ML and Mrs Merlln Rowe vlsllcd Mend and relatives Colllnzwood rcccnlly There are few day left ya for properly owners In appeal lhulr assessments my eel In ï¬gure are ten hlsh Such appeal must be sent by Nov 14 as Indicated on notice lent out Oct 31 VISITORS Mr and Mrs Morley Drake of Lmlelleld Texas vlslted Mr and Mn Cllfl Lennox over week end Mrs Drake ls Mn Lan noxs slster Marley Is Omar publlshgr the Lamb Cnunty Leaden eAROUNDsIMCLCE COUNTY nun NOVEMBER QIIXCK DlIW car no Popeyl Purly 50a nun 530 Huck bury Hound sou mm mm Ne wmmr spam no wunn lnln Country umnwn Tm numdm mum Tm Unmurhnbm ca Now spam Nm Buck hm 32 IATUIIDAI Novlunu 11 Ill Toll hllern Eml Cllul Pnlonfl sum Cllu mu anx 1Ull 14rd hunlllroy Hunky rum Wr mnl ank Th Inlonnlr CFL Toothll llpcord the 50m universaly celebnunn ol the Guthrie Wumen Insu tule held River Garden Kw amant No 11 Hwy Crown Hill last Thursdny Mrs Shep ml was membu thin lnsllulc 35 years no Mr and Mrs Mnnhall were Kuhn Lake Malihurum accompanin by Ross Hare and Miss Muriel Brydgcs ohRoches Mrs Pmm Mrs Dawson Mrs Evans Mk Chriskn sen and the hostess Mrs chk er assisted with rareshments The marriaze of Miss Bachmnnn to Carl Guidmsleln son of Mr and Mm Carl Guldensteln ol Hglde Germany took place Nov at Danish Lulhernn Church Toronto wllh rectpflon at Tha Sunset Villa near Guelph miscellaneous bridal shuwar was held at the home Mr and Mrs Lea Chrlstensen or Miss Krlsllna Enchmnnn daugh ter Mr and Mrs Hugo Buch mann Barrie Present were Mrs Emberson Mrl Chalmm Mrs Russwurm Mrs Kroeker Mrs Drury rC Smith Mrs Smith Mrs Pmm Mrs Dawson Mrs Evans Mk Chriskn Mr and Mrs Vhluy have been In Detroit Mlch val in the llller uncle Joseph La Palm who celebrnlcd his 77th blnhdny DAL SHOWER sum ANNIVERSARY Congratulation Mr and Mrs Juno Kllrnan oI Buyvluw Road qn their recent marriage We wolcnmv them to Mlnell Their new bungalow add to the lustre he Pnlnt MINETS POINT ll ynv unln I9 ï¬nd by um And on mu Dllmm II 1m mm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS RVICI TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEVQURSELF CARI AND YRUCKS CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 Miami Mrs Vail Vllkunburl have sold Ihelr home and mav ed 10 Wurmlnlsler Mr nnd Mrs Stan Axel waxa In cm ntldcnt Mrs Mar ll In tho hesth Mn Lloyd Sea In hospllal when she had an operatlon Mrs Tudhope visit lng her daughter and wnlnlaw Mr and Mrs Archla Leigh 1n Lion Head 7M Charlie ï¬lial Pan lelx Sask vllned wlm hu er Mn Keith McLeod Mu The annual Remembrance Day leivice here look piece at Chrin Church Nov 10 The icssonl were read by membere oi the Iervice with BevH Ham er preaching in sermon We Will Remember Them The enn lar and junior choirs with or nanin Mrs Esten Davis enng he IAnthem Be Thou My Vie Presbyterian Womens MIsslon Iry Society muslin was held the home Mrs Allen Mll Ier Davntlon was taken by Mrs Gordan Cochrnno Mrs Fred Nelson hnd charge prolrnm and read It Matters Not Bible quI was conducted by Mrs Gordon Cochran Lunch was served by the has lcss assisted by Mu Cleve Pinon Mr and Mn Manlnrd Home visited