Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1963, p. 4

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Alum NI llLlAll DONNILL lflnl I1 lubunulal mm II III II IN III Illllh In ml 0mm 0mm m4 Imt nu Mlll my mum Immun rm cm llml Inlfllll ll Wm 00 lllofl new umu uullflulllll Ir ll lbllle hlu pnlnlln In uudlo Vllaon Bldg nnyvlcw apl er Order FAIlern Stnr presented dlsh wuhlng machlne to Ho nl Vlclorln plul Holland Mam mnrkel garden er harvested 210000 ml celery lhll leuon worlh mare than $000000 Slewrt Page rlcnllurll repreaenl Illve Ilnled um lo ncco lnrmera ol Slm eel Cannly had excellent fear wllh crop worth more then one mll Inn dollm ln Barrie Examiner Nov ll 1048 Town Cuuncil held ilrai meeling In new mun icipai buildingl Mayor Mayor was con gratulated by eeva George Clark or his art In lha project of remodelling old wn halL Dr Scott old mean Couni lrunleel and Ratepayers that Sim cue ieailh Unll wu unrienlalied wilh ana rural nurse re uireri In look alier 2M uhoola roman Mitchell ARCA Barrio Rromineni Canadian Ii Ll Buiiimcwasling in little thick at 311000 an hour if nothing is accom pliahed but manoeuvring or political Id It has been estimated that tho cost of operating Parliament worksout to proximater $11000 an hour Thus MP oaks or half an hour and has nothing ut wind and bombnst to utter ha has cost the taxpayers nearly $6000 Democracy has its price or course and no him should be flinced ninat legiti mnie debate and to bus ness of the nation HVYEARS AGO IN TOWN Dull More work and less politicking in the Commons would be appreciated by the average voter in recent weeks we have witnessed one noneoniidence motion liter another with one objective in mind to tarnish the overnmenta image and to increase ubic contldence in the lighting qua ties at the opposition parties There is nothing wrong in narrow political sense with taking advantage of situations in the House to embarrass the government or put it in an awkward position But concern solely with the machinations of politics white the busi ness of the nation ianguishes is not in the public interest 91 mm Get Down To Business Now House Costs $11000 Hourly The Barrie Examiner Alllhmfld Mon rod mm no In Ind nu PM lundln Ind lllwlmy mm unplnl nmmn um mu wlurPubuhx 31197fiaffiééfixaihfifiér HOPE IT WONT WITHER TOO SOON Published by Cunadmn Newspaperi Limited 16 Hayfield Street Banfa Ontario MN MEMORY LANE mmw Naymam 15 lm urn1 5336 Niki qultlfl an un Lem Soon 4B the ll 51mm llalol crlllully Injurcd when knorked of his whimr Wu on lluhwn 26 It Cundlu lnken lo Bmlo ham and Inter In dny runhed by Im hulIncI to Toronlol Vlvtnn Doll Chim rumlled capllvaung pro mm um arm In current mum Arm Communlly Concertl ll Roxy Theatre Don Blmmona Icorcd our louchdnwm IICI senior football loam bcnl Mldlnnd MD 5L Nfichltll Major will Intro 11m glovrlonkwplwn iho New bowel Area where tobacco wnl grown Ior itih year 25 grower produo ed 700 tons Other new tobacco Irena were Ii Alltsion Everett and Laiontaine lccumselh anmhip ottictnlr honor ed their veteran clerk Ihomls Robinson at dinner It Robindaio inn Dorrie Camp Borden Firefighter held bnli IL Club 70 Harrie Pnui iinri Harold Scott Bob Pinlt Ilitl Harry McKennI iormcd committee Georgo Wilsons orchestra Eiayed for dancing Barrio indy lawn swim hold closing potluck lupper Club resident Mn Amy Vnir meni ed pr Barrie Lion Clu cntcr illnoo Farmers oi innintll at Stroud Reid Forms Ind Don Sims CBC Ruiio tn ed inmrvlcwr with Charles Newton oh Loinhmln Chariot lawe Andrew north olomow Ind erren Wiignr Or Sliver Bomhm won OitFU Senior toothii