Principal At EDHS Has Wide Experience aco LEGIATECAPERS lsBclslEtball Curling Take Central Spbflight CONTINUOUI SHOW SATUflDAY FROM 12 NOON $3 MW Lun Hlduy um ulwmy Arnlny day or he HnnUnl we rrr lcnlm may on down In rlrlenl In In II plnn IAth rumI unhul Dr Wllllnml Aurou DJ In In nnlourlplml how uruphl nr lhom or wtho ha plnyrd their request numhm When Mr Volt wn Inked lo cumli the drum ho ro rllcd 11H cram really llple enjoy vlnylnu mun nl InnaI whom every one dnnc TODAY TMRU SATURDAY ll mnny xludnnu had preferred to Iln homo Ia ludy or than Immlnvnl cxnmlnmlons but by 10 run lhu Allendnntn had plck rd up lull homo danced la Iha mmlc Armrdlnl to Clara Moran lho club lrrnsum tho dnnco WM bl Iuccrsl mum lhn Ml nllrnctlun Hm rmnnu war he mpulnr IV DJ Lee Vnucl Everyonn Ilflyfll dialling wllhlhn IIlnhle fly LAYNE HTOLK nullnl Mrmorul Lul Frldny capacity crowd ml 350 ulndcnu attended Inc 01 Hull mannered by Ihl nunllnu Gull Club lhu brain 01 ha waning looked Then Newmnrkcl made break and made second touch down Barrie Central made hard concentrated cum to lake blha lcad again 1h ball was only 25 yard mm lha New markel goal line when the dock uy BILL GREXION Elmvnl llllh Edgar HuyEllls Elmvnla Higho new principal has enjoy ed long and successful career an educator bath Ihroud and tn Canada In the lhlrd quarter Newman kel Internopted Barrio pass and made louchduwn nuts ha boy didnt eat enough or nnges The mm mm that point In the game remained Bar rie Newmurkel until the Inst lhrce minute ol nlny Noth saw week at vlclory Ind dates as her ream went mm or athletic homrs Last Friday Norths Vlklnzs Thomth on our campus school splrl that backed out team dupmvod all stale mean Um our school INK was dead Large eyecatching pos ters brlmmlng wllh humor and school splrll were plastered over every aqua lneh ol hall apislalmly The larze 1mm of AHMqu Ihnl mended mu Kama in uplta of the cold and rainy saw our team try and try awn only to be lramplcd on by powerful Tholmhlll omhnl hm almag and dc lermlncd were prevented from massacre by an ave wered but equally dclcrmlnc North The Barrie Central Junior cot ball Ieam travelled to Newman kcl Io play the Newmnrkel Purple and Goldl Junior Team Early In lho ï¬rst quarter Barrie look lend on as touch xluwn by Tom Arnad and muge by th Nellson iEnjoy Golf Ball Lose Soccer Ball ODAY FLIPPER TMRU SHOWN AT ATURDAY Int l0 pm llye wandnu Hop boygng hII dolphin 001 North Footballers Lose But Spirits Are High MrlrnnylJllls name In Canada The score hull llme remaln Hy KRISTIN EMBERSON Barrie Ctnlnl By DIANE IUXTABLE Dmla North In nnlur nma 11min loll In Aurora to Um 40 Aurnrl man wm MI thI ma Jlm Weill In III In hull lha wanlhcr htcnmo wane and lo dld tho mm or Bllllllll Aurora um out of he cclllr Don Chip mnn COM lwn all and Our ry Sen and Jlm Chapman uch Icond on or he on Iltlon Allhoufh our pllym Ired du nrrllcy lhuy tauldnl mm In olhcr an ninlml Aurorn who lop lhcm on he dolanlu gurguzhnul mall at lhe mend ML mm lfllth blnmcd nnnllnal Inn on In Ian by pllym Jack mm and Hon Cuwley whn wm FA an llm nma wllh crlppln Inlurlcn In ha Junlor um Banllu Ihanc durlnl lhe um hull Ted Gould And Luck Icortd lhe Hrs goal or Bnnllnz when Ted nun dcflcclnd or 1116 loo In Aurora player Inlo lhc Aumrl ml ny lho end of Ihl llnl hall Drlnn Nlmlunn had mm nnolhtr lunl lhul livlnl Dunl lnz 14 lend nvnr lhelr oppan enlI Ha apenl mveral yearl Inch Inl In European Schools In men lrnm hll home Wcmhloy 11 mile northwast London Eng land result his Iludlu he