Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1963, p. 2

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BRADFORD sum Tndly the Brndfnrd Community Cen rc an enmvcd brass plaque L1 being erected In lhe layer is plaque was prewnled last nigh lo the Bradford Ind DI um Mcmnriul Cummnnlly Cen tre Ronni njom lam cunncll To mark the occasion council entertained lhe orlzina norm munily comru board and lha present bond at dinner Carsonl Restaurant here last nlghl Brad Walker current board charrman recelv ed the plaque from Mayor Jon Mann 10 FYQRSERS Nolan that the plaque cun lalned only lha names cl he originul hoard members Mr Mann slld This plaque ls mnnumen to all the maple of Bradmrd and dlslrla use con uibullm helped build hl arena wlll be mnlilder to all who see of the elloru that went lnlo pulling Illa mu up As the min speaker In the Ivcnlngs program Mr WIlker called the community centre mmradiction lo the predictions gloom Spreaders in 1953 who when the arena idea was lint branched lnsLsud it wwld be atup BradfOId HOHOIS Men Who Pushed Fbr Arena This building has never cost In taxpayers Bradford Ind dislric cenl Mr Walker said It was this neuatlve thinklng hy arena deuadm in the early day that spumd suc cessz boards to prevmt lhl bullding mm becoming while elephgntf Our prlnciple has always been to give hr children 01 Bradford much Kc llml as low price as possible Th1 must be financed lhrnugh ice and auditorium mnlah he confirmed mom nwu Mr Walker groups have to pay lhcir way lhs community canlre Vare not in ths just to make profit But we have In keep the buildingl operations solvenL TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Alhulu Ahlllbl Alloml Mu Mumlnhlm Mb Um Alhu on Ann Allul IM Allml Sum Ill ul Mnnl man NJ Nulllm nA on run 7le III Loll an cm rm Con um Wu Dom Imdn no Hum Arum can cm by Avthn DIL III In llnm llvnhon hummin nun lllInI VL 0mm SOME OF THE head IM guests 1m nluhla congre gnuonnl dinner ll An drewl Presbyterian Church VI non Amvu not com Mnml Lvum mwnmh NMIMIL Tum um nu UWJDNK yum mu AVIIAHII lumuululu ll an UIIIqu up mlnnm Imcl ll ANuI mu Indul nun IL um vian II II v1 0qu nnwur Cmunl PA 633 ammo gum Dunlap St II Complies Finn coonj USE ii nu IM IN am on mm lII mu lludwn nu Imp Tonm hm IKE1m Ifhua uunuu IAMMIII mm men unnum um In Auwl lnllnd NJ lnm Nlml Inm Uumm Inman rm InclK Cluh mm lolllnllr muunnuu W0 Theremusl bu enough capilnl on hand In pay maintenanm casts Mr Walker commendul ln coming chllrman am Valsou nr alvlna the day In years no when walcr short age hmlenw the arena in supply Mn Wuhan brought In hl own pumping equipmem ISMIN ennuxh water la keep me Ikllers zolnz Goon MANAcEle Arenl manner Bob Lynn with his cnnnmiom ln hockey circles was cnmpllmunled or his xond management and shrawdnm In cmylnl ou hi duflu BeH McLaughln Inn hulld er sham in the plaudits as did lhu women who operate the arena boom Rumor about he Ice machine recently bought or the Irena wen Attacked by Mr Walker We did not buy he Ice ma chlne because we we lazy slam he laid We bought It lo make more money rum Ir opeiaEIODi in Ice at 11 or II oclock night he argued To have two or line ldufls scraping it take abaul I0 minules for every scrnplnx This threw nur Ice rental schedulexmg cpmglue ly Wa were luxan husinm because lenms kept waiting by acrapinq delays quit usinu lhe Irenn Venlhely So Im $5325 has been paid or the ice mnchlno and the final paymenl slighlly over $200 was ichedulcd hr oday Mr Walker annuunce¢ Hrs the bum though it wuuld Ink up to four years or the ma chine lo pay or mu Now It seem lhe lm machine may mm mm revenue enough to pay for use in one or Unaand ahnll rs predicled on profit gum or the mum of Ocur be to back up his claim In 1961 we cleared $515 in 1962 5990 and lhk yur with the In machine our mm mm Ice