gammaMW attotvN AT YESTERDAYS iiioltand Neville Keefe gencr glon and Robeit itauek vice liianufacturlng Opportunities Clinic are from leit Donald almanager of GDDA pointing to map of Georgian Bay Re president of Lutkin Rule At YESTERDAYS Menu and ti liodgson liiii bcr and Robert iiouclr Luilria iacturing Opportunities Clinic are from left Nansen ti Kcuan Mansfield Rub Judo Clubbers Get Brown Belt live members at the Barrie YliiCA Judo Club received their brawn bclt last night it is the largest group to win this award since the club was formed seven years ago Winners were Barry iliatvson Brian Pcnchman Peter Brown Mike lloi and James Pastrin tAmong them they have won seven medals as the top judo atudcnts in tournaments this ear iiost havobcen studying ludo just over year The brawn belt Ls the highest reward Judo student can re celve in the nanblack belt hold ar group Order of bells is white yellow orange green blue brown and black Canadian Judo Association president Frank liatashita first graded tho students at meet ing Tuesday according to nttl tude attendance and ability Final decision on the awardwin ners rested with Len Sehloen dort ehici instructor for the Uarrie club Nine members oi the club have received their brown bells liilt lr Schlocnriurt became chief instructor four years ago iln ilut has been sponsored by the YMCA since its inception setcn years ago raccangs tor its adult members every Monday and Thursday iioys and girls from filbyenrs oi nee meet etery Saturday afternoon DEATHS ttollvilic NChnries lcn wick Critlliltiii iii who took part in the founding Canadian Press Limited in It predecessor at The Canadian Press and was founder of iiritish United Press London Keith lltynnl 50 author playwright and Journal HilititEltT llAlt1ttti ChurchSpeaker From Midland tinet speaker at the rrtrnl breakfast at ltnrtuu Avrnne tin lied thureis iturulny will be lint ist slam rlvrrrrrr Mar all son you rm out and you mu no flown to omens up was him not dIIysit thus up rise at DiVUHiUNiiVIoipanIho Hatrd Iorsuetlttrnamnmmt on ol tame rou an mu yortlrro or 5m lloflil Iodycoom IOI lnvotiflnalllsnnltteol lollint trymrwaartsrovslrrrtnus rl tnumrur to It to mm Rule Examiner Photos l7Pound Pike May Be Winner In Fish Event ii Schwecke oi Barrie is regarded as strong contender for substantial cash prize in Rig Fish contest conducted in this province during the 1961 fishing season under the auspic es the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Rumors tie rose to prominence among candidates for the top awards when he lup dcd Northern Pike weighing i7 pounds sum of two will be award ttl tor the biggest ilsh in each at tho ioiinwing categories largo mouth black bass small mouth black truss yeilnw pickercl great northern pike maskinonge lake trout speckled trout and rainbow trout They must have been caught in Ontario water during the regular open season on rod reel and line and played by only one person The tournament concluded Ort st meeting at the panel at Judges will be held later in Nov ember and Winners will as am nouaecd anon ntterwnrris MANtAlllI SNOW liritains first snow making machine is trcing installed at ski anpu at Girnshee near iesth ire ma Maw 1983 poke at Regional and and Manufacturing Opportunil ma nannmaxaumnn mm Navassaan Export lea Clinic at Continental inn yes tesviay The clinic was sponsored Jointly by tho Georgiaatiay Dev elopment Assooiatian and the Department of Economics and Development Dads and indus try Branch Donald Holland deputy dir ector Trade and industry Branch Department oi Econo mics and Developtnmt was chairman James Grahamuchiru otittark cling Division at Trade and in dustry Branch said he had work directiy with manufacturers across the pravlneaJor thelast Year or so He explained the trade cru Jade and said missionaries have gone out since the begiio ning oftba trade crusade Ilie said part at the trade has been speakers program We have recruited in our speakers program those people who have had sufficient inter est 18 is BEST lilr Graham said Our best customer is the United States and vice versa This business at exporting is something that is extremely important to all at us We must discuss it freely and frequently Dr Fewkes Director and Export Manager Bay Mills Limited Midland said You have to think oi export and have the wish to make the extra doll or and eventually to help the government in general you dont have to worry about ï¬nancing export You are helped by the trade commissioners They are absol utely wonderful They will fol low up accounts and steer you no lie said the dllficuity is only when it comes to competition The future of the export bus iness for Canada is excellent Dr Fawkes said The