Christmas Corsages Made By Speaker Thu November hrfllng fluronln School Supporter wnI GETTING THE FINAL okay rem convnncr Mrs Srlglef 1m MnuBolly MncDonnd hung the last decoration on Her Slmcl United Church Fel lowship all was the focus Mention tho Four Sensors am Shnp Bnnnr lea and bake sale hold ycslorgny unar noon The Christmn dlsplay TllE PLATFORM AT Coll CHRISTMASTEA TIME HIGHLIGHTSSEASONM0UND9THECITY Buy New or laynway For Chrixlmu PA 643 Phone PA 61312 To Reserve Your Alter bunlncu wnl condude very enjoyabla dcmomtrnuan wnl ginn by Mr Prnll rum the Hobby shop nnlsted by Mu held at Dayalulrs Lodge Mlncll Polni lha while Mn chncr look on Thu roe wnl part ha Chrhtmu decor at tho Holly Ton hbldv St which blanketedlilo Huge was arranged by members the Amlly Grnup Arrangement Included cvcrylhlng Imanln able do in he Iesilve 59m sun lnclud ng candles Chris mns table covers mmoplcces Euchre party will be held on Nov IE at Wm at Buy Llaln Lodge with preocch or chlldrcnu Chrlumu party Fruit and Mn Webb an mnklnz ribbon rm Chrlumul comm Jolmhl Audllorlum Inn eve nlnx by member lhc CMJI ollc Wumenl hum Exam lner Photo Sï¬clla Rodger when on nl the mlorlul on Christmas flocking to hung on har tree with Shelln her mother Mrs Jnhn Rodgers cocmlvencr of tho bazaar novelty am Ideas and red ell 5prgnlpove Igvmyenr 41k nursing care ll needed here are we nursing horn in Bunk and many more In the arm we In two Comty Homes Dr Murphy Ink qua uom to uk helm choosinl nunlnl hm Do Ihey bo Iana colha Nursing Home mmlon 11 then Renata ed Num 1n residence An there common room for mu ll falhion than with in comfort in Tiles pmblems all hm three flatworm Phylical Eco nomic and Paycholozlcnl Php lnlly tho oIder citizen can be helped by the vuxung Hame maker VON Cancer Society mid Rod Croat loan Cupboard Problems 0f Sénior Citizens Discussed By UCW Speaker 2118 T0 ll AAM lo WWW EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE nu I4 mum Phana PA 571 llrllfllhop 0m from to 1250 Ind medium lull Ulhcrlnl 111 hi lnIn uum mm In Iofl luxurioun Iuedt Our uclmlvl HM ol putdo clmlu lot milndy lam um hut ï¬lm lnhlon Ilyllnn In lull tnlam lingerle on with moron lull brmled bull in high ï¬AIhéu is iifbii 0ND IDW lfllCl ERMANENTS In luxurious Suede $999 550 Dr Murphy wal lmpmxed wllh the acllvmu of the But no Sénkn Clflzem Cluh She loll um thin orzammlon mod need In the community And gm th membm semi otbehzamlulnmbaoim oonununny hid they are Ecammlcnlly the banker In lunnce 0mm and the Ninth ul Employment mice are all ready and able give advice and assistance Psychological can also be cured In Hub age group just any minor but heip is not to rzadlly available atlanT Does the Ital have polllive altitude KAY 5139 AND 00 Dunlap St PA um Hun Peacock Prop BARBER SHOP till 5mm Mum Telephone Orders Accepted PA 60245 1279 Skids 3th Just check this the of pmfwhm speciï¬cations Then hurry over xlghz now or this onwinHiteï¬me ofled Heavy duty woven stripe emuInn Extrach botdzr tin Raiuent mo ï¬nnenpriny Same Iongwearing type of bedding as made especially for many fine motels and hotels throughout the country Imugino Now you can enjoy chk luxurious motd sleeping comfort right in your own homd TEN DAYS ONLY Features the mm Includ ed Iewlng tablenmonvencd by Mrs Forle and Mn We link table convened by Mrl Perrier and MrlG Nonmew denn white elephan lables convened by Mm Engler and Mu MucDanaId man Penny Table undcr the cam venmhlp Mn Ron Gard ner and Mn ban Gardner prov ednfluna populan VlHBVIEarWaséénvoncd by Mrs Mcfluzh wIlh Mrs Bren lnn Mn Brlcn En Mc Fall Bazaar Bake Sale Tea Ind Bingo spammed by the Am 1qu Catholic womenl Lealue and under the genus convene fldp 01m president Mn Morrisoppwns held In our Lady 01 Gram School Angus war the Hut Inch mien named 01er by the 11 Active league jmembm BARRIE EXAMINERLIEUKEDAY NOVEMBER 14 Angus Catholic Womens Leagué Hold Successful Tea Bazaar Special Perm lmnlmon oi um ï¬rmneu longer rm ExtrMhick botdzr wire odu Latin Inning Mikhhgbonpflngwilbreinfm conduction dullcu Mischa um um Vie Winners of ihs Door Prim were MiL Gilbert and Min Sandra Cariien The dran 85 well an the draw an the Penny Tabla Articles were made by Ike principal of our Lady of Grace School Mrs Smith Father Schwalm parish mm was In attendanccrlor P511 the evenlng but was unable Io day due to throom mflmenu Boxwomtbï¬ HURRY Delarenm and Mrs 17 ONeil were In charge of the Don Ralflo llckdl doll to In drawn or at the Dec 2nd mgeungplilha CWL An 51 P311151 was rattled agd thevwlnner was Mm Tony Also on nle vie Christmn card and caiendarl Looked alter by tha school ch Vle naming lass1