chumplomhip heating leterboro 215 iinrrio be George Storey and le cll Cook pinye or Hombm item embrnnce Day oblcrvcd by one of mg rat crowds In gem at iinrrin iolt Ottico Square itov It nowoil conducted rervice ni Cenotaph Ami itov it Adyu at 0qu delivered ddrm Ai Cen The government has dut to proceed wtth all speed to carry out ta program It It cannot do so with the su port of the ma ortty tn the Commons on It must lee another mandnt Im the people Ln Meanw posllon rrarty as lhown any incllnat on to ng down Ihe House this 15 no and we be lieve It to be true speedAup mnnnuu mm IL The opposition parties have indicated from time to time that an early election would not be good for the nation nor accepted by the voters at lar The pen is have been Iickencd by multi plic ty of political campaigns It is also safe to any they are becoming seriously disenchanted by tha lack of progress in the House vantage with the next election in mind The tme has come to get down to busi ness and consider major legislation The government should stand or all only on matters of major public importance This naturally should involve its own Brogram of legislation and spending ecause it is on the record at achieve ment that the government should go to themcountry gt votingtime progress wlui ihBVlegislnuo order immediately mm mu um Imnon wncn mcelvnnm flym hm Friday Brynnlllght my guide Ifqufryenpir Much VTénsidh May Be Factor uunmnm um lumen Olenhe In Du wth and Urmlmnmsm In mm In hu um lhc mull dun Melavnvnll Cnlri lam Wlmerwu Dav4w mt lmxlm local ll mk nnd mum on In WM Tm year an mm nu no ormnhrd wlnlur mm unl Iu In Mllnnu Today mm In Him kIle mounuln llurnMI um IMlm nnl ham lxlch Pun at am dellhmlely In Ive he mm lnlhullufl Ihn lncfllllu lhry um Thm Ix Wm ludory In IIInM now IMIJKIHI Bmflluhwudu Ihll Ind they In Hmh ll dllflcun Io loop up rm lh drmlnd for in producl Mlhoull hen II chllrllfl In mqynlg Ilde Olm Th hnl kw to conflllcrubh Innmen cnpllal In the pm vlllun Mum upon lullfllu and In even 1mm lmoslmonl In lhl lmluflry In pmllmd lor Ihu nul lwa yurl varioul Intern In ulzlnl Ihl oppor lunlly or lnmnncd human and vrnllll mm mm Kind enlar vrlu Thll ll rn Idly bemmln Induury Scanml mendinl lourlu mum on madl whale mm 01 Il ycnr nmuundn Ennllm winter wort devout who or merly wont to Alplnn mm In Swlmrlnnd Ind Ausl Mn lcu upeml Ind Jun mkynblo lo vlnll lho Scal llnh maunlnln rmrll during lhl wlnm uuom By HMNTYHE HOOD EDINUURGH Scollnnd Vilh he wlnltr mum no at nwny Hum MI Scullml whlch lum wncanlrllsd on tho pm vlllon ol wlnllr Ipom Incilllm wllh all the necessary Immlllol which In along with Ihem In Ioaklnu lorwnrd mm In flux on Jesus MOWER win Den nuMoIner My hul wbnndl leet pomp treat deql Whnt Ihould he gin Thou lIuI been mum over er Ihinu wIH nuk um rum unr many munan ht uxu Thu wha make Iuccm of hi bl Job lbs one who lm cudully taken care In lmnll dell on he um Job Greater drying poaslblo wilh ormalln mlution or 10 var cent This may be 1111 min to some Iklm but re dunes bolh awn and odor lrrllaunz may be pplled Inlervaln man 1111 len Ida or loot bulbl leupwnlul alalormahn Thera are dnm MITIle In one which depress the Involun tary nervous mum and hem reduce peyaplnllon The trouble wllhthm the pauihlllly nl Ilde clientsexcessive drynul Iha mouth blurring vlslnn lushan of the Mn urlnary disturbancq Youll need your doctor pervlalon or web dry my For most II the comma clul Inllperiplrnnla work very wall However VBIIOIXI drying solutions an be more halplul far hose with greater degree the problem Alumlnum chlorlde 10 In 25 per cent Iolu Han daude on