Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1963, p. 11

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mum mmrn Mom Novmin 11 uuu nun hm llmn nuln In elm hilt mm Inlay NHth TllIPlcnu PA 31011 PAIITIN BIL IV hum at no mm in sum Bunkm 10 HELP WANTED WRITE BOX 90 BARRIE EXAMINER nubnu IOU WORK HIM In or Mom Au End nllnnt Are you retired bank manager known to the industry inyour ibcale ity If so reputable Canadian firm canoffer an interesting pleasant and profitable sideline IXPIIIINEID shill In or gutum Inplnymm to cm for It AIEIMEM lull Illp ltd lacM mm tall own town llrfli 1H1 hum PA man IVIIILIII PA ma CHALLKNGINH pnllllon apln will orllnlllllun Sum book lupin lmwlvdu and Inn lllmlu Idmlnl Illnn Ind Dub Elm Inwmlnlu Will lullnl nurlum Mlll hlhlu flurlllnn Ind in In llflll mununn In mad yin and lnenm Ind Mun IUINY nlrll Wallinl Dllllllhlp Hm mu Ind nth ham Mallow Ill Idvlflhtfl product FNI lrllnlnl Na human II In Illwlln II Illfl luv Ir It or hhrmfllun wflhnul linden Wllllnl new 334 EL Inch 5L on Z7 uw Wm mm lth In ll In da HIM hwnwoll null or cider In In Ml an Illbll hmn IIHAILI WOMAN to Men Ind bond Dlul lmlll rumm Inllon III chill hr Ind Illhl haul Infil Wfll Dbl lYan mm to um httlkn hlnllll Ap udtpmmufl mvu DINTAL ucmclAN nld Acryllc polHlln cum fill IIllphnnl Tumua HI EMPLOYMENT WANTED ol lnlmor Tilt Ime nu cu In my on 19 on mullGr mm PA TE mam suuonn fie poflllnn Ilttlmllu numoym In malnumncn wnl nun cumldtr my work It lvlllblm TIIIvhoM PA WEN Pnpm or mum or bullcr job All book Ind lumnn or In low 150 week Larml Hlnh School In Clflldl Vmc or Free Book AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept Dl Addnn Phnnc Nu Al Int Ii Concullon lnnhfll SAII ol ulllo plu Implnmnnll um and mm hwlchold ocu lncludlnl nnllquu Term uh No mm lho mm In mid JERRY COUGHLIN if emu inf 18 AUCTION SALES Notice ol Ponunx cl Volern Hal NOTICE ll hurl ghon um hm camle In Milan Vow Ll Ad and My up llu Twmhlp ol lloo II Own In Burk on um um dny ol Nowmm lWI Inn 111 nll pun en Illled ml to Munlrlpll 11de Ind ll Iurh nu nu mnlna hm or Immllom HMJIV nll um III vulm In like mn slim pmcerdlnu la luv Any mlulom ov ormrl mud Inhian umnl bdrm IN nIyumnd nay ol Nomnlmlflm KAN RLCIQAHDSON i4 hunuc NOTICE Towmfififimm HNlSH HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME IN SPARE TIME Quun Ind Dulhouslc 515 Box 1M1 Bunllord Ont an mufllllm ma emu mun in phoned In Mum Ind Illl AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov ll ll 1230 nhnrp or ALLEN FEMALE HELP RETIREan BANKMANAGERS ETC mm Mm Aunlomr cm wmnson om cm new em mmmunlcnflon hm cre Iled both mm change In lhl loch mum and In lmperr livean to use lhlm to prom um demqu In an wprld panelists the concludan mo don or the CInadlmAmerlun Mellon Iominnr lama hm Saturday Dr Nomun clean Mich nn sun University depln menl of communication uld Cunndn And the Unlled sum do nu time common lau um or common cullun to my nut um Communications Create Change Tue we countries shun only code which has um power to mdes or desmy