Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1963, p. 6

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tmu mums quantum EATURDHwhfiV VATICAN CITY AP The example of the Roman Calhan ecumanlcal council punlnl very uncomfortable pressure on Pruleslanl churches to risk similar expelImam 111 ml exumlnallan and reform lay an Amerlcan Protestant 1h oluglnn Dr Albert Outier pm tessor oi theoingy at Southern Methodist University Dniias Taxi and an official observer at ihe Roman Catholic con ciave said Friday night it war lizniiicnnt that the drive for to clcsiasticai reiorm was cumin mm church Prniemnts had once though unreiarmed and irreiormihie NanCatholic observers hays been especially impressed by your willingness in be ob served to expnse yourselves in the Inquiring eyes of iriendly but nut ai all uncriiical observ ers he told Catholic prelales at recapiian or the v5 bishops nnd English speaking leesiani Anglican and Ortho dox observers Hi the council By MM FRALICK Chlldren the cammunlly went happy Halloween Flnt they vlllted homes or llttla treats and then gathered nt the Orange Hall and spent an en joyable hnur ln parade and um Mr and Mrs Russell Wealhek bee Slauflvllla spent 1h week end with Mr and Mn mu Howell Mrs Wson Johnston Pheip sinn spent ha weekend with her sitter Mrs Franck Mn Harry Penmn will Ipend ih winter In Burris with Efrltianxhler Ruth Mn ar was learned tth week of the death Mn Bessie Ward of Toronto She and her hut hand the In Ward mid ed In Mlnuln or few years while Mr Vnrq laugh Ichpol Alex MéKee who spent man llme thla all wllh Mr and Mn Tom McKee will spend the wln liar l3 Dnllu Texan wllh lull Mr nd Mn Garnet Wall Cnlherlno Dunn Ind Marlin Nobel Mr and Mrs Mervin Armstrong Parry Sound and LleuL Gordan Walt visited Sunday wllh ML and Mrs Mnguire and Mr And Mn mm My Dunner enlcnalncd he Edcnvnlu UCW on Thundny at human Dr McKelvcy Radon has been appolnlcd to lhe liva mcmber Ontario Telephone Com mlsslon Aplcullurc Mlnlxler wuunm Stewart announced Mon Waller 5cwnrl Bedan tale brated hls 91 birthday Friday Oct 25 Mr Stewart In good heal and mum hls dnlly lrlp upown oxJul mnl Mrl DcEnys pnllcnt In Slnvcnson Memorial llolpltnl Alllllon Mr and Mn Lioyd Lllly ol Toronln IDCHI Sunday wllh Mr ImLMn Kchwoog Mchqx Says Pressure fj On Protestgnts Examine SfelveS Mn Drummond Tollmham onSu 11m mm Declon held luc cculul Ifllll cl bnklnu and an nllcmoon lcn ln lho Omnxo llnll Saturday Cd 25 The wlnnm in the lucky draw wm Mc Dnnulll MrL Mnx Mitchell and Mg Haynlon Mnx Wilson npcnrd MI ncw mnchlno Ihnp on Main sum nntlom Nnv lhc homo Mr nml Mn llosl Gould on Sundny Oct 21 on nanIon ol Hm flull blrlhdny flu lormcrl malhtr Mn iauld wcm Mr and Mn Ed lmllcy nmrnbuy Mn mul Mn Dnllnn Vlckm nl Mumford Mn and Mn Ilrucu Onuhl mu Mr Simpson llcrlnn my Club mid lulhcr and Inn lmn ucl Thun dn cveulnu 1n com munin llnll lav Them Cir rrclor Inul Mull tnu Church InInn vuu llu vwkrr Mr 0min gun mm min rnlllled Iowrr Ind Yaw lm 11m number lrnm lawn nml vlcinlly lrfl on Fxhlay In Ihrlr Illmunl INIMIW lllu lo Nar Hmu Unlnrln frll Fénlrr Sumlrldgu Inc vurhnd Al Ml home In luwn Xr End Mn wnzm mthn vlnliul ML mm Hg llrlullmlimloln figmlny III Marlon Wenllnh at far ov Ipenl wrrkrnd with her mm wagken walla he allrmmn Um nl TrInHy llnllrd Ihnrch War mu hrld ll llul home of Wiggins Tundny Mn ll Almflrmu um ulnlnl and IM mum at nmuhm allmdv ImMp llrvk nml Iludy hook um ml hr Mu lhhmd and In Kmm flamambranu lln um md Mn mmm In mud by Lha Mum mum MM wmam SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS MINESING BEETON Yau hnve closcdvthe chapter history that wu enuflgd MM Reflumntlan he added cumm cmamo Dr Outlet npreuntaiiva oi the wgrid Method council the Roman Catholic assembly said In the In live yum thus had been wholly un rece denled changn oi climate the Christian world 01an partlclpnllun by sev eral Catholic mine lnPrateb tang ntherlngs Dr outlet lal Tho nm mat mine of the ecumenical reality has bein mouth in our midstand who wlll deny that