Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1963, p. 1

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Airliner Falls Nearly 33 Miles Legionnaires Honor War Dead SHREVEPORT Lu AP ll wan like nightmare lhouxhl had fnllm nlnep and mu drunmlnl But nobody pan lckcd Were proud the human race today Mn Robert Monlhnn Octnu Clly NJ was ducrlb Inn how it r11 when hung in Ilrllntr Inddcnl dived ncnrly three mllu In ll ucoudL Thu Enllcm Mrllna DCl plummclrd eurlhwnrd In lhu In vlolcnl downdrnll The Ilrm nl Imllinl ofl ripped way an cnllne The ourenllna 111 on New York Clly bound llh WI Aboard for Mexico Clly WM about lo mlnuln 0n Hum lon Md 20000 tel uy whm rnpptntd There wnl no wnrn IL Snme pnmnxm wrrc plml and Iznlml ID cclllnl and Old lrzlonnnlrrl who did hol llr In lwo wnrld wnrn mnmud wllh Cunndnl ynunl lhflnl mm lndny ln lho annual nhmv Inco Ilrmrmbrnnn Dny Church lhmnahum lho mum try harmed lha war dud In Irrvlm Sunday In mnnf Can dlnn mum ll wnl unnhtr dny oi ml lnr hnnh IIMPL nfllm and Inulmm with nmcm hnnu Ihawn by rMllnnnl In In crnnlnphn md Ilrfllhplllflnll In Tmmlo And Maulml lho Hock chm mIInlnlmd narmnl hon II nducod pure nut In Wlnnlm min gun Ihm 11m 55m his mum nu flmn MildHy Ivy urvlm In Oil Wmllu war In in luml nl lw Nullonnl War by um um um NEW WESTMINSTER EC CPlPremlnr Enl neu broke from the caulloul tenor or provincial Soclal Cre dll canvcnllon Saturday wllh Ilmnxly worded statement British Columblns lacrfllco under Conledcrntlon lh uld 81 will take Inn Ind Inlr policies to tho federal rovlnclal confluence at 01mm er lhh month Ho addcd um he bellevu tho Alhem Soclll Then no unflnlmll In clmlnl rnmmucln Hur pvlm lhrnulhoul Canada on Any urlnnI runrm lo lltmrmhrlnr Mr And Arm Inlu my In Qurlm mm ImamI um uvrrnmml nlllm nnulncd open In lmlmnlon Imnlu Im Inn and orrrmmnl nlllm mu dam and lime hm no bnmo nellmln VARY 99011 Your No 263 For Examiner Wam Adi Talo phnno PA It The telephone number to call or llze Bullncnl or Editorlll am um Our Telephones FALLI 10 CEILING Luna lull lo lhe celllnl The plants lnndcd nt nnrkr dnla bnn bccnuu HI crash lnndlnz equl mnnl 1th wnl¢d am will has Inld all It lorcn of car Some ham um any with dim nxhnl few um mumd up but Ill were cnIm 11m rucllnn In In ahnul mlnum Inler Many 01 ha pub mum began lremhllnl vl04 ltnll Sumo wen mud or Ihoc Ncnly le pmmu we rented on but Six were unl on to Shruv For Hmnllnl lhnln un In hnmhnl in un In holpfllll or rxlmlnnllan only two rcmnlned Sunday mnlncd lhcrc helplcsl unlll lhu pllol regained control nnd lcv ellzd out at about 5500 1ch math Mu Mu llodpll Harvnod Mum and by Hom mr¥ontrnl leu and Wm nllln lglmn Tum Itodlrlll In um um mm nmmu dled In bum Silver Cm mnthcr rho prmnll 100000 nuvlhm In umudn uh ml Inn durlnl Ila Second World Wu The premlu laid Um while 30 will tpcak out at the mulcrenco will alwayx my Irate Ind will never walk nun will make no threau or channel and lump only In Imp the record urnxhl about Bath bellevu In lnlr treat mm to all and special privil ezel Io none and to that will stand lo the vzry end MM MA HOWELL Mm Llenm mm 01 Indiana Ill dlad In Mclhodlu llnxplln Sunday Injurch wk Med In lhc lllllawaen nllhl dlmlcrlho warl In Indium hlnlary Thu woman wu cm ol as perqu Inlumi In the vlolent uplonlan Hull ripped plnnnIlud chunh mumu mm be mt Irrllan and hurled mm mm Hm nlr Alan wllh Imu Ion bull Mler hlu aurqu rhulu AI Iurrmnr In lllllll prlm mlnv hler an Mmqun Ian Immlh lmlnyn rlMllun In lormnlIly Whnn in power Ihl tnnmullvea IrmllllonI IMIB lhelr prlm mlnlllu Inger ntulhelr pquy INDIANAPOLIS AP lhl daulh all In colluum blnll nnw blnmrd on Icnkinl as 11 nllcd mall houlzhald Iurr3pgd lo 11 Mu Cccllu Holler 71 Indiu nnpolil dled In Mclhodlll 0F llnl lndny lnjurlu Intlmd ha uplallanl