Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1963, p. 6

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CHICAGO AHA Chlcago Negro clvll rMIIA leader licked all the cause of growing un real amanl Negroes here Too mnnypaoyle with out Jobs and pay cheque 40000 out of worka lent 12 per cent of the Ne gro labor faxcg compared with the us national uno employment tlzura 51 per cent Mdnv PrOblemchtced By Negro Population Whnl Ilka In be Nzlro In northern us ally Wlnl doe he think of MI Iol and what don be In or III ulna Then and olhu quesllnn were the while lnqnlry by Amelmd Pm reporter Jnnlnn Grflfln New York Nam In In nnnlnln ol the though Ind helm at In Negro community In Chlcnza Mountlng worry aver Ihe cm 1nd mm at lamina Frullranon bluep ness waxan tide of nmlmanl Urban League Director Ed BOB MARTIN 16 DUNLOP ST erch N61 $13 mmowuuom PENNIES SAVED TODAY WILL MEAN DOLLARS IN YOUR FUTURE BE YOUR OWN BANKER JOIN KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION TODAY II ClawHon SI Service Station Repair Garage Snow Ploughing NAL Service 24 HriTowirgg Phone PA a74i 100 mm in Mldnmfl AFTER HOURS PHONE lA 52895 or PA 662 fly JUNIUS GRIFFIN BAYlIELD 51 BAMHE Stewarts Garage Stewarts LIFE INSURANCE AVAILABLE ON ALL LOANS NEED MONEY UVAIIANIIII MONIW Iznvncl YOU on non mm mm cllll $50 TO $3000 Lolnl For Any Warlhwhlll Purpou nnlml No Mm on ma noun run your mm All bum Lu lnnmd COOKING ens does the BIG JOBS Mm mm TOM THRIFT SAYS Phcno PA 60203 See CRESCENT lnfl ISMr1 win 3111 Barry Nun sum up The Negro at war Peace you know not thl absence of violence bu he prsaence al Jugglco Formal1y 10 yam Berry has dealt with the problamx of his people Ha ha Inncllonnl omco downtown two miles lrom Chicazos loop You really dont get what ha 15 Mylnl unlll you leave hll camlortahlo allies and plunge mm the naming south side You growl thank the bear hulll nrber maps and dlnky nelxh boxhood flares ARMS IN APARTMENTS Iwem mm 10 apanmenla In the tenements and publlc haul lnz pmjectu on 37 and Seats Ind South Morgan Street Ind fourlnld arms and ammunition In eac The alccupantltlalld other Ne Kroc so an nnywmgons naked why Chicago cob dont coma out hen to protect us one lnld They dmc can about the Ne gm so the next time there II rumble Huh we win usa lhéao arms to protect our Flowers 11 mm um Fendleys FLOWERS FRESH FROM GREENHOUSE DAILYI FTD MEMBER BARRIE ONT PA 8519 WAIER HEATING 1th éhnru ll denied by Chi calopollce This mlmalemenl laid Cmdr Robert Lynskay the police task force Every hadyl rights In given aqua protection by pollcc re ardlell calmrace or rel an We have muted white as well Nelmu We did not spare any one Involved In thus dllturb Ange bipaulo nhla color There is mnumlni Inimoxiiy Iowan will oi adjoining neighharhoodl Thu reasons in clude the Nelrol inability to find iobs Ind Ihs ieeiinl Inu iied or otherwisethat 1m lu ihoritie are indliienml towrd demands or irccdom ram housing ghetto and lezrezaled schools The Negro claim Mayor Richard Daley has reluud In Me an oiilciai stand miml housing discrimination P488 HQUBING LAW But on Sept II the city mun ell arprovcd an ordinance which pmh hm real name broken mm discriminating became 01 mag religion or Ancentry In the 115 manta ng propean hi hIll Wu led nvzr 68 opposition of lelrenuonlm Theatre Tickets FREE Each Week ron THE IMPERIAL AND noxv THEATRES Spinning Wheel YARN SHOP Wa carry Inna Iclullon Mnry Maxim Yumt NORTH AND CLOUD SPUN KNITTING WORSTED COMPLETE SELECTION OF PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM SPINNING WHEEL YARN SHOP 11 IBM ROAD Fishnet ITALIAN FOOD FISH AND CHIP Dnnloy PA Harald Film 200 Bndlord