HAMILTON Cll wm Gmn flny lnrkm unl flnmq dry to Mlllllml TigerCull rl ll wnl lllo Ilurl of Hubby nun pul Tonmlo In lmnl In lhu mnnd pcrlnd wllh Illfool Ihnl Montnnl cnmn back nnd leld nla lend an nunll by Hm Hercmon and chcnnnlnn Tremblny whlIc plnylnu Ilmrllmmlrd bo mm mnjor pcnnlly to Dave Halon In Manlr re crowd 11815 he LEM needed chklc Dulll Ihlrdrcriod gun the B4 DuI rclurnlnz In tho llncup nlcr lwo lnmu on Ihu lidcllnu wllh hnnd in jury munltd nl 1115 hll In qu1 llm lcl pqlg wk ti mm the 0m wcnl bulwccn Montreal dc rnctmm nnd whlppcd lnlo he Ml of 111 1991mm The Lanndlcm outho Ihe Lrnh 2746 lnrludlna rdgn In the npcnlnu pcrlad bul they had law llmrclnu lCDlan chpnm lhcn They beat thu Hawk 41 In Boston Sunday nlghl mu Hm wax unqucnflanuhly he up up ho union But We ncs uy nluht he Chl cugo big gun were Nlllnx flabby Hull collnctod lwa eon and two nnlm Ken Whnnnm Acnrcd lwlce San Mlklm and Bllly Hny cmcrgcd with goal Ind nn nnhlreach In the league only omcr game Hanan Brulm found prolpcrfly Healing and bowed lo Ilmm high1min Black in hunnuï¬i llrflks 2hch Bower meanwhile ve May reporter remnrklng that Imlnch told me nul In lay any thing In ygu guy ey came mlnulc and nlnn leconds npnn while Ihe Cunn dlcn were slmrbhnndcd 1n the seenng fungi He played lhoso noun iusl like Ihla whale learn has bun playing all unsanl WINES REPORTERS AWAY Henley Seen As Player To Watch qu blew It aald conch Im Inth polnlcdly expresslng that In all nnwcra work on snmc thing La be dcnlrcd on tha Mant rcgl gnnll Then he po nlcd an Mcuxlng linger goalie Juhnny Bower the Journeyman goalie who had Just returned to Iho clubl llneup altar slfllnï¬ out couple games vllh mm loan Ho paced about the Tornntn drmlnu roam alter the game grumbllng nl Ihe players quietly undressing Hurry up he ti Wevo got to calgh train By THE CANADIAN PRESS Punch lmlach but made elm more Ihnn one that hcl mmcthlnz less than mllllled with flu performance 01 hll Toromo Maple Lents so far hll National Hockey League mion Salvaging 22 In ngnlnu the Canadlens In Montreal Wednu day nlght dld nothing to mlho his dlspuillan vy mun ndvnnlun IOUll PLAYERS battle or possession of the puck during the anlannl Hockey Lengua game In Montreal between Toronto Maple Leaf and Montreal Canndlens Shown are Torontos Dave Keen ll and Allan Stanley 26 and Montreals Jean Bellveau and Dave Halon to nn teams tied 12 ero phota Im1ach Blasts Bbinrér After Tie With Hubs IOUll PLAYERS battle or possession of the puck during the anlannl Hockey Lengua game In Montreal between whit wian nun lhn Hullm mm Tlcm Irnrd rum llmnl lurk mum Ill llw hell Ill Sal my mm or Mllm mm It humane ryrry Ifmlul An null lllll VIIIIMF in Jo Huml mn mnml mph the plum hm rnmlllnlru lpfllllfllfllmfl Ind llvlllly In Ihc Emmi Canin mcr Hmlry nIdml mother no WMnrudnh Ile In named he mm WV uIM 11mm Im II meet mini by llnmlllon Qumm 1ku CM Henley VIM mined Ihv ï¬nal me Um ulnr man In Mlnx up Imrnm to prom IIII Inzuml rim and kld my nm hcl In mum cnzrh llquh KAIIg nld jnudlny Dthncu pln ed major role but Sundny wuen Ihe lard dc lcnlrd Mnnlml flnxcmounl no In Monlml In Mn Eallcm mm with lhu Canadian nnlar nmnlcur chumpiomiiip on the ilno lho Loni nrc muniing on Ihclr 11de to in la in oc tnslnn when ihry play the laugh Si Jnmu iinml iiinnliobn len inr and Wulrrn Cnnndn thum plo ime Sniugdny night LONDON Onl CPI Db font in lrndllianul with lha London 1mm 1th from 1h Ilmu they were organized In the old uml pro icnlor Onlnrlo nugby Fnalbnll Unlan III 1056 and lndlnn Jutk Jacob mu he hrlm lhc Lord have turned to lhtlr ddrnm In lime need KEMPVIEW LADIES Night Hawk Elm Jay Bunnyl Bomber Hot Shall Paadlca Pcnnelln Rank Parrots Busy Bees Lamp lighters Plum leewlm Hlih Single AIlce McLean Lam Ilghlm 350 High Triple Esta Io Thibodenu anpllzhtm KEViPVIEW MIXED LEAGUE ESDA nglll GROUP Kay Mk Haywood 45 Mnlmn Cnnndlnnl 45 DooDadl 45 Dangerï¬eld Melon Webb 11m 30 New Jeweller so lloylu 17 anpllghlerl 33 Hot Shot leewlm Par roll 31 Illate 30 Blue Jay 29 Busy Bee 75 Poodles 24 