Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1963, p. 2

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Www lmdlnu Scnmnn Kvllh tnpm mm MIL Annlo Crlmu 155 Owrn 51 Im lir mu lho lulu llnnry mu mu mdunlrd wllh up hmmrn hum filmck firnllnr plnl lrmle xroup mum Wetmun FMInn ha Flrrl Mm IIMCS Khuln cunn llannx mum lrlmu nllrlulml mm In Mr ll Nlllfl hn tnloml llm 7N In Oclnlrll Hm Mu mar lhhdln Damon NEW volul Minus InummIs up 261 Hun up 10 Umulu up munNro on manual mnu nuuumu up um down Mum hum Anm llumn Ahoc ArcXII mm Cuppu nlhll hmp chlb tdn up an dn Arhllnn en mL nlo CemenI ncmun cum mm mm Blinksm can Cum mm mm amm Mum mum Elul flumlnlum Albem nun Albm in Ann Amn PM Mlanu Sun Mont mm of N5 lull Tel II on Puwer llnlmp nkColr mum mnsu lay Hrllurmn Nlhl my main lhrlr hump loo Hlmnylrrno Am Fnlrvlrw Nulltmnl Urlrnco lhuml magma STOQK £xcHnNcE Rev Roy Jordisan pastoral minisicr in Trinidnd will visit every charge in lhu Simcoe Pres bytery ring November newiu alsS address uie wu lawdale congregation Nav 17 at 11 mm rm fldrlly nd cvnvnlu ml palknll Hudlcnl lullum 01 mm or mm mm Ilnl Ind mid In In mom Hum Hum In Illuman Tha lhlrd lnrgcs award in Barrio Works or sinlle Idea was paid las week on me Canadian Gnncrul Electric Sul geslinn plan The contribulnrs Mowlnnh and George Har Ldn nrewnm qutor To Visit Simcoe Cdunty NAVY GRAD STAVNER NURSING HOME iTAVNERi ONT MMIIIALLI MW 114 Compllcd by Flynn Dnnlon SI BinIa 7m 21 an In ml 7w in my In no Acnvl Cum Mnlux um onlnur Ketlty Kerr Llhudnr th Dunull 11le Lum Am Immun lmmn III1w Mmumu mm Mr sunlor Nurmlllll mdum nu Q51 pm Found Dam Slum Dmhon Mlnu Dam Tn hconhrdl lezl WM an ma Flrmx um mum llama on ud my Mm lludmnl my Imp Tabcm lanky pu Im on In mm mm In Nkltl In UIllu IIHIINV My mm Club gamut SUGGESTIONS PAY RT CGE INDUSTRIAL MINING up 531 um an Prior to his ordlnaflnn In 19 Mr Jamison served student pa tornles at Harrington Harbor PQ Candn and Pleumtdlle sash me Fred Vlclor Mission In Toronto Ind Iludenh chum It Gondwood nvl Tocll Mmmc Mum Minn Lands Imam lilared loiai oi $577 12 for the revision oi the ket lie helium and ierminais Slnca lino beginning tile pin in Barrie in 1947 more than 24 00000 has been plid in Awmis in xni Mm lllv Muuy rm Nnnndl Nu an M1 Moon corp Mcln Pm mm ru Ptm Pm an Pm Com 0m Nn Gn flunk rm Simpson Shell meal ol CuL ToMJom Bk Tnm Cln Tum ma Fln mum Union on wum new Wulon hull Nnnhlm 0pm mun Pun now run Mum sum Mum 5mm slow um mm Unlld on Ununa Klnu wmm wmuy Pelerbnmuzh Truman Lakd in Windsor Mainly cloudy with law mow er Kodny Cloudy with luxury In lervll Ind 11qu temperllun change Saturdny Winds wrun wcsl 75 loday Ind northwut Saturday runen Tempertum an unlnl Iln Siluflly Windsor St Thom Synawk dislnrbnnco over he Allan louth of NI York causing widespmd nln mm northualem Unlled sum Ind over In Hummus mlh ern Quebec Ind mum Onlulo mlnhll dufln tho ml hours wu over on Inch In tho Ollnwa Klllnlm Klnmon area and nut unphlll inch weslward la lha weslem end 01 Luke Dnurlo Rlln will conllnnu lodly lhmuxh cenlrl Ind eulern 0n IIrlo but should end lonllln Same lunshlne erptcted In Northern Ontlrlo today but mulnly cloudy In with Hill lempeulura clung vll lhl om looklor Salm Mr Jordiwnl work In South Weslern andld ha been mar thlnz of pioneer vroturu or the Islnd 11an It he been In he direction Pmonl Dun xellam amonl Hindu Ind Mus llm peoplerol he Point