lrnl cahln awn la prusenl flu dmmbcrl ionnl policies Egcrlun Ilmwn chairman ha oxccu Uve wuncil uh Thursday NEGOTIATIONS END MONTREAL CPD Nfflulln lam brlwnn Sle Justine Chil drenl Iluspllnl nnll mumm some 150 human who llaNï¬l work lhm Ihrce wok ngu hmko up err onehour unlnn Thursdny ARE IN TOUCH Canadian embassy ofllcknls In 0an are In lunch with the two Canudlnn pilots dctnlncd last week and me doing everythan they can in assist lhcm Jusllca Mlnmer rcporlcd Thursdny tn the Commons Ron ald Pnlrlck ppm 32 Kitch ener and Wllllnm Dnvld Milne Monlrcal were Jailed Oct OTTAWA Cl Operations Winnipeg iniernaiiunni Air ports new imninnl buiidlng will start nuxi Monday the rainy port dcpnrimcni said mummy THOMAS IN HOSPITAL DETROIT CF Author and woridiravcilcr Lowell Thomas 71 was ndmlilrd la iicnry Fard iiospiini here Thursday unpar cnliy sunning imm in heart nlimcni The hospital said Mr iimmn nppcnmi Io be in lab isincinry condition TO MEET PEARSON MONTREAL Ci dvic uuiian irom ihe Canadian Chamber ni Commerce wiil mccl irimo Minisicr icnrwn mi olhrr mornier oi the AEKH lOll MOVIES VANCOUVER 1Il This My pmmulor hm 1th ha roll dummnmt In lnke nmv nnd ape murdlnu cr Ion Irmlnl on lmpnlml rlv WILL MAKE STATEMENT Trade Mlnlslcr Sharp pmb ably will make he federal gov emmcntl nnliclpnled statement on rising sugar prlcc and can pIdernUon will be glven to do lng it whm it can bu dnhnked Finance Mlnlsler Gordon Iald the Commons Thursday N0 WORK OTTAWA GP The Senate agreed Thursday lo adjourn un til Tuesday Nov 19 because the Commons hasnt given it any thing lo do However ii Ihe Commons approves the hud gell amendments to the in come Tux Act by Friday night lhc Scnuie will meet as usual next Tuesday to consider this ielisiulion An hlslorlcul plaque com mcmaruilng Upper Canadas ï¬rst lieutenanbgovemor John Graves Slmcw was unveiled VINNIIEG AIRPORT the pmvlnclnl Parliament Bulldinns To This plaque one series being PHI II olll YIuII Apprcrllll TM Hintan hal 51 lvnlmll hm qu make In mlr mm Am Our Ivallwrl nu pm In whnlrvrr Ilyh rul ynu mclrrl NO WAITING 100 IMIKINH ADULT IIMHCUTI ll WE HAVE EXPANDED WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF PLAQUE COMMEMORATES GOVERNOR SIMCO ISHERS Manna SHOP nu charges Stewart McMorrnn said Thursday he wants lo study the complete sound and vlsunl record thus luken to sue It can be used as evidence In court WINS ART AWARD MONTREAL CF The Ca nadlan Group at Paintersnu outgrowth lhe Group at Sevm announced Thursday that Montreal painter Jones hn won its first $1000 prize MARK REVOLUTION OTTAWA CF The 1917 Russian revolution we marked in Oiiuwa Thursday night by znla reception at the swim em busy allmdcd by hundrch irom mnny wniks oi uiiicinl life The mini event was pickltd by member ho Associa iion for Liberation oi the Uk raine who were kept in arderiy ranks ouisidc the big imn em ï¬nuy gains by Ollnwa ciiy po WOULD KEEP UNITY SAIKNM Cli Educnllon directed award unllon wide rccognlllon Canadlnn blcul tumllam wnx urged hen Thun dny nlght by Real Cnouelle mean proscrvlnl and can wlldallnx Cnnndlnn unlly The lender Le Rnlllcmcnl du Credillslu du Quebec Ipcnklnx hclnra 150 member ol Ihn Cn nndlnn Club of Sarnln wld um cducnllan mlnlslm II 10 prnvlnm should mm db cuu Iuiaunly lho llsuo ol bl cullurnllum SEEK REFERENDUM QUEBEC CPD The Fed allan of Les Jenna Chnmhm de Commerce du