To do ryll luv In whip lllmlllon TllerClll In In My um anI palnll lo count Enlenl llnnl whlrh llllll hero allurdly In flu mum unwn llldm 1mm on mu Landon Pull and Ian two In lllmfllnn Hider pm Monday olnl over film of Inle umn ulna lumd um luh lune MI mud Ind Nlchvll will bl hqck In mum to flu 11ml win We but omnlm In In Int Mlmllllm who utd OQUM We Myllnd lhem Ml IIIII goqidnlmvl ha lull when we Md In 11 Illadlnm mth wu known In hh plum Am don Mgr IMMILTON le way Ihm player hnvu nwrmmc ler mlnnkll Mnk Hwy duervo In play In lhe Guy Cup lulm lhlnk mm plum Hm maul mullten and flu mnI culling looilull nl my mm In ll OQulnu uld Ill been Inllflylnu unnon or OQulnn llrlml lo mm In In lhn Emu Football Conlcrrnm hmqu Ihl lonm addrd 11 mile Ia Ill llnwp nldm wound up mom rlnco ml lul wuhnd alim nnlrd Mnnlml Mamle In lhn tendnull Foolhnll hl hem loud to mm and ha been pm 01 my ll or Ion time OQulnn luhl In nn Inlrrvlnw Monday In hll andawnu lmk olllco fly 51mm LAKE OTTAWA CWfled Dinnn dunnl mm qullllnl Ma exw ullvo Job wlth nn nlrmfl cor mrnHon In blccma lmernl Miller 0an llouxh mm VIIIll ML Winner he tightIchool ltunu In lhll dlxlrlcl Barrie Norlh landed berth In Satur dnyl tournament Mains New mfrkek and Parry Sound In mrwRAHIQ unlnsl Ncwmarkd tho local girls Malth by flulh Edwards look Banlo North Collegiate cap tured the Geormn Buy Soc ondary School Alsoclallon Jun lor Grls volleyball champlon lhlll or he lecond urnlzhl NB wn Saturday at loumlmen held Ban1 Cenlnl OQuinn Doesnt Regret Decision Both are super stars and theres not hockc coach llvlng who wouldnt give anything to have both these fellows on the same team But give Richard just little credit and long live the new champ North Girls Capture Junior GBSSl Volleyball Crown But the Rocket cant be denied either He was great one one of the best Nothing say or anyone else can change anyones oginion of player and Howo has more fans than Ric ard at least outside of Montreal was never fortunate enough to see the Rocket in action outside of televlslon saw Howe only once live and it was great thrill No one can take anything away from Howe can only watch in amazement when hes on the ice No one shows more flnesse In any sport than Howey He can do more things right than perhaps any other player in history Howes three greatest years tn row were from the 195061 season to the 1195258 season when he scored 48 47 and 49 goals per season Richard came back In the next two seasons to top Howe3783 and 3829 And Detroit had the powerhouse in these years Certalnly this factor cant be overlooked To say Its the seasons um count and not the games would be like taking hockey pla at who scored 25 goals in 50 games oVer player scored 20 goals in 20 games Throw out those three seasons for com arison with Howe Dont count those 87 goals and ook at Richard tor the next 15 years In this span he had 467 goals In Rowes flrsi 15 seasons he scored 485 goals Thats 28 more goals than Richard bui he glgyed in 106 more games in this period than Richard Biggest argument youll hear is that Richard had his big day wh Ie most of the NHL stars were overseas during the Seeond World War Lets take look at those years Richard broke into the NHL in 1942 and scored only six goals that session in 16 games The next ear he had 82 goals in 18 games His big year was 194445 when he rifled 50 shots behind opgosing goaltenders This was the year the war ende The number of games does make difference Sure they both had 18 seasons but for one compari son Richard was In only 82 games In his ï¬rst two sea sons whlle Howe played in 100 games his first two years in the National Hockey League Gordie Howe finally cracked Maurice Rocket Eicharda scoring record Sunday night in game against Montreal Canadians it was cleancut goal and thla fellow will probably go into the books as the greatest forward of all time But lathe the greatest scorer He has the title but it took him 165 more games to do it srnnmnnm EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMillk ll 1m SPORT AT GLANCE Look MHbWe And The Rocket HERNANDEZ WINI MARIMHO MI Formur wnrld lllhlwriuhl bole dum rlon llrnwn ul ow Un cnnl mu knock oul by WA WI CIrlnI Hornnmlu Mun dny mm 1M knockoul cMnI In lm lhlnl rmme Ithrd ulrd lomundvr WATION MUN UXIHUIME Owl lClFar mer anlmul llockry Lulu Iur my Wnlun lm II nu much nl UIhtidle llIck lulu Iul yurl IIIOnlulu lnlrrmnllIII II Mth dun lam lhe Immumd may no Huh In lhI miln nay Inmmldlnll