Irmplll handl nrjtet ll emotive Henvy palspire hlva in be extrl canmleniloux about cieam iineui Odor doe not mm mm ordinary penpirnlion but rather 1mm hncleria an the Ikln 1th uric from person in person Some kind at per haps periecily harmless bac teria can when main and warm multiply and result in decumwfliian For this much germicidal mp m3 ihnrouxh washinz with deterlenla canb9 hegiul REPORT FROM UK gm moufi some teenager outgrow ex cess penplnllon may ma ture Ind they gain pong Ind Ionconfidence Iomn llma but copl aan do Ihey kgep try us Nervous temlon is much more important thin on may think itll no unuwa for example or pniienl while hlvlnu medlcal exAmlnntlon to per Ipln pmipxely no cause Just ha nuiurni Inxiely over what the doctor might ind wronx So ll ynu tense try to learn in rain Slap being worrier iimaymt lgo easy nnd will inky Den Doctor there any medication to keep pmpirntion Ill minimumMRS Penpiratirm II normli tivity of umkin and ordinarily wn arent aware of ii Incum avmniu But in hot wenihar or when are exer cising vizomuliy ur when urn anus and nervous the now inmu Expecting Influk Of Sports Devotees mm Anywhm in mm mm mm rm than in Aumh Ind flwllmmd ml 1M um pow ulnruy ol Illku mum ha Mun hm dullovmwu and um fldrnnlned mnnmr In which nu ml moaned In un Illthth rnmlnl out lhcir pm lo capo leh II ler mm mm whldu um um ll mm Ihelr In mm llu Ibulr lmulnlllon and Infllr Vi Sllll Imrly mm lor mlnluun 5L Marl Seoulh bulml lymn filr Hugh Frmr All he wlll uy ll Ml ha lnltndl to build hum fldrly mm win mum vlllm Mandi one Ihlrh would rm lllylhlnl HIM cow Ilnrnml mill muld um MIAcm mmmmlty mm or nine hot mnlcrrm hull and cum Iurulinm Ind hop lo hm than upon In mailm lelho ma mum ThI mu vllh wmm Ihm lltolllll gm mdwd Al lha mm lime plan In Vter Idvnnml or two Mhur wIMor null mum 0nl be heal PMth Md the other low to Drumr Mnr lady on nu maul lloynl hunt hl ashla of Upper Dmldo Llfu And Ikllnl who wlll web Ito at both untru Ind nth II wrchue lmwmlhlnn muhlm In mum long were In lint nee be non lhlllllu of am local Imwy wln ton and have reaped Hut bmolm They have hulll on lhelr awn lnlllu Ive new rand mm Avinmon lo lho um he chnlrllll 5000 led up on the nlopu th Cnlmflomu mnsuuued II III Hull Ind ulnbxllhed lho sun In nemurnm up on moun lllnslda Work ll la be lurid lmmtdlllely on nddlflonnl duh mu mm My lb bomll mm and loan mm the lllxhlnnd Fund m2 NEW AMA However If they mom complain thcy mun acton IL And As consequence complaints they have had Io mp In and Ihul down Icflvitlu 1th tonalally have not been nuncum In trying lo control blnzol Ind lml lotteries For nu most part they but been mart than happy In abut thulr eyes In them But under ha present law they are Hen And this hu led to lama ridi culous Illunllom Enforcement of he Inw In In he hand Ike province The attorney nnerall depnnmcm has overAll direcllnn and um OPP and Ion pollen 10ml Id mlnmer It Mil AGGRESSIVE It file here strongly that today tho public want then thing when they are conducted by nervlco cluhl church group Ilnd other nonprom organiza tonl he code And he ovenlumen Aludy will be concerned with drawing up poulblo alterHons mag ILLEGAL Ali im mm point concern In the aw regarding lotlcrlel mo But the province can put on PrcsLsuro l3 hlVI change mad For the most part lheu channel couldnat be made by mlproylnce Thu inwni on gambling are Ilne criminal code which Thin L1 to pm the My for consideration by the govern enl or possible changes In In law By DON OHEARN mnomo The nllomey enerull department review lngmthe 55w 9n gamlgynz nm are nu luck lymnloms um lb tumor