Mr and Mn Frank Sweet Fnlnl donlnl thu cnllm Mn Manllall or lhq yuan The next gene meeting at he Minetl Point Properly Own and lmnnla Alsoclalion will he held at ha ham or Mr Ind Mrs Hank Drank South view Road at Thursday Nav 14 All resdenla we luv and Mrs Harp er and Iamlly entumlned mem bers of the Flu Canadian Ar mand Currier Rellmnnl sun WW9 Km Harold Amnxd went weekend In Tornnlo 11 ay nms wxman wnsoN Jun Nnmlnll Tull Him In Inn no nu oarmun runmun IAl lulllnn mm mm Two MM JOHNSTON Kiddo Eu Hun Cum Conlulnn In Me Thlnl nl Word And onmm mu Illnny Elnl Out Tm lllln rnln crv Nlllonl Nu Mnuo nnll 5mm mm and non um mm mm Mylry our Dun Vnny om on In NIIM MIMI minimal Mum nun AriQM Imm TORONTO BARRIE RUGBY IVY Hmbllflu Two Illll thmnr lha canlmd can he made depends on how lhe dll mend are divided Thn but plan of play to mh nu AK dlnmondn nch both op ponents allow null rovinl that lhu dlnmunda dlv dM 17 you lhrn draw lwo mars round 01 rumpl dlmrdlnl Ihn qunn ol dilmondl lmm dummy and mm the remllnlnl dllmondl to mail lhc conlrlcl obvlausly you cant draw Southn lwu remninlnu truva lhln polnl bccaum van dld youd bl aul ol lepl and would hlu no way cnlhlnx in diamond Mckl You are declam with tho Wm hnnd It Four Henna Nanh leads um klnx of cluhl and continues wlth the queen Somh plnym thn All and then the two You n1 the queen and cash the AK of beam North dlscardlng Ihe III of spades on the second rump lead How wnuld you play the hand You are declarcr wllh ht vm hand Norump North lead Ihe luck or Apadu Hnw would plly lhI hand Elcvcn euchre table wen In play In Stroud Communlty Hull winners were Mrs Hutchlnwn Mun Gibbons Mn K21 Mr Garrick Harald Ayers and Lennnx Black Lunch wal IEIV Mm Jackson Sudbury ls vlaIIInu her In andrdauzh lcrlnlaw Rev and Mn Fred geckson AHEND WEDDING Mr and Mn Harvey Spran and ML and Mn Wallaca Spring attended the Demch Durmnn wedding Saturday at St Bernard Church Weston Raymond Dellrlch II the sun Mn and Mn Gem Dekrlch Alcona Bunch HALL BOARD EUCIIRE MraM Bell Has been vlll tlng lrlands In Windsor and Tor onto Miss Loulo Renrdan Ipult week in Norlh my ll 1qu nl wllda Gordan Mr and Mn IL Ferlmn Swm Current Saskatchewan have been vlslllnl Mn Fergu sons Slater and brother Mn Ella Gibbons and Tom Beamlnh Mrs Lucllla Prentice Tham pent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Black Mrs Allce Dave Owen Sound in vlslung her son Angul and Mr and Mrs Seymour Hutchin Inn The Ruby branch the Fed eration ol Agriculture will com mence meeunu Nov II It 315 pm II home flu pm dep Rag Rugbogford Wilfred Johmlon Mrand Mn Benn Jahmlon and you Bryan vlallod Mr and Mn ngllam Cllrk IL Eml lnd Mr and Mn Edgar John ston Hnwkestoneï¬ lilleul humnd dled In Ponlelx onluesdny Ind wu broulm tn Hmle tor hurll ln the URI Erick Cant5w IL Ora Station Mr and Mn Jim unlmnn Ind Inmlly visitednllllvu ln Scflomllbrz Mu ï¬uiieu mum vislled with Mr 5nd Mrl Mun lagd Harm I11 MRS MULIIOLLAND VISITING DAILY CROSSWORD Viper ll AmiIan MIMI To om MW but at Booth l5 hmlkl nouu 197mm 110mk IL Ingloan Moinim um an ohm cr Tnmr of Mock II CIunor Hum iwum