received drums ram lhl Unlvmllle of London and Ed Inburzh In mm uric games Bar rIe North Junlun successfully delcnlcd All comers to rank lha title In the Iccondyear 1n The Student Council yvould liko lo thank he excepllomlly large crowd whlch attended lha money canInd will be given In tha United Appeal Saturday momlnz saw he GBDSSA volleyball lawnmen hoslmj by Bayrla Cenull The School Sper Stomp held II he Round Room Frldny nigh lucked some 01 ha hlzh spirit would havu had we had won but Ill 11an um had good time cam Thu Hnal more was 111 or Thomhlll but our team play cd woruw game The achanll ommendatlon to Mr PalmMeer and his team In as the Redskins hm been undo elated 1n regular season play or our yams and have nlx trophies to wave It Maybe this year the boys wont have to lay Sudbury In the Golden hal Tournament Now that he foolan mason Inven Chlef M05501 has come Into his own There wen try out or lhu unlbr hnskelha team on Thursd Ind the Chlel sure the Reds in are In or we The Remembrance Day sembly was held last Fridny In the auditorium tom 215 mo Gmdes XI and XIII tandcd 0n ha man were we screen with coloured slide Vim Ridge lWorId Wu Memorial Even lhouxh ha boy lost their spirits ma the way hnma or sevual mm verses wen Added lo Hay LIDeeLl on th bus ran auL no ï¬nal mm wls qumarlggl 11 53mg VCnngmulallom Ind canlln 0N3 EVENINU IIIOW AT NOW Whrn Mr llnyvlillll wul In India he wtnl one Iummcr vu tullan an mountnearing pcdlllnn lo explnro Illa Khyyum Ind Khlu Glnclm ml ML Klmet Thu null ruchnd hrlnhl 190090 at Our prlnc ll en In CII Ida or luvm ynn Ilu am from Enllnnd an dlrrcl up lnlmml lo SllrllnlIllwdon rlgl muh School in Sllrln Onl To mm In Elmv Him thn we nnkud hlm whnl mun lrlel In Europe he hnd vhlled ha umiltd Ind replied chtrll but the our main um um Gur mnny Frlncc Switzerland and Italy Olhrr lrnvell Includcd Ceylon Euypl once toured Eurnpa Irylnx to all In plum at his could an MI ltlp lle znjnyed Imvclllnl Acton Eu ropa and II lonklnl larwnrd lo vhlllnl hon aulln He hu man chm nll In In England Scotland India and now Canada exccpl when he wu calledup Inn Ihurl period during World nr 11 when he mvud In ofllcer In the Drllllh Army In Indlu Ind like very much Alked II he hud Any nlher vocnlInnaI lnlmlL ho mind lhll lhn llcld ff willlu had long lnlemtcd Brlllsh Indh Whlle lhcro ho wrole xamlnnllans the Unl vcnily Agra Ind won anoth er dune Mr HayEll hold Mulcr of Am deuru an Honor Bachelor Am degree pnxlxnduntu Diploma In Edu cnllon and Uconllnln of the College 01 Prcccpwn London An nlr of uneanlncss has lonched our happy school alnu Mr Erydges announced that Chrklmu um um Dec less than three week away Happy studying The HlY will be selling Christmas cards nex week he can check counter The card an we spine or damn Be sure allend Com mencemcnl tonight in Norlh Auditorium at 815 Ticket have been on ula during lunch period since Wednesday so by now everyone lhnuld hvn one and succes lo Mrs Edviard he The Noth senlnr team played exceptionhlly well but lax the decisive gum to King City Miss idem and the team are to be commended on 111 ï¬ne cumt they put Iorlh Rev Mr Baker was the guest speaker and helpod us all to understand the youth and Incrlflce of those who lava their live In the two Great Wan mummy wu put on the Student Council the ban and Glee Club Thu curling club underway his year Mr Fnlrbmcher the sun advisor hope this year will be moccasin He really Wynn Illa Qinpdq Dg Trophy centre of the rtazo and the wreath was placed by Jim