Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1963, p. 7

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Mm Ilnwlu hu bun mm In nunnl nrunnlmllom nflnlrl Elm wnl clmlrmnn lrnurnm Commlllee Inunxrlnn lump lar Auurlnllan Numl or lmvlvm nl Quflwc and mm Emily lm been unmi er mmmlum In provan voyeur curglgulum or IlNAO tr mum lnmm lncludo nunn Iptculor mum and finding From May In AurmllY 106 Ml llawlu hnl bun mm dlrcclor the Hyman rnlrd or Um YINm film In ll pmtnl grndunlu Iludrnl ll lhu Unl vufjly nl Tpmnln am In Smkakchnwau Ind urndumd rum 5L Paull Hnlpllnl School of Nursing Education at McGlll Unlvmlly She lms norm an all mum and mnlron In lIoIpllnIA In Enlkllchewnn Fr ms to loco the was ll mm In numn Ichonl for unm ualu nurse McGlll Univullly HommL lwo yurl Ilm wu In Knclor ol Schnoll cl Nunlnl or Ontario Donlrlmonl ol llulth She relumcd for cw month In MI leclurcr In nurllnl call Min Darnlhy Rawlu flezNI will he gun Iponker It Ihu RNAO mural meeting to he held In Lecture Mum at the Pmbyuflun Church OrlllII mgganinlnx oglock Mill nbwleswwfil Ipeak on In Morton stud proposed nurr lngflmum wh ch LI undgr nudy Mr and mi nirry Walker enlemlned Mr and Mrs Ono Backer Grimm Indlana dun Mr Ind Mrs Arthur Rubber Shanty Bay will held open house on Nov 16 at he Shanty Buy all mm to II pm on the occulon of lheh golden wcd ding Imlvemry WEEKEND GUESTS OPEN HOUSE Mr and Mn Erlc Emmemn of Calmy Alberta have an nounced mu engagement their dlughter Dlnnnc Beverley lo George Waller Flldcy son of Mr Ind Mrs Wlllred Flldey of Caokslown The mnrrlnuo wlll take place on Nov 16 InJhe Protestant Chnpcl RCAF Slu llnn Lincoln Park Albcrtn Speaker To Discuss Ryerson Project 1h enzalement hal haen an nounced Sharon Havellay Ball daughter 1m and Mrs Ball of Bank to John Hexhen Tranler son Mr and Mn Allan Tumu of Toronto The manIan will take place Burton Avenue United Church on Nov at pm AflEND CONVENTION Mr Ind Mu Harold Forster Mrs Dorll Nullycomha Mr and Mrs Carson Kossall and Ann Kluoslerman motored In New York my yesterday when they will attend the our day mn ventlon The National Assaul Illon 01 Real Estate Boards maln convenllon hotel for he 55 th Annual conclnva will he the Commodore This allernoon In Emle women wlll auend lash Ion Ihow the Halal ENGAGEMENT President of the leies Auxiliary to tha les Moss Squadron Grey and Sim eon Forester Mrs Doug ch Donald rilll presents tha ceeds from the Saturday In gm PRESENTS PROCEEDS FOR BARBIE SR CITIZENS thio Ellocn Dlxon mm mm ma PEOPLE AND PLACES For many the dancer thll wax 1an flmo VIII Barrie and mm were Impmud with he excellan acillliea Ind ar chlleclunl bcauly 01 an col Iculnlo Following thn dlnce zuuu mu tho Lakevlew Rulnurnnl or retrelhmnnln Amonglha Ipcclntmv Wm member of he hmnners class sponsored by tho host club Johnnie Dnvldson CBC Counlry Hocdnwn TV program was masler ol ceremonies and taller lnr net nquaro dnnccrl Visiting dlncen represented clubs ram Colllnlwood Slay ncr Kllchencr Alllslnn Water lao Owen Sound Glancnlm and Princetnn succcss aptly describes iha rim open invitation dance hailed by lhu Buux Ind Belles Square Dam Club Sniurdly evening in the caietnri ni Enr rio North Colleaiaie Mr and M11 Ynlumlu David mu cl Hamian mdMr and Mrs Peter deKonm Prince lun were guests Mr and Mn am Judge Napier Street prim lo ntlendin ha iqulre dance sponsored the Belux and Belles Ich Mr Davldaun was caller In the weekend The American guest me the BenIa couple during trip to Fame Ieveral year ago Ind have renewed acqunlnunce many lime lines the European holiday Beaux And Belles Invitation Dance Attended By Clubs euchu party lo Mn Hugh Vailace centre while Mn Mamlea Pallenden convaner looks on Mn Walllce 11ml dent the Snroptlmlst Club accepted lhu money or the INDEPENDENT FIRM There wen about an lndcpend In alllino compunlu In Bdlnln In 1001 In Park had ll good friend and crfllc who would loll In plck up my hand and draw would but the hand Alwnyl looked little too nice to me an would Idd lo Ihe plclun to make ma mm lune tul Prelly won Wu mm un storm to In with my pic tum ed Paris when she was sludylnl an or Esto nlI Just ahead of ha German occupation In the Second World War lneu Iha not out of Em nil and reached Swuien just ahead line Runslan Dcwpl In cnch plus she mannxcd to produce number works Nuw wth working wait mu the Is busy translnlm the nude or possibln Cann dinn uld Innarim minimum ilon Mn Andereon ha lived hm for live yearn having eeiiled link in Sherbrooke