Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1963, p. 4

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Clullu rm mum mm hlmlln In in mm In mu um II AnnM nm um and DUI Ill Inn at and Mnrcua Long hllosaphy professor at the Unlvemty Toronto has mlnnged to gel himself Into Print by jumping on the knock Canada bandwagon Professor Lon told the Ontario Coun ctl for Chlldhoo Educatton that no one love Canada except New Canadlans Then he contrasted our attltuda with that of the French who love France and the Engllah who love England Hla remarks Were preambte to hla rlnclpal themeto teach uplla to love heir country bacauae au seated we IN falling apart as mt on Rubbish Ishe best word we can think of to describe the Igirolessors lhlnk lug He has tlaro for unrlllng Ilale men and the pllh observatlon but he is woefully Ihort on acts Canadians do love their country but most at them must be getting mighty lick about being toid the2 have been nnniyzcd by people like he professor and found wnnting To inter that we are falling apart because Quebec want new constitutional deal indicates shock ing ignorance of Canadian attitudes The FrenchCanndian robiem tar from Ipitb ting this nation ould lerve to draw the people of Cnnnda cioser togetherr iho cries ot the Separnllntu in Quebec have ni erted us to the need tor understanding Klnx cs roycd 120 holllcl cholce whlnkcy which ho had Iclzcd Allnndnlu mllon Slm cpu Counly lnymenl mlsxlons conlcr once held at Colllcr Slrcc Mclhodlll Church urged nvnngullullon onllro wnrld In lth generallon For lhlrd llmo Local 0p Ion vole wlll he Iakcn In nnrrlul lhrcu ycm Ago only eight volu were lacking to make the own dry lhl limo temperance form confident of cloxln mrrlel Ilquor oullcln Doll Angul Ihlppcd palr prize lur 50 YEARS AGO IN COUNTY Barrio Northern Advance Nov 1013 Mayor Alcxnndor Cownn rebuked mem ber oi Town Council or walling too much lime wilh uncles unricn which niigiliiaellclfhpimndicd commilico Canadians Must Be Tired By Those Who Knock Them Aulhmimi Mann mu ml mm mmuu Dun um yinM In um Dull lund lmuun Holman mm IKNNIHI IAIIJ nun ILlqur Illle ll MlIllIIDN Mlllflu MIJIII IILL In IIl WILIDI MIIHIKL MINI IN lumnyuan In uum mm luv up mll 5mm Uh mamasigmm mm Publmm The Barrie Examiner Publlahed byCanndlnn Newspaperr mauled 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Brim 5mm Canon Mun9i Puii WEDNESDAY Nov 11qu ALI FOR ONE luhlon now no out rlylu North Slmcoo lluwln Mllth hold al farm of lloynoldr up Wnllcr llllddlelnn of lAlcnvale won wl ml rlm llld lrcd Mllopp mm ulna upped llm buy lnnlrlll plow men met at farm of Frank llobcrutm Slroml Hpcclnl wlnnm Included Wll run che Mmqu lllnck Ind Robert Campbell llrawley npolnléd manager 0T grocery Note 11 Allan dnla llurlun Avenue Epworllr lu fun held laumpkln mo nodal YMCA Iockcy Llub orgnnlml wlll Wuley Webb prerldenl lllll an Mmlnll mun ngor Trinity Church wlll commrm mln lulrllce by ullngulrhlng morllm on property keys to Cork lreland for $30 St Andrews Church choir directed by ll Morgen with Mrs Richardson ns plsnlst scored success In conceri nl lilhllnnd David Boyce llos Township farmer lost term horses valued It 500 when stnlck by Grsnd lnmk trelght train on level crosslnfi south oi Elmvsler Col llngwnod hm six inches of snow todly Ernest hlrner building new sisalan rink Ii Stnyncr Midland dnlrles raised milk to nine cents qunrt lion Mllno shol eagle measuring eight lcei extend ed wings nt Nollawnsngn llcsch Rev lrnw ot Thornton llnlt received all to Dundnlk Presbyterian Church It nl sry 200 8a Innum and monlhn calion nly two weddings in Cooks town so in this your lleelllvo Flour Mill at liceion owned by Allken Son destro ed by tire believed lncendln Most reslruellvetlre in lown slneo til cllpn wipnd on Professor wou have bellevo lhat we are an Amerlcan There aln he far all the beam Pollllcally an ada and lhe US have had and