commxr ulcauons Code IN or mm use to man but of mu meanlnl Mher than ullllly Mr Clury mld Dr Gcoitrey Andre exacutiva dimcior of tho Canadian Univer lilit Foundation Ind tha NI iionui Conimnce ai Canadiln Universities Ind College in Oh lawn uiri ieei mm that the present real misundemmdinz between Canada and the Unllad sum an the wme or union amoe shlp real reflection oi thu lulu latitude which in given In individulllsm ln lite Unilui Stale thin in Canada The Amnrielm In discovering um unregenenie Individualism no longer meal the problem oi he lime NEW YORK ANA $200000 firm he wu nch lo to Sunday night lwu dlyl me my Mum Jewelry mtr bery III US historya badly bunlled 03000000 ckup hm Real esllle mun Emanuel 51 man Ind hls wllo lnld pollco that Jewelry valued at Iboul 00000 wnl liken 1mm hmdmom clam In lhelr Iplrtment durlnl tho wetland loot Included Hurll diamond rlnl um Slmon uld WHI worth $1500 No uld helium Almost ll lb mlw in plum wen lmumd They belong to NH Simon Mn Worlmln who llm on he floor nbovu lho Simonl old police um wnnh $4000 Wm stolen 1mm her npmmcm durhu lhl wetland Polln leellnx mon sped llc Mun or what lhty ullmfl win 03000000 em mhhery Frldly have mod the vlcllmA mi elm lo mow up polch umlon lo xiv In Iccur nlc Accounllnl ol lht loot bllld mnmm two In cc unilorml Ind lhm wun ln Hallowaen mush flopped jewelry muunm mm cur rryln le unude nlrdl Ind nllvod them ol um Ind olahl old bm welnhlnl ll pound each Thieves Net Iewel Haul Thu dlylllht ulldmp In mld Mlnhlllln wu bunllod apar Illm TM mrmnur lurvlct Ilnllon wuom lound Ihlndonod luv noun Mu mnulnud mm 01 lho lncludlnl lhc old hm 50mm mm Mm Douncln IhMlun pellm Hrrd II low hy mm wounded llhl mnvldn It the am Mr ncuond llcllfly rlurlnl IN mi oi lwo rlou Sandy Prison Guards Wound Convicts Mm lhl mud oulhunl lhn prlnonm MI WI avrnlnl mul wlhoul lncldml llllan ollkl II Mid no ol lhu prlumn rim um um ml nluml nlnnd firmly hul lour um In hol yll mule man no lo In mIln hmho nut In all vlnl Inrml hunn In chIIr lhmwlnl Inrldml 4mm VII my Ma mm lunnl In lhl wudnn In lnnllnllon uld IIwin bum plus leu unhal Nun In shout oqull numbcrl uld mnvidl Maud dc to mum Io Ill lo lur lushell um pug inl dldp walk Vw ulnln ml MM nhull hhlr minded he mm ml um lhl mt bch In mm MALE HELP MOST REV Francis Mnh mcco luxlllnry hlshop nl Ton onlo conducied an olflclnl op Vnun Clamml ll quurllrhuk Frank llynn Vnun ludlnl In Hm lhlnl quulmr bul lll mum dawn wilh lllo hall on your own lhm ylnl llna Whal do yum Vau llvn ll In Jlmmy nmwn Well ml llyln Ilmwn und much nnlzm Cnlnur um lly MIKE IMTIIET Aumhled Im Mom Wvllrr So Ilnu lllllhuuh filerer Ilncmrkrr nob Frhmllr wlm dlllnnml the rum oul Imlrul lhmulh Iml ulummwl llmwn In htqungndjnr My Nu pyr In rallidnvlihi Van inhnuhl In IN In Honda pl any whm 1m lho Heldf CLASSROOM DISPLAY uh aha the mention lhl group Illmdinx UN open house mrr lllAllKD llTfl uniml In Ihe cm In Ihnl nm In 11 In Clumva Human Mk ma nun ONTARIO GOVERNMENT mmenullvc U1 school oponlul cmmoniu wu Giants Gain Tie For First