Em mm imlM Aimnhlldlt nm IIIl mum run 1mm mm an In Fr In cmnl an my runI can In In Ion PIP Ifmu nu Dam mldn Mr PM Al Inlle lulu ol Ilnnl nut NI lull TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Imuu Allnml uul Alumlnlvm new nslnbllsh Em rim the home has accommoda Ion or In pallenls and ll harm it will berabla to begin operation next weck The home being operalcd hy Miss Elsie Raikus new nd Mrs Anne hlnrczinski who received the guest unVSaluIflay llflM CITY NURSEIHES OIHNED Sninl Jnhn ML Incor oralrd The In known numry In Im CnnndI ol at In nchool wen opcntd In London comrnlrd cily In 1007 llI in The home intended lo acmmA madam ald folks and mnvalcs cents is In newly remodelled house It 67 Buflnn Ave Bunnn budge nursing home played host lo the public Snlur dai in nuï¬louf I3an house ml all Ann nou num rm um lull Mum In cmm mnumvn Null nun hummm up Mr mm up mnmu Ann 01 mwm mm mm lullll wmuuh 01 mud on nu lo on AI MRS ANNE MMCZIN partner In nunnn lodge the new mman home be open on Mon Avcnue dcmon Hundreds Attend The Open House At NursingHome RUBY GRAETON of man empllcs cuch n1 merald miners lulo box Mr Gran rumplled by PL Flynn Dunlov nnrlo Mums covm MNNbWS wrian mnnmscliowbvm my Iii cm huhull Inm um Am um um hum Vnund Dam Mam humor mm nnm Tu Ilul ma Ham on mm nu IMP Tnhlul Inly II lynx rm in Arrm Inflnd Nu Inm MrlI lulu unmm lumpm lotl LIllh gum mmnmi mulnnuu umma th lhe allcndcnce bccnme greater than expected Mrs Her bqu Young assisted lhcm Among the guests who Mlcnd ed the open house were Mayor DesCooke Miss Jeannelle Gll lcsple Director Nursing Sew Ice of tho Simcoe County Ilenllh Unll and Mr and Mrs Camp bell of Ihe Tomnln General llov pita Dr Noodle Simwo County Health Unit was repro Icgteg by his wile Corticoan smcd hy Mss Murgam Slewun nssisled by Mm May Llndop mm mm llm cqulp mcnl In In homu In Mr and Mrs Jnmr Cornish Cum berland 5L who visited me on rnsflshlng for hall with Mel Whitney alsn Milton at gulield meek dock yester ay In nu II um i4 051 M1 Nun Com Iikln IM our Imr Qua In ml 1w llm mm cl Yornom Tum Tum It tum If law NV Mn ll num Imlunn wvm um Nnflh rumn rum nun rum Mn mm mm Mm Ihul It m1 nm on mm mum mum nu CIIATHMI Ont CWNov Charles lloxkru nn unolllclnl Unllrd Church nlmymr In tcumrnlcI muncll ln llnm um he Vlllunl nulludrlo unrd mmlllflmlm Cllhollrl hn chnnml many Inslrml ol mmhlnrlnz nunr hfluinm upnrnlr hrelhuu name mm my muflhu to tho Irnlulnl polnl nv vlcw ho uld Salunlay Mn llnkrn mInIslcr 5L Andrewl Unllrd Church rrlurnrd Fvldny allnr lwowuk vIIII In lnml Vatican Attitude Said Changing Tho accldonl occurrnd at 1130 pm Snlurday in Iron ma Codnr Rnl restaurunl on High way 2647 Both the car drlvcn py Joseph quddcn Mnrkg by Jose Madden 461 Mark ham Rkhmundy llll und FOR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS The crash sent three ToolAle In Royal Victoria Nospila ilh IIIJHIIQL Anthony Hone Phelpslon suflcred broken loll lea and Maroon Fraser 20 Tomnlo received head Inlurc ES the We wm soulhbound on the hlghwny The rant end car as demolished Saturday night In enlllslnn with truck lha suf fered In esllmnlcd 15 dnmuxo lo mudguard Damage lo lhe car was eslimmd at $500 home on Ila upon huuw Sul unlny nflcrmun Thiee Hospitalized As Car Truck Crash 0n Highway Hm ntpulmrnl um IInvlnrlll Poll IA CM Ily Ill lSlll flnyll Ilflnvll llnlvllll IA lll AN UNEXPECIED calch or Donald Reece of Benm SL was this elxhllnch cal Hsh Donald was one of many PA b653l ammo runs CALL Leo09 USE mu mmllnnw hm Null Jun Tmnnlo Hm ll awnl Hamil Nnmn lmnl Wllmm Jump um um Inland humm1 rllul lNulu Ihm mm um lulu ma lhIn Wllhld erklump Irmmu um IN him Mr Im mqu Mr Mh lullnl rnlmri run llnmn mm An IDfl VIHMII numl nun lillunlly Nnvumhnr mu An mu Iluulu