Quebec has asked the Quebec government to make French the only alllclal lnngunge In the pmvlnco and to hold referendum on selbdc Inrmlnnllon or Quebec The quests wen mnlnlned In brlLI submitted Thursday to the gov enunan LII1 DANCE HAN SAIGON MP7 South NnmI pmvldounl xovcmmnnl muisduy larmnlly HIM lho armed lhroughmn the prov ince hy Ihe Department of Travel and Pnbllclty ncllnl on the ndvlce of the Archaeol calm and Historic Slkes Board of Ontario Participants in the ceremony Included Ian lo Thln wny nlmonl anyone can anvo morol For Cash or by lnahlmanlo Cnnndn Suvlnan Bonds are an uxcollom InvonImnnl tor you Dont wallmm your nounl Scollnbmnch noon Theyll hnndlo ovovylhlnu Buy Canada Savlngs Bonds at Scotlabank on easy Instalments CANT SAVE ENOUGH ban on dancing imposed by the late president Ngo Dinh Dieml regime In May last year Se curin Minister Than Thai Dinh mid dancing wiiilno loner be banned because It does nut mnsllluie threat to security or tanner olflclnls ma Inter national Union or Mlne Mlll and Smelter Workm drew threeyenr prison unlmcen Ind Inc $2000 each Thursday In 05 Dlshlct Court fllcy wen convicted Sept 10 ounsplrlnl delrnud the ledernl xavmv men by lllnx lnlsa manCom munlsl nmdnvlls between 1949 and 1036 CONDEMN PLAN PARIS NumeralThe Amer lcun plan or mlxemmnnned NATO nucleur fleet Will con demned In report presumed to NAN parllnmenlnriuns mn erence Thursday as mllllary superfltu and waste The report druflcd by the military cnmmllteu auld From ml ilnry point or View thrra no reason whnlsocver lo huva NATO nuclear Iorcc BEIMN COMFORTABLE DUBLIN Ireland Hemm lrlsh playwright Brendan Ee han ndmlued to hospital hm Thursday In dlnbelic coma was reported to be cumm able and responding to Iran munl PRETOMA Reuters Jus Hce Mlnlxler Bullhnznr Vonler anId Thursday nlihl that 151 people who were held under South Mrlcna WDny DMLnllon Ac have been ma alter make lug ntlslnclory slulcmcnll Vonlcr uh anolhe 275 dclnln co wm released mm May dulcnllon but had uubsequently appeared before the wum on lubswnllve charm SCATIER CAULIFLOWEB SAINTMAM France Um em mm pollen hurlnd len mu bomb at lnrmm who Icnl am 30000 caullllowcra out ha ccmrnl mm lhll Drll luny market lawn Thursdny The MmCll were demanurnl In In support thin or nav emmcnl nld And nvklon ol the European Common Market nuerHuml urumenu rlghu Han James Auld Ontarios minister of travel Robnru nrlme Ontario and Cranslon neuloglcal and Board On mm or uovn scmui CONVICT UNION MEN DNVER Si prgqcnl éaémaHNK ll RELEASED Jolnnd the Saint John Sun reporter and mu tumu lvely lo Income clly cdllor od llnr And 1mm mlnaler In 1000 no went to llllllu Echo an editor WASHINGTON CF Rep resentatives of lame segment the 15 lumber Industry plan to boycott malnr CanadaU3 lumber conference here next month mlle the two countrlu Izm that the question 01 vol untary import quota be placed agagga William Jobe general counui or the U5 Nalionni Lumber Mnnuinciurerl Amcillion laid the asocinlionl board of director hna approved rraniulion demanding dis cunion oi quotas and marketing nhnrink the meeting in he held here Dec 23 The conference to consist of upresenlntlvea nl lhe two gov ernment and lumber Industrial ram bolh countries has been called on he Insmenca U5 producer who maintain Cnnn dian exparlerr are gelling loo large share the USAmnr kel thereby Igrclnz US mlll rhuw