Portin Cedm llll Much of the mil lonnry etlort has prevle been directed toward eduu Honl evmzellsnL From 1954 null hll Ippolnl men to Trinldldln nu ho mvzd on Jouph Island Pulml Chum neu Saull SN Mule Io omploml Th0 plan shnwx Russ lefl and Geom right belnx msenled with their cheques of each by manager of Mlnullmnrlnl hck Mlthnson Photo by Smith Sludlo mnh ===ccaaczaa WEATHER When gm fth ale ymrgu an ydbAu4 MOLSONSleDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 ulnan my poop Ink for 0pm hm lbmloy it than my uh in Morn Malon Export Mn and drink It We think youll find the moon for Found has laid tho om bottle you dont moo no bud vellum MQLSQN EXPORT is the BIG ALE in the big land ALUSIDN 590cm An Al lhlon Ryan mm In In Slav enson Memorial hm mum 1mm Inlemll Injuries lollowlnl rent Iccldent yummy Uem whim about Wm reported to been hit on 1h that when nip new of II In unnun mndumr It thl mllnmt Inbdlvklnn win llw reported 151 men mum nigh or blood dogmyulymwmd reported lodny film din Ipenl 100d nlxht Nswm lntormflon wu nluud Exunplu flu MW plvlllun In St Viman Park Ila tannin court Slnblm rm udlnl pool In Quunl Ind Shut rmmuu 22mm HUD NOVEMBER RandalIn wont ha been whohhumdly Inmned by Mum and mteulonll mpho Burl Iurmund lnl am Fromm ollhc Indian no meat on may pmkcu 01mm oui It 9111 Indwnlnl ml Hydro Worker Hut On Job Hum flour Club in In lhu midnl bl plus or II Annual Romy lule Avalon Imer chihmgshly 4pc Colo Tho commlmo which In duds repmenmlvu of Mer uhd public ntllluu companies In rnonlcullunl Society Pm Boudnnd Iho public mud neommmdallon on the premium the by 11 ls Mod to Amended and windyqu 9n Randyt Whfilnd pqliu muffin and Bapie Rotary ClubjPlanning It Annual Radio Auction 111 mu byllw drawn up at tho hullnflonp Lu Jolllfll Intended to mum ck Im nulunl Moum or beauty At um limo 1M bylaw L1 to plan unh mini to to rum lam lnlnrlemu jig wbflc Iglflitlu Iyglpmt mm mm In Big 94 Hum In lmh mun amen mm mm mm sell the Pom ry Commlllu yuterdly And to down the business of ex IhlhhlnLnInhlnery to Imple ment mwhyllw mntmlllnz the trimrhln Ind cullln he Contmlifimhé Qfltlerriés Ireefs WithiNew Bylaw hm ml hlmllu ullll nu mu lay Shoo raft SKATE EXCHANGE W0 bu all In VIII mm In In ulnllan mm pus on June In l963 rovtde or new regulation tell at lectl Ice lldtcrmm In the Lake Slmcoe District and partlcnlnrly on Lake Slmcoe where appmxl mllely 4000 lulu In operlled Under Ihe Authority or the Gum Ind Flsherlel Act 1961 61 Section sublecllon the Mlanler cl Land and Forests may make regulallona regulat lnl or prohlhillnl ha placing of huu on Ice the purpose Man and regulnllng their use And requlrlnl und maulalln their rrmnvnl Tho Rolan Club In complet td many other mm In an endeavour to lmpmvu lhlrcnm munlly Joe Jewell president or lhe Rumy Club uld We Inns ha publlc wll support us lflln this yur by liking pm In the RI dlo Auctlan Parks rlnk bum for nuldonr nlinl tumult lo 4H Club My pllml null and mist Incl on project or nnlor ell hens and uslslnnce to he YMYWCAIn purchhlnz their prawn may hulldlng Department Getting Tough On Ice Fishermen lino at $300 will be Imposed on firm or agencies whlch do nor lop work when ordered chk Jlmcs Bell VTele phonl Company Ind John Mur phy lb PubllcUmlllu Com Inlsslonpolnled out um lame pmvlnlon would have to be made in lllWI or cnnllnuous culllnl pmlem hclr companies could no wnk or perqu or lndlvldnll