wlll con llnue to have differences largely ln the economic Held Sometlmee we get lltlle annoyed when the us let unllnler ally In world crlsla ln whlch Canada would be Involved We could clte the Cuban scare more thaneyem ago nl Professor Lon la taktng strange course tndced on he asks the young ster to love nntlon and its people he has described wtth such gloom One tea cher best by settln good example And the best war to mpms chlldren wlth thelr natlve and ts to speak at the good thln that have welded us lnta nntlon 0t mllllon pea le Canada ls already one at the hnve nntlonl ot the lobe leen time it wlll duvelo the ma ttons that have made Englan Ind France great And wllh the passlng year we wlll rurmount todays problems and go on to greater strength and prestige and tolerance and fairer deal or All legions of this country But these matters whlch Involve gov ernments largelydo not alter the basic goodwill between the peoples of both the and Canada We can stand lot from them and they from us without weaken ing the Itrong bond between the two tlons lForxMarltiWsiGrayé NI mv Ha II believed to lave bun buried In the church ylrd St Nichol 1211 cen tury chmch It Dplfordan th Ioulhorn ounklm MLondan ant hit new hurylnl mm ll lur Vxmlmlmi by In Inn at my E19 73 Th ry quill dlfler enl Ind bl touch to ll They claim mu much more likely Ihll Mn who vm Maud Ind mm Slr Thom wmnlh nd the 11m on bull on number of chum blnphemy and athe Ilm VII truly men abroad while hm Sir Thamu men killed mailer whom fey clllmud III erlom ll DON OIIEMIN TORONTO nellu have bun received to Lhn riler Inn 011 on Imuruco lnvenmcnl You wll recall um um Jud LMnnh wu reponed ny that mu Ihm ol the lnveumenl In Imuuncc In duflry wu pqpltjo To lry and find out will flu plclun ldnllly III In mu Ipoiumen or the Illo lmurum lnduolry And Miu LIN Th Cauldlnn InIurnco Induslry do IWL lwolhlnfl oUlq hunlnqurln anldL Still anther nory bu been tlrcullled that wu buried In wed nur In Wllllnnmm home It Scadbury near Chill hum Sunex mm from nu llmh doen1 loo too TWOJHIIDA CANADIAN Qm provlded by bolh Ildu In hm ll llllll alglraemtnlu llgnm mu it nrhm purg ll plnynlpl Illlun Shllg An antry in the hutch ml ler lulu am on June ma Mnrlowe Vm mbbod by nun nlmed Fund Frlur Ind thin in um men In Iccepted theory But mm ll and menu them tho can du nu ctluc Cuvjn Hollmln who luv non Iomo mend on th llro ol MixInn hm minted nu nary um hc wu killed in mun brawl Lamp map fin Ind urn mu um um my will mu gulpMule Mpg Looklnl or permnnumf Hm you hm ll WI will mm In away mm lhl authority Godu Word ova um algttéufiea in $553 Ejluhq In drlmum 1de The mini ll mlng the Vla um the church msmm Mllu and the dlocmn author flu or rmlulan to conduct thll mr II It mutedn Ielm 01 print lflfllnololllll and member ha moiety will in tho legal In an Inn mm hwlnl lhll my du tovery erlowtl Int min Supplco 111 ll deflnlmy lblllhed will coincldo with eelebndonl to be nut ya lo mlrk flu mu Annlvcmry of lhe birth Mnrlowe who wan comm nry of shakepure Ind ll be loved by mm to hlva been In m1 In tom 01 8hqu pl um he Nu Munlawn mlety lhl Ellch wlll clur up ho my old mystery 01 whelhnr In Ill mlly burlodjn thug mpqorq clgyrchynrq Doullu Miller who men my in London Brunch the Maxlow Soclzly wppom ma II II In All Illlel uu lmnmtm ulln IL In Mlumn limp uld Ibo 0li ll emuMum Wm lmllum run my Mm ll Ind mlm In mt um Incmuo Parliament fit Glance Tn pm Mhlllu Help Ml dcnlni IMwlnl lo Munnl Io un lbWlnnlpfl Mulh or Inynl un Alvin nannun ll Qu Avpelln mud nanmull donn motion cnllclunl lanmmml or hundllu of VIMlllullllouL nr ml Dunn QUEENS PARK Dull Drill mnrwm nlpu Nollhl IIIUM un ml Ml nhownl ronll dmllll upon an pm Ind Hunhr ol TCA llrllllu 1mm Wlnnlmtn REPORTZPROM UK Till CANADIAN HIM mun Nu II Nnr In lnuln mom In Immdmml Ill lard down In onmu an Mon Ind wn ltupfld by ljrluc am BIBLE THOUGHT II II rvqulred by In lo IIIVI