Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1963, p. 1

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Canada Doubles Ajid To Foreign Countrifes 17i Innnouncmwflm tom uy nl ml vulrl um mark Jun vml belan fun run olhlr mm war mgr mum km Thnl amount In mun Ilmn Mmmn mup In an ah mIr In FAWN lmnI wan in IM currrnl llml an Imam Io un Mlnl luulxn uld vrnlmn In mm ml Ilanlnl nut Mull HIhvnal AllIn lllnhlvr lull lold lhe omnmnl umlny that In um 70 000 bl IgMnI lo Can MMWA CmCanaan vlnm In mml mm money Mxl yur In Vulplnl lmdovrlom mum lrlu HIHIMI AllIn lllnhlvr will lold lhe omnmnl n7 lull nn mu mung OITAWA CmThu Cann llnn lrdornllun Mnym Ind Munitipalillu cnllcd Iodly or dour watllu nlallnm among lnltrnl Irnvlnclnl and munlrl gal nvrrnmnnu la lurlher rand nrnzrnm of fnmmnnllv Seek Reduction In Votifig Age In Iha In M7 dcmonllnu am In MI turman lawn IN the nonhtrnm and No lmu Including 12 under nan us were muted WILLIAMSTON NC4 MP Pmcen while clergyman rmn me norlh lhtlr leader carry lng wooden emu braved an Inzry whlu crowd and lad an lntl allegation march here day They were Med and ltnrled hunger mike Canadian Mayors Ask Joint Housing Scheme TORONTO Amniot lly oi Canadians believes Cun ndnl acquillilan nuclear weapon Him the rlxk oi aim mic war but must still mp ma inn move the Canadian cue iiuzmll Inuliuia mm CFlii Iurvzy oi nliiludm an disarmament defence and or riun policy publllhed today nlw Indicate mm Canadian vaim luper the min oi min Communlll China majority lay illni country lmuld be ad mllled lo lhe Unlied Nniionl included in dimrmamml Among alher flndlngl of lhe Vida111mg aplnlon lllrvm Twcnly Iaur hullnnt Negro White Mifiistérs Jailed In South In addltlon to edernl voting lunarold would nllo be ell fifblc Io run for dccllan to Pat nmenl Public SuppOrts Nuclear Policy Peace Institute Report Says Four oI the I0 province al ready nIIow vntlng by pemnl under 21 In pravlncInl eIectIanI The age IImII II 18 In Sukar chcwan and Quebec In Al berta and BrIIIIh Columbia Una Iaumunid Common ap4 pravni ni iha committee morn mcndalian ix viriually certain There had been prior agreement nmvnz political parliu an it ihe nource laid Th move would dd In votv Ill an estimated 750000 Canadians buwcen the am la and 11 Then an nboul llv 000000 cllllhle vole and over OTTAWA CF 116me to lower the lederal voting an to la yum from 21 was en darted unanlmaufly Thunday by lhu Hausa of Common corn mmee on lectlona now mull balm Parliament Maurice Moreen LYark 99 Your No 167 For Eumlner Wlm Ada Tele phana PA 024 The telephon number to ball or the Butlnnu or Editorial BM in PA 537 Our Telephdnes mud mum ll mm In Klllnmmluy manlnmu mp mmlunnmi mp burl Mm Indium npnyml Mada Illllo no Inleml Ind llhflll pelican mlwr momma II Iple mmlxm mmu la munika Im lurtunm Hum Canndn MI MMW Mr Man uld 0000000 ll be lulu In will lam lurk Ila hum 1w mug god lnllon or Economic Co no llon and Donlopmrnl In llll la dluuu AM In Ina poorer nnllrml myenr vmmm In re plan at rthnbfllula nll Iuly nunMud homing luau Cm ldn In tomrnflon with he munk Illllu nu Mention lnld rmevllopmenl Hall 11 In Nullonnl mulnl An hm fielded no mill mull In nu um mu 11w Irdml xnvcmmrnl hnd ulda lru lhnn 0000000 In Ilum flur nlm In