1mm rm netIIIva mum mm Ian an um In Inn rm mo no Am mm ah MAI II lull In who man um um Auan mm mu dmuum Nut and Il IM All mun Au IIIKIIAIL UNNIMI II mu umu rm It In nun In Unl mm cum nu M4 Innt mum Ml 1m in um nu mm mml Hall York Counly Councll followed the Richmond Hill Acllon by passing re mluunn nsklnu exemption from the frhnmnl Code or lccrcdllul service clubs fundralle molhodl Tho preli Inn Icrvlcn club In Kllchcncr uld Ihnl Iuch club mny lmvn Abandon their financial nld to charitable causes Ontario Premier John Roberts made the comment following the OFF action that Canadian public opinion was ready for an min at the lottery aectton ot the Crlmlna Code governing binxea auto rattle and draws AttorneyGen eral Frederick Cm said it was not department oliey to initiate le ai action against serv co club or churc groups Several year age local club was order ed to close down game oi ehanco It downtown carnival allowing minis tertnl complaint The minister involved said he complained liter call tram several women at his congregation con cerning money lost by their huxbanda in this case we think the minister was perfectly right In doing It obviously the men involved were osing money which should have gone home Aumonna rou on mm mm mu mu mun Inna MI IImm uumn Imam tutu lulu mun Imam mmmnn Mum mu While not condoning gambling public reaction in the Richmond Hill area has been strongly against this police action None of those who bought tickets were pressured into the purchase and pre sumany all felt they could afford the donation for that in effect was what it was But the police were only doing their duty having to act on specific complaint Under Section 179 of the Criminal Coda of Canada raffles for prizes of small value may be held for charitable or religious pur oses but only if the articles raffled ave tirst been offered for sale and none of them has value exceeding 350 The matter of lotteries held by ser vice clubs to raise funds for their wel fare work is much in the news again Last week Ontario Provincial Police gambling squad officers forced cancel lation by Richmond lliil Lions Club of $0000 elimination draw on threat of raiding dinner dance The club re funded $13500 which had been collect ed by sale of $25 tickets As result more than $7000 will not be available for buys and girls work planned in tho community Ease Lottery Section Of Code To Raise Charitable Funds The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher Will 3112 23m Ekamimr Published by Canadmn Newspapersv Lumléq 16 Hayfield Street Bums Ontano shu Emu Slalxht THURSDAYLN0VEMBEI 61 Pll Fvorlblu rucllan ll Already repelled rum both 1ch the city of colmccllon llld lhII hold out me extmn poulblmy lhll won achieve whn diplomacy hnx bungled branching the Barlln Wllh lln SHORT DIPLOMACY lrodrlcmn Gleaner Tho lnlcrnltloml Olymplc Commllm not Ilwnyl nulcd or III wildom hu romn up with food ldu nalhlnx Inn to hold the non Onmoa In Berlin 301 Wu Berlin or Eulnarlln bul Bcr However other aervlca clubs do mu money through car drum and blngox We have no nollccd or heard of Any cvll enacts on the mural those who hnvo bnughl Ilckcls as yet But nmhllng or prlvntu rom ls mmclhln so III Ind hero mould be no clan of any lec llonn of Ihe Crimlml Come in lhal re eat We do agree with the editor Unllcd Church Oblorvcr In clon lng llalcmcnl Gamblng In nullgn ant gmwlh in nur sorlcly ha grcnl mr rnslvc cvll In pmlblu because no mnny clllzen are nhxvsml wllh palslon to gel lomethlnn or nothing In 1040 Klwnnls lnlcrnatlonn passed molutlon It the Annual convention member by an overwhelming