Insurance Industry 15 Not Ht Fault ly McINIYRI HOOD Then un uuHMbly In ml pool rolmllal dud mnl nulll lnduflrrl mm II II not In Mam Illlml pom MI and Ill prmni wrnpl mlld nol do much lnr ml dnvoloymlnl Mai In The um mm whm ll Ir rnrmny mllhl In hulud invnlmlnl In mmman Ilork nm on In mullml ln vulmunl hm II undtr vm In and mm vmmu nth pwuhly would 99 II lnlbln lrrwtlh bud by this Me And II In no lhe nnlun In Invulmenl Ihkh mm Nommllll Ind pot llkllnl tlllm med II undér Illlcl ruullllnu to Invulmml yd undgr II II Illawpd wlarll 9ch cent lholo III III palllofla And It £13qu MILIqu my Invulmcnl in Cand1 In cover In llnhlllllu lo Clnldlnn policy holdm The bl nun In nmlln Inl Investmtm II Iced In lhl Unlled SmeIwh ch hu lhl um leil requirement and when lm lnvulmml mu hly lhe um II III policyho der llnbillly DEVELOPMENT MONEY Th qnullon of thin Inval mcnl uml beam mm widely uni that mu Inluunu lundl NC ury or ha dlvtlapmtnl III tounlry 111m an In Ilroux mu mm II In mum they an Ibo Im at Inmlmml Cunudt nqdl ll lhll al oume par monay 1600300300 nl yur ln ndlgavtmmenh cum mmln Ind Imlullrluldu per II II In mamu And my pcr unl In nlm niu try II no in any hull Innmm Ihow 0n Mu lowe wu hurlefl hm nudold Imndl Ill Ihu 1pm dpwn 0mm neu lh port II or under the 1m ungury tuwu Fw adults In urioul alter find from mum my um lhc dimu wlul the ra IM It deurvu It can do And hn lhll Ind bit belt or Multh twmlhlrdl mmlncludlnl menu and policymalder Hnblllty nmlodjn ghll cqutry um lllvmenfluned 1017 H6 uy YEAR you nun levr Mr Mllu vlnr 8L Nlcfioln Church howevur he 11ml thll tho pmpecLI mu 1n gnxlhlnx Iraq deg2 JOSEPH MOLNEB MD ll ho doe let mumps new or yam mm now he will In good china of nvoldln com Kllullonl lnqlndlnl Ilerl lyl ll lollwn he doctorl order Ind nu bad unlll mun phnu hu pnued um lrlu lo III that Its iull kld dlr en dont luv In my 111 llml lu will be lnvlllnl mm minus trouble Buldu may he rully II Ind Inng zloml know llhl um ha wu even hurlod In church Yard flmwhole qumlon of mlk nx lurch will hm to be one Intoby flu legl leg the mean erlom wu buried unda lha north wanlhay will luv do lholr searching undgr block at npmmanu beenqu 1115 Emily lbs church bu been really Chlllfld 1n mtyu Id Mr Mllu but Dr Malian umuflfl you mlxhl be lnlemled In um mums Im the mom of 11 children And havn hm 10 qu mm the mumpm mum can 655m nl my 12 but WI Inch common dmm um man In haw It In chlldhood dvntlthlnk lo 10 he II In Idull and In In an of mum Ulall whll wu mean by Iler In Innot 11 lb thkd lrgde that ll TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Thanks Hnwy reopvery Yet People With Mumpé Should Becareiul AT VAULT llrmu lo 019 Indus not ll lullll lh oflen ully dla In relponnlble It mum um the momll or lick of Iron In blood ll re lultlnl 1mm Iona other or un darlyinl cauu Umlly alvan Iron In madlclnnl lonn conlmlt lhe condillon but It doeml cor rect Iho cam mm mm secondary nnemll Ire bleedlnl hemor rhuldl blending ulcen um llve memlrulllon In hue Ind nlhtr condillom lhml no pcrmlncnl vnluc 1n umplnl Iron Inlo Iyflem un you cht III that Ralhbr an um bu Ippelrl In the hen rhythm you have two but don mum and noticeb1 pauu Iner wnrd That L1 when they lhlnk mg hm Lklpped bent Den Dr Mal1m hut in km clock with flu dill muted ndlum Both mud in my clout with my hm dc Will they emuulna my tlothmM clock wonl mMnmInIll lnylhlnl The radium II Inc mull in quamlly Den Dr Molnm Whit in the munlnl seconde Inl Inh mm an Army 11 yam Ilo todIyIn 1m Thu numlr Mediannun gar hm hm mm by lhl rllllh In Jmulrylul in ghelr flnvujon 79b m1 Thu mic pmnouncod Ill lolu mean the pumping but lb hem Tho lunch 1ng each ml 15 dllmli few peoplemum than of mm nervm mun hnve In extr Iynalo It mu Hm they my say their heart hu lklpped but 11th not Whll HP damm em with the but of en but Illnt llkely In Den Dr Molnen My doctor told me hld an um Iyuolu Cm um um bean Muck Asked him