It THE THE The PM Gilt FISH Ind CHIPS OUR SPECIALTY Treat lhn lnmfly nllhl la an 01 our law can mu fish Ind chips onsumersGflas Pholognphl of Dllflnevlon 65 Dunlop at May PA 04440 67 TORONYO ST CHRISTMAS yum 1000 hauuwlm And home owner canvmcd on Hi hall In protest Whun the bill wan nwroVed the Chicano Ddendar Negro daily new war heralded 1h My In gqadllaa which rud pndopen Iv Ive when mm Barri and District 11 your namo Ihoum appear in on oi tho moment And you locate it you have to do it all tho Id in which ii 3pm and prawn it to in mm You roceiva two at cu in oilher the eriai or Roxy Theme which will honored within two woeiu tho dole oi lam or now mom Attraction Hahnday mind and Hoiidnyl exciud All Avoid nlnwollmrui lll NM Too Early Nano lender lay Zhawmr lhal he hlll hu nu teeth and HI mayor will not do Ian abou luvm its provision on orced beagqu he in chum In political vlu They lurlher blame th Nun donal Aunnlnlion or the Ad Vlgcehggnl ol qugrgd Ppaple in enerai Negro politician and evil right lender have aophiaiicailon about such ma cera aa civii Ham they or member or their nrganiuiiona lee Neuroea are victims of an hduatice they take recoum in he courta or use their political power to deiend their munitions However there are many Ne mea web as Hayward Wii Ilaml 32 whn came herairom Miniuifpi He taika about the mum on baiilenounda oi Chi cago in though he were dip cuallnz the Second World War or the Korean War Each week 10 week th will appear la the ndmflumenu on mung the name an at Lynx The Negro uld they bafim the NAACP allowing ma mayor to be humiliated nation1 convention In mm mer eluted Daley lose In but clvll Ilth lqlue neCfilcVxa mayor wu baOgd mm the lpeakm plulorm fluxhi the convanllon Mm Your Aywlnllmnl ed Lowoer Wnva hld Trumbull rant WINNER 0F ACADEMY AWARDS with JACK HAWKINS JOSE FERRET lAWRENCE 0F ARABIA 0m Showlna lehlly Surth pm STARTS THUR EACH WEEK PEOPLE Wlll WIN TICKETS FREE PORTRAITS NOW am Plfluro of Oh yur lA Ml Emmy min th Ennfioéd ingflpawndule flurqu We were only In Io mov famflles lnm hm arm After 1mg 1mm whim mulled In In and can In mm whltu Hands romnom Dinilluflofiid ma may to re turn to Mlululwl bu or luck wellpay1nl 1011 there W11 Phulp Hauler aoclalazm and dgmnmphsr It the unlm my eulmltel that the Nam population in 01mm 1m in cuaud so per can durlnx the In No decades while the can white population main About an lame REVEAIJ SURVEY incur filmy ivy tho bond 01 education thI 91 elemen Hellzlmljy will probnbly Imo min Alabama heron they Into uggg Ehlcazol VChlmo may In the moat unrelated city In the us North in rupee to housing and lchooll Publlc IMOli evrllre open all mlate at tha Unlvmtty of Chl mol Population Centre ml tbs distribution of Nome warn aqua to whim thraulhout the city nlmon In per cent Chlcuou 512637 Neuron would have to moved The com mble figure or New York or Instance II 79 per cent decline of van mm 1950 On the nthu hand Ctllcagal per centue wn up nation dun grind mo to 1969 Speclal 314 SAVE CASH MRMBH M051 lMlDUl noun BARGAIN II Dunlap ll ll Mun BL lurk 0M DIII M13 AND THE FABULOUS DOLPHIN AND HAVE THE CLEANEST CAR IN TOWN STARTS THUR CAR WASH Robin lelor In JACKSONS DEPT STORE HIPPER CATTLE KING In Color PLUS CORNER Blwa AND ANN mm nunm 100 Nylon Wmhor Bur Proms uvy Duty lepu Slm 816 yrs figygllnsulated Parkus Menl Funnel Work Bhlml Full cul wflh thin mill for wumlh In blue men mt Elm mm JACKSON SPECIALMM IA 66555 llml Chit For You To JACKIONI SPECIAL EACH REG IMI fury or tun moon In Chicago In looYpercent white Itth Ire movement Negro 281 Mm are more than no pm while and mm are more than 001mm Ne lffl The Ichool baud