Mom MIDM yummy llunld Anal nounn All 1m Mn 1mm Hull rumm Hm mth In Tm In NM lwr gm lmumm nmlu Um um anlu $1 Tnmuo In Inl ll lhl hum ru Illnh fun All Imnuu mn Mllunlc lllNNlNa Jmn Sudmnly It Mu hum an leun sum ï¬nndly Noumber la Im Dnnn Inland run ol Inqu Chnwn Inner Huh tum Luv Ina mpmnur nl nqu mum nnw Cummm nnflllll Alh Lloyd un Wllllun Ttvry ï¬rth mum Ina Mr 11 Sudbury Enrllan SnuIl Ste Mum Kupuskuainx Vhlla nlvar noon and nven ng Mainly cloudy and cooler wilh shower or smwflurries tonight and may Winds west 15 today northwest 25 Tuesday St Clair Lake Eric Mulhcrn Lake Humn Nlagara vlndsar Hamilton lbmnlo Mainly cloudy Ind cooler onlght and hlesday wilh snatlmd showers or snow lur richwlnds was 15 today nunh wsgk 25 Tuegdqy Nnnhem llurom Gear ginn Bay Lake Omarlo Hall hunon Norlh Bay Sudhury Var able cloudlncs and mnler 19w shamIr Ihls nrlm On Tuesday mainly cloudy and cool weather will continue and showers or mawllurrlu arl expepled gnopsls An extenslve low prcssun Ireu ls almost station ary ovu Northeru Ontario thl momlnz causlnz overcau skies and lnlermlllenl snow and um whlch will likely perslst Ihrouxh Tuesday Vanble cloudiness And cooler temperatures wlll prevail In southern nglom to day and mm showers are llk ely cast Laka llumn and Georgia By rymna Jun aglrlt Hauling Ipnlnllm youngsters llshlnl or perch yesterday It Hayï¬eld meet dnck The caulsh anvc ï¬ght which broke Donalds fishing rod Examiner Photos Now In lhe limo lo have heal cablox lnslnlled on your run and caves to and dump canned by Ice nml wnlcrl WEATHER PARRY ELECTRIC DEATH WINTERS HAVOCI PNONI PA MIN Mr hula HIM hm wlll Ilsa bu lhm urlcullunl reprrnenl nllvu wllh hendqumlcrl In UM bunk Ind lhoy will will the lumen by nnlwcrlnn lnqulrleu And lnklnn hrmcu on louu mm uhlblu Téin Foster Inld ho wlll he and In In my 21 Ml lrlcndl 3511 nuddlnlrlcl Darrin man and lormcr manager 01 Cnnndlnn Imperhfl Ink of Commons In nnrrlo will be In charge of brunch bank Iha Cnnldlnn Imperial Hnnk Cnmmmn ma floynl Wlnler Fulr on In CNE ground ln1nrnnlalmm Nov 1H Courkilï¬wlll med Ignln Nov 1514 19 Im far court re vlsinn medal mceling Oct 30 mmcll declded la apply or $5000 under lhe wlnler work program or blushing and lm pumman ta lawnshl parks and roads Heads Bank At The CNE Road account nr 19039 or Ocmbcr wen passed or pay ment Olhcr October account my 99045 werenppmvud run The township npprovcd grant of $30 to the Royal Canadian Legion brunch In Angus lo asslsk the branch wlgh ll laxu mm Illa cm playee on tha lawnshlp mad de partment or salary lncreum will be revlewed ncxl ycnr when the Hm budget In bcln prgpnml Clerk ll Bell is to canlacl ha township solicliar for clari Iicaiiun of lha buildinl bylaw as it npplie lo mnvlnl oi build lnzs T11 in lo Ilnd aul li charg es should iald concerning the collision bIlween Robert Scusel car and house being moved on Na 15 Sideroad ii Ihe byan is cllecilv council was told charges should be laid Ilnce no permlt or housemoving was ob mined In another tappomlmmlv counA cll accepted the appllcallon Garnet Finch or building In speclor rule or $1 per hour and clam cents per mlla Imv any exgques BAXTER Special New po lice conskabie furlEssa wanship is John Dohinson Simud whnsa appointment was conï¬rmed It councils Navambu meeting here Mr Dobinsnn aims at $3100 per year with yearly increment oi $200 $100 in crease to be paid after six manlhr proballon and an In crease 00 ll lhe end oi the iirgt yeqr Oncu he sluts his duties as the lhlrd lawnshlp police to unble special pollen constables niglednol be needed council dw The Barbershoppm harmon he and get In mod deal mum while my are renal ng tho toys New Officers Hired By Essa Twp Also up for dlscunslnn will be final arrangements