Hut pnlod and am when lhm rand hm been mm Med um Hun 5000 lumm Ill hut benellllcd Eula by Int WWW unl nud pmvlnclnl avcmmcnll wm ununl The clergymen comprise liu Ilewa IanMd iiiannchumll mil ii Southern Chrixihm Leadmhlp Conimnca and laid they had come here at the qum oi Golden Friniu Nem lender oi the canitrenca in Hill litil Frinh laid the Invitation will tader by Rev Manln Luihn King bend the can itnnce Ind wu In in min of In mncy ail teenum then mnrchcd an the own home but they dllptmd and pugs wen no mun The mowml report on tho WWW to be publhhed In pum phlel axm repreunkl the nu major research project can plated by the hulllule which war ulabllhed nanprom organization we yum am an der oakvlfla phyllclu Norman Almk to use lckntmc tech nique ln ueking cram and cum for war ll nupported by public domllanl and munda uan mm mali Canadian favor Iiranl Un ed Nniiom organization lupWri iiiarmament with nae qunie naiezuardl helluva din armament wnuid cause in an minor economic recu don Iuyyuu awerlnz cl tho voting age and NDP member exchnnud libel about which I7 firplrlqmppar salkntchewan ha CC NDP govcmment Albert and Brililil Columbia haw Social Cudlt administration and Que becl Liberal Heath Macqunrrie PC Quzmhnld he mod to be ap Eond to lowering Ihe vollnl an mum at the Ind of govern ments tinted In the provlnm with young vote Durlnl the dIIcqunn hm Wll good innlurzd bantmnl Emil on the oommmn Tha motion war mended by Frank Howard NDPSkeena who Ina had several perIlB bflll belora Parliamentan ha lubjtcl gzgonnbgmmmn Scnrbamulhfi moved the com mmu motion to lower the an llmn He referred to the Lib arnl part campalln mm In men voting rlghtl lo 10 yenMu Immdurhu II nllmnm Illu lallmlv mune1 lhnl while ll led lltmmnmut Ind 1m prnvlm nu milu Nov mu MM ton cnu will open slmulummly In mmkkr the Honda mm mm Mum Iumtc nob In 54 lung clan llr Ilmlln nvumtmtnl lull or hour lulm Judy Ln Ill ltdml hulm Ind nl mlnloltr me III debut on Imndlnt plan 1Ilpmdnl flexlnnal prolmml nomlc dnulopmtnl to uni lmlc wlullom chronic un rmvlnymml Mid an In Incrmlnl rm ol nnmlc rowlh In emy part CM Fianna mm to ma nicipalities for public rampart niim incililin Municipal Irnnb yarinlion mien ll brie nid mull be regarded Mi only An inirgmi pan km major purl oi the lvnmporhlinn nel woriu oi ilw region lho pmvinu and ye Milan from chcrnllyIponwnd Ilum tlgnrgpce qrqurt Ir Mundt of 5D to yruhlbll lhu Exportmm bum uam uunrnnlcelnx pav mcnll far prlvnlc min In to ammunm countries vu uul wart lull wnen van on the 814701361000 aulharhullan appeared near Icr ll day debnle broke ul Minnn ametme by WASHINGTON MPlA blF er dllputa over propond In mu lo the Soviet bloc nld In up Sennln punze Prep Ideal Kennedyl badly mauled ugly nld bllL Th r3w uupled Thunday night lhc Bennlcn lhlrd mm ulan wcgk when During the night he Dyna uel armed mm the point callhlan 10 mile won ma nulhuly entrance to the Cap Cod canal She Hm cmpllmd um nnk near Qulcks Hale the man guardnld Then wax nonkonc nboard whcn Dynaluu 119 33m i1 fixamifwr Senate Blocks Foreign Aid Bill The Dynnluel tank In shallow wnIer her bow protrudlnl above Ihe lurlnct lhe UIS Cons Guard bald water poured into the taping opening In 1h Dynnluel Aide carved by million The