should th0 aledrocnrdlomph And uy lo IntMRI The extra lym doe no me hem Allck Very nrzly don II do my harm ex th to ma MINDll you let touted tho Mm Ion thorny ulterwndl wllhlmd Ill of more lhlfl club month unlil HevedJ lhIBfluxh but Tnbmk all uuln In June 71m ta Rommell ofleulva 11 um Brilllh upturn wu pm Mnnuomeryl gm drive mmv El Ml meln filmAll 5a hurtin cludln Camilla Romnn Cntho c1 mumln mm Holy Yur 911 mm to flame died when Cum dim plane mlth In an their flu lnvuion Iv m1 yn mung Wowm In Fred Lu Ink In link Huron with THE CANADIAN PB flvm Inga loll Ufiammonw mnxglmcnouou thl ed II wonncelg an mm Torontoborn doctor oi medium who ll now veunn Ilulnl In hll third Pullmam Ho pro vloully In Canm two lhortut plrllumnu th Dlelenblker mlnoflty houm at my and my OTMWAWhlli runny VII uu mocked by the am Ielo mambm Pulllmenl Iluworl In In How of Com monl the leml HP or onloParulln In Aypallad by the mm MI noumuel mm Imagtlry remnant ll that In mum covered wlth rich chocolate uucol Dr Huldm Ixclllmcd Io llll mm In nn which no may at them 10 oneness ovmllhjlit Tho Ihor Answer to my qnu Hon uld II Ihnmau Cn Ildllnl undar nourith Ind overfed whllz the lens wellthyvllmlllu tend In men their lInanclal urlorilln llldd vlledly an um may mad their monqmnn lha wrong Ilnll flr nrchue ol Adequaln in 7131709an disbururhenfi hungoqu melvaApEIorlly The 5mm he nunMon dlvlllan In to lnktmct Clnudlnn med glagcromlm celebration of 110 1801 dlvlslon ol the health digamen when posed to Mm qnuuon Whl II Minced dictum why II Imwmm Dr Heldn bu 1nd wlde ax yerlence mum mul lkmer In Toronto And bu at mch wldupmd intern by hi View on am MOST OVERJED Ullnk that ln lhll day llld no when were are My many nod lldlxll Ind to much Idveflhlnl on TV Ind In other new medll About my vllnmlnl Ind new tyre load ll Iho more pemlva Illll public health All lhorlllu lhoulll canllnue lnrorm In Ila Cnnldlln people um halmccd die In nulllclem to Tru the dad ldded flme cartIn lllnenu which med mill diet Eu thin Ithd In preteribed by he with phylum huvn al HI II no In Hence wally doctoorglybnl In In em motion to ma Approprim pm rlv ary camary to Hum mum Wlnh nMly ned In In flru Tn finnth Ad um quantl III r10 00 is KINSMEN HELP KIN suesummnce OlffBalancéd Diet Thurs Nov 14 pm CAN BINGO Mllul In PATIONI ODD FELLOWS HALL 10 GAMES SHARI THI WEALTH GAMES UNCI IBM JACKPOT $28000 Thunduy Nigh ll Klnlmun Bingo Night How can people educata themselvas Ibout tile constitu tion oi balanced diet Ask ed Dr Haitian 111 public can be informed by the literature published by aur department of tlon at health and weiim he mid met Parent Itmuid icnrn he acts Ind communicate them to their chfldre mused Hm selldiagno ul trulmemm dan hnnlu Furthermore ex cenlv dam certain vll min cln have harmful enact IM 600D BREAKFAST me my experience as um 90 youll luer yin me my ex erlence as prlcllainz phyllc an learned Ihn the ml mummy my patients consumeoniy coflee as elf breakful The first meal at tho dny should be lubstan Ill one am would prevent lot flu plums wuk um Ind damea whichmany poo nutter In tigelorcnpan Adhuenca lo balanced dlet would also prevent obuitythe daciomaid Lwould any the majority nl Canadian are over wellhl and thin in hecauae they cal too much oi certain type oi Md auch aa all and arm hydrates Examples rich milk rich IIBHI pastry cog biscuibfind puke in ihaiivcénérenm with Invirh rich chocolat nun people rhould eat sher bet Mostpmpla are 10 pound or more overweight This in eram their chances oi de veloping dinbeierr gall bladder dlsorderr cardio Vlscuilr wmkneu and it also dccrenres their lonlevlty Overweight is Iniqu naiional problem which Ippmnliy occur in more thin 60 cent oi the pgoplelj The booklets learn are distributed Ihmugh the various provincial health departments Ihlll delcrlbe them another Hui SMJNS SATIN5 HELP KIDDIES

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