Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1963, p. 5

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Glee Club Masquerade Was Full Of Surprises Last Friday the Junlors vleled Bracebrldge and shut out lhelr has 14 During the first hall the Banting loam made 1m héhdway against ouxh delensive line their oppunents Then my umm smut Blnllnl Memnflll The blu Soccer Pep Rally held Bnnllnn last month paid hl dividerxds last week when both the Senlor and the Junlur Ioccer teams deleoled Brue Lbrldge leh In the semlllnala dntingSoccerTeams Make It To The Finals The Senlar team vlslled Brace erdgo on Nov 1and clalmed 14 shutout over lha Brow hrldze Scnlora Jerry Hand the teams centre forward and on of the top scorer ol the year scored the wlnnlnx uoallor Ban ting hlr Batten the coach sold thot hls cum outshol thelr op ponenu an In well played lame Ahonmn snutom Barrie North has again proved It athletic prnweis Last Satur day Barrie Norlha Volleyball learn gamed playnll spot In lha semlllnnls The loam both iuccesslully defended their spots his Wed nesdnydxt Mldlnnd Both girls team to to Ihe GBOSSA final this Saturday Central Colle zlale Get out and support our mm In their drive In victory Ail mpporters will be heanlly wel The roe rclreshmcnl cannin Iy were sums but unlorlun nlcly Slnn Ellialson was the wrong nnd ho llnn ha must been at the wrong md for when Inked he didnt know what had been mvcd 11m duncu was very well nl ended and mum Ihnnkl lo Mr Sollory lenclur Cemrnl or his hunnonlcn serenade SENIOR VICTORY Thu unlor lnolhnll lcnm cllnc ad Iccnnd place lnsl chnesdny by dclonllnx hlldlnnd wllh Icon 01 IM Gard Cnrrulherl North Volleyball Clubs Gain SemiFinal Spot Crowmtn of UM lahulnuu AuhlnMwa Nnulllul nlhrr lnml from mute Inland in WAX DIImyl Tcrhnlcolur mo Ilon Nun 70000 luluu COLLEGIATE CAPERS tcndcd Dy KRISTIN EMBERSON van By DIANE llUXMBLE Dude North Entertainment Fri Sat Nights UNDERSEA HARVEST AT ROXY DYCONIA HOTEL WASAOA BEACH WI uler lo Woddlnu um quell lmlu rlc llwma or menlion PM lOUNGE TERRACE ROOM DINNER BELL lOUNGE with only law mlnnles lell ln lhu In hall Ron Crawley spot led hole hr the Brncebrldge delenslvo llnurhe llred hard shot at he lonl the goalkeeper made desperate dlve for the ball but lulled to 510 ll law mlnutes later the wh slle mark ed he end of Illa llrnt hall wllhjanllnhl Brach brldxe In the second hall the Junlora faced oven nutter oppuslllen the Bracehrldze tcnm ought hard to la the score The haul waxed buck and 0th acrm lho llald the member each learn Illpped slld and fell on the muddy ground Finally with the llnlshlnl whlstle only law mlnules away Peter Symon clinched the gun or Blntlng when he adrnllly shot the ball lnloltha net for Bantlnxn second gnu Bnlh leamn Ara nnw walling or the mull ha scmlflnals In the south which will deter The curllng club will bcsln his Nesdny with lessons or firstyear curlers The club pm per led by president Dave Rey nold and vicepresident Mary Pat Graham will begin curling In two or nee weeks time tamed Good luck Io he lids and lhelr coaches North Senlar Foolhnll team the Vikings by successfully wn nlng Inst Thursdays game won spot 1n the GBOSSA Ia be played belwcen Thomhfll an Lymini at Nonh and Dempsey Snow made Cen lrals lauchdawns and Dlnmund Jlm made In convert 01 course Pnul Kelsey played good mo and flu whole team had good season Vllckeu 56 the mini have been sold all In Week the coal Glrls are gellan lnlo 3pm at Ccnlrnl now loo or In volleyball lournnmcnl Wm held last Snlurdny ln Midland Un larlurmlely um glrls dldnl do as well as they cxpeclcd 111a Scnlon placed lhlrd In the