MRS Nilll LERVESEOR REUNION WITH CHILDREN Mrs Ngo Dlrir Nbu reads lengthy statement to new men at MI Anxelee interne tionnl Airport yesterday as CAPSULE NEWS English she and her daughter Le lhuy left in lett ona polar flight ior Europe and re union with be time other Canada Hit By Lewis moonre CF David Lewis national vice president oi the New Democratic Party raid Wednesday the attitudes oi many Engllsbapealring Cana dians toward the issue at Con iederatlon are rooted in arro gance and Intolerance At the same time be told more than 100 university at Tots onto students some responsible people in Quebec are going be eerk intellectually on the au Sect oi Canadian unity Mn bowie raid the old Que bee nationalism oi wanllnu to be leit alone by the rert oi Can eda has given way to new nationalism oi demanding an economic and political role in reshaping the country Speaking to athcrlnn loon red by the veraltya NDP club he raid more united Con ado is possible it valid hench Canadlan demands are rocog hired by EnKIIShrpealring Ca nndiana Shots No Good KANSAS CITY AP The influenza shots widely used in the last few years apparently have done little good expert held Wednesday We need better vaccinea be are general are iuatiilod in toxic to the public anld Dr Alexander Langmuir oi the Federal Communicable Dlacaao Centre in Atlanta Ga Take Initiative OIIAWA CF Prime hiln later Pearson told delegation iron the Conadlan Teachera Federation Wednesday that the province would have to talre the initiative in any coordin ated atudy oi rchool tinancea Iha iedcratlon representing 135000 leaeberl In all pmvlncea reek solutions to the inequalities between provincial sdrool ayes torrid Revive Dispute murax or dispute between provincial Ind Ioderal government over oilchore min eral right has been revived by Shell Oil Company lanr to ex plore ior oil oil the ova Satin coast An application lor iedaral pen mita to explore w000000acre area an the Atlantic continental ahell oil Nova Scotia waa made by Shell Company at Cln ado Lid recontiy Provincial Miner Mlnlrtrr Donald Smith said Shell war in lormed that any ddlling or ex ploration ior oil oil the Nova Scotla coast without provincial permila would be illegal and the company could be liable ior line up to $1000 day under the pgvlncea Oil and Natural Gar Tar Is Blamed SAULI STE hIAliIE Ont iCPiExccrs tar In the road way blamed tor iour nccldenta on No eso highway will be burned oil by the Ontario do partmcnt nl highwaya Dirtrlct engineer Ward raid the 3000ioot experimen tal rcctlon oi highway connect lng Iilghway ii and Sault Ste Marie Airport rva built in ma Road Subsidies To Be Raised IORONN CPI Ontario Highways Ilhiiator Charlo hinanuglrton chncrday are trounced an lncrcaae in the rate at road maintenance arrheldy ior more than aoo townth In the province The Increase ahould total bo tween tloooooo and mooooo in the current ilacal yearl depart ment olllciala raid new tonn lrla eel two mile or the rail ior normal maintenance iravlourly the lubeldy haa been approximately to per cent at townrhlpr erpmdltum ior road lmpmvamrnt tirt illocNauglrlon alreued that the new method oi coleun Iatlnl auhrldlea doc not dictate on expenditure policy to mile hlclpa lly nrnt hind oi docltion la the prerogative ni municipal mun cllv ho Hill The new ulr alrly rate will not he allotted it the chooro to aprnd iera than mile Mirn manic nhlllty to pay ior Ita ma ncreercd through growth in armament the extra old will he redumi ropertlnnrlely raid Mr Meo aughlonr Under the Highway Improve 3r HNIAKR HECORD JAKARTA lnilnnolla Utili ionllloglui Shin ileum Dan oi North Kom broke the world rmrri In the womma 4001mm event Wednrwlny but Corvuan hlrt China rhnllrlid up to more old medal in lrrnalheo III wt in the lndoneela gamer oi the New Emerglnu Form tihln In clocked In BM mode two recond better than the tumor record held hy Marla titlna oi thattovlet Union ment Act townrhlpa with low naaeumentr which cannot maln ialn minimum level at road expenditure without impoelng an undue tar burden on their ralcpayera quality tor aubaidy you match its famous children She said Judas war nalbla ion the over throw the iamtiyr regime In South Viet Nam AP Wire photo and local lag war mixed with asphalt rather than aand or crushed atone The aeetlon began getting clippery when wet certain the ace denir sign ha been erected in warnmotorlrta To Extend Act OTTAWA CHTho govern ment Intends to extend the Emergency Gold Mining Aralrt anee Act for three and push bly tour year beyond ita pro cnt expiry date oi Dee at it war teamed Wedneaday government policy