Burkr Guard representative or the three med one In Clnldl weraln uniform Ind stood on ound the cross The honor nerd omitted or Earl Richard Ron Wilson Joe Mulch Peter Mur dock Gordon Westover and Harold Wen an Bird Ind Ed may ï¬re Quinnbum 750 load luck Him REM gluh and the tribe rmm Hde J0 mumAm MN wam nmxmoumuwx mvwvu may dawn MAIW ind Belgium Cainetery Cnnudlln soldlen xï¬izrmzummvamrmid MW Maw nthEwmumma lor Wllh lhue Ind uullnl In Ind uul 1on npldln whnll In lien or mum Well mm high Itth Iluo denim In ulburhnn Toronto mm munllIu have dlmmred dlncv lhll mm to ho noma whl more dunhla lhnn ho curllenl cry Itl poulhlo la do It Ind lllll look reapedbio But an Imp hen mun1m In mlh It ap gur vulnnr enauuh lo cl ll nnned lrom milllawn dlnto one tho moat In ulna II lho Ipook which II ul nl clone III In mnlbla to mm In lb nnndnncc Dana lo Ilow bunt ll involve no movement ma cat The only hln um coupla II dlnclni It all ll Inn ollyrall Starling wllh Inc lwlnl hero ha been succmlon dlnm during In ynr Vlrlaul llmu In the Tornnlo Im an cauld lee Ihe Popeye mu ed polnlo monkuy nhlmmy and Ipabk TORONTO CHWI cen sus dnnco cram repllclnz one mother no quickly chancel are youre cm or dale you hap pen lo mln llnxle Saturday mat hpp Followlnx ha new In lha arena lha parade loll In anln Ind marched to ï¬le Alllxtun Pub llc School when one lb boy scoul lald wreath on lho memorial localed the when cnlrnnco They continued back the lesion cemlaph pmlnz the memarlnl llhrury when Col onel Heuchan the ALLISTON Speclal Re membrancvlhy ncllvtllu not under way here Monday mar nlng with patads at Inlan nlres nlr cadetx cubs scouts brownlu guides and the MAP pipe band mm the Legion Hall to the Attlstnn Memorlll Arena where survicu were helnz held The nervlce was canducled by the branch padm Rev Thoma the Angllnn church at Rosemnnt misled by Rev Shllton St Johns United murch Alllston and Rev Croft pastor at the Pente costal Church in Alllston The puma ol cheerleader to put Ichual spirit Into lha emu Ind to encouran no play era Donna learned The um ra qulrement In to have mun voice and I0 pmlccl laudly We think It hula 1001 like Heather you look cheuleuder Anyone Here For Waltz Cheerleader dont make up their own calls They aka them from other schools Ind 1mm banks Heather explained Thty do elf own agllon The reason llrls became cheer leadera Healhcr told us In In trawl with the cam see ho game and syng the excltempnl When Donna asked ll armth embarrasan had ever happen ed Heather acid that ones whtn thuy were It Slaynor gums her sklfl almost down We need hardly add that checrlcad en panl are no nvmtlon aver The Smdonu Councll Ike Illmponslhmly for the out unlmrm and ACMEth ï¬es dHgather Chlohduuea or leader are lo mend all nlllu and Ucu In bulld enthusasm among the mama and to be good representative of he Ichnnl wgpovsx Rosemont Minister Conducts Nov 11 Service At Alliston To Ind flu answer qnev on Ilka hose arranged 1Q hlvn Dunno Jenklnx lnlarvluw Hauler Tracy one at Elmvalal ultracuva cheerlendarlr signs sienna Do cheerleldm my or ovmunugmsfljjqnnnq naked Why dollm become the laden Whit In their duuu Do they compose their own cheers Are there any lpeclll requirement that cheerleaden mysLmem lll culind the mill Reasons For Being Cheerleader KIHHEAH BY BEVERLEY 1R0 Elmnll Bin mm on mum Awnnnal mnnnu nm no mu nuwuu uh In one of lha branch member ho Allhlnn Lula Tom Curr vclmn World Wu 1n hll um ycnr HLI Indlvldunl poppy lulu Ilona lulnllcd 014010 Examplesloneway RED WWDFE BLUE