Wu and unemployment WOLFVILLE NS CPI Charles Fanwlck Cmndall whose newnpaper career In Can ada spanned 40 years dIed Thursdays nunInK hnma here He we BesIdes working In newnpm pm acruucanadn hu took part In lhe IonndInl of Can dIIn Pm LImIlcd In 1911 pruiecessor The Cnnudlnn vPreu anflwn laundtr In my BrIIIIh UnIled PmI Death was umbth to brain hemorrhage nfler uvml month ï¬rming hulthn Mr Cum nnllva Snlnt Jahn NB Inundcd BUP In 191 and opernled II Canadian new nlcncy or 15 year um wan taken over by UnIch Pm In 1941 Early In the ccnIury Ila flayed key role In dechop n1 ll Idea mpernlIvn new agency In Cnnndl Ila wn named dIrchor oI Cunadlnn Preu LImIlcd In 1911 when that Agency wnl armed by mer ger of tho lam rtllonul newn gnlherinz chernIIvcl then ex InInz In lhe country The un ency WM mlnmrparnlcd Cnnadlnn Pm In 1m Mrfcinidnu wn direc lcmxn In Hm HUWIPIDCF bczan In 1000 ll Saint John gm year Itll ho udunled Ono mun was the agree ment among htpldlua to hold Iva madly supply debates successive Mondnyr and Nea ay Besides para ncrw part In dlIn Pm OTTAWA CF In the 29 buainu days sinus Pullman mumedliler Inmmer holi day the Commons time ha been spent madly in debut miner Lhanpnuula oi ilwl Fum xavemment mealurel including main bill to place iivomarilime union under gov ernment iruueesilip hm been at umth ihu legislative mill no provided nutmonth In crease£0175 imm Win lha pendon aid in all at an 70 Spec circumstance dic inled the emphasir on ulk rather an on applying billai Lumber Industry Plans To Boycott Conference Hem Charles Fenwick Crandall Dies Helped Pound Canadian Press Hausa ILieniBérs Achieve Little During Session Céimmnl rules rcqulra le cl But the Na Item may zen erale the max Interesta dis culslan of ledml conditional mm and shared can pm mmu Including hospital Insur am and the mulled entour Ical assistance Ichemu Inch pension for the blind and flIIIBbMd andunemployment re The agenda was revealed Thundpy when Prime Mlnlalar Pearson Nov enu to me provincesI followup on he premlm own Ideal Ihnut thI Mr Crandnll wn 8UP pm ldenl and managing dirtclor un Ill 1941 when control wu tram erred Unlled Pun Al lhouuh ha rcmnlnrd yrenldenl unUl 1948 ha dhposcd of much MI Inmnu In tho luncy two year enrller these debltcl durlnl which nonconndenca motion can be lamentedIn each nylon Ono was held bdoratho lum mer Idlournment Thu Hull ans allied or next Mondny my way So ply debut have tnken up mo 29 1min day since 52m Tha old pension Inmate was Iha ml Mm under dll cquon on auxram 111m daya were used In the debate on bill giving the government Interim upendln puwm to my October and ovcmber upm Ilng expmes Another mm day wera 5pm 1n debates an the marlllma unlom lrustmhlp Ieghlatlan which pl lnloeec¢ Oct 23 1he bill caved the Income ax chum outlined In Finance Minlnar Wnller Gordon hudxe Juno ha been de meni and economic and indus trial policiu have been placed the top of in and or the federal provincial canmenca opening in Olinwa on Monday Nov 25 and expected in run log full Vwcek cdllor of he Montrul Herald He Iwnchzd Io lhn MannMI Sun In 1912 In the name up city and became executive edl or In 1915 Irwin In 1921 In mm in parlnerahlp ha Van couver World dilly lhnl law on year He bcgnn the work of crann lzlnn Brillsh Unlled PM In Manlrenl and In ma wu launched under working agreement with Unlted Fran About