tour naman and Ill Junlora second loslng only In lllldlund Pane langulshene Maybe lhnse In lcrlms hurl bnd ollecl Tho mllccllan wn taken or UNICEF and the Key Club an xpcclnl donullon of 530 Im dnnnllm was given by Harry Dyck lhc assembly lhl same ustmbly Constable Barry make Ia lhc senlur assembly an Intel HI lalk was lnlercsunz and we lenrnod that It lllcunl to remove lunc rom tho bol mm of bridle to let your mule mu bencnlh Due In some mlxup In alarm was sounded duran md XL XII Xlll lunch hour pardon lunch 44 mlnulcl TM 01 course was mel wllll lur prllu by all but lunch must ht served And only lbmfl our mln ulca wm wnslcd However next lmo lllll could hnppcn during Under lhc Hem Ilnnlnll Kirk Dunn nml Jumu Mm nlr nlm pluyl lhe Ilnxy The lrldny Nnv mruxh mudy Nuv II ml UtaM mum mlna Enntlnzn challenger In tho chlmplunshlp the OFSSA cross country meet held at Woodhridge last Saturday Dnnny Shaughnessy Bantinl pinned second behind Rick Fyne oi Richview Consul nle Toronto In the senior me Danny led mas oi lh race but Pym overtook him in thc last so yards oiiha me Following Dagny on he Bun Ing team were John Owen Jlm Floyd and Guy Zintheler Sy muns was unahie to complete the race because 19 cramps Today the Binding Golf Club Is havlni Golf Hall This is the first record hop of the year and the last dance until after the examinations CKEY DJ In Voael wlll be nrrcrlng ahow an splnnlnx the latest ill Kw or Dress casual but the ladies must dress ladies that Is no slack and no jeans check room and we hope Emla North will support the team in their bid lo bring the SBOSSA senior champlonshlp In North or the first time many nlghl Football Frollc wlll be held wlth speclal guest All proceeds from this dance wlll In In lhe Unlled Appeal Please help our Students Coun cll In In ellnn to help Ihl warhy cause Tlckeu and poster wlll go up next week publicizing Norths Drama Min to be held In Junu ary flckelrmny be purchased at Janes Slallunery is PreviouSIy mentioned in ierim reports were nceived wiih mixed motion on Friday This mum reminded Central ilc um Chrislmns is no im nwny Much hard wnrk is re quired between now and Ihen so get down in wark students in pay or hose Chrislmn pre xenis you bought on lime Dont uml those exams either they come soon iooi ellhcr the Grade or Grnde 1X lunch periods to allow the sen lar lhclr nloltnd 40 minutes Allhnullh Ibo slnll had dun cull lnsk nl sclecllnu lhe uln nlnz cnnlumu lhcy llnnlly mnda he allowing minions Jamel Mchnn Grade Elnvrn amllur Phylla McCullum Ornda Nlno Indlnn Prlnress and Sandra Todd aim of Grade Nlnu fllIrm Troy EL Jolcphlr 311an of cclcbrlllcs lap pod by lllllcr and Clconnlm paid vlsil la St Jool Inst Thundny nlxhl Among 01 Ml od pcrnannllflcx were Napoleon Laur Sccnrd First anily USA and Mndumn Nhu No one rcmnlncd hungry that evenan rdruhmrnln hot dung dnnuu and pop wcre 5ch cd and very pknlflul legitqu Ilnfl Hill umulcr Finally mu reminder my Iclnw nlunlcnu llml wu hnvu only we wetkl unlll lhu lnll mil Good luck everybodyl MISTAKEN IDENTITY MAIDENMMD II II Clklixnrmy olflrer Slnnloy Ilrndrly lupt meile ex mnplu cvsryanu from len hull lo lolld will ml luo in Human num ha dlr mvtml llml hll home had Inh lukmly burn dumbed lcl In lclrvhono dlrmnr When ample vnmo Io hook wom wm In loo much In um Some Big Names Visit St Joes Ina llrlm Tro Mrlll Jun Ined our Ily ungclrjrn TROESCH KEMPINflLT DINING ROOM OPIN DAILY VWW HAMMOND mu vJawww AND PIANO BAYSHORE moron HOTEL The Rendezvous Lounge By LINDA IAlP Bmiinnl lilgh Preparation for Friday nighia Commencement as wall as Voi icybnll and Soccer tournaments provided much exciicmenl