JAURIN WI fill lourbzdroom home will be appreciated by lam tum liy lovely extrrlor enhance the beauty ol this popular Col onlnl design The centre lull plan permits excellent tram clrctilItlon Is member at tho umfly can enter any room or basement without disturban tho other Irear The spacious lint lloor den with lIvatory could be used llith bedroom The massive livlnwinlnz area mm lame replace and bullun china cabinet Ind hultct over look lovely terrace The roomy kitchen with combined breakfast nook will enslly hold all the modern essentials of ellrun home Exterior combination nl rtona Ind lrame but lnstmcdnm tor buildinl In Saurln WI mel al Ihe harm Mrl Jacobs Thursday evtnlnx wllh member llld hm vhllorl prennl Presldmt Mrl lnzldon read poem The Unknnwn Saldlcr Gloria and Hum Jncohs Ian dun Mn Downer rend an nrlche How we tellbum Nov II and Mn Jnhnslan one an the Books at Remembrance Mn Vern canan an Item Iopplu or Remembrance followd by two mlnulu llltnct Mu Beard uull uplnincd Um mono al Iho going down 04 10 In Ind In ma mornlnl xlmll rememhzr hum The roll wax cumnl urnl or lnlcrnnlinnal lmpurl nncc Mcmbm la brlng Article In lhn Dcmnhcr meeting which ulll be non lo mcnul pnlltnll lar Chriumua The Achlcvc mrnl Day la pa held Nov 111d Elmrnlc Communlly In Mu Dicklmon gave nporl or In dmrlrt rxecullve mrclllll lwhl rcccnlly he nun will Mid ll 1m Mrl Imhur Spruce unv part llu Drmrl Cum By MR8 ELMVALE DESIGN Nov76 lower Floor 703 SqFt Garage 349 SqFh TERRY EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK Smdard Bmldm blueprint for thin Design No 15 cost 515 for the Illat let and $5 or ad Irnlnlnx school meeting or his mum will bu hzld Nov 1923 decided to continua help upvofl lha reluzen bay In Hon Konl cnmmluce wns afpomted In plan the HI nwnrdl nxhl banquet Lunch wu serv ed by lha Commlllte to cancluda An lnlrmllnz aveninz MM JOHN BAKER Mn John Baker Ior mar Malildl Wthb died very luddenly aI her hnme In Elm vnIe Wednesday 0d 21 from heart nIImenl Mn Baker wnx mm In Donarlnw lullnll Coun ty Jan 11 IBM dnukhler ml the Isle George and Amelia Webb when meal her wul Ipent unlII cumInl In IIvo In Izlmvulc She wax member WyelIIIe Anxllrnn Church and mm In he havln been Dorcn Secrelnry for many yearn Shn wax nuncInIed wllh lhc Consemllu puny and member Laurel IIebeImh Lodge SlIrIInz IItr hughend pro derenaed her In 1961 She Is er vlved by hm lam Cccll III linker Chum Baker uI Elm vnln And Kmnlrd Tan0 Them Ira men lrnndthildren Funml ulvlcu we canducled Frldny mommy kl 25 by new AIkin Imm In II Lynn Funeral Home In nnlcc dillona um Thuy In null nhle in Canndn by mum mill Onlnrio mldenu mun remit sale lax ln Wyclllla Anlllun Church Pallbcan were Munllu Ritchie Albert Henley ohm Gnhlm Maltolm Thompson Howard flawley Edward Ferguson ln Iermenl wu III lhonmlly 110 In Marmara Unlon Cemeury Among In many beaulllul flow en rccclved were those ram Laurel Rebekah Indie SUrllnx Scout and Cub Auxilluy Wy clifle Olurch ll well from relative Ind friends RepIn in All Mlku Bulk IA Ml HAROLD JORY MOTORS Anlhormd Du ht IGN TRIUMPH vmnumb Till SPORT CARI OML AAA CAA ROAD HERVE FIRST AID FOR THE HOME ANSWER hope you havn nearby declrlc anllel you can use ofllerwisa you will have lo do sums hopplnx backand iorlh Sel nneieclric iron at medium has and place while biaillng paper over the waxed mas Iiide the warm him back and ionh over illa hlollers The hm will mail the wax and UN biol lhe wax will also lake care oi let will absorb ll Removal of the thin WAXV 0N sIDING QUESTION Last VHIlloween some board on one aide mn house were badly marked with red wax candle Samcana re muvbd waxand len he Ildlnz Ill shiny Irthere any my to remove this xhlne and how cm clean the ballnce the wax om PIANO IN BASEMENT QUESTION member or my family wnnla piano for lha children to ink lessons There in no room in the inmiiy living quarters for tho planar 11 next has idn ii to pui it in lhl basement recreation Mom The pilno is good one it really damaginx i070 irgxirumeni ANSWER Nu mailer how dry basement seems there is ceriain amounl ni moisture ai waya present ll you can place the plane on small plaiiorm to hero is air circulallon un derneath it and use small el ectric appliance known damp chaser olien used or keeping TV sets dry lnside no damage in the insirumenl Ihouid mull mm 4mm QUESTION We boulh Ichaalhuuxe whlch we plan to remodel It has 12m cclllngs We are pulllnl 1n elthool Abe celllnxs This wlll leave In lowtool dead alr space waean the two cellluzs with no veml lauon lnslde lVlll lhls dend nu xpaco give us any Mable dun lo gold Awealhm ANSWER Ga H11 ahend We Carry Everything To Keep Your Home Up To Date LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Complm Smk ol CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS By JIOGER JVIIITM AN BERTRAMBROTHERS with he alseccllings The dead nlrvspace will create pmb lem wighhealinz or coollnz BULL MARK 0N MARBLE QUESTION My marble Inp Iable has glossy ï¬nish Thus dull mnrk caused by leav lng Inwer pot on