Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1963, p. 2

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llo rlplmlld on ma mthMII ol lehllng II pun mum In Inlcr whm lino uh Mllmrd mu lhe mu Iodml In omrlnl romplllnl will lb UJ labor dammum avrr II lmd hlllnl pllutp date Ilm II 1x1 11 Luke Mgplnl mad 91 mm wow kl plmum nl MU lllh mm pran II In nnlm Mumma vulva lClL Id IM lnlnrvnnlnn HIM Hui ulllmmh In In luvIII Annn Illlmn Ame In MI nun Cam pm cm Imp Cd hr ML Amunu DII lCnullnutrl mm mm one Hm wonlnl 01 um Khm Ila M11 mnrmlnn whlrh pn rnILs Um Mllonnl mnvrnllun llu AmtHun Fnlrrnllun LI lmumm lmluslvlal Ur Id The Vllflxlwlll ml and now Ihg DIM campy ml now Album Ahmm Allmu Alumlnlum Auu Auul Alhnlle sum ML 7mm NS IMI lllllllln on us lonr cnnlmv num Bunr Cln Cemm mmrell mum IM can mm Sm Dom lmdu nunnn nvl Man Acnvl ITOCK urn Cum maul lln Mum Mlmnh WlndvII nnwaom NI vuu Avluuu munum an lulu up umlllu up II marMm Imcl unurml mqu lnduIvllll munalum unna my up on up TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE look We and he hnun to et la the next dispatch sla llon he said and was 12 l5 mile distance between each one lhe hnrsu not red wa just sol mm me and kept on Icing Mmsnnes Wm sun by hollo xrnph Al lhll llrne devlca whereby Mars code was sent up Inln he sky but it could not be read Links here wns Iunshlno Mr Baldwick spoke the lur FIGHT GOVT nurse and Royal Field Gk Hilary and axsixned hlm la dls patch As dismal flier he Ind In xldo horseback ram Pram lo flmul hendquarlm and to the ie There an not many men len who remember ighllnz wu on horseback or sending Morse code messages by tlegraph but Herbert Baldwick 146 Pene ung street Earrle remember well vclcran the Boer Ind Firs World Wars Mr Baldwick nuw unloined the Narlhnmpxm Ihlre Relimmt Section Army Reserve England when he was In years uld Because of his age In 011er Inspeclinl the lump In Alrica tank younz Baldwlck out the 30an RegimgnL Mrfllc ffloy DISPATCH RIDER FORCED T0 MISS PARADE sunnouminn nv graddchildren on Remembrm 00 Day Herbert Baidwlck Poor Health Hinders Veteran Of Boer War Cnmpllra by Flynn Dunlap SL Illnlc no Mumm Nv Ilora Nu Mum Noun nu Sun bum round Dom slam nnhon mm Dom TI Imnhrlu In UHIIIIH lnuprnv My mm cm yam lull Emax In on mm In mum my Imp Tnhucl nan Im on In Amm lnhnd N0 gm zm mnunluu MINxNo mum CANADA urnusr um Mum 11mm on Ill Cnnllmwul 41Mlthu 4x 41 4i 41 UN DEPflSITS 15 mum WOMAN NOTED Martha Vnshinzlnn wife come vnshlnxlan the Hrs Unilcd Slam presidcnl was mad lor hu common sense charm and gracmusnm Mr Baldwlck wn awlrdcd lhc Queens Swulh Mricnn and plnspsr Transvaal service meda In um year he cm In Cam udn and after complelinz length service with the Brit lsh army Jolncd 3701 Hub mm of he Canadian Armed Farce In Februnvy 1915 TRAINS TROOPS Ha was sent In London In lraln the Is Divlslon mm on he use he Vlckm mzcmno gun and saw ncllun In northern an before he was discharg ed rlble mndillons under which lhe troan ought There was no Iransporl and no communicalions They used burn or hospital and be tween 10000 and 15000 men were lost from typhoid fem Wu nla bully heel Ind xqunm eyed biscuils month after monlh Suppliu were long In coming We earned nne shillinl dny mlnus recreation chime ll wns Ihu worst it yet in 902 Bl of Barrie veteran ol the Boer and First World Wm Grouped 1mm Ion lo right Ire June Mr Balqwick hoidhm Ill mi MI nl IN xyv rumqu luldu rum mn Alum FIX mlm 5mm Incl mum nu Ianllfl xmo Mn rov luv XIII Furl Noum Nor om ma non um um lcrc mm Im NI any lov rm ou flayl Fludl mu sxmmm mn Merl Cm album In MI Tm nn Tum Unlan an wnu mw mm hnlm In Ii mm In ugj 19h 1m Vlmlsnr Si Thoms Landon Klldmnlr Maunl Form Wlnxhzm HnmlHon SL Callurlnr lnrouln Iclarbomu Trenton Klllnloc Musknkl North nay Sudbury lInrllon Saul Sle Marl Knpuskulnn Vhih llher gloom Lak Si Clair Lake Erie Ni agara Lak Huron Lake 0n lnno llnliburlon Georgian Bay Windsor London llnmllion Mainly cloudy will occasional