hn promised annual to ba Intelulna uri oualy with Ibo brain by oxen In prenun dilruptlnl blood lupply vr handful Nell mama if you In that war Had luv alumch men tem lXny Ind tho demo enctphnlomph lam an mam Mm Rowdiau win your friend uy hyl anatomy will not duh01 an ual relation wflh 1W hug Dnu am Are there any no ticeable lymptam ol brain tumor no would lppfl elm knowln Ihem lnorfiar lo suave very worried mind QUEENS PARK May Seek Changes In Lottery Laws Mnlherluood ha brought In mllurlly lht bloom buuly which the In Jullnl erlonn Inc we minty In My Lady uhkh uni man lhnn 1500 llmu on And In London Hu cnmr II full mm ndlnl pmkcll mom Him Andon mmlul Ind perhan man lnlavhlnn lhawn luch lilo motherhood und wnuldnl mlnd Ilnrllnl number lava lnru nmlly lhm or lnur ll ponlbln wcnllm and llmo pummlnl rpm unnzn Her lnvnrna food mm In pltm paper and hlll car Julio come here to com lelo her ucond 111m The Amer cun luflon Emlly whlch connrl Jamel and Molvyn Douxlu with her came her humand Ind childhood Iwcel hurl produccr Tony Wlllon Ind Muir chubbyditched dnuxhler Emma Kale who to In he lenrnlnKlovralknndlplll Intoodonrlhclloor Ilnge Spuklnl her alughlor Jul ula filo mum of her joy lhrtclald munIago mnlhcr hood and cnrccr All In our mint Im happlar Ihnn hlvo IVH been In my liloand lvn had Very hlppy llle 1h pro claimed attacking luncheon plate of In benrdlcl In xcslful mhln Hut éiiuihictfls Jun drcwn rith now II dwelling on puk new NEW YORK AHNo of the urea thin in show husl mm IN model operalln lulofln happy Mfrs Howaver the new chllrman the 1030 Sheppard ny ha doesnt believe Ontario will to with the Mann Boob lenlnz in MI not lhe Meat here II In name other Jufisdlcllons Mr Shep aid lnrrnerly pmmlnenl nduxtrlalisl must pleasant man and an hu confidence ln hi abllltw Marriage Metherhobd Career Are Flourishing For Julie There ls no mat deal cl hope that Ottawa will agree lo changes Bulwe wlll probably At least give whlrl here twin to make the light upvggrnom new InflvIhlch um mu probably not be changes ll II Inc hour of uh In liquor Ilqm by reputable organizations In various areas of the pvance result In mm centre In Ontarlo there will be two or hm servIce clubn runnInl lame Ionn oI lamblInz anten prlse thle nnnIher club n01 permuted lo do lhIa because there has been compIaInI film It THE CANADIAN PRES Nu Km no mo mum of flu Lusuu at Mon Md ngqva Ro mm gy II United NI flonl It In tonmlly dim 101an in ma 1m Erulla Rzpuhfla Day wu proclnlmed Mackenzie King ro und in prim mlnlslgr ll yam uo todayin 1m nnd Iucceededu Llh erll pgnylluder by Mull st Mackenzlo xinl had been prim mln Mm Ionizer nun my other min in the British Chm mmwellth balding the post for morn than 21 yan with no Interrupllonl one parlod 01 week Ind he other or five yum Hu and in 1m 75 non Ind uhove 10W 2m HISTORY In pnld on Fridays Ihe mld In an Thursday my mommllu Ind umlly had nothing to an amp can we bounhl at dellcnmsen and cooked In vur room Julie m1 Manda Ind Ilalely ol hearing hu warm friendly nlmoal mndup quality when In amnng friends She like In mull Iha mury llmu Ihe had whtn aha Hm cum to andwny membu The Boylrlend with comcdlunno Cum Burnett her Amcrlcln buddy And when an MP rim to MI lent la talk on the rumbling pointless questions which so alien lead to rambling point less Irwment flu liveminim interchange cosh the Iupayen 4mm £950 Under normal wnditlnnabul lhlng have not been normal on Parllamenl lllll or Ieveral yearalun House alts lor about 34 weaka In tho year or ml 01 151 hour per week Mr rale ll com $11300 per hour to operate the House 50 when an MP rm