Place llrd hr Slulm lo 17 Ho nry our LIovrlnml Eumlny In umrl on lhp NIHan anml Luz prnnram Ilyln hm nno xhlnrn In all IAIII Tnlll lhlu flmvfiLfig SCHObLTjOFFICIALLY OPENED ening Ind hlessInl of our Lady Lonnie School Elm vnlo Sunday alumnoon With uni atom lhl clnchln1 loudl Iluwn In lhu lomlh quulu an nlmryurd pm to Gary Ill man mm rmlm unr lnu hll llnl lullchden In two yem ul NFL plly The Inn drown IlmwnI Mn llnlplncn Ila ln lhu Hu om Cnnlrnnm wllh New mk lillnll who mum flulr nrd In Time pmed or lhm touchdown In nn my unl ulumph over Phllndelphln II Gmn my lnrkm and CM cun nun nwnwhnu mmnml In ll lnr Wulrm Hlvlulun lrml wllh ll mun 11w luhm Innka 11 III In lm Irrnml In John llmuh pmul or In of MI llvrn luuchdnwn mum and vlrlnu nur Mlnnc VIII Inn mu lnln mm mm nlllllwlly odulnl An lvlu mm on an In Held ml 111 llnm helm lmfll Curdlnlll mil Hum lonchulawn pum mule Johnon In ma vrlory an Vnddnnnn nnl Inn San rum dmn Lamar emu M1 In um um mm me Iell an Mu James Col umbus and daughter Johanna Murray 1nd Henry Temolder ONclfl Ion lulmnl mperlrk nndanl alimonqu oducm Ion Onlnio Drpulmml Blshop Mamet out from In front mw from left Rev Martin OGrndy punIsh prieat II Elmvnll Ind Phala mu llN Irlugnpjl av DI In Cowboy Ind Jlm Mllllnl rid nnl prowl lhl dmrrcnct an ultimate Coll Mud Dr lmll Llonl ZMI DREW RECORD HIM unwxl BMW lurnrd an ll rillnhmxh Chm Innrl mum llnl mavlnx mud 70 In II mom qunllcr whrn Hyun Ind luurynrd mm In my Cnlllm Ihrn Ulnwn uho WM held In rlxhl ynnln In lho umml hall nflcr ulnlnk Hm um wn cum In Inn and mm In lhl nuuh nlxulrr Swim ml 0er bunch nu lhn lull when Hme Km pounud umhln IIy Em Omn man lhm mluurrd an Inner dd tnnnlcllll on yard Inurhtlnwn pm midi mu lem Mllinl man wllh MIBLV Tlllle tnnmirw II pun1 lnr yudn belan moqu Ulmlnl look uvcr tnr III null Ind nddul lo lha Lulu mlmlu II 21 mi Inurhdnwn Inn In Del Monet Tullal Irorlnl lulu nnl um mm In Jo Momma in run alllord And to Mill KIM IM Illa mud munn1 run 11 on mum mu In In 0M1 ujm with Mn Lien Tcmolder and Mn Gerald Stone at right EducHon Hm um wllh Nll ONtlll Ind Frnnk Slone uhool mnl ermln Hummer lhown mm mayan xififi sms an mor Hu MOVED ELMVALE Slam Gum attendan the 0mm apenlng Our Lady Murdu unpar nlu school here Sunday heard Most Ilcv IL Mnrmccn nux lllnry blshnp Tnmnlo den crlbe IL erccllon model fl moperallon In the mmmun Ha wu Apeakln Ifler dln ncr at the DI Red nmmr llcsluurnnl hem allowing Ihu nfllclul opcnhll lhn new 000 xchool Not only Hm pnslor Rev Mnrlln OGrndyv grateful Bishop Mnrrocco conllnum Hut vm Ill are The nlmna phcre of human Iurmundlnn lhn conxlmcllon lchool ll inn Example to olhor communlt non Frank sumo llmvno Separate School Board chain man Meva Lemch nl Indny In Ill walk llle must 1mm lho Chrislhm supernlruclnre In our commun lly llvlng Those whu lhll relllxion prlvnlo Mn whlch luu no plate In lhe school an only ncrmlnu the mnlerlnlls llc humn Um lurmund ul 1h bishop Inld ulnhnp Mumm Ihld lhm hnve bun Ilmu hm leplrm Irhooln um mllundmlood In Inn rumvnunllx flu has Ichmll lullll