mm III lulu HOME DEAD LOUISVILLE Kr lMl hva home in flu numd nu Il Churchill Dvwnl Mand rlled If hmhorn mm lpfllffli bun Illr Ind El Duh who mmmnulled him qui Id In dunnml Pmunl on El Duke lullmd lnumM by RICK FRASER Examlnlr Spam lEdJQor HI blnul dhm polmmenl wn ht Imnll crow 134m ml lumcd am far Otllwn nothing bnulo uniml 1b nnlo Ammuni In lhn llnnl um 01 ha mullr nhedulc lama Icoulinu or Rider and wnl through hII Conlldl Hm Tod Wnlkln came to Oltnwl Wulklm hnl bun brilliant ulm all IMIOII and and hi anly lwo aurhdowm In lhc Icmlllnnl um unlml Mow elm Members at he wlnnlnz North Dollcgmu team were Mary Ann Lenulul captain Sharon Moor cnpmln Joan Caldwell sheila Cruz Lynd Momp Charloue nlzelaw Dmblm Nncr Mnrg Lennox Vaike Pans Rosemary Gnllln Mulu Creme Elaine Winter Jo Ann Bobyk Marilyn Bylel No hellhme gnmu They swept Ihrco 1mm Parry Sound lo win up with llvo polnlu on more lhun mnncrup Newman kot glssonnn SPORT Mumlbc VanuatuCu Ion mm 135V meell 1mm mu Jot Brown 119 New Odom In 1m Cullth Bun lon Ban rumluv notId wlflmho Mama In low 20 lfnmnlrr Archie ul nounml um um Maud Cnr tor of lnlcrmn NJ unitd In nu mldumm IIOYL momma rum MIT HIT IMTK lllfllllUllOll IM Wol lmwrlxhl tlumplon Emil lrlllllh NW Yolk IIH le mlvldlourluhl Huh In unl unol Cumr In lovuund nor llflr lmul In jIllghuflh Inc Ilrhom mu Fun on Mu Ihnltn up Mllnll ll Unpredlclablcl flouuhrldcn Goolm as Ila bum llllll Duml no mmnnlu 25 MIWCMI Nu ncll Throwcrl Clll Ia Ilwkerlellawn It High slnulm Mo Ilmml Un rcdldnblu m1 lllxh Trlpla um Uyngedjglablcl tum LEGION MIXED mynmnax Kny F101 20 Do fluxmnn 301 Emel Sutton Elenar Vollch 215 mm lllxh slnx Eleanor Vellch 200 ugh Triplex Elmer vouch GAME Zambia Cell ll Ilnk Ladle CIA 11ch II Screw driver 29 flummlcl Mm muons Slnzgplora Sllnu 19 LEAN munme mnmnSum KEMP MDIEB WEE MT Plnk Ladle Gin Flzm Collin Screwdrlvtrl Zom hltl Rummiu slnznpon Sllnu Minimum Mccks Em SI Cllllon Blow 33 The Wellington Cam munlty House 32 Davey Dlvpm 37 5qu Prwshu 31 Lidia mzh 5mm v1 un Inglan 19 Tulple Stall Dal 1M 99 or 217 cm MIXED LEAGUE KEMPVIEW 1mm Hymn ï¬TANDmGSx Dofï¬lrypnychuk Nuanll COACH BARRY H9338 Hm pmmd above xiv lnu Inflation lo out BOWLING lllgh Single Ed Col lrlplc Ell Goodchlld Lacroumnon Hacm pnocnm UNDEhWAY Dnlnl Fifmans Texaco Baiflau young hoekey hope qu the Legion Minor Hockey pmmn opened Sul STARTANDGO 0P WI PAY TNI TOW FIRESTONE Dunbp it PA MN urdny at the Arena FIom left to right the boys are Jim Tnuman Robert Reid Sean Hind And John Bobbflte Strand Sor Centre Barry Shell SERVICI Dunlop lIrW PA ITROUD PHONE IO Bobby Hull took loan stride toward catching Hull made the Ingest lndl vidual point all last week one m1 and our assistsand moved lnln secondplace tle wlgxnteammglo Stan Mlkita had far flawer start last season when HIM13 game he had three goals and live assist or eight points and was tied or 27th In thg napdings In 61 he had lye goal and six at age 14 gauge Alarug nenths lead re main 1mm Chicagos flashy bby Hull 35M Ion stride ï¬dlveau now has 311 Sn and lends the league In assist with 17 for dam of points user 13 garnet He woned plctura zoal uninerew York Rangers and picked up two mists Inst week to malnmn llvopalnt lead to ual agnndlngllt MONREAL lmmn Bel lveau Mannell Cnnadienl tangy centreh olltn but am In years In the race or National Hockey League new in honnrs IHulliiquesifBig Gain NHLscoring Race Garf Binnie Texacol Peter Klein Texaco FIRESTONE STORE ll DUNLOP IT WIIT PA 136 lhyllcld PA um nu mum A5 Thu lea neu No goaltender sporting 154 nverau is Terry Sawchuk oi Delrbii who picked up hi third shutout of the season Ins week in as George Hainawarthn iiietimo regent am Toranto chard Eddie Shan took over the penalty leader Twenty nlnaumh an charged against Hallnlter names for aluminum mas L07 undue the 29 was mm on an Empty net will 1111 51¢qu on thuAbeqch Benfle Gramfun 01 Mammal Ken wharram Chicago 1nd Andy human NewYork Imus Rpcqnn nasf Chicaxa lead Ihe team mand Ings by ï¬vepoint margin and Black Hawks Glengl Hull has the best retard mung NHL floaltenQexltwnr There Goes Another marmooo on WI PAV THI TOW FIRESTONE Bellveau Mt Mlklla CM Hull Ch Goyeuo NY Geaflrlon Mu Whnrram Ch Balhxate NY Halon Mu Ferluson MII Hay 0h mm Tor yum Chi HampDe yahovllch Tor Faulkper Dct ship alter being tamed or minute In last Saturdays Hub W919 El Individunl loul mln utes Tomnlnx team Mal as mlnulu the highest In lhc lame The leader ll THlln 30 PA MSOI sib NM 16