or Illa Bar bershopgen annual to drive In ch lhoy collect scurded and hrnkcn toys repalrlhem and turn lhnm over In tho Chll dmns Ald Society and Salvalloh Army for distribution to needy aflllleylflxrjsunns Battle Barbershoppers wlll hold meeting wlm double purpose at St Georgex Anxllcv an Hall on Burlan avenue begin oclng tqplxhl Members wlu discus um drlvu to net 44 new members needed or the competition In thensprinzu mnnm zmmn MONDAY novmnan Barbershdppgrs Making Plans Repair Toys no epugnmd PIOPLI D0 HAD SMALL ADS YOU The Royal Vlcloria Hospllll rzporled the busiest weekend since the holidays with am agencies and 15 accident vlcg kilns lBusy Time Fï¬t Hospital wmu uuu QuebecNoel Belleau at an mer judge the Quebec Supe rior Court NeMan Iawaï¬m Camp hell 80 former moderator of tho zennra assembly United Presbyterian Church of math America hurt at lack TokyoTaken Hnlanaka 49 one of Japans lemmas astronA omen heart attack MonlnulA Stewart 64 who mired last April as presi dent of Bailey Meter Cnmpany Cunndn Ollau Mrs Ambrose OBrien mother Barry OBrien president nl Ollawn IdarsFoqbaH Cluh mm Mu St Macmllan wldow of Scollas wanlme premier Five of the accident vlcllm ed 9ndkha rather wm ruled and released OTTAWA Special Several of Hm areas dcslgnatcd by the Liberal government in Ontario nrercpresenled by cabinet min isters Dr Rynard MP for Slmcoe East pointedmul in la Commons this week no taking part in debate on leniilnlinn which provides Ic celeraied depreciation and lax incentives or now industries whim move into an which have had high miempioymént rates over the eighi yanrn rIncentiveAreas Have Cabinet Ministers SHYS ITS STRANGE ORANGES Wm mun strange situation that PEAS SUNKIST JUICV PEACHES ARROW GEORGIAN BAY FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST BUTTER BARRIE NO CREAMERY PORK CHOPS LEAN SLICED SIDE BACON BUEHlERS LOIN RIB NEW YDRK DRESSED BOILING DEATHS Mrs IL Sterling wldow 91 Nova WHILE THEY LAST DouGngQfcfjfï¬Ã©RETET Anni St To my mind it contravene dominion pmyiuciui minions and dominion provincial mun icipal reiallons Surely the per son on the zmundhwho lives in the area collects taxesand observe over he yeau knows wheiher in In area that want help Othermaa In Pembrakz represamd by Liberal James Forfle Timmlns by NDP MP Murdo Martin Wallaceburg by Cnmervnllve McCutcheon Ind Challmm by Conservative Harald Danluflh There are eight desiznnlcd areas In Ontario llve repre umed by Liberal MP3 two by Conservatives and one by Naw Demontic member he Iva Liberal mu Windsor regrggmfg by uer MP5 unw mrl one being Ron Paul Martin Elliot Lake La repusented by prime minister Pearson Corn wall by deputy speaker Lucien Lamoureux and Brnnllard has cabinet reprsenlllve In Sen ate majority lender Senator RonMacDonaId DOIEN SIZE 16 Lhm designated areas in Ontario arexoncs which are represented by cabinel mlnkters could name same ol Ihem Illt the moment my strong abjchon to he melhod of designation Dr Rynnrd told Ihe house TO LB AVERAGE Pelivérod Complete Precast Canticle Cogplgh Rang of Sim FOWI 29 PRODUCTS LTD LB BI rrln 1001 TINS 1002 TINS He Isked what resaarch had been done on the areas and said Ihal the same conditions which might have driven indus lry out of An area could all exist after thousands dollm taxpayers money had been spent to lnducg industry to set tle there Dr Rynard nld we method of deslgnalhlg mm was dis crlminatnrrl in hnlhlgh sum mer unemployment was used yardstick He péluled out Ihal many tourist areas which have hlgh lummer emrloymenl mu suffered teverey from wlnler unemployment LBS BARRIE Secretavial The Bureau ROOM fol a9 DUNLOP 51 PHONE PA mm DUPLICATING mama gagmom mwa PHOTO comm MAILING sanvxcz 00 00 00 PA and am Wwxéi