to In Issued be on meritnod work Involving cg trimming The committee also nhurved um dim will in nuny prob ioml In policing work on trees upecinILy when in work is undermund involving roots 11 111mm may be Killed In beta the bglimpgcled trlmmlu bpenllom to ensure wflpllgnc wjlh he hyllw um um uyuw mm will be omo provision for luulnu permlu to cover continuous work by largo pub utllltlc Inn and comm STOCKSBONDSMUIUAL FUNDS IIIMIRIIIomnlo Mannl cu all ma lnnmm IIANCIluCnu to Cull In Cl Yul Mndnn BIL 80 DUNUJP 51 PA 82412 flan ADVICE 82412 BARRIE ram wash nAs En AFCAl NISBIIT THOMSON AND COMPANY llMIIED ENTRANCE MEMORIAL SQUARE withqu ohllutlon No permn shall lomu any hut used lur Ishan on he Ice Lake Tlmlznml in lho anriloh In Dlsulcl Nlplssin or any water 0th and lncludlnl tho French on the Ice nnnnallx The regulallon MI No person shall occupy hul on tha co any wnlcr or he urpose shiny unless cm on lhe outside the nnmr In nddrm owner Postal services will be as usual Remembrance Day Nov ll except hm will he no money order or poslfilllce MV lngsbank business chkcu will be open mm um to 11 noun or slumps and nziulrallon only announced paslmuler Thomas Kerr An oHer obuy thaUnlvusnl Cooler Co Ltd Enrrln ex pecled ta ha approved Inter lhh monlll Name the buyer bay wlthheldunlll hair ume mini McKoc pmlaem lho company said Inst night he Post Office Open Remembrance Day President Backg Takeover Offer Universal Cooler DISTRICT GOVERNOR or Lhu notary lnlernallonal Earl furry Sound Ian pins SUITE firiCVlarka md nlggillllnnl for Iha Inle have been cm on or mm llmq lurthcr statement warmed to bu mldo lnler iadny early 00 employee are In volved Includlnu ulesmcn Ind employees at Unlverul Rem erallun le Toronto III auhxldlnry Harm employcu abflx 135 peoplglnlll lint Tfio llyEnr old Canaanow nod compani has been apart liqg In furru all ma Nun1y coo Ihurehnlden will he Involved In lho declalon at meltlnx lo bl mm in the compnnxgmm Nov la Th Km wu musThrough Bordon Elliot Kelley Ind Pul mcr Toronto lml inn General mmmrtn blukc uld Ihe ule will not affect lhl apernllun or lha company We propose lo opérnlve and maintain the plllll heforef hqntnled Idvlalnl thhaldcra cent the om Inhny the cam pnny men Ilthouml he don not know who ll making ll Lloyd Forum new Rotlmn with hIn Rotary pin yelurdly Looking 01L Joleph Juwnll COLONEL SANDERS FAMOUS Wllch Hockey Night In Cunndl lndlvlduul noxnmnzn In PHONE lIlll Buy 111 BUCKET luy nu BARREL John Murphy PUC mafia nld then was no naw budnul and he mecllnx wu Just ma let paulnz lhI Imunu Ind rudlnz Ieuarl Thu Public Ullllllu Commll Ilon had one the ahoflut mgellnxs on record 1M week Mr Ynuu lluded Ih Barri Club for It mnrkubla alten dam mar and mud hut lho club wu extremely acliva Hi mid clubs can let Into £60 much lmuhlo the lake on logmgqy remnng llel District Governor Earl Younl who completed hll ochIul vlm to the Hunla club luuesled um nmrlan leak on projccu Into which they can unload their monles bu let someone em any out ha work alter the lniynl movement Blrxlo Romy Club Intern Honl members wen urged you lerdny to employ cuutlon when lnklnx on communllyklervlca prgleclg PUC Has Brief Meeting Tells Rotarians To Use Caution Choosing Projects pmldcm the Romy Club Barrie wu Mr Ynnnzl nfllem visit In lhI Banh Club Examiner Photo lAKEVlEW 375 495 135

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