and activity or nverynne Brad iord High this week the previously announced inierscholmic volley ball iournammt was held at liurnn Heights Both Bradford teams played in match consisting oi three games against Huron Heights Woodbridxu and Sleuth ville xgspgciiveiyz our Senior defeated Huron Heights but unfortunately lost to the other twu teams The Junlorx sultercd the some late victorious ovnr Huron Heights and deleatcd by Voodbrldgc and Stouflvllle This outcome leaves the latter two teams tied for first plate with Bradford Inc lng thin and Huron He ghts fourth Alson on Monday the soccer teams travelled to Allleon In plny the Inst games of tho rogu lnr season The Juniors meeting with strong opposlunn lost their gnme by score of th ever the Senior managed 21 lleI boh Bradford non hc in scored by Bill Miles AT GRAVENHURST On Saturday cheerleaders ban cams and nbaul dozen nus went to Gruvcnhurst or the Georgian Bay Soccer Chum pionshlp meet was cold and snowing but desplle the wcallg council mcmbm camprim lhu mull mhlun nlcso mo Reeve Cnrmnn Duwncy nnd Waller anu Vcllinulun Duh son Cnrl Domn luul Humll Ilnrrh Also pnrllrlpuung was township nuusur Murray Cuum lm wllh cuunly numnr lIrlc Elmpsan mlrrle lhcrc nu ndvi er aurSenlors came lhrough will victory The goni was scared early In the game hy Ken Dnrhy Behind the great deience of Ed iiiylnychuk and Norm Weir Glenn Coulis piny ed an outstanding name in goal Jon Parsons Robert chnlk Dnve Parsons Sievn Simurda and Ken Darby provided can slnnl lhreai to Grnvcnhnrs lhrnugh ihe rnlirn gnmn Mr iinnker the much and nil the player deserved lhis champion ship aier mmplclinx the row lnr Icnsnn Wilhoul deienl MIDIIURST Stall Vrsprn annship mm or rcvislnn held In the nwnshln llnll hrro dmlz wllh cum clerk 1an Help nrflmn ppm Iollawlmz an llm cumplnlnlu luqnnl by UN cqur qnvlslon A0 uvnnuuulu fll Cnncw 1th tnmplnlnl nlmul num mrnl hcrnum nuxlnun wcrll ml were blnwlnn mm hll lnnd dochdnn mmnwnl um lulurd Ilmohn Inl It Cunr nrgumml xluxl Irum mmhy umnl vll Inwcml Hm pmpmy vnluc MI Innd nucmlwnl luxlulnul Thu Junlnrm nflc urhnrd bah lo went down In dalenl la lho Inn pl Ihe Andersnn Park Trophy or Me Competition was pro aenled to ma Commanding 0f Vespra Court Revision Deals With 12 Applications Is Highlight CdrfiménCement At Bradford High Both ogccr lcnms wish to llurlol Llrgm And Mm Luxurlou Fully lemd Lanna My HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO Presents nghlly Enlonulnmunt with GORD HAICH PRESENTS TROPHIES T0 CADETS and alter speclnl lhanks In lha brave cheerleaders who despite the biting mld remained on the sidelines throughout the games thank all supporters who lmv ellgd xvilh hep5 9n $alurdny Commencement which was held in the school auditorium on Friday evening was anout standing success with capac ity audience parents teach rs iriends and students Spe cinl tribute must he paid to the school chair which was un der the inspired direction of Mr Mandyen and sulnlsts Judy Walls and Bruce Johnsun perlormcd hriiliuntly Ilcz Lynn npnllmllnn lnr mum nl buslnn lnx dunnmi llonnld €00ch In Cone nrunlcd 00 rrdurllun on Mustmml hum hml hrm nmuvrd rum Um properly nrk Cnmuy Ml 1L and In 11 Concmlnn I1 luml mm mgnl ynqmvl Igy MW In his opening address Mr Stevens commented hrlnny on he Increasingly diflicull rule at the sludan Clarence Ritchio congratulated Margaret HughesV laxmar gradunlc and Jona than Parsons of Grade XIII whnse recent accomplishments bring much credit our schml Th9 guest speaker Ramsay Secondary School In specInr stressed lhe need or wlsdum and undnrslnnding lhrnugh edummm and dISCuSSA the progress