Que ailer emigrating mm Sweden Her early life we eerie oi cagelimgn war Ellen KoltAndenon hunl Ind any 01 her many waxkl ublhhed ln Clflldl ycl huUn er native Estonia Ind In Swe den her book 10 chlldren well known She report um Toronto pubushlnl firm 15 showing In lerext In publishlu Im mm wErk Th0 Baby Lake In Cm Idi PORT ARTHURv Ont CF Slndent It Lakehend Cullen here wera summed to learn that the pleasant woman wall lng table In their cafeteria was alsn an accomplished writer and Illustrator of chlldren books Talented Writer Plays New Role Senlor Cltlzcna Club of Bur rla which sponsored by BmIe Sompumlm The euchre party was hcld at the 5311 Men at the BunIo Ar moury Examlmr Photo ilANN mums She uld them In no need or any dram dlet change alncn lhn may level 13 wall below any danger palm Cnnndnl Itudles cauplld with the report um Imma Uonal commission an rndlolcll cal protuunn to bring the rad Lnllon tolerant tables up to wlmyou wm lka the dot 1m ml Io may Heallh Minister Judy LaMmh Thursday lured the loul councll warm the government new In an murals check on rldl align fallout She minted out lhn min on air water tall when Ind human banal II be carried ny qgnpllng mum lll lmpmlbh to tell who hm lellowa are or what kind homes they came from Polly ha data every Friday Sutur Sundny nluht with Dur Ann Linden My wllo And recently bought lovely now home near an Air Force base This was bl mistake Our lbyunld daughter think its her patriotic duty to no out will every crummy you my unjipnn APPRAISAL brother ii thin hlrpens he will ba the filth boy tl thl inn with exlctly the mm mm want to live the blhy name which will tn dintinctivn What am you mum100 MANY DUPUCATES Dolr Too Mum Hows luv nnd it 113 she youii hava double exclusive SALLYS SAILIES My maiden name In very common Scandinavian onenot Andaman but In tha nme eate lory lxmarrled mat bl Idorahlu Swede whoaa ll name the name an my mai den name My husband ha two bmkhan and havolour broth ers No of our bmthen and two of our uncle have exactly ha lame name Inmeona yalled Smdo It lnmlly plc 2115 elavon mawould stand up am him 155 January My husband mall to th by mgr his Dar Ann Landem Bay do huh problem You can halp ma you In xenlul Accurate Check For Fallout Level In Duplicate Names Double Trouble mar Eyex My your an pointmenk not hlVIlll had children bu nude you resent lhll rlrl becnuu he filling yod 111ng hushqngil lire Ht laund Um mlzhly flue guy and th nlnllonmp with the girl next door appear to ba open whalmmu Ind maul Knock on tho criticism Yesltrdly carried over birthday cake which aha baked hem Ind gm him big hlrthday kin right In from of averyone told him girl with that build no child andlhat ggng 1115a alllhe dglgrpmlnau nu mg uuuuuullu My hutblnd love kids and ICUVI with lhs Boy Scouts lay ha would luck to bow and leave the ml dune Will do Wu uylEYI OPEN The narrow cl my life Is that we never had my chlldrm My husband has non of Adopted lhl air He lays her own father nuver paid my manual to her and tha needs guidance The air Ills mwn vary fond of my hushlndteveu Ibrjnga her its plnlo unfithey pop up out of nowhan Ind hay Ill look Alike CHOQY AND PROUD OF 11 Du cnooly and Pnudx Why dont you 1m tell your daughter the 11 to out with allow unlou ho brlnu ovu hlx old mInI much mumonl lhl mm your donude Add up The All Pom lm Ill m1 cl menwhich Ihould In no to mom who hu lived in the world or nwhllo You on loll mt deal more Iboul person by llxlenlnz hlm umk for 15 mlnule than by looking plenum bl bolus Dou Aunl Th Emily next door has three children but the llyeamld III II the one Im writing about 51 could pass 10 my day 013 mm noon loid my ler from now on Ih unt 1n out wlul body um know WM mm does and namelth III Innulyi reputation Fun lhermore van tn us some 21ng of MI home Im unreasonable Am How oh can lum he tab on Ml dmhl DID an whan um um It rhome embody or ether 1111 Land warm WW youn cu tlon are equally Ivored wtll mootl nunuiis so tblt whetevor your work you should be inspired to forge ahead with optimism Ind confidence nirrently you are in an excellent period lor launching lonzrnnxe plan no liner is also Indication lhnt new method ol inereuinl seminar will be presented to you between now and the end oi February Another line cycle for development along Job and or business lines in pruned for next September nod October Planetary intlucncu Ire highly stimulating now and most endeavors whether con netted with your bulineu or home lite Illuuld