mm Hawk 22 Pennth Bunnys Bomber LEAGUE mamas In Chicago before 11510 tans Ihe Hawk ran lhelr Ingnevlcnd Ina palmtom to 22 building up 40 land before lhe Drulnl cllckcd In lwn previous meetings lhlu unmn Toronto emerged wllh pnlr of Wlfll ng5 LEAD LEAGUE But there wan consolation tn tho inct it was the ninth con Iecuiive game between the dub stretch covering thln nennnn and the flier part of in season In wh ch Toronto wnn un beaten and they sure they can like It eagy ulmhich remnrkgd Juicy London Defence Will Be Tested Toronto Maple Leaf and Montreal Canndlens Shown are Torontos Dave Keen ll and Allan Stanley 26 and Jerri Toppalzlnl andDean BOWLING SCORES ulllml 0an mm mm Mmch Tommy McKenm an inlet nnru Icoflu thunylou IMI ynr will MM lwdudwnl In um IM flurry Jo Mr 31mm um plmd ll Willem In your lnaldc mm are lull bam Ink 0mm um m7 11ml and Larry Mum whit mm Imam Hth allumllu fllrh ll Hm who ohm or Unl vml Wulerll Onlula Iluu Innu lnl yur and near Cul ley Inrmer Elmh Ion or II lhc qunrlerbuk IIM not In and volloul plum IM In In nm Iho bnll Culley Ill hm dln lhe Lord yumlnx Am II and ranch Bobby Flvcmh fnrmcr Florldn Sula hullbncl whu mm hrlnl HIM wllh lha flnn Frnncllco mu Ind hen plnnd wilh In Tornnla Ar nnutl belur omln lo Lon an mu In Kala hlvl Kola II he on lullltd ed lnrmcr pmkulnnl on he cub nllhwlh mm In maul who hive had tryout Ind hiltl lllllll wllh ham uulrrn and ruin urn loam Mall of Ihe 11m earned lhtlr mun ul Im vcnlly will lull noel Weve been mud helm My Lord nulnlnnl conch nor Kuwfl larmzr mentor lhc Otlnwn Rouxh nldm Iar vs urnom qu wevu loalbnll club nwy payrd 1h llgm nunlml Manuel Wt know the Well will ha tougher M1 wnll Jun luv to In tougher Cunndl champlomhlp held l0 wall thnl thn Quebec reymen lntlvu didnt ct beyond lhl London Nynrd llnr ll mu Iluudom item In Ihv unlor Dnlnrln llnnl nlnlmt ho Snrnll Imperial cm 1115 Lord Ian opener flu anml lalnlApoInll mlcl Main lha Mm and muuher Imp but they bonnetd back to lnka In second game NH Ind the round 2111 Illah Slnzlu Irena Bedlord Audrey Euro 299 Maurie ncynoldl 332 Don Koopmam 309 mzh Triplex Audrey Encolt 664 Nurmn Cohan 550 Ray Fair hcnd 771 Don Konpmam 737 FRIDAY NIGHT QROUP Pine View Variety ll Kemp vlcw Bowl 10 floblmann Groc ery 81 HP Human Bay City Falllune 31 Red Devils 35 Thu Eluhtbafll 30 51mm Pekmlcum 29 Wamch Hulldm Younll GA 20 the Lulu Storey Facing High singles Babe Fniey 214 Mar Cowan 2n Jnck wm stock Emle Nash 26L High Trlplfl Elbe Foley 574 Shlrlzy Natal 5343 Jack quduock 796 Bob Gare 677 Stewart Wholesale 26 Du Marina 193111 Fflnmonel Io Wm Bend Outboards We Bcï¬drUlemlIl 1n the schedule only game tonight the Ranger are home to the Maple Leafs wharram second ml arose from powerplay and Hulll Na came with one Iecand left In the game after Boswn goalie Eddie Johmton had been llltcd loLn lixlh attacker The night play Iell Chicago le palm ahead 01 Montreal and right 11 ran 01 Tomnlo Detroit Red Wings Ara lamb with 13 pnlnu mllawed by New York Rangers with elghl and the Equinq wIIhIcven Prentice shared In thu Bruin oflcnce with wu ma each while Torn William calledcd three aunts Our Reputation Is Your Guarantee 0f Quality Service and Low Price Another reason why More people ride on Goodyear tires than on any other kind AnnouIICingga neWNO LIMIT VROad Hazardeuéranteeon Goodyearauto tires Mull ml In IIMII 0N IIIIIIIIIsl IIII LIMIT oII MILES IIn llMlT AS 10 ROADS N0 LIMIT Is In SPEED IIo cIzIIIIIIcIIIE RElllllREIlfflR WARRANW ADJUSTMENT This guarantee applies to every auto tire Goodyear manufactures Continued improvth in material and waxinnmlup which lead to impmved quality and vnlue make it possible to Goodyear to onco again lead the inde in pustumer Janice This now gnmntee is backed by the more than 80000 Goodyear deaim in Canada Ind the United States What duel Ihll nnw gunmes mun to you In three woxdl wartyno diving If you have spy kind tmub anywhere the nfmest Goodyea den could be thquida 01111ch may mm where you 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