thin Godl drr in and marveloux in our eye It Is the mlncle our mutual cognition ml other as Chrhtlanm Dr Outlet nld It was pnln lullyclear another mlrule will required More Chflrklanl uchIevg lull unity as one pea pe our Imuuhold the faith By SYLVIA SWAN OUTING AROUND by Mrl McAdam Mm Keams Mrl Armflrong and Mn thlud Sum he Scouting semn ra mmed In Seplamher levers Cub from tha Flm Amman Pick have qualified or badge Ind other IWIldl Durinfirthe Iuiruner all conducted to qualfly some PA am mfllTflAM BROS LTD DENIS SHEMH LTD LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES Zenllh moo Plume Elmwd an 11ml lnlnlwltk PA HIM BANDERSON MONUMENT C0 PA Hm Burton iiith Amoi imk 451725 mm mm Sunxhly Mynany Tygudpy Wogingldny Thgujndny tell few war stories just like the ml The censorship of mod mm and modesty makes my experiences pretty drab But Jerry thrill to them Hes proud at his Dndn Purplu Henrtl My non would bu mind if were to tell hIm the stories wo nmt Ml our thoughts 11 way hlt tho beach what It wu like in thou junllel what war does dead Ind llvlnn And in other wayl Jeny would be Amazed or he doesnt know me 11 man who prnyn oiion He cant xcnllzo the depth at my Faith Ha has never met the brave chaplain who brought me in when wan hit Ill never tell Jerry all it dont think God want me tol pm that Jerryl my be different world wnnt him to learn dny by day step by stop what his religion will mean to him Thuil why wara churclvgoing family 00ka no xm Mann Into hullan VI ALLISTON Ind hum lnmlm Cilnhhvm Hum 01 lmlm All mm Illn BILL BARRY SHELL SERVICE STATION BUILDING MATERIALS AMMED THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSI TH CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Burton STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME IN 80 Wmley LL nmuw SCIIANDIENS mnvxca STATION FINA mwxcz mmon Dunlop Cull Cor Ann And John ATTIND THI CHURCH OF CHOICI 11 momma MEETING p31 ammo aanvxcn Wodizldny lm in PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Cub or lhflr lemmerl badla Mon bpyl pnuzd but only leer Hum Ind Calvinuualdenherz have received lhzlr budge date Khc remainder mun qual fly in lunhur mm to bacomo cum to wear yrolldency bag Tl Solution Armv Citadel to calm mm cm AND ma ninmnpu Colpl olflcm Meetlnll Ind Mn Bllutlnn Bruce Shaun Pater Horan and Dnvld Mlller hive completad their ucond an and have recelved their mu 111m Cuhl have new ruched the hllhesl llnndatql collector badge hu bun earned by Staven McKnight or his coin and pennant collections David Miller bu Ilao ncelved 1m buds for collection of bird Ind animal and and postcards lromrvarinnl wunlrm pack ha 10 MW chums who are worklnu on their tender pad and ll hopedrlhat hm boy will bl invested wllhln law weeks Last week Hallowem party was enloyed by all Every hay came In homemade coslumc and Rev Ind Mu Symon had dllllcull lob lo plck the wlnnen lmm lhl Amy tnmps llm Ind plnlu who Killed the lull David Mlller Clarke Draw AndJohn Whlle llde wen Iwuded llm mend and thlrd prlzu mputlvely The Church when Christ Fl Nlh El CANDIDATES SUNDAY conducted by Cndet Knunlu mm the Army Cantu Io onto VLukn 43187 Mr klv IA um COOKF CARTWE AND STORAGE LTD rm and IA $33M Thursday Frldny Saturday John Mu Coloulnnl 102 21521 12120 JOHNSON SON MACHINE SHOI HOWEY ELECTRIC Howey lrgp1 WOMAN DOCTOR Canndnn nm womln doctor Emily Huwud Swwo wn Id waged Io mdluln Ontario in A11in THE CHURCH OF YOURCHOICI NEW NEW OLD BETHEL CHURCH Au WELCOME BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST mm did tho horn on the mlnLbIck man How could at all NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN MESSAGE PLUS GlouiGolpolSongqu Coma Sunday Nu Brlnl Fun mAEundI¥ icluAm or In nuuquuow us For Informlllon Phono PA 61003 PENTECOSTAI Willowdnlo Cooks Vlnrcnl BL SUNDAY 100 SUBJECT Dreamflrhat Came TRUEI Ilnull wmn FOR om nouns mm or LOVEW NEW nuxwmo Nov IL SCHEDULE OF BEIWICEB BEGINNING NOV Sunny School Mil Ammbly 1m Erwin mo ThinMu sun dowel of mm Without Manhunt or Inhmcflonl THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER Wl FORMED Tho Womenl lnllitutu now worldwide orunlmlon wm founded II Slam Omk 0112 En um by Mn Adamdo Hood leu FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH Clappmon Woulw IUNDAY IBMICE II Innay Church School 10 lo 10 945 mm Iundly School or In pm Oolpol mm Tho Lordl Supper REV mm mm Wodrmdny pm Praylr Blhlo fludy ALL ARI WELCOMI NORTHSIDE BlBlE CHAPEL TN Ilnlu mmw Nu You Mull my II III In ml llm AM Tl nu llmu Mlnlllm MW DONALD MY ILL IIIJAND III omnm Ind nnulu NudeII not CKlIII NATION UNI GOD Cub IM kn nuni lnndo IUNIMY CHURCH ICIIOOL lulu In on Jukr II III lo Sunday 5va 0mm Sim THE UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL IIOHTIIN MULCAQTIR VISITORS AND NIWCOMIRS COlDlAllY INVIHD ll nmMornln Wmhlp Emlnz urvlcl wlthduwn In Ivor Evunulhua Cruudo HIIlIdAIo um wuk only Fri Molhodlv éHurch nunm It ROLTON Putor 10 Ma lundu School Nomln 53d 11 Hm ol noun lmlm ln mull Thu Church Bl Lh Ilfi to find mm nab 9mm nlll cram mm mm lulu Mn FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH It Vluml llmI hum nu unuuhrool Phon PA lDIII lll lhlnly Bu loud lamam School 1039 Ianlama 3mm 09 mm Aflemon Benin In mm Every Month In mm Ron PIII Ml um fiUNDAY 501100 nm In um 100 pm WORM SERVICE ALLIANCE CHURCH Calllnlwood 11 ClHK Cllvefly Trio Oahu Ell and COOK STREET CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 400 PM THURSDAY VMIUI 0mm AllMInl IUNDM IIUICII ICIIM am you ul mt ll Illl lulu um look Mn Ru Ronny mm Holy Communion Church Ichool ll Mn Mornlu an mm Eununl IIV DAVID REIVI M4 LIL DOUGLAI flllll autumn ll mm Till HUM TIMI IIMIMIIEM ablu Ind loddlm mle podl cm In an mm 100 mm YOUTH Nlfllfl LII IRMINTATION CENTURY TWENTYrONI CHURCH lCllOOL In to ndulll In And nldu Vultm nd 11014an WCINIIII ST GILES CHURCH lurlon An Cor In Alllldlll REV BELL ILA Mu Wm Orllnlli ll un IN REMEMIHMNCE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP nuaan EVERY EUNDAV ll mm YMCABUILDING own an nAluua YOU ARE WELCOME REGULAR MEETING ESSA ROAD mm NEVER MINT BURTON THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3AM THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA AVENUE Ctmo And In no nme To Chm Ml Mn lulu Itth It Junk Ichool ALMNDALI Burton Amm It unnan sum luv Wnllu 9le ma null Communal 11 an Marlin lench 100 mm lnulnl Print thm nudlnu hll MA ll Almlm IIIIll Th lhvmll Ill RIMIIII 0w Ina Ilmln ll REV ADM DJ Milli Mu It on Imhu No 11 HIV Jmph Monetll Church Plum PA Hm Pnlorl mum PA mu Sundly School 94 mm Adul Blblo Clm l0 Mn fludy at Corlnohhnl 00 um FORGIVEN FORGIVINO MT IN CANADA ST ANDREWS BAPTI ms army mm BIBLI SCHOOL ALL AGES ll mm FAMILY WORSHIP pm BROADCAST IIRVICI OVIR KII MINISTIR Rov Wm BJh LAM fill A00 IIMIMIIIING WNDAY lCllM In and cm Ian lo nm IMO CI rm Auflnlo Al LOA Lloyd Tuned omnlul and mumm IBM 10 mm mm Iflml 11 mm 100 mm Men In mums lehool Auditorium inkmo II Dllm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY REMIMIHMNCI DAY IIMIMIIIANCI DAY ll Mn 1L6 MIL WORLD PIACI NAZARENE TRINITY XXII ST GEORGES 01 ST Collllr Service And Sunday School mm Toulmonlll Mnflng 2nd Wed pm Wllch 111 TV Fromm llIII 11 ma lull Whom Hour Bmleut In mo Toronto mum Hum Dmth Dlmw Pnlu IV Woldon lull CHURCH All An Nolan OF THI PA LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOODSHEPHERD oi CANADA ll MULCAIIIR IT PA IUNDAV Mm am Mn lo mm 30 mm IVININO DBVOTION lundly pan Wadmdu it uh Our Mohnro ommlHolp lllfl FRIDAYS MASS 730M Im 600 mm JOHNSON IT SCHOOL WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH WIN IUMMIM Réiiiiii CREE Mn 0mm Wm mm mm to an on flu but rmn To chhl REMEMBNANCI IUNDAY mnnuu lnlnM dunk IVNDA mm ICIIOOL HM Ll RUM INTIIKIDMII 10 ll HELD IN JOHNION IT PUBLIO ICIIOOL IIMIMIRANCI IUNDAY ll Mu mum LITTER IIOMI WESTMINSTER mun um um mm man 11 Vm Imd II In Marlin Pnur 100 mm lvmou llV Mill III III Ind dull lulu Mn Arch ColIll LII WHY BICOLIJECH TRINITY CHURCH mum cuqucq blade Pull You An Walumu

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