state ment on the extension probably will be made within the next tzlddaya government room Maire Inquiries OTTAWA CF The town ment war aaked Wodnelday whether Prealdent Hal Rania ol the Sealarera international Union oi Canada had permin rlon oi the courts to leave the country while tree on bail alter being charged with eonlpiraey to oomrnit aarault iurtlce Mlnlrter Chovrler told Eldon Woolllema PC Bow River he will make Inqulrlea Mr Hanks attended conven tion at th Maritime Trader Department at the AMIO In New York earlier thia week Sues Police IORONN CPI An Ont lerlo Supreme Court iury awarded 83000 to liens Paul Kroll ruburhan Scarborough Wednerday eitcr decldlngcthat Kroll had been brutally liter by two Toronto police detective North 13 mt Kroll Wu rulng DetAi Victor Jackron and Del William Mitchell ior llniuriel that he arid he uiierod when he oillcer beat him while he was undergoing interrogation at police headquarterr AVIS RENT CAR cart us TODAY PA 6l4l2 CQIMbmyiï¬y IIold Hunters It Responsible In Deaths mammal Que lentNa Ottawa district hunters have been held criminally responai ble by coronera iurlea here ior the death oi two other hunter In separate accident near this town on miles north oi the na tlonat capital In Hull Que Wednesday night Plarrafiache lawyer re tained by the hunterenaald he expect charger will laid in View at Orcar LaFlammo Pontiac Cro Attorney raid in Camp Bay Que thAt no deci alon on charge will be made until he he tudled the oitlctal illea on the carer Whichhe had not yet received He denied report earlier Wednerday which had him ray ing charges would told and Wrndshrel touch at the finger and the centrally mountd Minvi divest powerful oil In to the Vladahlall Munroe tbroujb the inquest verdicts rendered nresday night that the men would appear in court at Campbelt Bay on Novo 27 The accident which tool the limo Vlonny James or oi Beauharnole Quet and Laurie Courlneau also as oiLac Cay ament Que occurred abou comer oasouNes conn srrvrcr STATION arm on AT Pennants to 10 pm Fri and Sat am to it pna Mon through Thorn ll WASHE lhra nuao duh Corner complete with large 398 Windrhllld wmm AntiFreeze un 54 $4 NolaRaster PlilttiE Gorillalien doni II ulllloflln lo II lint lull lull clonal rntiu mite min roll nany 98 El LASS FURNACE FILTERS or em he can humr Ir lamu Io amren urrori RadialorFlnsh ammo not cute in mm amen 1D alleviation and veliateo etiklanry II lrllh Harrie may prevent ulir attaching elmI lino elur permanent fllhll IIel munt tour been apart not at on the tame road in buah jaroundtae Coyament about 25 mile couthwertoi Manlwakl Roland Samaon re oi Otta waa rnhurhan Eartvlew war found erlrnlnaligl negligent by Jury in the dea of Jame Open Randi non to it ums Repiree burned on hudlarnpr at Canadian vutev aavl IIAM Siceln water co to lulu and tool like bum Warmielha touch Perim bret log ual rllp 74 balm etc attractive eoieuia WINDSHIELD PROTECTOR Cavern the vladahiald replme hi overnight or drytlrae peril It eluv at new too are without delay Io only uulla to put vavut it Drive nay ice to run Tater ea or mam Unl 74 FROST SHIELD SET 29 mum freaIJvIa vlaioa readythem altotr are lead umth loin Caulth Mural Comma Wr toru Cm White 11 Iluin oath canraroo ma CAULKING ouu lava tnL my but tear on Smooth vat oi action my to ten UK In In Li Pursue STORM wmoow KIT me am nor an out and levy thee who llttlna no tannin in one 24 mm llln BRAKES RELIIIED AS LOW AS 69 LWNIIL IIT IXCHANGI hoe intention and mi Ina revvloe vaalae thia Inuitlira allpie and only the lone tnielior DohVermtt and revel SHODK ABSORBERS NIW CAI QUALITY Invent rile docile Meio was Hauntrequ MIn abetno wt mavhvambevnetcvrtdo yoer GUARANTIIti Your ioooo miter llVE FREE metal nmwv and reel ml an III lb Mill II nears 26 Dunlap MENS WEAR 5i Weai SPECIAL SKI Jrcrtrrs Compare at $1695 $995 eech ANDERS 10 DUNLOP ST MENS wean narrate frame your ignition vymn at arm Dee ltYoumll urinal Dnllned to nature Original uviennrnu Kit lneludu every thing to tintelm tunaup lab match ed pelnir harry duty unionu and dlrIehia rem Ar in Electric DRILL lib The moat versatile praclrlonmada tool tor remodelling or iopairia Va capaci tyln ateal In hardwo Zampl15 volt motor lightweight Geared chuck with tray Complete with It card and plug he in all ma twitch Iny anion llaamlp EASY rams To Suit Your Budget WE Install What We Sell Quailiied tlconsed mechanlcr MWMI labour rate in town flavour MW anmm 433m iï¬no Unlock1 hoe Muliliuflec IMAM all ANADIAN Tl Assocrarr src faucet room but rrfo neuter mw FOR MONTH CONTEST uetlnmmnrlllngnewcmmmmm mumimammmmnoowv mwammmuutuanmm