th leidm gm vouns NOWI mm AVAILMIIJ Ar Mum noummx non nmoumlom Ann OMINION Mll M50 AVAIFQIII AT HAIL LT GARDENIIAT II mun AWHW 089m The teams bolh undclenlcd In le lnmmhenlnle mnlerenca lame lhla mason will be vy lnu or he ManhuntGovernor of Alberta Trophy an awmi prelcnled cancelsin or the time by LLGov Parcy Page Album Queunn ls wand by two touchdowns oqrggongn FOES Golden Benn auumrcd their opponent 27H1 lhla year In lerovlnz lhalr Western Inter colczluloConlercnco record In Ourciuh wlil give real he performance Frau Iald Kickol lime or the AV Nona mulch llnleMIwcu pluyoll since Alhenn tumbled 467 below McGlll Unvmlly 1n IMOII pm MST pm EST Mon than 6000 mm have been sold and crowd 1000 In expgflgd He was replylng la sugges tion that his Golden Bean will Eel drubhlng when they med Quecnl Unlvernlly Gaels here Saturday In lhe Guiden Bowl the ï¬rst canwest Ma lnlermllczlnle pllyoll avg mayo Qle PraLrl EDMONTON CF Queenl will knuw um lheyv been in real 00an lama vawed conch Glno Fracnl ol the Uni venfly of Album Golden Benn Tied or lhlrd with 695 were American Tom Shaw and Gm Lewis hole ever In my Hie havu wzlellfl uld Baldlng In fuck Ive never seen bet ter pulling needed only 29 pulls In lha unllra mund Ho canned Hooter on ha 1091 or blrdlu Baldlnl went out In unsa tlonnl 32 For Iho round he col lemd 51x blmles and an angle on the Wynnd seventh hole In upped Moot put on tho um NM and lo hm the leadlnl poslz on all to himaull with In early after noon 833467 unlfl flu Toronto yetagpn cnma home with his The Ionmament over me Maiyard par 72 Club do 001 In Hacienda course drew and amateur 1mm Mex 29 the United State and Can ids Ind play In Chicago the follow lnl night The Bllck Hawk nulnlt the Clnndtenl in Mont real Saturday night while De tralt Red Wing meet tha Bru Inl In Boston Montreal At Bolton Sunday nlzht und Do tmlt It New York MEXICO CITY AP can adnl Al Blldlng playin the hole In vldunl dax nan Ihut Ivovunderplr 67 Thur day fur than ol lhu In round load In the Whole Mexl By WALTER KREVENCHUK Says Club Will Give Fine Game Balding Tied For TopSpot Ddcnccmnn nm Harm wha lcmd Tomnlal mm on Ind colledcd two min when Maple Leaf Ihndcd New York Rnngm Frncns In molds um couch 01 Golden Bun nflcr Iveyear Ilint with Ed monton Exklmos and our year wllh Unlvmlly Wqu Mur lnnxl Hi Hue conch in Frank Harris larmcrly wlth Elklmol and Toronto Arxnnnull Frnu mauled Golden Gneln In their llnnl Ontario Quebec wnlcrcnco limoa 1H Kc glry over Unlverally of Tnan ues Queens appears to hive 1h advantage on the linoaverag lmz2l paunds per man lo Al benal 190 Gael have men llnumen 215 pound or oyer Golden Burl only ona Frnca shrugs all the difference In hnd lhl advantage ho mid boa them 443 and 792 15 wIns two lone and one do In the In three ynrl Their nnly lama were Unlvmily all British Columbia Thunder rdn flwrldlyl Realm Kitchener Hamilton 11 Oshawa Pelcrbumugh St Catharine Montreal Enllem Lem Philadelphia Long Island Clinton Greensboro Non Scnlla Senior Monolon New Gluiow Windsor Hnlflnx Innllhta Game Mtnneapalta at St Pull Omaha at St Loula Ontario Jualo Taxonto Peterborzh Montreal Cathtnes Niagara Falls Oshawa Kitchener Hamilton puumnqaoi unseenhr uuuaénufl ssasse=uu 33885883 nuuouufln Tvronlo Pelerborzh Montreal Calhlnes Niagara Falls Oshawa Kitchener Hamilton FrIdyl Guam Hamilton Toronto Peterboruugh Nlaam Falll 1hundnyn 11¢qu Mlnnenpaus Omnhl an Cincinnau 0min St nul Minn upon Louis Cincinnati nelulnv Thain mm flow York 0mm Bllnrdw Chicago at Mannell New York It Toronto Denv1 Boston unmel Enidy Montreal It Eoslon Tmnto gt Chic Damn ItNaw ork Cenlnl PromI nu AP Crush 11 27 St Aul 1030583490 Mlnn upon sum Mills 44 M11 Cincinnati 110 12 Chime Toronto Manuel Denult Naw Yark Eaton lliUCKlleflECOBD ny ma CANADMN mm Malianl NHL STARS munmnav Auunuau ernumuu Wl11015 all the welsh hnd lha nme quid Albert Ha smarter quarterback now and has luken to our 01 men In exception mhlau That wllh boner receive has mnde mum dmerenca IlE LIKES Clulrelrllar lhlrweek culled molds and Ted