BARRIE IO TORONTO $200 $230 $260 VANCOUVER $4000 $4400 $4800 Special null It lhI banquet were Erllndlor Monk Cam Bordon Wing Commander Yc lowlenves 01 CAP Slnllon Cnmp Borden Ind Icnrcsenll live mm the Rotary club the Chamber commutes Anti the Mllslon Llonl Club Durinl icmhrkl Hum Iho head nble Iptfigl ngcnllm WM jun Mr llackcu Introduccï¬ the guest speaker Scorn Lauuhlln ram SL Calhnrlms hnnonry lrensurur the Onintlo com mand ho flayl Canndlan Le gion Eric McKnlzhl Dlslrlct Chnlrmnn mnnkcd Mr Laugh lln Mn Mun llnckull presumed Mn Lnughlln with out and Hum war dinner In Iha arena wlh the head table luesls bean plped In by FS Dunn of Um RCAF Pipe Band In the short mvlca ll lhe ccnnlnph wreath ware luld by represcnllllvcs 1mm ho Alllslnn branch or the Legion Iha Lndlu Auxiliary he Allhlan Lions Club Thu Alllxtun Rnlary Club the Chamber 01 Commerce the guides Ind brownles lha tub and mum the province Dn lnrln lhn army and Ilr forca lhe alr cadcla and the Rebeca ledge Lifer In the day up roxlmll LV Kg Iezlqn RCASC School It Camp ladder and Wing Commander Yellow lenves from the MAP station Camp Burden look the mute Accompanying lhem an the nlu llnu baso were Alllslun Mayor Mitchell Ind hu dlslrlcl cummnnder of the Royal Cin ndlnn Legion Jack Hacks AT CENOIAPII PRODUCE WRONTO 10F ChmMm crgum and huller prlnk price wga uncharged ogny Ealrlcla Anna Haulhton age months seem qulle bcwlldcmi by the pmcecdlnu It 1h um Helper Pany Id pyha Tflnlgy ï¬ngllcgn Anxllllry Ix ALL COACH SEATS 0N SUPER CONTINENTAL RESERVED IN ADVANCE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE FARM PRICES TRINITY WA HAS PARTY up mm Information phony um PA Mm NEW RAIL FAREE The students Adminlslratlvl Council has urnnlzcd the dance President Dank Cox stated that he ll lookan forward to mm succeu TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS mm mm LYNN GHIFFIS Elmvnlo lllzh The Sadle llnwklns Dance la be held lonlghl rum pm In mo Im Admlulnn wlll bu 50 per couple Dr per pm Ion The dance wlll feature In rcllutrn die Fabulous Mark lhll danco alrll Invite boy Ind pay Ill lhnlr expenses Exchanz are evidence oversea huylnghs well local demand Sam buying was accmdlled In expon Interest and trade reports suggested sales might be proceeding though them was nn Immchan conllrmallon of buslncss Ont Ind barley trade was along damesuc llncs hide Ontario lenderable 51 52 nonlendmble 5W 52 on truck In llghl trading western 509151 nomlnll SDYBEANS 1011on CF Soybeans 8299 bushel tn denier oh munlry shipping palm GRAIN WINNIFEG CHFair lax rude natured opening activity led on Elle Winnipeg Graln Sadie Hawkins At Elmvale High he church hall Wednesdn al laxnoon mum chi than were In ntlendence FluIda Anna tha daughter Mrs Alfred Hmihkm Codilaz nuuulul Samples Free Emmnlel FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA 871 BMHUE Uphollleflnl In Our lino Not lull Bld IIM BRADFORD IT BAY CITY UFHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MQDERN rwonx CANADIAN NATIONAL fl sleeping Cu 8pm Exln The mmplal show you howyou can cut your travel com and Illll onloy all tho comlortl CW modern vall trawl Plan your lrlp on Rad Whlto and Blue days lrom CNI nnw Calondlrol Dgyy Pamngm Holdingpavlorcarortleaplngcaraccommodnuon tmlvo compllmemqry meal on mm carrying monl uMco SCOT LMPIIESSED HAMILTON CF Jessie Cownn Scottish Iocial worker vacnlloninz here mm more for nude to combat Juvenliu delinquency In Canadl ihnn In her own country She said she was Especially impressed with Chariinn