showers of rain or wet snow In day and Wednesday lime chanxe in lemperalure winds northwest 25 Wednesday Alunmn Timaxnmi Coch rane White River Saul Sle Mnrle Nonh nay Sudhury Mainly cloudy wllh octaslnnal we snowor rnln today and Wednesday no much change In lempmflum Winds hecomlnl nonhwmt 15 lhln nunrnmn Ind norihcrly 15 Vedncsday Forecast Itmpcralurts Low lonlgm High Vcd An active pafllclpanl In pre vious Remembrance Day pnrv ades Mr Baldwch wu unable In allend yesterdlyl xervim due Io Ill health He Ind his wife recently celebraled their son wedding anniversary Synopsls 111a wealher pallem wlll be lnw lo change durlnz the next hours resulting In more dull cool showcry wellhcr aver Illa province on Wednes ay Tommn mainly cloudy wilh occasional ihownr end law snownurries today and Wednor day not much thanga In lem pcralure Winds um 15 Iodny and northwest 25 Wednesday Foreclsls Issued by the 1hr nnlo wellher omen so Im Raymond Anne and Belh 1n Mr and Mrs Blld wick have five other xrnnd children Examiner tho WEATHER to ant The Okay To Bid Immuan Unhealthy Edificés nlll wu allowed by zoo won resolullnn ulllnz or caulk ul lo apply for Authority In de molish or nmave such buildlnxs upon mm mm the Medical Omar that such dwelllnl unfit for human hnbilallnn or dqngprogs 135m Ald Newlnn nld wander In chnlrmln would enlarge on Ihl lengthy report ll appears that huy are pulllnl diriy Job on the shoulder of lhnrllcdical Olliccr calm section of lhe Puhllc Health Act was reputed In part When In the oplnlan ol the llledlcal Dllicernl Health any premlaea are an ailualed so can alrucled or so Improperly lllht ed or ln any other respect of such character or In such undillan us In he unlit or hu man hahllntlon or dangerous to health he may cause tha prem Lse to he closed ahd may allla agile thereon In pmmlnent place seltlnl forth the reason or the closan and that the premises are closed by order of the hlcdleal plllcer ol Health Md Hersey he Finance Commune re plied Just the opposite Then have been building that ware ready In all over and lhn Medical Olllcer of Health mv ommcndcd somflhinu ba done and nolhlnx was done Ald Newton said Im Inclin ed Io agree with Md Haney lo certain exlan But dont Ihink It xhould all in the Mod Ical Officer Health zm mun nmmn 155mm Nm gm Vhelhu recommendallon in Flnum pommklee Report was pullan laid on lha should ers of mo Medical Olllcer Hullh or mm load on was miller ol discunlon In city Council In night Thu recommendHun followed resolution of he Clly of San nln cancemlnl the demolition or mnuval of Iplndoned or an ldaled building my palm described the youth five feet Inur or tlve in 4113 all with blue eyes and bmwn halt He though to be wearing my or whilelhree quarter lanzlh hunt or poi Ilbly my Windbreaker Ind 395W polka spokesman said hll ll seen me youth 0M con sldered dangerous and ap proachcd with cauliun myeawld youth pissihly Irmed and dangerous was re poncd today to hlVlzlSCaMd from he Onlarln Hospllal at Pe netarm He Is bellved lo be lrl wlllnz south from Peneranz on Highway Police Warn Escapee POR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Council rappioved be upon Clu Polln PA I438 nayI Vlmfln lluvlul PA I435 Fln Denrm PA Mill Plnvlndll Pall PA um Anniversary Hymn wrll len by Mrs Gwnnowly Polar Ion Shnnly my hlslnrlln will be diwlhuud and mm or he first time In he church no of the Arm Mr Wilson nlsed was commerclnl school Ind home occuplflon In my vlew rmhsic tbacher could it Into either think Ihere are other delin uons Dellnlllnn Are important because llyou wan to In court over lhh byan and your mm are Inaser defined you are In trouble Inlmst has been so area In tho 75th annlrersnry certmon It It Zlon Unkod Church Shanty my next Sunday um public Address ayltem wlll be used lo any the services Mornaw acmmmodnllan Some member City Coun tll last night not inlo wrangle over wnlng bylaw that had been presenled cunncil pre vlously and was deterred unlll lhe