ships wen hauled wan by commercinl tut The two Wilt had calllded flluudny and the 3100 an lankar numred 20100 hole In her hull when the muon Fernvlewn bow Illced hula the Dynalucll part this BUZZARDS BAY Maur AP The badlydamaged oil tanker Dynnluel nnk today 50 minute alter me wnl pulled apart mm the Norwegian Irellhler Fern View Crippled Tanker Sinks 0mm lmmlmm mmwpmflym homo my of lurflm Ilnd lull Ibo tau summ Vamwm mined dwmmm mnmunlu pnly memberMp hr yur lqlu Wm nu monm Mn been dmled III II In fine Cnnudlun hum do lflld mlmul AllIn Illllllfl mm lnld In Common ThurId Mr Ilmln will on um wllh uhn Imhollllu Illa Cubn mmnmtnt not yul Inn Innda 13 lkulnn ol Hum llnll MAM lalrkk won rlwnrr nwl WHIInm Hm Mllm ol Mmmul OTTAWA Cl Cum II rmmlzlnl In new government nl Bonn Vch Nun Ellmul Alluln Mlnlmr IIulln Inlumm he ommml ThurAu nm UNIIan wu bum on In lullhnl ha nvululkmnry government II Mlull control hau umlcrlnhtn to haunt prulmu lmltn mmmllmmu lm llm Mullllnll behlnd but uarnlwl la pmm urlllll Ilvrl nnrl rrmwriy Ind In 04 operate wllh lho Inlemnuonnl Iuprrvflory mu rommlulan on Ihkh Cnnmln urvn Older Study 01 Deportation Cue HEIDMDE ifleulm rnlhrr Ilmnl earlhqunkn onrly Inday monk Ljubljana Blnvrnhn rnplul In northwul Vunmllvl the anInl Tnnlul new Ilanq porkd Nu cmunlllel Mn 901w Pilots Axe Denied Canadian Lawyers Du Kennndy nvalded lhs qnullan admin ha walk week whlrh no but opposed nl loo conly mmuru la Iolvn untmploymnni nnd Iulamnlinn prabltml Canada Recognizes Viet Nam Govt Earthquake Shakes Yugoslav Capital can ohlnln the prompt manna 01 lb pcndn 011000 DWMO lax reduction ll we will be lfllllnl by nu April on he wludl of lhe lonzul and man an penccllma expnnllon In our mtkml mrwmlc binary no vrclldrnl nddrmlnu the AFL C10 Mllonnl tonvcnunn reed with me Inn labor or unnlzntlnnl deluulu um un employmml In the chld damn llc pmblam In the UB Hum added NEW YORK lCPPmldenl Ktnnedy laid lodny hll pro chd 140000000 lax cu wnuld generate Iboul 0000 mm In cnmumer demand or load and urvicu and mm mllllam Job or worker 111 ha Unllcd SlnleL Kenfiedv Déféfids Tax Cut Policy Pnzamzfir Mn An nu it uh mm NEWS BRIEFS lrrlormivmlo Clnld Fljdny Novoinbnr 151965 WW ucmc wwwa Menn nid ho Américun Ftdmlian ni LabobConxuu oi indullrini Drlnniznlionl want lim lax cut along with other icdcrni monlum desilned to main Join But ha nddcd lhnl unemployment in the onus oi auinmniion which lhrulenl nnlinnni cnimlraphn and the only wluiion il lo cut lhn work watt 33 hnun ar icu Kcnnrdy mid 011 We urxtniiy 1m lax cui now imurnnco mum mel liminwolmdlhnlmi when it will do the mall good Ihe pcrccnlue mu in In lim biiiiiu In lilo Iawtr brnchcil an Ihm iimrl hunt be in the upper knckola Krnnrdy woke helm the na Mann convenllon ol the 135004 mmtmbtr arlnnlmlan In the make call by AH cxo Pmldcnl Gnome Manny or Ahomr work week major part of man ccanamlc medl clne nwind in cum unemploy menl aglgul go Airgun mu Mirfif llu cum ff MLMW In The Noth Korean weed In meet Saturday wlh UN cam numd nfllclnll In tho Plnmun Jom lrucu village In dhmu UN main nu nllntk The carfimund laid on Ihe eve of mutinpwilh Cummuulu Noth Kannu mililnry olllclnll tn prom he moan Inn he ml in lslmllc tron bb ween North Ind South Korea wm