ordered the lurva after flood of com pleIntl abauuu Wilden The mill lurVBYWfll bmd an en rolment lium an Sept bill pened by the hat union of the mind maxII unm bly directed the bond to teke note mill Imbellnm within Inhool giltrlctu Allhouzh mnny Negro clergy men And other civic leader are firmly committed to In civil Hahn HIM two man New voicu condemn demnnnnuom They balms to Dr Jack Ion hand of the 5000000mem bar National 3mm Convention Ind Fuller wealthy cox mauu manulactum and mm pnpor publisher Th of man Democratic pmy guidedva veimn US Repre lenmivo William DIWIDH Nam but gnuroan oiemenu Nolan dim iactinn with what they lay in ha conmnman Sim in lpelkoflt in civil Cowman tho mm mun llon In Chlcala II lubuanlial fllllerlcynmoni Mme Ind highly dllpmporflonala number 01 the race Imong Chlclzol lo 000 mullet op relic Politic and naillot wllhln the Huh mm Indexuh Idg conluslnn ll Chrhlmu PM Whllly th W111 mm PHARMACY Dunlap ll PAMm Collier It PA Hm COSMETICS CUSDENS mama um ed up Ina dIHWh lm of calm mllbulh Ardu Dumm Rnlm Yumy Muulll Hm MI bull QHIlIrI Chlnml Chm 1an HIM EACH TORONTO CPI rank pm editorlll In the Unlvmlty of Torontol uudenl Vnawwnpar pawn Remembrnnca my Krotuqua custom wal ra llrded um IerIouIIy by leg Ionnake And other Mondly The editorini written by Kan Drulhka editor of The Vanity nid in part we feel nothinl but dillult ior thr institution and leader which created and for thin anmnl ceremony Drunhkn also wrote The mn lorlty 01 men who want to woo did not underlland the essenllnl meaning of what they wen do lnz any more than men men do today Fuflher on In hIl mword lece tho Rodeo editor uid beenqu of our youth our only memories are lime of the we tell by the hmlflel who wen deprived or lemon they loved Dr Kcnneth Rolcoa lacro ury lb Wlnuon Churchill bunch or the Royal Cnnldlm Legion and John Foch who won the View Cm II chip OlflE BARRIE EXAMINER TUEBDAY NOVEMBEiI mm vgmngns comm Imported In hm Vlrlely thinknma cl Skolm CLOTHES DRYING SHOPPERS PARADISE ll DUNLOP I13 EMT Student Pgper Raps Custom Continental Specialties 37 MARY ST PA Choice Round Bitl or flout lb mneleu Len roux ROAST III Dmllnl lb FOR YOUR HOMI FREEZER mun alumna ovum lb 55 FRONT QUARTEM OFBEEF lb PORK BY Ill BID lb MONTH FOOD PLAN lncludu Frozen leu Vemnblu Ind Groom Every 1km Gnumed Wllfllm LII 71 May LINE OF DELFT BLUE CHINA BABY CLOTHS DRY GOOD FINEST IMPORTED CIGARS acm Inlder l1 Pnll ll COLLIER PA Plrldnl Wllhonl Helen 11 BEST MEAT II Burllech ii mm mm DYQKS Food Market WE ALSO HAVE COMPLETI Dc mt mmnu haulI nr In Mu pin mum 1M dam oun nucovm rm 1mm um umle MENS BOYS PANT Weekend Imported Wools zooom HEATING Illn lhe R0551 Hamlllan le Infantry Ieypo both lul lemd Mnnday nigh um tho editors opinion pmbnbly wuo gotupredomlnam Among flu Thnll thu edlwrxbldlvldull opinion laid Dr Home Hea never had my involve ment with war He hut doem know whm he in talking Ibo Sald Mr mu think nuns then felt very daep the men for which theyfoul matter whether he worldwouldr be enalmd 1dont win Iver net man who didnt underfland Mr Foot added wouldnt II that editorial would uflm ahctatlltudel of tha Iveru un John Wren deputy eommm dar of Zone DI Roynl Cnuldhn Lulu commented II It wercnl or the ucrlllce hm mu made then klds wouldnt mund guy the F6191 Hamuzqgn um TRY EAXMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA mu SIZES T0 52 STORE llDImlnWPAMll1 Mallet burner Elec tric Bunsen Cleaned Ind In perlect worklnl con dition Like new thrown out FULL mes $4800 30 lo chooufrom BARRIE SecondHand 5129 STOVES STOVESI STOVESI of colori Ind PA M74 IA Hm

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