Ht hunbnnd we klllnj Whig ha bllll LONDON lllrulml dmu Mlnlllu Nr MM mumllama lmlny wu lllnnmlluly cleclnd lullrr nl lhI Inmmulhl Dmulnl llnm mm In lullHon II pm an tank Nat at mmlnl on ml 1000 Comm11m Includlnl rem mambo lullamonl plolwcllrr MII¢ mnulIm oi linden dlv mm No special Avon wuuld how ever In ukod and 110 would not stand or any basic change In cynfcdcrnllon Premier Bennett mid onl change BC would neck It LhI Mealprovincial centerean II Mum dim lnnuon pow ers In 1h pmvlnm Bu Iho prequ added that In cemral provinces imp lam economic benefit 1mm Confederation and 11 any prov lnca need protccuan EC not Quebec EC NEEDED BC upon worth of oodr Ior every dollar worth it Im ports ha uld Wlumut 50 Cnnndna International balance of payment would In Haul lraubla Mr Eznmnl lald the central pmvlncu hnva kzpt prim hlgh by standing behind mm pm lcdlon Ontnrln and Quebcc sold 35 worth of good In 110 or Every dollars worth they Ipenl ere We are mi complalnlnx anIy rolntlnl out who mnku Incfllcn In this country In old the nnnunl convention he Soflnl Cmqu hymn Conservatives Choose Home As Leader Another Dies From Blast which nund II the ynulpllon under lb lin ml unm um um um nuzr who had mo doctor vu rolutnln My when uuhlnlnz lnuckrd an unn cnmcloul blulrd hula In hrlck Ind Ilnrlcd llrc In In ham on Thornton um mum 11w llxhlulnl Ilmrk ull lllcr 700 pm Um nuke mu Inlllllnl dinnnr xuul In nu dlnlnr mam Mn It llmln Amy 5L llmle flurrth ho nnlu mum Jun Illa bomb Mu IMer In Inful nln In Mr clml and Ilomnrh ml nvlnn WM mu unmnlclrml lur hall hour dcuInt mum her you ucvyl Huh II llmll nalxl TM mmm MI chlmmy lhe blrk In house mmth bfltkl Ind Imlnl than down Lh Ilnlrvuy mm flu mend SodIla and Democratic Sa clnllst palJllclnns rolled on be double dlmsttr In um cumnt emrll IIICHOII campaign clnlmlnx mom My pm on hauld be Inkcn In Ihn mlnu and on he nllwnys Thu eludlon in lo dnyl Iwy lhl lullsu held Pumler av yam Ikadal cometnun ov Immenl respomlblo or lhn lu ndka chnrzlnx Iccdenll mulled hum tho zovemmcn onuldad palicy Io proud mo nopollulc caplulm clnm lhluwnpol worker Hyena Thu mnl dun cripIOIion lnfiun mlne ll Omuln on IM wulh em Inland ol quum klllcd Brlan Inter wan hurled la lhl floor by lhe boll whllo lklnu dllhrl to tho illrhm ol Ml hnmo nn llm mum cnncmlon Innll III II mom Mu mule nuk an who vm buldn hlm wu nluu Ml lml nnl lnnckrd uncm lclmll TOKYO Oppallllon pal1m lumcd In dlusmm coal mine exnloslon Ind trip train crash that look more than 600 live Into major campaign lune aday wllh chum oi nezltct Lightning Hits Thornton Man SECTION 01 TIE crowd Allendan the Remembranca Day yanks It the Cenotaph Mdké Eleciion Issue Of apanese Disasters BIIIII Ormrla Clhldi Mendy Novnib 11 I963 CF Iron APRlnlm ducheu Inhnx Km with army own hum who man at Oven 11 child will bu um two man Lulu It Aldrin III II IDNDON mumm Dn chm ul Kenl mean he chlld punt II Tler Wm linlkk and they mlnllly knuw lhc bunlnm Ih No permnl were Injured lo clay In nnolhcr min wreck Ilaw moving Enmnzer Inln rammed not or Hammer in that had hnllcd hull ml out of he lllmlhlmn IUIHDII and the Cooknlawn Am Thamlun In hrlundu whlch wen ll Una house In no limo Ilrlnn mixer and MI molhcr were lnkrn 0an Vlrlnrll llosplul am hi nnlm doc lnr 1th Wm lnnlnxl lhm lm Ihmk They Ill nlulnl at tho my Ilml lmmc nl Mn llmll whom Um III mllnl undur minim The Iroln wreck six hour later and 600 mlch to ma north klllud 152 venom lncludlnn Wllinm Scott 24 Colorado Sprlnul Calm who wu Iludy In In Tokyo lust 70 Wm inlurcd Although Ihu pussure wu on Theda Una pmldem or Japan Nullonal nnllwnyl nclmka lp hlda tnld he was nuptan lull mmnnlbllll or Saturday dlgulcr nn vmuld mlzn minus ininrtd About $50 and ion seven unaccounted or ha Mlisu Mining Company Inld Pollce