export business does not show any prolit in the lirst year and often not in the second but in time it does Donald ii Kelli Toronto Branch Manager Export Cred its insurance Corporation gtwo general outline oi the Insur ance Act set up in 19 and said lit has been amended several times to bring it in line with changing conditions Exporters can rest assured facilities offered by this corpor ation are the best available in explaining facets of finan cing he said it fell into three divisions These are consumer goods medium term credit that is one to five years with an average at three years and long term credit the terms exceed five years Mr Kelli raid the exporter is finding that orders ho tnust ac cept and risks he is taking are increasing N0 MNGUAGE BARRIER During the discussion period man asked Dr Fewkes ii the language was barrier in doing business in foreign countries Dr iewkes said We tound that nearly everywhere in the world people apenk English and language no barrier First speaker in the second session was Fowler hfan utacturing Arrangements Divi sion Trade and industry ilrnnch Ontario Government hir Fowler said his departn meat could be likened to marriage bureau tie id Its main function is to atrotiuce manufacturers from other pro vinces or countries hoping that marriage will take place lie said companies have applied Companies are made GEE CANADA IAVINOI IONDI ARitY yield of 503 par year to maturity amt are the AFEST investment you can make Remember UYEtiS can cash them any time aware ofthesa setvi sthrough bulletins distrle industrial commissioners and its Mr Fowler said aprinci pal benefit is lncrea somploy meat ln Ontario there are it ooo manufacturing scalabiish manta Many have facilities tor additionaimanuissturin tVe must have on due for mation about tbere companies in addition it is always an ad vantage to have talks with top executives After describln ihe Manufac turing Opportunites or Ontario Business Bulletin MrFowier said manufacturing transaction requires coast raole time and negotiation Coats Managingmir ect Northern Paint and Var ni mpany Ltd Owen Sound aai to expand in todays mar ket business must seek now me thods olv marketing As an example Canadian Breweries have two or three breweries in the United states and are marketingirom audit to coastl This is the reverse of what quite often ha pensE he said Our own fir has been under franChiae agreement with company in England for more than 35 years Mr Coatcs said in negotia ting with company iind it is best to start at the top if the manager or president does nt want to negotiate he directs you to the properperson Any firm in the United States not close to the Canadian bor der that is not ineompetition is cooperative and wit talk with you all day For research thbiarge com panies in tha Unit States have the research iaciii that many do not have in aria George Guyccpresidcnt Engineering Dorr Oliver LongLtdn 0riliia said there are two ways to expand business They are to develop products through your own eitorts which is costly and the other is to obtain products developed by others Mr Guy said Tire initial con tact is most importantand should be at the highest possible level sales and manufacturing agreement is preferable feel it is important to gctthe aaies County Assoc MeetsHWeditesday Tho Simcoe Cod and Ratepayers Ar hold its annual quet and meeting Nov to at pm In Cookstowa United Church Guest speaker will be Elmer Wood of 0riliia past president of the associatiomtisa among those speaking will be Warden Albert DeConkey and inspector Ferguson of Aiiiston itirs Cccii Reynolds of Recton introduce the winners at the and tiles public speaking conicst These are Michael King lttuunt St Louis winner of the elementary school pri Stan Peterson Oriiilawlriri oi the secondary school prize Dianne liuxtabie Dorrie North Coltegittc winner of rewrite for impromptu speakin Trostees iation will waits Medically it is tha rapeciiia way ilcraun your health aician prolu srriptlon ii MUCH PM oi the total charge and nrzv sonar nouser RSc LTh second from right was inducted as Rector at St Ciiu Anglican Church Induct last night by the Right Revs erend Snell iiiA PhD DD Coadtutor Bishop at Toronto right Assisting the Bishop was thaVenerabia Rev The Rector St Rev John Roncy ESc Lih was inducted as rector of the Church at St Giles An glican last night by the Right Reverend George Snell iliA PhD DD Coadtutor Bishop of Toronto Bishop Snell was assisted by the Venerable Road and Rev Dyer at the induc tion service and ceremony Rev Edgar rlluil BA DD rector of St Peters An glican Church Cobourg deliv ered the sermon Paul Cadogan was eruciier and Bill Leigh acted as Dish ops Chaplain for the