If 995 av fix SW volunlm Intman who nd mlucd scum alum Hm one of them lulu was Icnlmccd Wad nudny In to 20 yeun In Sin Shun prlmm The proxecuuon quoted he ddcndnm Richard Swncl 25 nylnr um whtn he had In drink be an um to Hm hemm hl Inland pulling lhcm out WILL HELP EBKIMOS OTTAWA CPIMember of ha Cooperallvn Union Cu ndn will he Inked lo donut 01211000 hll yur mnlnly to pm vlda Cnnndlm Enamel with lu pervllion And zuldnnco ln 1h cu opernllvu movemenl Thu 120000 he mm let for he 1m co operulvu Curr Mme tuna uniIna ampIn remand by lhI CoOpIrllm nlon al Camdl Th undl will bu wlchod next Mirth 711 PLEADE NM GUILTY HAMILTON CPI Frodrlck nrawn an year old dlblmd lawyer pludcd not lulll New dny lo chum ol lhtfl con vcrllon Iundl rum om of MI rllrnllr win lhn Int ll raunll lulu prrlenm Ind ll count of Ihcfl by mnvenlon nulnnl llrawn In be hard In county court here UNION TIW PM LONDON lllmlrn TM Clvil Sm Unlan hu llltd In In nutmm In It mud gullIla murhlnury or Quoen llurklnflum Palm Under oxlmnl union mo logt unï¬l TO PRESENT BRIEF MONTREAL CmA brief on wlde mm of community Ind mnnlcipal needl will In pra unlcd lo Prime mum Paar san and the cdcrnl cablnet in Oltawa loday by nu Cmndlnn chcrmlon MIYOII Ind lIu nklpalltln Olher my web Bl loouu cubs and teen own have mod the hall tree providlnz they elem Itlup slitwards council WI We discussed this year Igo Mr Gardner 531d Were giving that ball or nothan to certain organlnllons In town 11 than groups are natanx up in the mm lhe agreement In wa would make them pay nn Complaint ram dlnclnz Ichoal director about tha dirty Hoar upmlu at thc town hall led councll lo pm mollon to have It clenned The dandnt Ichool pay lloporday rental fee yon use ol the qecond floor Another delegate appearing before council was George Lllk Tecumselh Township represent Ing Corrugated Pipe Sim lord He proyided price aw makes for Ike cost of culved 5x enelon to hwrova entrance Luxuries am am Mr Benn south durum uon mm council Ibo his sm ua He Hm In house trailer them This we hinge on tho ownership oqtgome If turn out you own It the procedure to take the up pllcauon In the lawn planning board Councfllor Frank Bud Engine told Mr PptennIn Dradlard maiden George Bennett and Mt Femman brought their problem to comr clL Mr Pelerman wanted per mission lmn councfl to build home on rightofway floni the canal bank lending Lo hll premises Issue In owner Ihlp oi Iho rightolway Council told him query wouid go In the county nelury allies find out the rightMaw boa longs to the lawn or to Mr Petermnn Frank Cawan Insuranu Azency Ken Tupllng Bradlord Ind Rick McCIeIlnnd appeared be are council for an hour to ex lnln provision In the townl auxante renewal contract WHO OWNS ll apeclal meeting wlll he nud zd next mud to chum new police chief mm mm the appllcaflons Iubmltled by the pm dcadline There are already nln applicaunm clerk Myqu Davey 91d coungfln Prohauanary police chic Ireland resigned at Ihe endul October He came to Brgdlorgllhls syflng Councllu neif minimj meet Ing comes on llama BRADFORD Slam Town council her Nesdny nnemaan wndtd through mum agenda here In mhour session But evgn ach wgrk damp um um nun ropaglnaysm NY up Police Chiéfsought By Bradfordcouncil WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Onl 4C by Terran Equ Ulnflllh hvnllnl Ar ma Ion hunting ll iriIlIy in penal Kl ml NDv unmncrd llgglll my Dlmurik lhm oc CE Alp DIIOI BY MISTAKE CARACAS AP Mistakan cad olhnr lar lumrm guerril Ias police Ind