lho puma n1 lrnlnlnu nludcnlu llu up lo the Ilnmlnrdl Olrllllln vlh in lhrn lhv who community Mnrflll $115919 Ind Rn Cnstex Peneunx In lho Ilrunlo mains like Im It In In munlrlu whm rt Ilnlom ralnlnl mnllnuu Iwr Ill In urwpl lhll wa look or dmluuon In Um pmbloml lo fly lnrrnll why no nflm blam nl lur Ihv nhnrlmmlnu ler rhlldrrn when In rtnllly mclrly II II null or mllnx mu er tlnlu hm hlldron wan mum II hnmc hoolu ma loien mum mpm Bishop Marrocco Presides At Elmvale School Opening humor um um Io mom Chum to NH mama ulble every llmc former xlud enl gm astray he argued Enrllcr In the Illemoon Blah op MIIIMN hlcned Ihe naw Ichool Thll ceremony began at lhe Ihrcshold and Included the blossan of each claumom and tmcmx or flu wall of curb cIauroom Elmvnlc Reeve Alex McAuIny nlud the Canudlnn Enslun on bracket unlaide Um IChOOL Close In 200 visllou came In In the nzw Ichool opened Amonz the vhllln clergy wu Rev Caslcx 91 Pano lnnu By comments Mgr Cm lu was born In Lourdes France and the Elmvnlo Ichml WATERLOO Onl CPI final mum In bommmlng mdc uponsorrd jointly by In nlvmily at Waterloo Ind VI urloo Lulhcrnn Unlvmfly Sn lurdly hmulhl complllnu la van Float Causes Constemation The on Mad Mmln Lu Um beln mulled to he door rhurch wilh long Iplk htlltd Thu 95 mm It en tered hy Unlvmlly Waltr100 Ilmltnll who uld wu mennl III II Menu lmm wmrloo Luthern ll VIII undmlood unlvmlty MildXI Also had rmde mm lnlnll about In flanll luck 17 nu Thry plnnnml In mnlldor In mum May 1h qunlirlldy ar Mun ll mull NofllgAAmurlmn wlld TRYING om or flu Billy lumgr 1V year Ill on of Mr and Mn Willlln Nner Elmvnlo Mu out 15 saangmn EHONE mvmmx HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC Our Nag Mdrm Ind Mum Number IN ORDER 10 IlIVl IllR CUSTOMDIM fllfill IIAVI MOVED To NEW AND MIOII PllfiMllu mm Ill HIRING IIACII my rmwnn NOTICE ppmcd my Inurdu Icnk ware new John Ktlly Pena clung Rev Ilnlph Egan nov Gordon Benn Midland mv th Vlclnm Harbour Rev Dawns Port Mchcoll new IL Morrison Toronto lormfl pular al Elmvnla nnd Phelp slon flev Cambroy WW lowdnle Rev Schwnlm Alllslon Rev Frank OGrndy Toronto brother of tho mum hera Rev Mnrlln Grndy And Rev Frank Morgan Toronto fleprmnlnllvc ol Elmvfll Ind Flo Townshlp councils nL ltndcd lnrludlnz Flo Reev Frank Coughlln Mm rcpnstntv rd nl lh upenan wcru um bulld Glynn Construcllon Allinlon and the archllcds NC but and Davlcs flnrrle ONeill nsslslnnl Iupcr lnlcmltnt rlrmcnlnry cdncm llan rum tho Dcnnrlmcnl ol Ed uullon Toronto mumMed lhe Onlnrlo xavrrnmwl Trnch Wllllnm Mclnernmy nml Tum menn wen mm 50 cm Ihn ncwlyeleclcd rural school board member mncls Slune tlmlrmnn and Charles Calum Imn Alclmo Lnlnndu Tum Mc llnnll Lloyd lllltlllo nml nm nnrd Slam Fallm OGrmly ll he hour mrtlnrylrvnulrtr tho new lehooll desk duh in open house Sunday ternoon TM two clnsmom IcBooI opened um all hu an madman at 11 puplh rammaul Innamum nmm Ind Alr madamII Moll PA 24HOUR SERVICE SALES Ind SERVICE OI All Type HEATING EQUIP BOWENS

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