Clly Snllcltor had an own lunlly lo unmlno IL Snllcllor Rowe ald hed gone aver the bylaw and look ed uver Mr Wilsons commeqh He snld mink mm hem should be amcndnd Ha nld There an huemenl Ipmmentl and its qucsllon ol whclher It cellar or liasément The term are not de Another pnlnl link IN by law shuuld be amtnded to take care special use According to his bylaw the only plnce you can carry an profession In your ham and dont lhlnk that lnlcndcd Ono ol the lhlnz um can cause the oily at lroublu this huslness of luvan peapla living In the cellar ha noled Show Interest In Anniversary Bylaw Needs Be Defined More Clearly 5P36KER A1 KIWI Homoigd School Council meellni Included Iefl to Vancouvu $4000 Hull to Edmomon 03100 Bulkloan 060 BABY CLOTHES KINGSTON Ont CPIWhen mumbm al the Princess 01 Wales chapter lmpnrlll Order Dnuumm me Emplrt each wrote 10 Hands asklng or baby clothes morn mm 1000 nrllclu were melved some lrom nraway Is France and Ger many Dnlarlo IODE hcndqunr Us In llnmlllon will dlstrlbuu me clothing to nncdy Iran Bum Home and Schnal Coun ell was oldlast nixhl the new system at paying ms dlreclly lo lhe Provincial Federatlun necessary to ensure lhnl lha pmvlnclll and Milena Mexa lions have Aulflclcnl fund to operate Mu Pllcher Anislon Provincial vlce president for Area the Home and School Assoclnllon wu explain lnz new uslem ol paylnz lees dlreclly la the pmvlnclnl lederallon The new system wu lnnuxuraled ml lull Mn Pitcher polmcd out that luppofl the provinclal and nullonal federation L1 necess Iry to provide voice for Inlemsledlaymln Ind pann In pollcy decisions of pmvlnclal and nallonal governments rlghtl an Smith visual gld chulrman ol the council Mrs Agnew council Irm Wlnnlnoa £1900 Home School Council Told Why Fee System Hallix 02485 Nonh my 0335 PA 6653 HEATING FUELS CALL ice09f USE About 29 cents Mlllned by the Mention far It minimum administration expenm Mu Pitcher md She amphnlxed um the money covered only the bank nmsxllle uch an office lelwhonu Indrmnlllnl the same lime the nld lhe new ayslem under which 31 ea Ire pald lo Iha prov III Mention And then radix lrlbulcd olher levels pmvld ed money for the noncouncil for the first lime MOST RETURNED the funds recelved by lhc provincial lederatlan Mrs Pk cher uld almost gnlx of each dollnr hemmed lo lhc mu or heir amuse In pro vldlnu leadershlp lrllnlnI and other workslwpl in the urea um Mn Ban Feldman pm Idem the dim council Mn Pitcher provinclll flowndub or Am Gm HI Fonpllnl Mm Em Rand 66 Dunlop Smfl Reg 499 379 ORNAL Cold Capsula 139 lIGHI BULBS General Electric for 491 EXPORT Cigaratlaa Buy By The Carton GERITOL Tablets or llquld 479 KLEENEX Facial Tlssuas 200 for BB SOLO Safely Tlp Bobby Plnl for 45 ONEADAY Multiple Vitamin 100 Reg 499 FLASHBULBS Sylvanla AGl or M2 129 DODDS Kidney Pill 79 value 69¢ FEENAMINT 49c value 43¢ FEENAMINT 49c value 43¢ LUSTRECREME Shampoo value 49¢ NWEA Skin Creme oz Jar 133 117 PEPSODENT Dental Cveam 69¢ 471 100 capsules rug 98¢ 101 BRONCH IDA COUGH SYRUP QUElllDA COUGH SYRUP MODESS 12s 51c 39c Thole SPECIAL PRICES End Nov 16 AllANDAlE DRUGS lTD HERES WHERE TO SAVE CAlDWEll DRUGS lTD HARPERS PHARMACY COLD REMEDIES COD Wk 150 95C 201 Brand Under he new fee system no member charged twice for membership in home Ind Ichoei association even he Le member ol more than one Is roeinllon in the cm or family which his children in both public and high Ichoois Anokher nlno cent and dollar L1 maincd by the Index lllun to pay for operltlonll ax pense such providing Inn porlMlan and expenses or com munes and having representi Mun to olhu bodtea the 20 cents runllninz ll nm to me national federallon Is per up he or Onlulo members Ind provdu an lundx for natlonfl work The fee or memberst now don per lamly find Mn Dan Smltpexcgu tlvo vlcepr3iéent of lhe d1 kld council Examine PM lo OUELlIDA Decongomnl Tablet BRONCHIDA CHEST RUB 129 PA 401 PA um PA MIN 69c 87c

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