nalIanaI Knuds mm loutht gun haulo In lhn mountIn of Woman Lara Stale Wednnday unnmclnl rt porn 51ch No 50141211 repamd killed VOTE FOR DRIVE UNITED NATIONS UPD Unlled Nation Economic Commmn voted overwhelm Inxly Wudnndny or world wide drive to wipe nut lllllmcy It Adoyled mutton mquUan Ilmed at leaching Ill ullmalud mum at he worldn popula tion haw la rud And wrlla nuke told mu conlar enco lhcre hu bun tremen dous breakthrough In Indian ro lnuom batman United sum Ind Canndl Imunimï¬ï¬lci Any chum In the lubdlvl Ilon numemenlvwould need Ip pmvnl 1mm he Ontario Munici pll Bvud Mr Evan pointed out To preach the OMB coun dl woul need mm the cult can dam completion of un vlcel lnmlled their mt Ind InspectorI rcpam Indicating 11 service were up to nmdard mum lhan let Involved with the OMB deputymvo Fred Cook suggested would be 11mp ler or um town In th maln Imnu bang lhmuuh own Youre nur anglneer Mr Evan said Get Proctor Ind Redfam to lubmn which commendation to lhll afloat then well consider ll Mr Zimn uld he couldnt at he munlenuco bond mm in lumco Mendel became they alt the Amount wu too mall to be woflh their whfle Mr Zlmn spokesman wu Ml en Ineer Ken Chllds Proctor and mm Toronto who Ilsa the town enllneer Mr Child 102 blast mm Comdllor 1b Evnm or In zullng mundl might mnko al lawmn In the subdlvlllan reement to hilp Mr Zimn Luxury Home Builder Iuir divider John Zlmn Brndloni bouth munclll halp wilh on of hi pmblems He uld even had It him about $0000 short of enough maney to cover $19000 maintenance bond 1h band would be on road work mm min Ind udewnlk nerv Icel for the Iubdlvmon SPONSOR SAFETY PRIZES Again thin year council will provlde the or rlze money And coloring book or the mi Ic may program being mm in landlord wheels Comtabll Jlm Thom son who in conclud lnz lhl tr ng mum wn com mended hy council or lllln un demlrlnz thin pmject hlrnlnl lo Another Item mm the Depmmenl of Human mum declddln lend use to flu ihlzhwm sten nnd copy to An EVInly Slmeoe Connd Theproluc lulu would ask the DHO to luv Bndlord urvlcaduh nun In their pmem locations jun amid the lawn Iimm In High way as AIocnl DHO stall member has ordered the lervlce clubs to tear than down and replace them within the lawn 11mm Towns Ill ovu lhe pmlnee have servlce club slm on DHO pmperty oumde the mul clpal bomdarlu one council lor protested Why erld landlord be an uceptlon Cant Beat dunk GAS Emma thin Irmpamlbla ldlon In Red Gum Illd then le employee hlVl been dluhmed And hm been no mulled Th lnchmlollm flirted lheh pmtul mowmml 1m many And uld they wuld Mun la Mum Iark until 1M um Allow them Imp hm Inl lholr Havana lechnoléum all women Id Ihoy In underplld and Wedneme nub hut 51 blood ï¬ghnlglozimh wgm Wflkfd agilho em as ev Incu havo been Ilred The Red Cm uld In mu menl the employee ndlon wu ukenwkhaul my Idvuce no Ilce to those in chm1e or the blood lranlmlon dm In Mant ml Ind knowing well am Inch Action could impede lho VI opmlkm the depot It however thl 1hr dew II lo operm Ind carry out In ruulu dune OWL CHTho Que bec pmvincm divlllon of flu anldllp Regï¬ml umounced to let touih with the owner ai dwellin It 10 Bosnian Ave who put addition on thin imm without building permit Hi Attampt to not building permit in wt In extension on the Ad gitkan mm the matter to on Council decided to older to maul oi the lint Iddilian on the understlndlng the owner would be pmleculed ior ialluu to comply with the edict York Baniutian nrbm re moval being done here in