quiet with no Indication of Mutual ncllvlty Alon the dividing 10M IDBMQNémTonTcamfi T0 pouctéiiféw SEOUL AF The Unlltd Nation mmmhnd Iald today bellem Cammlmhl ambush that killed South Korean Army Cnylnln and wounded nn Ammtnn wldler In the dam Ilnrllcd zdne wnl An halmd ln ddent UN Protests Red Attack flAFL cxo my wns I3 aim um yvnIl For aboul 11200 cm hum be laro ma fnd II on the mud no change or Jam owner lix and eight cyllnder cm of tactn mnnu mluro who may have been ynylnl dlflmnt rum because atmnrg or In hompowcr Mr Inskeu ducrlbvd he new rules In lukan Into ac count men dulgn channel In nugmabllcmenglnea ledell hit will be than own lnz le and eightcylinder cats who were paying us and 10 wssuvelx Thu new lulu MI Ice $15 or paucnger cnrs wllh laur cyllndm 820 or lhoxa wllh slx cyllndm and 315 at eightcy Ilngcr moduli Thencw lymm Involvu wild from based on hompowcr to one geared Io cy llnden TORONTO ch Auta up once plate Ior lvwm cost may of Dnlmol mooo nu lomobfle owner an axlrn un der now lystem nnnounud Thunday by Tranlport Mini ter Irwhr Haskell poucéamum ma um warning Mlcyopald wag unru cDanaid wni to appear In 03 in Einiomp or nmem ir son La he expected preliminary hemin oi inane would begin in rampfin Jail but woufd fihear Thompson Crown at torney or Slmooe County anld the charm Wax llled lommlly re Thunday In the ormnl gnatlonx McDonald was charged fallow 1ng the dlmvcry of Thom alnna remains Thursday In bushland nenr Cnledon 20 miles mm the Beelon mm her Pawnty mum In Iliath lastyenrol 10 yearold Thomasina Baker of miles 5on1 91 here To Raise Cost Of Auto Licence Johh McDonald 40 of New manm Ont was charged Thursday with cgpnal mqrdcr Tq Appear In Barrie Court Beiore Magistrate Foster NM Mm Than Eur Copy16 Plan Mudd in mm mm mm at Salupdny variable ploudlnesl and lltlle warmer law to nlyhc 27 High tomorrow 13 Fjorsummary mm to page lwo Well In Ilka lhll your on an rcpllrd the man Ihecpllhly didnt do Iomclhlng cran once In whlle null you to lo my nficmundcd man who climbed flag pole and thnn begun shoullnz It lhe up hi value was nrrcsl ed and charged with dlxlurhlnl lhu pence Mter hearing 010 Charge me mnnlllrula cued or glnucl lho almi Ant Under helprevloux schedule dclcrmlncd an horsapnwcr un Ioo Wm 15 for £an 35 horse power And under $20 for thou hclwccn and 45 horsepower and $15 or ham over 45 harn yowcr ve ncvrplam lorwcahgnnd Iaflon wnxonl no on n10 Dec Ill rule will mnllnue at $8 yang deparupan qmclnlx sald Local Weather insp Wiilinm MNéeiy the Toronto homicide squad mid he will question suspect in con nection with he Woiunski case Wu unsung Mcanllme Tomnln pollce xnld lnvesllgntlon Into the death last year 01 Julie Walnnsk will be revived Julie 15 disappearad In August 1962 and was 10qu beaten raped and hot alter wlgpspr Asslsllnx In theflllnz of he churn Thursdny was Kclsq he pmvlnclal pollce con stable 1mm nearby Alllslan who was first to nnswer the call or help 1mm Than Baker and III wile Aug 19 1962 when they learned that their daughter we misslnxL McDonald was taken mm 1511 In Hamilton on court arder Bud accompanied police an heir sear Que paledon area before Magismpe Foster thls gunman HERES ONE 53

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