prolpehwitll able hlilmdlinzr ti camel 11 can WICVM WE new enterprlaulao cutaln all possible angina involved FOR THE BIRTHDAY tomorrow Is your birthday splendid indications or you And your internu In pruned in ur chart Durlng the nut mm These Are mulled lo John Hopklnl Inhomory or examin Allon Suprcloul findings In remrtedln the womens doclur 31 further tests WWW BALTIMORE AmA Johns Hopklnl doclnr has hl upon way to provide early detection or cancer no cervix ma Jor killer of wmnan dmiwoumii kit is mailed towomén between the use at and In an qnleznry with the hilhut incidence of the all can The patient allows the enciosed instruction Ind coi Lecu hli own all sample at am The llchnlquo 11mph Ind inupenxlve In last Itqu 81 pennnIeu than visit to dodur 011m mm Doctor Discovers Simpler Method WHAT THE STARS SAY Clyde stitch cotton bendoeu guaranteed iorono yeerl Elastic Insert bruethaI withyou NM 80cups In slzo28to40 N¥Ion powernet girdle eleltlcized with recto Spendenx sML Cotton Duretlit bra with duelaction etra tor extra Iu port and comiortebte up BCcups elm 8210 40 hens lea Meme penty alrdte toetulroe ml nn Innh hm mm Cotton Interplay cbntour bra for natural boklrég figure Dalnky ombmldary cunM cupn In Ilm 2810 38 It com so little lo 10ka Lovable in figure flattering foundations from Watkoral fin rdlrof 50 MoL mornot torllIMmlfit in Ifiri Ilno ML THAT GOES UNDER STYLED BY mum Ir muhcrfillltar IllmmIni of late December the ce lestial spotlight will lacu on your personal relationships In the you will luvo met deli to look forward in where do mestle lociei end romantic mailer Ire cancerned Beat pe riod or sentimental interests January May Ind Jim of next year or travel Ind racial livilies late December early January and the MIyAII1ust 1m perioul ll will Ivold trlon Ind lrictlon durlnx iln unry and March you rhould have pretty smooth sailing in domestic matter or most oi the you ll child born on ihl day will be endowad with an Excellent mind but will have to curb tendencies inward jealousy Ind ovtrnflresaivenesm Finances wlll he warned by generous Influences 1mm mld December through Febnlary again In September Do lvold unmanaan and speculation In March 1nd April however RCA CAMP BURDEN La 1193 club In in full awlnl ance mire with Illa Ofllcm WKvu Club meeuna win mnnlh In the Olflcm Men for the Marathon Bridge Proceed mm the bridu are used to Ild the ymly project 01 pruenunl books the top boy and um Iludenl In undu llvelo elm mpecllvely In Barker Public School The RCAF Framlant Chlpul Guild lldlm Ir rpnnlodnz the Innnll Chrislmu Bazaar on Nov ll Mn Multan preli den lb Guild Inked each convener or report on pro zrul mlde during the lununur Mrs Wilker has had hu Irnmlnz comm worklnl hlrd Edging may lrnnd kn swealen and bootees Mrs Ben aha had temple at he ma iCAMPVBORDENfSOCIAL NOTES FASHION FASHION NOVEMBER 11 631 BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA PA 613l2 Also in October members the Auxiliary wm entertained ddlghuul lea the ham Mn Dunn of Angus Mrs Dunn honoury member or this orzunlnuon Mn Walasek wire of Dr mum of Camp Borden poured tn IIVIIIIIK 0n their collecuon ol dbll clutherZ they have everythtn to It thee molt mutton doll mm Bab by to the large elxe Mn Mae Loin eeked each member to be the Social Centre before pm It whleh time Mrs Dlggle wlle ol the Commanding Olllcer of RCAF Como Borden will cut the ribbon to open the honor The Womens Auxllla held In meetlnl in October lh Mrs Lamtornen In the chalr ltlrx2 Snowdeu opened will rcedlox the mloutee Mrs Murray eve the treesurere report The various eonvener gave reports on ectlvlllel during the rummer the busiest ol these belou the Welcome Wagon Convener on each street Mre Gray re ported the lhrllt Shop was ln ooeratlon unto severe lndlell volunteered to help Mrs Lo vntt preeldent ol the Camp For den Stallon HospitalMullen Introduced two ladle mm the Allan Homltal Auxlllary who proceeded to outline various ways the ladle at camp could be ol help toy mnklng and lay ettes were two reudlly accepted Ideas Lunch served by the corn mlttee ended the meeting mceuslnl calm puty Ind bake sale was held recently by lha Womana Auxlllnry um wu In llau their Chrlsrmu Bazaar thanks are in order to all who helped STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly Ind convales ml pathms Enchant ladlltxu or prints at umkprlvnta Ho and cold water In mm Remun ed Nuns In Manama Rsygxu pnona $150

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