service Mr Roney born in Sos katoon Sask graduated in en gineering from the University OBITUARY MRS GERTIE liOPlttNS Funeral service for Mrs Ger tie lio hips to of Waubaushene who led at St Andrews Hos pital after lengthy illness was held Oct It at the lilundeii Fun Aeral iioma 0riliia Mrs iiopkins was the daugh ter of the late Alfred and Lor iiia Shctisweii of Edgar She married Thomas ilutchinson of Edgar in Itde and moved to North 0riliia where he predc ceased her in 1912 They had three children She later moved to Wuubaushen where Ihe met and married now deceased They had one child iJdna She is survived by one son and three daughters Cecil liut chinron iiawltestona ittra Roy Phillipa tPeari and Mr avid Campbell and hire Herb Chlids iErinat Acton There are so grandchild ran and is great grandchildren Rcv Wilson at Coldwatcr con ducted the funeral service an interment was in West 0r Baptist Cemetery NOVEMBER i963 PRESCRIPTION written directions of ï¬lhysician to patient to take certain medicines Wily DO WE NEED iltAitiitACitiTli and even your life de pends nnsktlled accuracy pharmacist gara mars than 10000 hours to college to get pro at training Alter serving an latrrruhi bin examination must be passed to Iicenml to practice pharmacy WIIAT litth EACH PRESCRIPTION it contains the knowledge at many atudy and internship try your phy To grt thia benettt you paid him his al fer tirrontl You grt the pre4 Itrilm medicine And third You also get the professional ability at tho rotupoundtn pharmaclli iiut unaran tea is not charger for this itis included in the mat of pro flllTItiNR COST arrrbga price to about 61 Most of them but Ielaisnd tor the few which cost I300 or nlurt the ingredient cast stone is stand 601 WIIAT ABOUT PRESCRIPTIth DIMOUNTOY Our trrncrlpfion prices are no raster than corge ilopkins at both at Barrier of Saskatchewan in load He worked iour years tor Canadian Coarsth in Tomato and dis trict Hr attended Trinity College in Toronto and graduated in i956 and was ordained min lster on itiay so at that year Says Industry increasing Here Mayor Cooke welcoming delegates to the Regional Export and Manufacturing Opportunit lea Clinic here yesterday said industry is on the increase in Barrie itir Cooke said have just found that our industrial build tng permits are up 37800 or three per cent from last year in too eight permits were issued to the value of $265100 compared with to permits for for to date for ths value of 72500 itir Cooke said this indicates two things an increase in in dustry and diversification iRENE SHOES THAT SOLD T0 l695 ARE NOW SHOES THAT SOLD T0 2495 ARE NOW Read irinity Anglican Church second from lett lha Rev Butt RA DD delivered the sermon tExam incr Photo Roney Giles ills first posting was as as sistant curate at St Clements Church iEgiinton Toronto from laid to 1960 lie was rec tor of BrightonColborno from 1960 to Aug was at which time he was appointed to St Giles Church here iilr Roney married Frances White iiubbard graduate of Vassar College arid Trinity liatl in it and he and his wife have three children iaut tiary hiartha and David DIS ES The Finest in CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING Take Out Orders PA 60263 or 64 CITY CHI 29 Dunlop St East SHOES ONE WEEK ONLY NOVEMBER to NOVEMBER 15 99 PER PAIR 99 PER wtsat unused to oporata No one canehargo lass Without also discount ing arrvlcy Host dimunina giva you bar Min en arr flrat prescriptions as bait and en ma it up later CALDWEttS bauo sroar On tailail fall Doug am no Car Owen and Dunlap Its pharmacy at full taco rate plus accrued interest iisrs yrrur union for thou new bands nnwi They rrmra in drstmrritlltinlla ranging tram ISU through to $500 Available in estates and oscerrlma Limit inr holdings in anyone ltltrll is 0000 rut and rn no Iura ma moms in you term hrsl llartng who served with the Frinth underground timing the Freuan World War and later sun the tunntilan Army vcr lens Aliltr In tiny tirout work as amuttnnrter and rhnlrurnn at tin national romping tosttrrltt trr Mr ltattog ui hilrilnnri is an rutlrtnmtlng situltil layman solving the tiniteri tthnrrh him as lltairlrtan Hi the Canadian rornmlttee troration rlassruuri Allittt it II also rhairman of the Station lreshylery campsite near trnclang titalrrnan oi the blrakint will hr iioul tiarraway liltiitlt urn gentt assistwyity itrsus litnwn amt ttnnm tarrlgsn piannnl fur the breakfast PAIR at IN ovum dm ashsmomant nowt out or am at aptlyits ammuntrntruuvsqur it slur Io your i961 bonds telephone write or call any at ow Ollie Ir SHAW ml Nasmrr THOMSON ANI COMPANY LIMITIiil StititiOto insult glut Lil Welt Tatrptmna Harrie IA Mm more illiil it tomb Trtvpimnethtlita libm IAlRiI PA 13