Hail here where younx girl can live in homalike It mazphcre may be attributed tn having member of our councll on tho county roads committee We can also appreciate that along with tho others he was Included lntha lrlp to Wlnnlpcl for the Good Reads convention Member on this lrlp recelved $15 day allowance whlch must mm 1th1 expensu ll they look thelr wlvea along or stay longer than the daya allowed or the convcnllon the extra tlmc at thelnnwn captain We eel that with nominations pending the ratepayers lhould know that our county represen lellvo wu not jusl In Wlnnlpex or hm lnnbill has wally re The road from Churchill to Bell mm is also undu fiv¢ year pin or npavlnz and lb 13th line from Paluwlck to Ilde mud is beta widened and naw culverts are being installed lull width mud will allow and In you will ba ln line for mvlnz This will put all Innis flll county mad under the Km 31mm mm nthnnjumï¬ mi of the Ontario Liquor Control Board had In Eonlolhls week brought lam number people In thocourt house lwo members the bond Judie Robb chair man and Numl vlcochaln mm heard oppucanu who de sired to obtain licenses or up long types of premjsu Taking hack plea of hi Ilh line lnio the county road syileln make the nth line from Highway 11 to Highway 21 county road inaniilm ranged int lddiiionnl lands to emit widening the road mm Highway 400 to Highway MW éiMflJ pa he Royll Winter Fm Toronto my van mm lhn mu In lore noon and have time to under mum and Ill 1n qua llonnaim begun Iltendlnz Lhu 5an EFL mg the Bmlo and the cart will be Bob momma Roy Goodreflow JohntunMrm Roy Lennox and Mn PukucNanca uguon common Most at those who appeared had mlda application previously nod Iho hearing WA to ulvo lime or objection lo he placed beloro the board cqum ROADS lNNISIIL NOTES KEMPENFELT DINING ROOMVdPEN DAILY School Patrols To Visit Fair 303 The Rendezvous lounge BAYSHORE moron Ham Dale in 2mm 01 revkim have been changed in Dm One member of the board Em est Brill who wu visiting bo hind the iron Cumin hu rm mud to home base iio nyl ha wu healed very well in Russin Unless lhh hear captured wllhln short limo therd sean mu doubt that It will hole up tor the winter belore Ian person who autumn to net the animal should nnl so Ilene wild I110 might bring penl ï¬yeuold tragedy which took place south Strand etjler was on hln way hum Illa stopping In ma ol the bummuflhlch at that time wen plenum at All crossmnds Ha WI Iolluwed by bear and the aster ha went Ihp Inner ha bear Mlan He wI said In have tried to net into tree but was ekhu pull eddownorfeuwtofnWhen found ha next day he m4 dud Ind badly mauled We wen old this story by an elderly man now dead some years who said the ï¬ery was cammnn all when he was boy COUII OF REVISION The next math council will um Mondnyywmx celved lair shah n1 courity ma upendltmm cow gown Illgm momma unlere are required inherit the lame licence ioresbeer for deer but the nelson for bear in from September to June The cost ion licence in $5 and this rim not permit shooting oi cub or win in called rprinz beer which re quires licence FIrmerI may ohinin licence ior bear The one which has been seen In north innisiii iI uid in beeienuiewithoneoubsoii humor with licence tell line Iernaie he cannot take the cub he permiiied only one licence Blrrlll Lara And Mon LUXUTIOUI Fully Liemad Loungo Vth Ohu FlamO or Oh llnm In load Italian Food Take out 0mm Hum lunches 13 Dunlov PA um l9 lho My HAMMOND ORGAN mp PIANO The Fishnet Presents Nightly Entertalnman with GORD HATCH