rentals 05 to $1500 The reason or the biz In were from left Imus Mc Kly Rev Mark tupcrs lnhndnnl or mlulonx for ma Synod nl Tomnlo Ind King STOCK NIIBIII THOMSON AND COMPANY lIMIIID DUNLOI IT PA 82412 DARRII 117 um IANg BIL AICAL willTun IlnImI tun1m Ina mum umcuMuu an mm in vm mm mm RESEARCH ADVICE mi Ill IN ll aié raw luv nrm Mn Nor MI Man may nun PM It PI Ian Illl my NMan llmmhll runnu mu Allnm lllv Hum ll Mup In lnlld KIM wulmy wumy INTRANCI Mmmnm IQUAIH BQNDIMUIUAI HINDI in coma lump MI all lllhl In Hmalatcr in lhu evening L1 unchinl in manila tar lhn llrsl film Teams mum in mu gelling it on punc lual basis This has turned them lnlo study cmlomus Mr Wilker slld 01mm capital lund sci at the Immunity min including the building reirixeralion units ice muchine and Ill other ser vice an peued It $130000 Mr Walker laid the audience praised he mpuallon at curling club which he said aim es npeniinx expense on so 40er cent Ravcnuts In 1961 Came In 327 000 Mr Vaiker predlded lhO communm can would bundl ovc mm id mg Our work at file community centre not dune added Dilute boards have leveral pm Iccl to consider The oyer mods Ixan up The Stalin could bu improved There lb healing probiern and uhlusk xyslem lo unanswered Alsg Mine board mighl provide mm onth pknlinlnluh The arklan manly lnherfled could lulu live lo 10 years develop he suggested Progrth chairman Councillor lam Evan thunkgd M5 Wajkgr Dr Peter neylnnd said he rememhmd the mommaburning cemnnny held about three year ago when Ihe communily centre board mada It final paymenL Dr Heyllnd nerd hat much of his money was ralsedlhrough car dr ws conducted by the Bradlord Luna and Rotary Clubs Its too had these draw are under Hpinqw vllhul vimIla In lha calm acmu Onuna They certainly gelped puxme am an souna financial 00 Slmcoe Cenlre MP AR Evan board member Immlhu be ginning made plea ln council to be replaced on the ham next year by full lime resident lbs district able to he mm active on the board than now possible Mme Anpmxlmllcly 100 pmpln Il lendrd lh Weslmlnslcr Presby lerlnn Church congregationl dinner ll Andnwn mhv mum Church lasl nizhl Thu mee the dinner whlch wn held In cnnjundlon wllh th pro IcM Suwlrdshlp Imkrnm vul Your Pmnenhlp In lho Coup Approximately 100 Take Part Church Congregational Dinner Md Able guest wen Jewell rhalrmnn of the mnoor and chnlrmln or he npeclul cw nu mmmiuzo ul llw pronm llov IL Mark Iupcrinluv dent of mlnlonl or lhu Iynnd lnn Rev Mn DJSummm minister at Westmimlcr Churth and szell chalrmnn lhe dinner Ex nmer Photo hlt homl shawl an vn mm I1 ll lhl Jmndl Funml llomn Darrin luv Judan omchlul lnlrrmenl allowed In 54 Jim Unlled umrrh Cemmry muud Funml Irrvm or rndulrk Illnhh ergllll 62 bwho film will In born In Thqu Ion lml movnl lo strum when ha unl In IIlbllc khool OBITUARY IL Wlllfllll IUITI ll Comments imm civic and re Ilzious leaders on the inn as lailerlu in aid charity organization have been gener ally uninvarahle Rav Skelly pmsldcnl Banla Ind Dlstrlct Mlnlslerlll Auochllan lay lamhllp II Ollichl lamest Issued he Tomnlo wealhu attics 430 Am Synopsis flight warmlnn trend lndlcaled for today and Sunniy In Ontario wlnds turn morn In west Ind iaulh IesL Considerable cloud cover will pmlsl loday with some lunny perlod expected Snub dly pmmlm mm sumhlne Ind return In llixhlly Ibovu nornal lfmpcgagum unled by Bradford Thwn Council lo the Bridlord and Dislrlci Memarlnl Community Like Erlt Mulhun Lake Huron Niagara Lake Dnlarlo Windsor landon lhmlllon Toronto Salurday Iunny wilh cloudy parlod and mm warmer Winds south westerly 15 Salurdly Theyre Not Tgo Keen On Letter For Charity Soulhum Georgian My all burlon nnflhcrn Lake Huron Saturday varllble cluudincss and fill warmrr Vlnds sogghwcslerly l5alurdgy carzinn Buy MI nlver Cochran Tlmngaml Saul Sle Marla North Bay