Inld however they hnd cmmicd 452 bodch Wilch KlLlA 162 Duchess 01 Kent Expeding Second Child In The Spring today showing the uglon makes and some of the armed urvicu At lhu bolzom ol Tm mlnn owner Wm to ho Acumen Knllllul uh tho 5mg wulmguped min1 II in Him In ElliId In mum and III with lo WM Germany In ug OTTAWA CH For the Inn wuk running he opposl llon In lnrllnmcnl hu Ill op portunlly why mnvn nonconlldmca mntlnn which ll nxroed lo will upwl lha xov rrnmml and um qultk um unl tlccllun Thu ml vmmdl lrom um antlml lldlluh plrllnmsnluy vrlnclpln Inn Man lhc Com munl VIII um mu money Tueldnya ll ha In occuian rcqulred undc Iho mlu ol Iho Common lhll nulnn lhnl in Myanmar mun pmvlda an opponunlly or um Oppolluan lo pmqu nonmnfldcnu mollom oulcr ocmlm um um In llnnl ch the union hawcver In opwlllun unit employ nth min at tho Cammonl nm xuvemmtnl hu IulVlVld pant thlllcnln hy mnjovlllu runqu ram 10 Thu anvcmmen also has agreed 1m slam or qulck paymem of labor Accident hr surnnu plcup near Tokyo wax ha second threelulu ms In 10 monlhl Japnnm ml accl dnnu uh In Iverp ol 10000 11ch ycnr yen 137th mm cent In Canadian lunds BWNI 1000000000 yen $1000 OW by he government In pay coppensalllon loUIg victim Avianqu mm YEAR bard minim mm Wind ll jig uh wlll Iguana 110 placed wréalhs t5 base no Cenouph Intu In 312° W2 m9 M9 PCs Still Can Force Election no email Announced they TORONTO GIRL NAMED M183 CANADA lo lht men to be men by tho mlmlnhlrnllon lha ndmln lslrnllnn mm Inllsly or II Iran henrrullnmcnll Krluv nncrl The opposition parties had few concmu Issues last month when 1ch dissolved UIO lower ham ParllnmmL He cailui the chain In an Attempt to on large his leural Democratic partys overwhelman majorky mu mmpnrcd with Nmblnod opposillon total 154 Mlno unlan ollldnls ll Omuu also xnld Ihvy would pron Iar new demands Tho Omul min on and management hnvo long hlsiory nl blllor tuuulu would lnvcsuxala lho lnln Ind mlne accidents independently lh mwy Bumba PM NonMon Thin In PurcopyII Cloudy 16d male with shower 3mm pogiblqmmnlel wtmmesmmni nllht Ii high Iommw co Local Weather MIR lhc Eulrbullanl lhen he WI luvn hnxlblr Doc 10 or Nllmbl LONDON APiPrlncn Phlllp 0an Zandbnr Ind Keny ns Queen Ellmbelhl repmcn min at their Ind ndcnco cclchmlimu nut mon Buck JIRhflm Illm Announctd lo fly nun ll Oxpcdlnl hot Iourt Ild early no y2nr Thu convenuon aka deal wllh It Ienst wn other motion condemnan various Indlvldulll and nrnnlullonn In connection with the cm Lam labor dis pulo whlch has resulted In the Canadian government pinch the SIU Ind our other mnrl 1th union undu num Among thou allcndlnz will be Banks munber ol the MTDI uccuflvo board and Flu Hall pmldenl um MTD and pmldenl of the an em SIU Ihlch In am an 01 lb Amerlun Federation of Labor Congrats ol lndunrlnl Omanlullonx WPhHIp II to luv Brll In 1y Ier cc The resolution munspared arutha Mm lllue van on opennz ay which the Canadian govern ment the Norris royal commlil don And the Canadlln Labor angress and others In Clnldl are also upecled to tr clzed ny JIM PEACOCK NEW YORK cmm exec utive board of the AFLCIOI maritlmo Index rtment has dranad mom on mf denmlng Rm Id of mu Selma3 Inlemnllunal Union of hendquanen fin Montreal terms Ihe raldscanird out In connection wilh chargél against Canadian SlU Fresh den Harold Banks plnln despotism condutled 0m polluul purpose harass In use SIU lnsplrlng antila bor headline and creating an Itmosphm of hostility to th SIU will by Iubmlllad la the resolution commit Ind ll expected men um floor 01 the convention lnr considereuon by delmlu representing ll Hlaled union madly tho SlUwflh total member nearly 1000000 um uniu WW Philip Going To Zanzibar AFL Drafting Brief £31

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