It then In to removahumak1 ANSWER Special cleaning Ind pollsth preparation lo removlng Hugs 1mm marble nvnllnble at many lam hnnsewnres dealers 0r lrylhq lallowlnz ll mare Is no llscol orallan pollsh wllh ullypow gqr End plecaAol In lhlck Ielt To remove dlsmloralfnn 1011 polishing lpply small mount of hydrogen peroxide and nmmonln lhen rim wlth clear water And wipe with dry dun cloth RUMBLING HOT WATER QUESTION My hot water make nqlses irequently durlnl tha day oven whm the water not running Than no nu In tha tank as we run the water tram the tank alien to last this The wait 13 elm What wnulrl lumlzlinq pesldeg ms ANSWER Rumbllng In 11 holwnler ymm II caused by Iarmallon gleam Your waler maybe hemlin loo hlgh tem paralure lilznnustallc Emmi DOUGLAS cdNCRETE Ann um who Ulmo Ounllly lmln In your Bulldu um Bormm Bron Pradum Our complclo stock of quality lumber mnch It p0sble or you to nlart work lndny Let us glvo you ran estlmnlo on your needs Frco cllywldc dollvory Delivered 35le 429 BLAKE ST BARBIE Ill9111 BEBTRHM BROTHERS A7 Complm Rang 01 5on PRODUCTS no LTD BI rrlo ghauld be lnxunen you mm none Valer or ordinary huuso hold purpnsns shnuld be hunted In no man Ihnn 140 degrees Connection in your tank may slope downward or hnrlmnlnl Instead or upward glve thu stem chance to escape wnh Incorrect slope the sleam cape ls lmbedcd and rumblan msnltsr Have mmpelcnz plum ber check your nogemry slopes FURNITURE PAINT QUESTION Where could get lha proper palnl to redo soma old lumilura which would wnrk lnlo the Early American mend ln colors of anllqua green red blue muglard old etc The up nllure peak al llnlshcd In mlhnflny and maple Would have remove lhe llnlsh to bare wood llrm ANSWER any large paint or housewares dealers consult his mlor cards loi iup qualin enamels Most large mnnniac Iurers have vnrieiy oi he popular colors ther vary lliglluy from brand brand xivinl an even wide choice The dealer will mbahly also have insimciinn ballets avail able on lumiiure refinishing iol lov hm calqu ll he present Ilnish Immlh and adhering lightly all over all mm ar wnx must be re moved line aleei wool Ind lur pcnllne and any llos dulled flue landpaper thenuia new milling can be applied card ing to dlndinns on the contain Mnhnxany will raquiu coating of aluminum aim to prevent bleeding lhroug Precast Conaelé PA 89641 THE BARRIE EXMHNER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1195 11 HEATPROOFING TABLE 101 QUESTION have email Wond table we would llke to use In the kitchen ior breekiast ie there any way in heaipmol the top ANSWER Applying up uelliy varnish made with lyn eilc rcsln ilvea heat and liquidprani iinish orelamlnet ed plastie can he applied to the table top instillation instruc lions are avellnble from ihe laminated plexlle deller many lumber yard and hulldlnl Iup pilm dealer Itoek laminated plaailc BASEMENT REMODELING QUESTION em caniemplat in remodeling our basement to provide yearround sleeping and living quarter there any literature available ea in general practdure dol and donie eic ior remodelinl ni this nelurel am parllculerly ln teresled In the procedure requlr ed to prepare the cement floor which unheated but does have asphalt tlle io permll the lnatul latlun ol wool ca lint plan the prepaniion oi walla be ELECTRIC WATER HEATING APPLIME Cascade 4013 flamelosscleansllant And therein on year guarantau on the tank BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES YOU CAN USE OVER Tho lama volume hemd by Inolher mnde could coat over 300 par month gEdMMIsémN lg gunman Matchless electric water henllng Is proven to bo over 90 emcmm other methods may only be at much In 65 efllclenl Independent surveys prove that morn water can be heated at lower cost with flat rate electric water heating than any other way APPROVED Thu new Cumin 40 W1 Hunting Appliance II In APPROVED PRODUGT dovalnpod through hi cumbinad voulrch and mourcu of Omarlo Hydro and ulocukal nunufnclumn When You Can Have the BEST rior LESS ALL Electticlly Is Safe loan Flumeless More Efflclonl 100 FOR FUlL DETAILS CALI Six Times Faster PER MONIH HEAT IT OF PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY WHY PAY MORE ELECTRICALLY THE HOT WATER YOU NEED WITH THE NEW fore Ipplylnz duorallva wall paneling ANSWER Papular Mechanics Press 200 Ontario St CM cazo II and Fawcel Publch Inns Grecnwlch Cam uhHsh lnlormalivc honkleu MI lypu These are wldely nvallahle paper bnck book flares ihu lune Hardware and building supplies dealers newsstands or can be oblalned dimlly from the publisher QUESTION There 1mm hoard In our floor stallL Al mouuh put 11tu between that board and the Idlnlnlnl one the puny always wnrksouta here same other way of ix lna this ANSWER The putty pmb ably working nut because ht floorbnlrdls still loose Th bnud Ihould be Iasuned down in the Iubfloarlnz by driving lnnz ï¬nishing nailaln pnln opposite nnzlel throulh tho hoardlnlo the Marina under neath UIB ringed or prnl typo ml or helm holding power LOOSE FLOORBDARD 200 GAlLONS PA TE