to hll Ice and deliv er an omlon Ilsllnl ao mln mes ha haa let the taxpayer bapk $5950 The operaiion of our House oi Commons includinl the $13 000 remuneration every MP costs 38807380 per year To thin Ihoulri be added figure oi nbaut 91000000 to pay the cast ui priming the Hansard re port of the proceedings and re ialed aiiiclni lacnmenu and ihn noi insigniliranl cost of mailinl copies oi Hansrd or copies of Individual MPI npgecim in th conniluenul 1an lust he salaries pay able mlnlslers and the car allowances the total cost but cabinet 11 II WISE $1000 per yelr COSTLY SPEECHES no higher figure Iomdlimes mentioned as being gnlnlslers nllry obtained by hiding their pay MP5 which they would receiva whether or not gay were appointed In the cab ct It ha been widely said that Inca the recent ply Increase or MPI Canada hu the only million dollar cabinet In the world um based on the Alladwl Imnlon that our prim mlnlulr paid 5000 per year Ind gll other min ur NJM In not our prime mlnlstu In 325000 perjury other vunu minister Ire plid $15000 yaarbui only they hnva dr anmeniai responsibihues Min uterl such an ii minisim without ponioiin in therflouso of Commons and flu govern mam lander in in Senate an mid less The prime minister Ind duplrzmeniai minister lilo receive car uiiowanco ol 200 wars House Commons JllfiflflPerHbuf PATRICK NICEOIJON OTTAWAN0 it Isnt true Canldl don not have million dollnr cablnu But we do have 311000 par hour Home Common 369 Blyflold SI Su Thcm Today PllfllllE1E For The Best Deal In Town ORMISTON MOTORS HlllMANHUMBER SUNBEAM Aulhorlnd Dulur IAWIIII In All nu Loved one who to mu wen dose And guided me along my my in Heaven ever hear Th Angeli evemnzl Thnughu and wind mnmnr la dear Hubs and Aunt Molly knowId uan mu marl Whenever we would meet Id Iislen In Ihclr son6w or by Will mind flu lea fleet wrm FOND THOUGHT 0F 01 LITTLE TOWN Id love to walk the street agaIn Thu ohm Ive walked helm To shylga he hand of Ill The iinwery compliment pniri in the House oi Common in union are oiien meaningless polish iothe apple Not so the line and deserved tribute paid to the senior Conservative imm Quebec Hun Lean Enlcer by Wally Nesbltt in his weekly re port in his home own new paper the Woodstock Ont Sen finalReview Wally commented that Mr Raiser had delivered1 one of the inset Ipceches do livcred in Parliament lot long time This generosity wan iuily deserved by iine pariiamenfi taxinn Hus0 have bun Impressed by um douzhly battle being taught byg our Tun Canada Alr Lines to luva cheaper lure ambushed on he worldl richest mum across the Atlanth So askng In man the airllna what It costs In carry numb The big new Jet uh can carry about 135 passenufl It cost of only cents per mile This contrasts with the cast of the early aircraft which wu about 25 per mile When In mtnwnn takes wile to the aim by ml um this cost about 25 cent per pamnzer per mlIe UDJEQLJCITED BOUQUET Oitnwn hnn been chuckling Ii the unintentional wit oi now iamnlu question which cost the taxpayers nothing Jaim Linton the iayMMid non of the new British high mmminsiamrhero was taken tone his ilrst oi Canadian football The tnll Rough Ridenwm pl 41 inguinalnu the lbmntn Arm nau think Im bealnnlnz tn underxtand the gems vcom menled young John Bu tall me why whemvu the Toma quarterback thrown pass ll club by In 0mm player n5ch 91 591mm smiflflfiiilo ll Owen Bl IA um Mend know In day of yore For Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Passport Portraits CALL gcvclopingr Full 11000 lr ll Moulh Wlmnly PA 310

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