21mm unmannwmmnm ï¬ov ii Innislil Council inviwd mem hers oi the Police Commission Judge Giiarvlo and Magi um Gordon Foam with Poi ite Chic William Brown Fire chic Jim Owen and Depuiy Chief George Young to hear suggestion from nilicini ol the Bell Talephone Company on mahod oi handling police and tire calla alter the Strand Tale phone Company wise to exist in April m4 INNISFII NOTES pmmt operator at the Simud switchboam glvo 24 hour scrvlca bath ior ilrohnd police calls Flm cnii an pm cessgad by calling volunteer mw member in the order most immanent tn the quick operation oi the equipmentThu service is free Pniice calls an handled with small charge for radiophone operation Howevox wllll lie automullc system and no phnna operators available new system must be dnvlsed lownshlp opera or could be placed In tho pol ioo depnrumm hour day whlch could cost up Io $10000 annually wlhh our opcrnlors to bundle culls includan me far Iellcl duly omcrwlso hero could be lolphona clrcull to nearby ï¬remen lllch would rlng in all the home simultan cously and would cost from $3335 monlh plus added mlle ngo for phones beyond mum er mlla mm the autumn 110 central ofï¬ce at Suoudl Pollen culls would rcqulm an operator on hand at all hours Although shins mlght be ar ranged or man lo be in he 0mm of certain times an em ergency call could lnko all pol icemen out and leave he phone unattended At present ll ha pollco oHIco Ls empty the oper ator wth Ibo radio phone can keep ln Lunch wllh tho cmlser or uso llno phones to lho chlol lINK WITH BARRIEV tho would be In hm lire ond police call so in lo special number on the Burris poliLe bonrd With iroc dialing in Barrie most the township could ranch an opcroior them By dumxlnz lnnislll radio phones in sysium similar to Bun10s which now operates on the sum iroqumcy Ill call or both Bnrrlo nnd Slroud police could be bundled from the one board Pallco Chic Brown my here are black spots In Innulil which Um nnrrlc radio syslcm does not reach 1th would cre ale difï¬culty but no dpub it coulg be ovprcopg radio system com less per car than the Bell system provldcd or Innhlll Chlcl Tuhhhnrt Barrie was away on hunt mg expediuon and mid not be at he Stroud mcounz nmdny cvgnlpmh Ju no Marvin and Mnglxlxale Foster nflcr conference sum zoned Um Wllson the Bel Company could cyma Puck wnh Ymposnl to lnrlude full scrvoo or both fire and pollen systems Innis Rcovn Joo Cochranu palnlkd out lhnt Cookstmrn and Thornton Ire dcpnrtmcnu covur scallon ol lnnlsï¬l and lhcy loo should be included The only Area on lho Danie dlnlln synem wnuld be usm of tho ivy Tele Consider Police And Fire calls ONE KIIHW NIGHTLY AT Wu lIHIM MATINEIJ lATlIllMV MINIIAV AT In TODAY ONLY ï¬lm pl IMIII llul 1119 WHO Aniamum sum THURSDAY By 305 phone Compaï¬y whosi lines éx lend into nnlsHL Counclllor Jacknlorrens chairman or the fire commune wu opposed to the contral em uzmy mum beinu llnkcd wlth the Bnrrla board even though he was assured hm culls 1mm hls area would ha tree or lolla Chlel Bmwn on that an optr nlor It Barrlc police hamd woukl not understand InnLqm um which had to bulgivcn spe cial canslderallonand ohm did no require polIncar being dlspnldmd ï¬re cmaaxm Owcm ma kEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY VT1Vew Rendezvous Lounge Am Host nnnm anmouml zwnmn mmmmm mn momnmmr an Wï¬m WETLIFE own 5mm mth 331 wmlss NHWN own JACK mm mwmw BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL ADULTS STUDENT CHILDREN 20000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA In Color PRICES THIS ENGAGEMEFT ï¬e mealm mm Mldo puly Gum Yam elm nwmd as many as call year which did mt requln the In mm min the churn or this nervice pun wear any tgnyr gnlhe Squig mm Eli 111 Birds operator would lend nlpment out belong be call had In Oauncn wu void that um the new phone system was working next year there would be rec dlnllnx beth Bnrrle Cook ton and Lelmy tha part or lnnlsm west cl 100 Highway would be serviced by Cookatown and nuomton north to the nth llno it seems only feasible that thou services be Included In the ulnnn lystem MEETINt anNoEn owing In Um wardenl qnet bclnz held on the lam nlgm as the Innlsill Councu meeting the next session has been dmnued to the woman 01 the 22nd at 730 pm mxumm WANT ADS PHONE PA 34 EVENINGS at 700 1000 Barrlol Llrgul And Mon Luxurlaul Fully Llnnnd Loungo Presents nghily Entertainment With GORD HATCH Hi hlg HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO L15 50 CHICKEN BBOILEBS 39 IGA AYLMERS REDARROW SALE AYLMEB CHTSIIP HLYMER PEACHES ama mamas WAXBEANS TOMATOES Am BEANS nd PORK RECEIVE AN EXTRA 2250 Hows TAPE wum THE PURCHASE or Ammn cnourr nu noun num nmmmn SUCED BEETS Em SLICED SIDE BACON mm mm mm nnmmn mum CHOICE CORN PURE PORK SAUSAGE mum AVIMIII cnown TOMATO soup In PEAS and CARROTS nurcu In on llQUID BLEACH IRA COFFEE BANANAS CHIQUITA BRAND VALENCIA ORANGES DELICIOUS APPLES ONTARIO CARROTS CUCUMBERS WWII ADDITIONAL BONUS IApguljgms AVLMII mm numb ND mun LONG unuN lutllll Man AVLM III dnAni IANCY mun JUICY II on nn iswm mm on nunznmu PILLSBURY ROLLS 23c 31¢ l9 LOIN BURST PORK 3LB AVG LB lltl DUI OI LB AVERAGE RIB PORTION FRUIT COCKTAIL We ASPARAGUSIIPS 11 cut WAX BEANS ylflv DICED CARROTS Avuun 59c 29a 29c l9 39 CIIOKE IMLVEH SUNNY MORN APPLE PIE bAvms CRACKERS MallMa 11mm lrl Ind hl HOSPITALITY FRUIT CAKE 132 49c 52 97c PLAIN 0R Mlsz IUNBEAM BANANA GUEST CAKE 45¢ ll HI II mu LLB AVG LB TENDERLOIN PORTION 15536 11 65a um llnl CIIOICI Avyugp mm non ANCY Ill 43 65° mm 39° EECEA 11 59¢ Frtnchl Prawn MUSTARD ff 29¢ malty Crocuer AfiEHIL MUFFINMIxg as HOSPXIALITY IACfl not YIIII 39c 27c 43 25c 25¢ WITH THE PURCHASE OF PKG OF 100 LYONS DISCOUNT Tea Bags ragalarsébo Wu FOOD PRIVCES NOVEMBER EFFECTIVE 13 14 IS 16 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT ro LiMIT QUANTITIES