Sudhury Cloudy with lunny perlodx loday and Salurdly wilh mum warman lrend Wlndx mulhwcslcrly 15 on Saturdly Toronto And Kingston Rov Summtrl mlnllm ol Weslmlmter Church No my who lulmduced the mm speaker flolhmr rlmlrmnn nl nu Comm Commmce Calvin chnlrman lhu Vlllll llnn ommilm Ind Hur rldu rhllrmnn km yubllclly oommlllce vl on to In hrld Sun day Ind vhllnn will be com mlulnnod nl lln mnminu vlce In Johnson Sheet Puhllc School II No luncth wlll allow Ill Slul 5L mlrrlcd lhl lurmnr Evelyn Hold Ilw ol Nroud II aurvlvad hy hll wile on non Iml lwo daunhlm 111m Ir Handon wmm llll Harmon Mu albeit Moer lMlldml Mlllllun Ind Mn Auhvty Smllh Innlnu New mum nm In undth dun MEMORIAL PLAQUE pre Inllhrmu um lluwud llrm ley Tum Wrmxl 3mm Wriuhl Kwth eruhl Wlllllm Wrighl Ind llmld ntld WEATHER FORECAST against the Christian philosophy of lile The Chrlsllnn Chumh ener Illy Keel mu nmhllnz wmnl because it operates on prin cipal giving peapla somalhlnl for nnthluz Ind this no lme In the ChrIman phllosophy ol Illa This philosophy mlln ulna that thing worthwhile Forum Tempenlnrtl law lonlxhl Hllh Salunhy Vlndsar 31 VSL Thoma Centm Bond dLspllyed hero by Mayor Joe Munnl km and board chllrman Brad Walkar Thu presum lon was made last mm It Vinghnm llamlllan St Catharina Toronto Pclcrbomuxh Trcnlnn Timmlns Mun HIM Idlnl lo len mom Thltl Ihfl THE BARR EXAMINER In nflulnl In In mdm lhnuxh lhu IllMl county nndlnl Iln Mon mm mm llmh hmllln udlmmlnl thu enoymrnl ol nldlnl llnn mnxulnu In hle lhmn THE mule EXAMINER Ecunnmy Renal Iln TM Ah Illa ulullal hulu lhn nu Thm mu um cl Illlonl nunl populu puhlclllln In lln II Economy Roldlnl IIn Ilnt Imnu Ind younlllul Illh bound bid lull lho Ill mun um Ippul la heir mlcnllr Ilknll LIFE LOOK EVENINH POST TV GUIDE LADIFJ MP JOURNAL ll 00 ludlu Cnnndln mullm In much mun plul many mm yubllclllunl In nullbk n1 no my mnvrnlnl way In Inn ynnr hurl Innmu lullvmd dlnd In your hum Iomhrr wllh lhll Inulum um Ylee FOR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS lulxmlkn quml of It m1 luntltl nu ulna In my uni lhom my Ilm min ml IllIl nllan marnu lhln edl yubllo um ii on mund nun Iny flAllllll IXAMINEII an IV Ill lA Hill III II hr lrulltlu mman PROVIDES ENTERTAINMENT BONUS Flru Dcpmmenl IA H111 Pravlnclll Pollcc PA Clly Pollco PA NS nayI Vlmrln mlpllnl PA Hill Ichlewd only by dim and work Barrie Mayor Les Cooke sald the only area Ike qucsuon he In studied has been hospitals and he Izulnxl lotteries her because lhn mlnlmal lmuuM hospitals recelve 1mm louerlc hxdlv Wk 195 principle is true no ma ler when you apply It he udd He luld lho Issue hlsnl come ultenllan much xlnce hes been In omce menus It Isnt qucsllon lacing Ihe clch Barrie with my ml cun cam dinner sponsmd by council canon Remnant me pluque was to In ended in tho ma loyer today Lmlner Photo Nothing can ha done to change the situation hue he added know of nothing tn he power 01 mnnlcipal government lhln can than the lawn rest ytlh the pmvtnclal govern menl The mew technical mop ll Barrie Dlslricl Clnlrnl Col lezllla Ire dalnx duubla duly Ihm day Ind the modnrn ma chlne mop Is an example llnchlna xhop Instructor Parker mid rem 200 lo 00 pass through this shag In year All Grade IX lechnlcal Iluchs are required lake tho machlna 1th count Buidu lha mum dayllmc canne or hlxh Ichool studcnu then In nlxh clusu held liva any weck Mr Parker who lnslrudl both nld The nigh thus muchan xhop wrk begn Oct yd will lul up Iprl Chisel In held om night week Ind oh lesson dlvld Technical Shop Does DoubleDuty HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 13 Seven yun no the Kiwanls Club or BanIa completed pay inl Im 10000 Med couaga Blue Monnhln Camp or trip pled children In June thh year um clubs second Mine was opened the lumen Ind mm uHHalo at the camp BunII KlwmlLClub the nnly Iervlce