which has been made In the world up In lac present day emphaslzlng the tremendous progress of recent years HIGHLIGHT llnlpmny nskrd or excmn Ian 10 per ml hls rc Ioréslul Vlmud duml by 75 Willluln Park MI fun mslun ummrd mlucllon on lnml Mm Mulm Pulr Inl Com cmlnn lmlldlnl uswsmcnl Muted by 00 Mn Jean Ilnw Ln 20 Conrmiun lam mluml by $150 course the highlight lho evening was the vatedictary ad dress given by Carolyn Kirkup Carolyn mentioned slgniticnnt changes lhnt had taken place In the school during the past in yam including the introduction at yearbook and drama club the building at gymnasium and cnicicrin Carolyn related the present activities of her fellow graduates expressed thank to parents and teachers and can ciuricd her address with poem An Irish Blcslng erFoflcrs Lhrrninc Gcmmlll lumc Bellry Hnwurd Tumor he conclusion ol the excr ciscs urndunlu Grndc and XI members of Iho 51111 and Board with wives and nus bands enjoyed rclrcthcnls and social hour The cvnningr ac llvfllc ended with dnnco In lhg gymnasium Icernuf 192 Squagroxg Innis by We Mayor at Anderson Park Flt LL DJA Gray ll lMrmiiucr xrnnlcd TODAY llwu Ilul nsxmmcm ELMVALE Siam Council Wednesday night accepted an invimion from the Elmvale brath ofihe Royal Canadian Legion lo march in In Armir lice Day parade Nov ll All businessmen wcro requested close their premises from 10 arn lo alinw their employees participate in the memorial servicei Knox and Dr Painhell were excused Irom Wednesday nights regular council mcellng because event called hem out of town that echlng All hul one lho mum mrmber cnmu rum lupnn dnonl Crnlrc Uninn party The pally wnn an unscl vlclory nvrr lho longdvnnlnnnl anlonnl Ilnllknl Unlnn In Sundllyl elw llon hul 1n only no min In Um mmrmhcr pnrllnmrnl Kim Paul Irhrdulcd lo nwrur In In rnhlncl lodny lnp nndrcuu will mm cducnllon mlnlslnr wzll Ill prcmlrr Mnnnlxl dmhnm Lol Can cmlnn mmmtnl mnjulnrd Avlhur hhulo Ml ii Cancel Alan hulldlnxl minced by 50 Jobs slnmd for compieflon be fore winter are now underway or ready Io start around Elm vale Council was old than Include building an experimen tnl stretch of sidewalk getting grader In to level Amelln St and olher spots needlng ab lcnUnn and Installing the ne usary addiilonal uanslnrmers at tho arena ATHENS MP Ircmler dcalunnlo George Iupnndrcou lacking 11 seals pnrlln mcnlury mnwrlly or his puny named mlnmily coman Thursday lndlcnllnz ho hand In tun inecu wilhuul mum slog fl0lhrr pn cs hm ulmlo lo mrrtct an mew mrnl error ANGUS Staff Fads and gum an walnr and sewer cusLs were nullincd Wednesday nlght lo the Angus Unard Trustees at mcellng here II Iigginsons Hall Also amending he meeting were advisers from the Ontario Water Resources Commkslon Tomnlo cansulling engineer Beckett Barrie and King Darrle who wanu in de velop supdivsion he in here Previously the WHO ruled that the Angus crock In the sub division nrca couldnt cope with the additional sewage problem once the subdivision is devel oped Prospects then most pointing to the villages cvcniv uni mood or installing It sewer system to guarantee its future grnwth board of lrualncs motion ourunr lhl Inll recommended plncmg question on tho hnllou lar lho village clccllom Tth voters opinions on which la pm In firstwater or sewcrsmuld bu oblnlncd was the nechnd year in which Barrie was successful in winning his trophy ELMVALE COUNCIL BRIEFS Angus Trustees Hear Advice Papandreou Names Govt FEATURE TONIGHT 100 and MO 1H2 BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 136 flue trip to the model town ship 01 CMnguaeousy by Innis fil Council mamhera did mm thin just show them