majorlly and It has been club law ever time No uharlmd Klwnnln club Ihall on mr or pnrllclpnle In my manner Iollory raffle drnwlng or game of chance or the purpose raising lunds The above editorial writer of course rhouhi know his acts bctore pultin them down on paper And who want call crippled or retarded children de lin uenlt We do know that Rotary in nrrie raises iunds by selling bar becued chicken on Civic Holiday and by an annual radio auction The Ki wanis clubs in Barrte raise money by roll lng peanuts Scottish biscuits and Geor zlnn Bay apples The usually reliable United Church Observer carried the following state ment in recent editorial increasing numbers at people are ï¬etting sick of gambling gimmicks for re stn tunds tor Lions Rotary Kiwanis and ot er service clubs especially when the laws are brok en by leading citizens to secure tunds or projects to help llttle boy not to become juvenile delinquents Now this Is rather broad resolution and all service club should not be in cluded for not all service clubs raise money by raffle or blngas and recognlzed health foundations tresent gOVErnment reslrlcllonr are con lnued The resolution passed by his club sald servlce clubs have resorted to raffles blngos and games of chance to raise money to fight suflerlng slcknesa and miseryl Governments would be creed to bear the complete burden for supplylng funds or treatment may and research If servlce clubs quit resolutlon sald OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Slalth Gqural Mariam liol mum Fm Um pumler pull hlmull ller rnnvlnrluly um um Incllnn Io helm In Mm Inf hymd mt ptmm 1an on Mum Wuh Mr ulmll mm ml he one my mmth 3n Imuunu and pm In not hvlnglnl oul Ihre unlll mm mm pnmlu um mm ml on nu lull nl Mr llvbnll EvilI hnnwin Ullu hum on my ml Il dawn 1le 51m 12an Itlrrl Ill urnrm my all dlvnu nmny full limo In and wrap up myk nulleuqulrhln pub wmmlllu hm an porlnllle pmllnlll lnr In I1llfllWD luul n1 lhm yum an Ill rm lnnl lnlo hm In mm lhry actually cnuld Imnck nu ma odorl program Jun an nu Mm hry mitt II lhe prunirrl mud ommlllu Io Ihnly HI My inn ulfcl cummuu nl Ihe dflll hnuw lmllla um Hu lludy munl hy public rnmmllm nu In lho Inlcrvlrw ho wrnl lnlo ha ovetllonl In norm Ill IIII And ram them one am ulmanl ny bye by to 3m lad pin or an llml al mL ILUIILK CflMMlTTKE 111m wrr mm nmwm hl wnnled ha nld Princlpnlly Whll would hwcn to exlnllnz ï¬enllan alum In Onllrlo um 1m lhl lmprminn would no loo Unlll bin Mr mme puMIc objection to In plln hld been reï¬llvely mild The elmlun wu aver and now ho wouldnt hive in mm flu oppomlnn In lo no unlll lh ulan uvn an In exclu Ilve inltrvicw an objecllom lohn 13qu Penulon Plan TORONTONona of In like In hten llktll And Premier flohl mm but dam b1 ql gun Jabon us qualllled alum mend ram 10 lo yearn or My medical degree his Inma Ihlp and medulla Irnlninzt ï¬nd no reason to think that here Is any ahoncul by man an alagist can get better rnlnlng quicker lhun Ihut Treatment at hnlr Mldc mm Certain Akin dlsénsu can cause loss of llalr cim do Inmething About lam You need daclnr who has special lzcd In Ikln diseasesI dorm lnIaalst So In one He can all whclher your problem can he helpad Very rarely will It be somethlni that can relluhly 17 predicted to require manths of lrealmanland wllh guar antae abundant har Inlet ynz yhysh clan automatically smancr Ihnn anyonv else but do ny that Mllï¬alfln ll Imponank QUEENS PARK There are also temporary losses hair whlch correct lhemselves er MI per san with such trouble happzm to go In Irlcholnxlsx and he hair resume grawlh the lrlcholngm taken All