No vember on trial bull in col ieciinl llvonbie common Iound lawn council renorted One exception was mentioned by Mr Gardner He laid oi one resident pullinl on $500 worth oi merchandile panelled up or return shipment lo store It wu picked up by thinking In the arkecqiiegio iu uid Six Red CrossWorkers Fifed Charge Irresponéibility Public lchool camphlm about male not picked up not randy answer from council The 4511 contllnen med Ltha 2th too heavy or 232 men 1m council oblerved cqmvpumun health lnmdorn comp In um 11mm wan mu hem dumped lhl runner llna dump wu dInnlned by town luperlntendem Bob Button 0n ly canaleta Ill and brush hav been unloldod here lately he WWW When Mlym Joe Mann In lhledon written momma dntlan Mr Child uld Proctor and Redlem would no monk mand the town bruk the Nb division agreement Whit the my do provide precodem Child nhnuld rovldo morn do tgflpq Narmada on um nub division woxk dun um connin cdnin hi regular 11mm ro Thll Illunuon mun hm come up helm In other muni dnufldu Mt Slawn Argued How did My handlo Council objected in Mr Chiidl verbli nmenulionn chiming it wil lmpehibin to deal with Inch technical bind when liz ure are only being bailed xcund in the lit Mr Child nid he was onl livinu nnoui line the nitua ion Written re port muld come allowup Em ii the lawn ehthe mninlemnce bond or Mr 21ml Reeve Bruce Stewart icli Mr pnyde ghlnuld provide more Pholnogrlphijm Dunlap It PA um overworked They uld hey wen doing work um mqulrcd 10 lechnnloglsla Ind were gel ling $505 month whm novice were belnzlpald mo In one Montreal lupin Gama male bunlneu Id mlnlstrnlnr he blood service hborMaricl said he womens complaint are mmplmly un lounded and untrue Prime Mlnlner Peanan and hl Liberal were described an callous nlppant and Inn Id the Conlemuvu wera no el ur the New Democratic Party wu Iympalhetlc but 11er move qhead or public aplnlon and the Rllllement do Credi Hates wh mu thinking about pally Thay Illo inmplalned had 29 New ThSamdenu couldnt remem bar whather anyone hld Ieen 5°51 Mid immanen OTTAWA OP group unlvmlty student campaizn In tor nuclear dlsnrmnmem In terviewed politician and party leader Wednesday and later expressed disappointment In Calmdns pollycal lyltem Liberals Callous Students Claim President Kennedy wkh hls laughing wlh beside him ra ielves jeweled dkkJrom mp Hiddenuon wu huded by MOVIE FILM Kodachromu ll null KENNEDY RECEIVES GIFT DIRK 35 rice area toask whether our arelzn Hwy lyllem candy lent W1 our valua Iyllem Ind to nsk about the prncllcnllty of our present mm whether It Is gain to end us out ho present system 01 world enor wa ind aumlvu in Mr Papa told men conlerznca the end he delegntlanl mund nu univanny organization he nld In about 5000 my rlera acmu Canada And he En complzled ourdny meet delegate In Monmll We came to Ottawa to brlnz more basic quuunnll la the mind oUhe novemmem and leadgn lg gpa war Imhur Pepe philosophy graduata ol the Unlvenity Toronto who II federal chair nun ol the Combined Univenl llea Campaign or Nuclear DIE nrmnmenl Ha nld he was pald by the Canadian Committee or Nuclear Dllarmamcnt le Manllu On Your Two Yur Monlhl Ono Vur Twa Vurl Mal Winnie Gray bummer of Black Watch gamma We mamm Of MW 550000 In The BARRIE EXAMINER Mail subscription Contest MRS JAMES MORGAN Rupmomlng MlnulngMIdhum Phono PA 740 HERE ARE iHE POINTS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WINNER THROW OFF OR BY MAIL THROW OFF OR BY MAIL Ill be calling on you soon With