lame tlme he we lmlmmenlnl In formlnl lhe Do mlnlon Nawl Bureau Manl renl foalure lyndiule mysmzsmp mum Will Discuss Unemployment At FederalProvincial Meeting ammo gngguzlpg wlsens We nc day Wc1lookcd jiépt vailous brands dFJWlsélkuV whisky each in different fypwf bottle It suddenlystruckiqs as aitllAe blt absurd that we should apgnd go muéh time effort and monéy 6n different bqulcl why nokygc tlic best bottle we could ï¬nd and Eye It for ourhrands fornilourfhjrandsi It made so fnuch scmclhat decldcd lq do it We éhoae thhr baled ll themm item imiti neu on eight deye although peril oi than deye were also Ipent dilcuuinz the now apendln program oi verioue de partmente mm do were consumed with ate on Commu Ieatinz errannemonte arielnl out at the roll between Robert ihomeona Social Credit oi lower and Real Caou we in ReiiiementDel Crediii in lcnkiinx iiomvhyriiem at mvei oi departmental Wand n1 program job invo vinl hundred oi Individual votes oi mow the Commonehax made tome headway with public workl iieheriea Justice iorw Itry end uorthcm atinire Ipend Durinz tho cuurreuoi the all portion oi the union MP ep peer to have exercised new re airalni in xhortcuina the lime devoted daily to oral question ing oi cabinet minieiera Fiscal minions phrase coverinl the way in which Oiiawa Iharel lbs in pot with iha provinces Quebec Premier Jean Loam has de manded Himcent than vi the aid of income and deaih taxes compared with the i7 perceni slice the provinces let this year Syeclal lama lucludlnl nnflanal agricultural marketing boards administration or Indian and Eskimo AIM ymvlnclnl lotteries tha Cnnadlnn pension plan lulu medical gurvgm agendaWM tabled In the Cam mum by Justice Minister Chm 11er ncllnl prime mlnmer whllu Mr Pemon was in New York Mler he lhnred can pm mm tho agenda read this way Continuum laden ravin clnl Ilalwn arrangements Thll ahvlously return to plans or permanent lecrclnrlm flUlOMAIIC DEIIVERIES luch scnscthat We than PA 82563 Have you seen this hang tag on wisens whisky bottles ioyiuia éMPWEirIiE Spain BlrnJ yum old you willn Id whhlrln hm tam good valum WWI DI luv 10 yum old rl 101 yam oldWlma Old Run mm Wlm SIMCOE PETROLEUM Su LTD 75 ANNE sl lnrm Home Indullry izr I19 Mr oldWlraibld Rye mm 0M Wlml vm vr él3agliv yet igngpona beingJt $15le handlcanylt nightgdcasyj 10 pack In bag 6r bricfcqséy TEE HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER Conch Im on Supnr Comlnunnl rourvnd In Advancco II no oxm chum Now can deVpigZalj oï¬r Rim lolhjc thing that havc lï¬kefcalcd us hag Islnch1857Valng ind blgnlding lhéflnvcsl Canadian whinkicn RE 33qu BLUE LARGE MUSEUM Itho RoyXOnlarloMuaeum Canndn 1mm muuum In Toronto FARE PlAN 102 Dunlap St $100 RED These newlares plus frequent lralns convenlenl schedules and the relaxed comlort of modern rall travel are the reasons you should plan yourtravel on CN ed Whlte and Blye Fare days In Passengers holding parlor car or sleepin car accommadation receive complimentary mea on trains carrying meaiservlce cars Pick upyour copy of the Calendar oi Days irom CN $4000 RED 04400 WHITE $4000 BLUE Sleeping Car Space Extra PA 84151 For hmhr lulormnllon phom PA 525 BARRIE TO VANCOUVER FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS CALL NOW BARRIE TO TORONTO BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE $230 WHITE Canadlan Natlonal $260 BLUE PA 66474