Vlkklru Ind Gboru Belu the rum lhlnl lahappen to our club m1 hnck Ron Stawart Ind flanker Whl lurker Ira two other top nokch recelvm In the 0mm backflcld buck Dnvc mm but hem hnvlnz one the but aonl llnco Jolnlnx Eldon In 1959 Run played mu glme or In In that me Grey Cup um Cllr Bu lhll team he has been mat Iromum to DIM Than iukinz nothing um um lilo mo team Ihq 0b llwa couch nid But In every one known thu lame bu im Kmved in three yam and no ave the individual piayerln Oi the id layers mm the 1960 winner sin in Ottawa uni inrm probably the mm im praved would be qunflerbnck Rug Jacklon omwA CPIFunk cnIr any the Oluwn Rough Elders who Inca Hamilton TilerCull Saturday In the numeral the Easklm Football Camerence ll nals are better otllwn club than tha one harmchad lo Gray Cup victory In mo Centre Nlck Libs cored our on and twain Brynn Camp ball added we load the ï¬wllgzmllgl Puler Mï¬gov me Knowles and Roll Lomleux adgq Ilnzla 1915 Bob Jones Gailsabourln and Billy Hwny mreq or Kllch ener The Red wmn nuuhoc nich 1n othor ncUon Thundny Pa Ierbomuzh PM moved lo wllhln one point of flu place Toronto Malloom wllh victory over Oahlwn Generals Montreal Junior Canadian ro mained three point back of Pe erborou by edging St Cath Irlnes Id Hnwka my Bum EXAMINER nzmlw Novamn 1mm mm wunuljlmu cludlnl three llu the Intplace Red Wing In111 won their um contest mum Kitch ener Rum And hard It In rand Mon with In 1141 For Hlmlllon Rad Winn tho no Ontario Hochy Anacllllon Junior mum didnt mlly um um Thnrxdny nllhomd my celsbnted tn proper uh on Clair Says This Team Is Better Slmhllm Anyonc mm mm of Walkerl Spednl Old ny rum CANADIAN mm Hdmilton Posting Victory Yuuru Speculht In good rule whmybucboon duh luxu MilII popular priu WalkcyISpfchlgWGood I914 good calmnil ecommy have undo IlCAMdJI his populnr prlced whhkyl Nu um nuke pointy fltlhtlsmlalold Ammanwm mun mum win Llullllb The Sqlulday wuther fore cm In for cloudy day with lunny periodl The penk lem peque or the day expected be In the high as Kickou limo pm EST and the game will be canled aver lha CTV network In lhm mum 165an um ualnsl mm um lemn Bid era km two In Hamilton And won on In Ottawa Samd mud all goal in the am period H1 shot 511d 85 leek alang the lea and Hawk aonlln Bab Sneddon found out 111 was broken when it collapsed as ha tried the rou Una stop Andra Boudrlns led the Cann dlonx with three wk the In Into an empty net In the games Innl mlnulo Sam Snvard and Jacques Madam each addei one ï¬nd Stanfield Brian McDon lld Ind Dennll Hull neared at St Catharine The Fate broke open score leu IIaln Pelarboroulh with two lhlxdpeflod mil mng shutout duel by loultenden Chuck Goadrd at Petarbarough lug My Reign 9m Danny Oran goal 111552 wujho winning Icon and Jlm Panamn added the clncher In the Inn mlnula In Monuenl tho Ellck Hawks mined chance jam Ihlld of the Canadian when they blew an ehrly twogoal lead Thuy remained vfourlll three point back 01 Montml mi 5m nailhay moved In wllhlnlhree pointlof he lay engplgcg Eugen autumn DELIVERIES PA 82563 SIMCUE PETROLEUM Su LTD 7S ANNE 5L Arm llama lnrhnlry Everyone but Van Em to be In contentlon for the Minimum Wumn Hockvv beam lead Sum held on la on point lead Khunday nigh dunno Labine had Blades ToWin1 11km cmmm ï¬nass If you umpire Iho leading lmbonedv and North AmorICInCm lhal have nulémallc mmmlulon youll find that you will have pay from $2500 in $30001 75 Bradford St I964 Renault Duuphine ITS comm AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FOR ONLY No clutch no gear flick um press bunon and go where you want to go And you still get ovor 40 mpg with no power loss FRENCH MOTORS How Mucli Should You PayforAtor With Fully Automatic Transmission $I895 Now Check The New ground by Angola The win moved Blades to within two palm of Seattle Tol oml and put them In third plm lie with Denver 32315 polnu Portland ll fourth with points and Vancouver in thn cellar wllh lo Bladel Vemn Leo Labina 31 yuMId rlzht winger led Lon Angola mrlnzï¬thm Gall one In each period PA 85971