YOUR Help on RENEWAL WILL nah FOR Ml scnaouu or POINTS NEW IUBSCRIPIIONI Could Be RENEWAL SUBSCRIPYION 26060 and Mr Gordon uld that thin you he hal uked or probud rep1 rammiqu to be mad balm the and al Jlnulry Ind mun ugly in December OTTAWA CHFinlncc Min ister Gardin Indieled Wadnn day ha in no Iaiutiou to the dilemmn oi how to Achiovo Id vnnceponruitalian with the pub lie on um traditional ucrei lil nuni budm Ipeecilu Ha mid tha Common in bu wondered whethar it would ha prmicai hm mm at public dilcuuionl lhlld of iimc to the view And nautical oi utopia But he Added it mm to me lint tbs moment tho but an do in inviu tho princiin cunnin tionli mum to put amrd their ideu it in ovammani have the bandit oi iiuir ideal In early my Ind nut huvo time brieil Ind lliflelllonl coming lion liter in min budget yroponil hIV bun pretty wii mi Gordon Seeks Publics View ed digitalis and Wuhkm tmn children on the WM House mums lwmmdyv AP Wirephoto 000 000 point l000 palm In September Ilono exporu mo nlpor to $566500 000 mm19500000 year an Baumtad vllno or 1963 third qlmtu wan ummm the bureau munic nld Wodneaday compare with ummmo in the pnvlws qunmr Ind about lopemem IIflIIP lhnn Ihe third quarter 962 Thu In Ipyenred to be mou enunly In volume IMP mlntl DBS aid The name level of man prim wu about the um yen urller mum Qummï¬ In 52 whom Imam Item the lame period In 1061 Total expon Ior um um nine man it we pun vexlad acceded the 7003 mark for Illa flat time an hey the mend consecutive quar tarly Heard TOROMO CF rebuke by no Prub Ierlm mlnlum Im Men lava ed at the Author rentml editorial In The Vmity linden nawmper ol the Unlvmlly 1mm flil linemen inued by tho mlbgery ai West Toronin Ilid Vanity ediiadni ex sreuly included mere iq iclxmni oi the Christian church claiming ii display iay Ind piniiludas wary The ediiomi chimed SIMCOE HEARING 55 CENTRE am III maln In min In Mm polmm mm 0m pm mm In um 00 hurll DIMM of km lululuau lull1 AIM Hm Mama Amman 1mm NOVEMBER it In Canadian Exporth Reach New High showed wldolpmd Ministers Hit UOf Paper FREE HEARING AID CLINIC DURING OUR OFFICIAL OPENING FRI SAT NOV 151M I6NI I0 am to pm AT 100 DUNlOP ST HEARING AID USERS Thll Ii public Iorvlco you an un dor no obllgnvlon Io purdmo Inylhlng W0 hlVl arranged wlih lnlormllonal Hurlng Ald Co to Hm vhnlr chlof mhnlclan hurt for two dlyl only Ho will chock your Aid roglvdlm of mlko or modal Clunlngalono wlll often lm man lho offkloncy of Hllrlnfl Aid on much 25 GOOD NEWS You Are Invited To Take Advantage Of Our Nox to Canadian llro FOR All Shipment to Communlll China m300000 Ihomd comidanble drop tom flu yelpearlier Iota umoom due to mulla whm uporu West Germany 13200000 mull um All South Ameflcn 022606 000 up 10 per cent gain both on commin Ind xunauon buiz Export to lh Uniied sum rose 43 per cm to 5971900 000 in the third quarter and over nine month this yen in increan WI 44 per cent 01 32753000 Third quarter siiipmanu id Briiain advneed 143 per ml in ammm and in the in nine munlhl were il7pamni higher smmmo Some bther flnémonlh gum with Inclum mm In mm pogdlng Jpn period other Cnï¬manwwlh coun rlgl 3291mm up as per cm minions 1n lingan Onward ChiMan Soldiers and consoled bereaved hmlllu wnh lull The them mill was Ihat Remembnm ply Nov 11 was mmquo tum launded on the hypoqu oflpalllicllm and the Claim church Religion laden convinces the trulh Chrllflnnfly blened map In they wen on to kill other men mama cl n11 dqlgomlnqllnng lgd thejr c0111 139 mm in