club wth twn cm tale Blue Mounhln no en lln work of painting Interior Ind uterlor was don by member the club lulstcd by seven volunlzm eavulroughln on flu m1 uxe wu Ilsnemled by club membtn under Iechnlcal direc llon at Klwlnhns Andy Steven Ion Ind Albert Molfm Howaver tho duh In con Ildenhle balm yet In pay all on tha actual construction or lho xecond collage Fund or ml Burma plus yurly lsslsuncl uro Ind tumult got crip Pmlessnr Douqu My Emmlnnel Cone will be the mm speaker It Cenml United Church Sunday at ll mm Dr hy hu just returned from year ol may In many mmula the world prlnclpafly ln Bum aim Indh non Kong and are Ind remnan for crib pled children In nlnd by lwo He wfil have some pertinent observnunns lo nuke conctmlll candlllum urhn hung bun Kmanis Money Dr Jay wlh Ruth and two sons David and Inn vlsllud Spaln and Portugal Rome Ath ens Ooflnth Turkey Egypt the Israeli and Aral 99qu 913 Aids Crippled Guest Will Speak Oi Conditidns He Noted In FarAway Places Holy Land mlmLebmmllv ed with the Indlnn peopla ln Bannalure or monqu And then to Bangkok Hang Kong Kyoto lokyonnd Hiroshlma Jagnn Thdr return homu wax lighted by visit In lionqu Hamil or brM holday and then to Tomqu when they live vln Vancouver third Ion Garth lived with Rev Donlld and Mn Jay mlnlstcr Can tral Church durInl lhu absence of nla 930 mm Mrs Ruth Jay wll speak to the children the Sunday School and as many of lhelr parems who wlsh lo allend sho will Illustrate her mrssnxe with color alldcx mrdlnl welcoml Extendrd tn all Inlemlcd persnlu who ed into parts one hour or lecture and Wu hour or prac llcal work Mr Parker nld most or the men taking he nlzht course In machine shop work IN lmdy worklnl 1n mlchlna shop and In hklnx the course to Improve their Ibllflles The mum In macMne than work only one nevml IVllI able ll Cenlnl Collczlale EARN DIAMOND AT NO COST TO YOU PA M745 You TWICE on my punhau are on our pdm whlch the Inwml pounds Iml you uvu Ill mu HIT umkr wr Hum flulnu llln llmwmbor lhln win In nod MI ull ydur mudum our um with dlmmngl vlnu luvng kwrllom nlrh mm elr Thll Olllr Appllu lo Chrlllmu LIyAvuyl Tool RIIVI WELLER Wllh lhll book you um on wry purrhm ll cur Ila Thln 10 dtmsilul In ynur mm In tho HEW3 JEWELLEIIS SAVINGS HOOK um 10 uvlnn lo yn unlrd lmnu DIAMOND RINGS WEDDING HINGE WATCIIIZS WARE ulc You my only tho dulmm lnlwml he Amount you luvs uvml Ihawn In 90K and lbwyrlm lhu lvgrvchnntlln Sulnu mn thnmllu valued It mm lml hm IInumpk ll moo uvlnu ll Ahown In your HOOK ynu can umu In and ulrcl lEEVFl JEWEL film ll moo FIUZE Inyanl In Ill 0F CHARGEL illmmml vlnu llhm kwrllom um unlrh minim elr nqln lndny In an ulvmlau at thu urnnous mumm ollm uhlm anvil In yuur Hunmu mmn Ill Our Rpulillon Your Gumnlu YOU SAVE 10 ON EVERY PURCHASE PURCHASE DIVIDEND SAVINGS PLAN THLS PLAN MIANS WITH speclal sales The first was hnl ol peanul and peanut butter doaModoun early last June Thu second by $31 at spe cially lmpofled Scolfish biscuits There are two kinds Smllng Monday evenan next week Icams Kiwanis mum her will be conducting Male phone campaign lo sell these biscuits They will he delivered when and when Idvlscd in chime of lllis campaign nrl Boyd Robertson and Jank Slen This week he special weak er at the dinner mceflng was LL Col Rev Sherrlnx MC padre ho Royal Canad lul nglonx He hroulhl an Insuring mos Iazu an Remembrance Speaker last week on shun noucn by lubslitutian wu Ken Walla HI rpmnrk concemul lhn sil unuon In Germany odly pollu ul and conomlul wlsh lo 1an wllh filecongregl lion Ccmral on Interest lnz Ind Important occasion OFFIGEV SEE US FOR Sylteml Add Mullins Ind Cllflllllflll Olllco Equipment Ipllfl Coxpguglnl Slnllonery BUSINESS MACHINES Dunlap St PA 82 SALES RENTAL WE srzcuuzn IN 76 Dunlop In Dfl JAY SIMCOE

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