the credit If Ihe hair doesnt grow back the ymon ï¬nally give up and he lrlchologlxt ï¬nds Inmebudy else II Now Im no nolnz lo cang damn all nonmedical hall lreal meuls Lot them are belnz advcrllsed4 because there Are many penple who have or lhlnk they have scalp trouble Im wllllng la tar as to my hat doubtless some of lhem do lame nadl But wont recommend any of lhem Why Becnuse here dily ll one at the Mg laclon lu lass halr and we cant charlie what he been rune mlllcd an even lrlchnlu gist can do that Trlcho mean halr Ind oloxlxl means that somebody claim to be learned In lhll branch of Itudy nu union ht 01011 has In MD or 130 mar his name he ha not had thorough medical training Only those two degrees slgnlfy It um One Can Almost Say Bye Bye To Pension nun mm It come to any akin dlacau than no cur or 11 What do you MumJ am willing to give qlry but my husband uya the treat ments may make me mo my hair lozglhar anqlhal when By Jgsam woman MD Den Dr Molnar went to Mchalazln because my half getting very lhln Hg tells me have scalp disorder He had name or which Tarzan have to to am week or Ive or slx months or long as In necemry My hair wmcome 1n thicker and tha Ialllnl will mm In lays Olherwhe will aventw ally corglnzhw Mm Tommi coon HEALTH DON OIIEARN SkinDisééséCanW cause L685 01 Hair CULINMW COUME MAMIW Cl The Bonlh rm Alberll Inxlflula Trc mlnny Im Ilarlm Ill mnlnl culinary cum lhe Ilrll mm but 50m Immo klng lha nixwed mum Mulch cmphulm Id vnnud mollnl lrthnlquu lovlnl Mm unnot hear lo cllyor mumIll Into mun dmy How much weep mllon lull unu our hm mm am In behold ah and wept omflf 15m lml Hr lha uh ol conllnulnl public lnllh In Mm we win hl would lenll do lhll murh Along wllh Hill loyalty MI never lven any axlemlve gut 11 up nnlllan 01 why In mor lhg prlygle Held In lhu lnlurance lndmlrf And Ilonx wllh this In unwnverln loynhy prlvall Inwrlncm Dunlap llmv Wu Thll II the close pcmnnl locllllon had with men 5mm momï¬ have noticed in so many places Ihal those ciaullmphabic creasolcd wealhcrbonrd nctx which divide gardans and which wail many In niherwlu num Ilvc mm are coming down In increasing numbrra And have taken note I004 hnimnny oi the mi brick wall which have inr gentralinns wrraundtd lav eiy old home and laidtlil are being demoilaiud ii limos lcnml an ii low Iau Kile iixhl oi dny 11 he Iilnwcd in pen am remlndod the old Ion Dont Fence Me In whlch woo popular nboul generation ago ll Iubjecl wax cowboy who Just could no 1qu fences And the lden hchlnd Ihol old Ian ll oklnz hold of man Ind more ho people or Erllaln Ioday FENCES COMING DOWN LONDON neat change is taking place In the lace oi the English countryside it is very noticeable as one travels around the country And it is also seen in the new suburban areas which are eprinzinu up eround London and some oi the other large cities of Britain it is change which ll all the more strikinl to people who can recall Britain II It was 50 your ago or even 20 years and as country in which people were It obsessed with the lulu oi maintaining the privacy of their homes that they surrounded thcm with hilh wall of stone or brick And even in more modest rostdcnceatonces as high as 10 tect used to be quite normal ss dividan lines between their gardens l0 that chatting with neighbors over the garden fence common pu time and custom in Connda was that out oi the question So my Advice II to In to mm ane recommended by our reg ular phynlclnn He wll Ipprove only medium The Maxim may be Angry me or uylnl 1M1 but Iha tnnh barberan and benuly parlor care depends on understanding lho skin So many thlnn can