how Wm system work In rural ulban area It also started desire for better lumlshlnx In the lnnls lll Council Chambem The south em tawnslllp coundl ls slug farmer portable school It has placed dull at one end The dals ls carpeted wlth broadlaom wlth desk so arranged that each member lacesjlla mm Below the dnls are two tables wth chairs for the clerk and his nsslstant and the township roads department olllclnl 11w publlc secllon furnished with padded chnlu tn match the councll eats INNISFIL NOTES ii is most nlLrndea roam Innisiil members while ilileninx In discussion and an outline at how the municipality run sat in the padded chairs and all as proud as lhouxh Ihey had won them at melcciion mom and separated from the general oflice The engineers office in separate hulldm ANSWERING SERVICE lelephone are connected with an answering service which up crates from Brampton and the service looks alter police and fire callsr There is dtcuitol five lines which can start the siren when tire call comes In Thin mattcr which must ho considered In lnnlslll the change rum Strand Telephone Company servicn to the Bell system will do away with the operators at Stmud who now take police calls xlhe answering service costs the southern lawn nhlp about no month Asked how 11 would like lulltime position as reeve Joe Codmne said he would be tempt ted to quit taming with job like that nvallable There is llttle doubt that Inntsfil would ben elit by having uflvtlme top POLICE SYSTEM nw eightman Chinguacmuy township police office udmIn Islered by commllice and or reason not explained com mission oxm admlnisirallun is being organized The police place manme report belorn Council This system some lhlng which has been lacking In Innlslll since commlssion took over the management One the hpam on the Council Impressed By Roam Furniture ms Dunlap Sm Wm cqtguojtgpw MWRENCE or mum lll Endlnrd S1 11 Gown VALUE VIAU MOTORS VIAU FOR ITS BUFFET HAPPY HARRY LEEK A0 Tho Piano WELLINGTON HOTEL table In the council chamer mentioned citation to an om cer who had made single hnnded arrest man found later lo be wanled on several charges Although gust dim alan mwbeing heard locally is the assessments it could be thnt when the ballot is presented in December question on the ward system will be presented Simeoe County Sheep Breed rsheld social at Stroud on Wednesday evening when they gathemi at Stmud Community Hall for banquet with choice Canadian roast lamb or tub key Surprising bow iew oi the men who grow the lambs are partial to the meat as food Some to persons were present and allowing the meal they en titch an illustrated talk on trip taken by many breeder earlier in the year In New Wea land and Australia Eggnon mum Guestspeaker was Tisdale of Toronlo secretary of lhe Canadian Shecp Breeder Association Guests at um head table lncluded Archer Calwell nnd Mrs Colwcll John Fennel secrmry of the local assoc llon and Mrs Fennell Emla Wall president at lhe local group and Mrs Wall The din ner was served by theAllemoan gmupol lhu Womens Anxlllary of St Pauls Church Innlslil LOS ANGELES AP Mme Ngo Dinh Nhu talked to her lime young children by iei ephane in Home Thursday hr first lime since the military coup in South Vie Nam Her husband died along will his brother President Ngo Din Diem in the rebellion SARJEANT CO LTD PA 82461 The children wen lawn In 1pm with lhcald of United Stale milharillei Mme Nhu Phones Children In Rome clunhumluSunuwHanM maxm ynul uqmpmnnl Ionad In wumly blindu my mumm nnamlulhom nl cu lat Sumo um GOOD Fflfl THE ONE HUI gamma on PA mm

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