in mm Inkol mnlun Itlmurd In Wuknr I7 hut Hurry II Null Tavud MINI IluL mm guruAu Io Vlhklo II ilon mm Nona Hp um mwh STROUD CONTRACT BRIDGE 10 mum at Aloullm cl Man 15 Auden mom North nbbr Mumblq Inuit 459mm vuLir Illde nuns 01A VO 1119 AKKA bVOJ By JAY hu rmmï¬f in of mu polnll BECKER Noth show out club to ha no and club buck award the jack haldl South lo on club lrlck Soth mow oul lho lflml run In Iccompllshed by pinyin low club lawnrdl lhl AM fluudlm what Nurth don mum win mm min cm club lrlck hwy ouuu 30 To rum Mill moo luvn l1Tnvnl alumAlon AM mu The only compllntlon that ann um II 44 club dllelan and Ipprnpmle bleyl Ihould them on be taken to guard nunlmt um paulbutty 1119 contract can be qurtd by wlnnlnu lhl wad lend with In king and cumin the klng at Clubl both up ponrntl lnllow lull club can llnunllon unmatch at that Irlclu but It ellhar opponent Ihowl oul thc hand ll lull un derrr mntml II More Hero Iha conlrm In cer llln mnka reunrdlen how lhe ndvme card are dillrlbul edpmvldzd Idequnla precau tlonq are taken In guard nulnu mry conllnmcy Thou art Ion hlghcard trick lo brxln WM and the obvlanl mum or Idjllional rick ll Ihc club IulL Mr and Mn Arthur Mumber Ian and daughter or 0nkvllc vmled Mr and Mn Mum hmon over the weekend Anne Faddlson or Barrie lpenl tho weekand here Mlu Marnie Enter The PM Manitoba vhned her par ents Mr and Mn Wuley Bales Flflfl PLANES Cam In two alrmn were dulng and bull Baddeck In 1000 by MCCLudy Ind Bald wln It turns out that tho dia mond are dlvlded 41 you would probably no down on thin no play Soth the slug Mn but you would um no down on my other 11M 01 why North II he one with the llnxleton diamond yanwauld ol coum also cnah he queen diamqul hep drqwlng lyumpl Mr nndMu Hurry Salmon and family Mr and Mn Geum Stalntan and lumlly upon lhl weekend with Stalnlonl Mr and Mn Cllllard Plnxlon and Sharyn Angul open Sun day with My Padqlmnr Mn John MunIv of shun one of the oldest membersY um that wk on the lnmtulo so cam no Mn Paddllon an Anna Padgflloniof Bung by Mn Gordan Rlx ery Krul nnd JullstMchnee mow mam Waxk ll pronmin word on thy new Slmud Community Arena Voluntary him In nlwm wglpomek ML and Mn Dwight Nehon luvs returned from tour 0L EnTland mind Scolllnd and WI The Womenl Innlltulo held Ill 60111 ndnlvemry meellnz In Fellownhlp hall Nnv The pre Ildcnl Mn Johnuon avened cm muting thin turned avg lbs pm president Mm Puddl Ion The roll all wu prem edby MIIIE MIMI ant Chance Midhum luau Ipclkar wu lnlroducad by Mlu BA Muh them He Ipnko on hll work It Ih museum at Mldhum Mn Gian Mum hankcd him Manahrl He gave reading Mn Paddiaan gave man talk on the dlllerenl thing lhl have been done by the in Illlule 51 MM PADDISUN NEW LOWELL Bï¬ï¬kï¬ï¬ï¬uvaT Em AN APPojNrMEmf Aflw mi DAVMIMIRE dwm mmumim AEMUOJIDDAV main aRANnMA Ill fllMflOOKMlmlMWfl JINSIM WHISDHl mm NDMIMUWWWI IR HAT AW All $25sz can 292 52 93429 54 05 £63 02 mm mum MUTATION DEQuébECVA mm summons um um mun mm 111 GEMS WI WW IDOKHD Sli IFIUZ M5 EJCTED 10 WI NORRIHW AMIMhm WE MAHIIN ATM 1mm ILFAW CONTINHER N05 Emailan ET was IA mm mm mm smmnmw numam