gnu It lblooduupply pm nanny pause dlmm and mm disorder thll full medical lrnlnlnz ha only ha or grgntrnenl mom mom UK NEW Suburban Areas Are Springing Up By MtINIYRE HOOD BUFFET HAPPY HARRY LEEK AI TM Plano WELLINGTON HOTEL Mdl of our ollxcr Ildlnl Inclnllnnl In I6 Tornnla Am Arrlum lhmmlm append nu Dun Mull man Bul hmdly lha ruldenl Ihe plum Yar cmbomulh Comrnlm AI IUOIL Hub Crollry lewd prawn Ihnl hll nlllclnl rldlnx nuoclnllan Alwuhl Ipomur flu Dan MIIII Mn nllonnl vrly convrn lln hrdulfd tanking molullnn drmmdlnl party Iudmhlp convenllon by June rm ued Maudy III cloud mull of the umlnl cummluu 01 Comemllvu club In nuhumnn Dan MINI TM mmmlun include yramlncnl Ioul allch Mr Dlercnbn HI ludmhlp TORONTO CP mu mu move dullan John Dlrlcnblkerl Iudmhiy lhv Imxmllve Conmvnllu pally Inn lnln nppaulflon Tutthy 1mm puny nplnlun huh up In mm The new Brllnln that II com In Into helng wllh the bulldlnl hundrads lhouxnndl of new homes In Insclnnunl lhlnz to watch Nowadays homes are be Inu hulll very much an the Can ndlnn pnllcrn the ground In concerntd wlh open lawn runnlnz down lhl lldcwnlkl bordered with flower body In lhe vllhue In whlch llva Ml II the pallcrn 11 hr new houninz developmmu Ind II lremendaul improvement on the dark lull brick wall around praptrllu which larlun nlely have now bran demollthed Alana with the walk lo mak wny or lhe nzw Ilyla MM which will he the null pll cm In ha Brhllh lomarmw Party Against Challenging Diefs Power It in interesting to notice the extent to which theuprcsmtmy cuii ol dwiiyaune II enier ing inio Ihe melting at these improvements Many man In making an excliing hobby out of hi remodelling oi the Innanna tug at his home And he tin In it at very iiiiie expense oiiler lhan he use at his own time and inner Home If makinl hen improvement Ire iindinx that they provide many ndvm lager Removing aid wooden gale Wlll pmvifes an excellent oy parlunily widening ihe en lrnnce in he ran liid in these day oi larger madei curl that ii consideration And they are iindinz tilt replacing mi ience ur wnii wilh iaw wail not over iwo ieei illih mice the garden in iron lire haul green more Apncinus mi in many cam enabies it in enjoy mi deli more lumhinei That is true in anolhcr name Wu interaued la note recenily on vlilue line on which in house wera hemmed In by thick groves oi inii iron which must have made the room um and dinzy than mu an aim com lng down and us being re placed by caioriul gardens And may lawns wldu open to he public view MANY ADVANTAGES InleJnla the lraundl Around these houses By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian when my wu annaunced record 701000000 bushels ll yam no odny In 1052 Thin camplm with llkur Iverua 1955 lo 1950 Inclus ï¬ve of 451500000 bushel Cunadl II worldl nujarv exporter hllhHIM mlll In when for flour And brud lm Pmldml Ellen llower Iddmud me Cana dlnn 5mm And Cammm ma sunlay Bald wln Camelnun govern ment wu returned In In Erlllsh GennglAgIecuon TODAY IN PA HISTORY LARGE MEAL ENOUGH We Ihauld cu but om bit dinner ench dly tllher It noun or In In cnnlu Tbll Ihauld mmlu meat lllb vouluy or men Illtnlflll wnh potalocs and ventbk allowed by run milk puddlnl aur mould Include mm or cllnu Juice lhen cooked or whole urmn brenklnn ceml with on and bacon an In oculunll n1 lernnllve And bullmd Walt every day lleallhiui Eating demlim Ihe load rulel approved by lhe nadinn Council on Nutrition Ac cardln lo hue mien we would each eat every day Milk lent Va Dlni or aduiu mare lar children Fruit one urvinu eilrul lmli or iomaiou or their juices Ind one serving at aiher lrulL Vezeublel ll lent one lervlnz pamoel Ind lean lwo urvinu ul other vexelnblee IL Cereal Ind breed one twin oi whole min eereli and It lean an 111m bread Meat and lilh ane Aervinx men fllh poultry melt lllflmllfl luch an chem dried bunt Healthful £qu 1110 dulil tumlied menu or breaklul dinner and lunch or Iuwer lor lull week bued upon the ruin Dr llaldnlz ie deaih an Ihe North American brenkllu ramming oi lehln but hub tied cup mile And cl nrelie We would an the day will luhlianilnl meal be In llll thil bookieg fleece pulled to ma lhll Ill department publlrhu Ievenl booklet dmrlblnu Mu typical balanced dlclr which will pm vlda or nut lmllll necdr 11ml can be ablalned leoulh the dy parlment health each pm vlnclal governmcnl or My my be purchmd Ior nominal rlcc mm the Quecn Prlnm Ottawa Thue Include flow To Plan Meal For Your Fumllyl prlce lo cenlr and Henllnlul Enllnx prlce 25 cenu There Also Food Guide For The Older Prr 690D 10 an 65 Thin became they so an calm much when hey were ncllvely employed and yet their nzw my Illa all log 1m gxgrtlan OnAWAMore and mm tunum an overweight they take loo Hula exerclu Ind My ent and drink bnweon MAIL Dr sunny Halsz MP cam mcrucd to me parliamen tary ucrmny to flu mlnluer nntlanll health Indwelnu he uku class Interest In our lerlaul nallonnl problem of overweiaht ol whichha had my rule experienceml working dealer In Toronto havoxtoun Alla 15ml re re peep urt pu on weight perhapl In much 10 ad gm an Entertainment Fri Sat Nights PYCONIA HOTEL rArmcx mmouou HeartYBreakfast Good For Héalih We um Vcddlnu 1m quota Pmlu dc Phano or nurvulam PM LOUNGE TERRACE noom DINNER BELL lOUNGE REFRESHINO BlGlll MONTREAL CWJudy Sll hum of London England rav elllu Ihrouzh Canada Ill lln Lindon Alrport we lmpmud Izy llonlmxlm love or lmlx Alr Vc paucd Ill mm houm wllh all lmnl Ilalrram when mplu Wm actually Ill llnl You never that llama unome almtcd group Wm 74 children who lulmad malfurmnllon Iwn ar more Umbl many mm with no wmpmylna Internal malfuno Ham aflmlnz the ham Inlcs llnu or Iddnzyl Eighteen children 1mm In be intermediate range amlcflan had delarmlflel 11me mm WJJM fleuurchm found Iha 1th ol Ihe 115 dllormcd lnlnnu wm Illllborn And that died ellth lmmedllely utter birth or in tho 190nm It Lile the lean umer lmed were 15 who had minor lie593g In 099 pt Iwo llmbl wlihh imaamma Miami 111 tmglicaled Thalidomide sedative drug wal withdrawn from me by preznunt wamen in Canada in March The re art was wriilcn by Dr Jean ebb chief of lhe child and maternal huith division ha dlpmment of union health and Winn Dr Webb lay the number rt maul Jr shoes Fellow In TORONTO CPlA report in the Journal of Ihe Canadian Medical Anacinlion any ha dmz thalidomide ilknown to have been amcialed with hirlhl oi 115 Iiiarmed babiu in Canndn And many among hll paucnu waste their In no many an clnmmmnney which could bmer he en an Imh run or veganblcl he ran Our habit ol lapplnl up no ï¬rm cantrlbum to over wcllht he hellovu wm thirsty to lo the water cooler or let mllk out he rem mm He menu special mm In at elmem amokcn II especially upuc pcapla mumting the rink Inn cancer byjmoklnf In dmrlm Where then dams almafpherlc pollutan ar by Imak when Ihey have nmg My history ol cancelt Thalidomide Deformed 115 wum ur xruu Dr Hnldalz mud la mo tho Importance adhering lo balancad dmo hII nature to prmnc growing overweight which hu become sexSam nt tlannl problem nmmlngml ml three out Iva Canadlanl For our third and In meal we would have lunch or my per connlmnz my or chem duh with raw vegJ cubic ar lruIt allowcd by dam191 gunk pyddlnuor lmll Fully Menul